// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Authors: // Jordi Mas i Hernandez // Chris Toshok // // using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections; using System.Text; namespace System.Windows.Forms { internal class DataGridRelationshipRow { DataGrid owner; public DataGridRelationshipRow (DataGrid owner) { this.owner = owner; IsSelected = false; IsExpanded = false; height = 0; VerticalOffset = 0; RelationHeight = 0; relation_area = Rectangle.Empty; } public int height; /* this needs to be a property so that the Autosize * example from the Windows.Forms FAQ will work */ public int Height { get { return height; } set { if (height != value) { height = value; owner.UpdateRowsFrom (this); } } } public bool IsSelected; public bool IsExpanded; public int VerticalOffset; public int RelationHeight; public Rectangle relation_area; /* the Y coordinate of this rectangle is updated as needed */ } internal class DataGridDataSource { public DataGrid owner; public CurrencyManager list_manager; public object view; public string data_member; public object data_source; public DataGridCell current; public DataGridDataSource (DataGrid owner, CurrencyManager list_manager, object data_source, string data_member, object view_data, DataGridCell current) { this.owner = owner; this.list_manager = list_manager; this.view = view_data; this.data_source = data_source; this.data_member = data_member; this.current = current; } DataGridRelationshipRow[] rows; public DataGridRelationshipRow[] Rows { get { return rows; } set { rows = value; } } Hashtable selected_rows; public Hashtable SelectedRows { get { return selected_rows; } set { selected_rows = value; } } int selection_start; public int SelectionStart { get { return selection_start; } set { selection_start = value; } } } [DefaultEvent("Navigate")] [DefaultProperty("DataSource")] [Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataGridDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")] #if NET_2_0 [ComplexBindingProperties ("DataSource", "DataMember")] [ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)] [ComVisible (true)] #endif public class DataGrid : Control, ISupportInitialize, IDataGridEditingService { [Flags] #if !NET_2_0 [Serializable] #endif public enum HitTestType { None = 0, Cell = 1, ColumnHeader = 2, RowHeader = 4, ColumnResize = 8, RowResize = 16, Caption = 32, ParentRows = 64 } public sealed class HitTestInfo { public static readonly HitTestInfo Nowhere = null; int row; int column; DataGrid.HitTestType type; #region Private Constructors internal HitTestInfo () : this (-1, -1, HitTestType.None) { } internal HitTestInfo (int row, int column, DataGrid.HitTestType type) { this.row = row; this.column = column; this.type = type; } #endregion #region Public Instance Properties public int Column { get { return column; } } public int Row { get { return row; } } public DataGrid.HitTestType Type { get { return type; } } #endregion //Public Instance Properties public override bool Equals (object o) { if (!(o is HitTestInfo)) return false; HitTestInfo obj = (HitTestInfo) o; return (obj.Column == column && obj.Row == row && obj.Type ==type); } public override int GetHashCode () { return row ^ column; } public override string ToString () { return "{ " + type + "," + row + "," + column + "}"; } } #region Local Variables /* cached theme defaults */ static readonly Color def_background_color = ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridBackgroundColor; static readonly Color def_caption_backcolor = ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridCaptionBackColor; static readonly Color def_caption_forecolor = ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridCaptionForeColor; static readonly Color def_parentrowsback_color = ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridParentRowsBackColor; static readonly Color def_parentrowsfore_color = ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridParentRowsForeColor; /* colors */ // XXX this needs addressing. Control.background_color should not be internal. new Color background_color; Color caption_backcolor; Color caption_forecolor; Color parentrowsback_color; Color parentrowsfore_color; /* flags to determine which areas of the datagrid are shown */ bool caption_visible; bool parentrows_visible; GridTableStylesCollection styles_collection; DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle parentrowslabel_style; DataGridTableStyle default_style; DataGridTableStyle grid_style; DataGridTableStyle current_style; /* selection */ DataGridCell current_cell; Hashtable selected_rows; int selection_start; // used for range selection /* layout/rendering */ bool allow_navigation; int first_visiblerow; int first_visiblecolumn; int visiblerow_count; int visiblecolumn_count; Font caption_font; string caption_text; bool flatmode; HScrollBar horiz_scrollbar; VScrollBar vert_scrollbar; int horiz_pixeloffset; internal Bitmap back_button_image; internal Rectangle back_button_rect; internal bool back_button_mouseover; internal bool back_button_active; internal Bitmap parent_rows_button_image; internal Rectangle parent_rows_button_rect; internal bool parent_rows_button_mouseover; internal bool parent_rows_button_active; /* databinding */ object datasource; string datamember; CurrencyManager list_manager; bool refetch_list_manager = true; bool _readonly; DataGridRelationshipRow[] rows; /* column resize fields */ bool column_resize_active; int resize_column_x; int resize_column_width_delta; int resize_column; /* row resize fields */ bool row_resize_active; int resize_row_y; int resize_row_height_delta; int resize_row; /* used to make sure we don't endlessly recurse calling set_CurrentCell and OnListManagerPositionChanged */ bool from_positionchanged_handler; /* editing state */ bool cursor_in_add_row; bool add_row_changed; bool is_editing; // Current cell is edit mode bool is_changing; internal Stack dataSourceStack; #endregion // Local Variables #region Public Constructors public DataGrid () { allow_navigation = true; background_color = def_background_color; border_style = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; caption_backcolor = def_caption_backcolor; caption_forecolor = def_caption_forecolor; caption_text = string.Empty; caption_visible = true; datamember = string.Empty; parentrowsback_color = def_parentrowsback_color; parentrowsfore_color = def_parentrowsfore_color; parentrows_visible = true; current_cell = new DataGridCell (); parentrowslabel_style = DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both; selected_rows = new Hashtable (); selection_start = -1; rows = new DataGridRelationshipRow [0]; default_style = new DataGridTableStyle (true); grid_style = new DataGridTableStyle (); styles_collection = new GridTableStylesCollection (this); styles_collection.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler (OnTableStylesCollectionChanged); CurrentTableStyle = grid_style; horiz_scrollbar = new ImplicitHScrollBar (); horiz_scrollbar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler (GridHScrolled); vert_scrollbar = new ImplicitVScrollBar (); vert_scrollbar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler (GridVScrolled); SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserMouse, true); dataSourceStack = new Stack (); back_button_image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("go-previous.png"); //back_button_image.MakeTransparent (Color.Transparent); parent_rows_button_image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("go-top.png"); //parent_rows_button_image.MakeTransparent (Color.Transparent); } #endregion // Public Constructor #region Public Instance Properties [DefaultValue(true)] public bool AllowNavigation { get { return allow_navigation; } set { if (allow_navigation != value) { allow_navigation = value; OnAllowNavigationChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } } [DefaultValue(true)] public bool AllowSorting { get { return grid_style.AllowSorting; } set { grid_style.AllowSorting = value; } } public Color AlternatingBackColor { get { return grid_style.AlternatingBackColor; } set { grid_style.AlternatingBackColor = value; } } public override Color BackColor { get { return grid_style.BackColor; } set { grid_style.BackColor = value; } } public Color BackgroundColor { get { return background_color; } set { if (background_color != value) { background_color = value; OnBackgroundColorChanged (EventArgs.Empty); Invalidate (); } } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { if (base.BackgroundImage == value) return; base.BackgroundImage = value; Invalidate (); } } [DispId(-504)] [DefaultValue(BorderStyle.Fixed3D)] public BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return InternalBorderStyle; } set { InternalBorderStyle = value; CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); OnBorderStyleChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public Color CaptionBackColor { get { return caption_backcolor; } set { if (caption_backcolor != value) { caption_backcolor = value; InvalidateCaption (); } } } [Localizable(true)] [AmbientValue(null)] public Font CaptionFont { get { if (caption_font == null) return new Font (Font, FontStyle.Bold); return caption_font; } set { if (caption_font != null && caption_font.Equals (value)) return; caption_font = value; CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } } public Color CaptionForeColor { get { return caption_forecolor; } set { if (caption_forecolor != value) { caption_forecolor = value; InvalidateCaption (); } } } [Localizable(true)] [DefaultValue("")] public string CaptionText { get { return caption_text; } set { if (caption_text != value) { caption_text = value; InvalidateCaption (); } } } [DefaultValue(true)] public bool CaptionVisible { get { return caption_visible; } set { if (caption_visible != value) { EndEdit (); caption_visible = value; CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); OnCaptionVisibleChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } } [DefaultValue(true)] public bool ColumnHeadersVisible { get { return grid_style.ColumnHeadersVisible; } set { grid_style.ColumnHeadersVisible = value; } } bool setting_current_cell; [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public DataGridCell CurrentCell { get { return current_cell; } set { if (setting_current_cell) return; setting_current_cell = true; if (!IsHandleCreated) { setting_current_cell = false; throw new Exception ("CurrentCell cannot be set at this time."); } if (current_cell.Equals (value)) { setting_current_cell = false; return; } /* make sure the new cell fits in the correct bounds for [row,column] */ if (ReadOnly && value.RowNumber > RowsCount - 1) value.RowNumber = RowsCount - 1; else if (value.RowNumber > RowsCount) value.RowNumber = RowsCount; if (value.ColumnNumber >= CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count) value.ColumnNumber = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0 ? 0 : CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1; bool was_changing = is_changing; add_row_changed = add_row_changed || was_changing; EndEdit (); if (value.RowNumber != current_cell.RowNumber) { if (!from_positionchanged_handler) { try { ListManager.EndCurrentEdit (); } catch (Exception e) { DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show (String.Format ("{0} Do you wish to correct the value?", e.Message), "Error when committing the row to the original data source", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { Edit (); return; } else ListManager.CancelCurrentEdit (); } } if (value.RowNumber == RowsCount && !ListManager.CanAddRows) value.RowNumber --; } int old_row = current_cell.RowNumber; current_cell = value; EnsureCellVisibility (value); if (CurrentRow == RowsCount && ListManager.CanAddRows) { cursor_in_add_row = true; add_row_changed = false; AddNewRow (); } else { cursor_in_add_row = false; } InvalidateRowHeader (old_row); InvalidateRowHeader (current_cell.RowNumber); list_manager.Position = current_cell.RowNumber; OnCurrentCellChanged (EventArgs.Empty); if (!from_positionchanged_handler) Edit (); setting_current_cell = false; } } int CurrentRow { get { return current_cell.RowNumber; } set { CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (value, current_cell.ColumnNumber); } } int CurrentColumn { get { return current_cell.ColumnNumber; } set { CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (current_cell.RowNumber, value); } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public int CurrentRowIndex { get { if (ListManager == null) return -1; return CurrentRow; } set { CurrentRow = value; } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Cursor Cursor { get { return base.Cursor; } set { base.Cursor = value; } } [DefaultValue(null)] [Editor ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataMemberListEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)] public string DataMember { get { return datamember; } set { if (BindingContext != null) { SetDataSource (datasource, value); } else { if (list_manager != null) list_manager = null; datamember = value; refetch_list_manager = true; } } } [DefaultValue(null)] [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint)] #if NET_2_0 [AttributeProvider (typeof (IListSource))] #else [TypeConverter("System.Windows.Forms.Design.DataSourceConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design)] #endif public object DataSource { get { return datasource; } set { if (BindingContext != null) { SetDataSource (value, ListManager == null ? datamember : string.Empty); } else { datasource = value; if (list_manager != null) datamember = string.Empty; if (list_manager != null) list_manager = null; refetch_list_manager = true; } } } protected override Size DefaultSize { get { return new Size (130, 80); } } [Browsable(false)] public int FirstVisibleColumn { get { return first_visiblecolumn; } } [DefaultValue(false)] public bool FlatMode { get { return flatmode; } set { if (flatmode != value) { flatmode = value; OnFlatModeChanged (EventArgs.Empty); Refresh (); } } } public override Color ForeColor { get { return grid_style.ForeColor; } set { grid_style.ForeColor = value; } } public Color GridLineColor { get { return grid_style.GridLineColor; } set { if (value == Color.Empty) throw new ArgumentException ("Color.Empty value is invalid."); grid_style.GridLineColor = value; } } [DefaultValue(DataGridLineStyle.Solid)] public DataGridLineStyle GridLineStyle { get { return grid_style.GridLineStyle; } set { grid_style.GridLineStyle = value; } } public Color HeaderBackColor { get { return grid_style.HeaderBackColor; } set { if (value == Color.Empty) throw new ArgumentException ("Color.Empty value is invalid."); grid_style.HeaderBackColor = value; } } public Font HeaderFont { get { return grid_style.HeaderFont; } set { grid_style.HeaderFont = value; } } public Color HeaderForeColor { get { return grid_style.HeaderForeColor; } set { grid_style.HeaderForeColor = value; } } protected ScrollBar HorizScrollBar { get { return horiz_scrollbar; } } internal ScrollBar HScrollBar { get { return horiz_scrollbar; } } internal int HorizPixelOffset { get { return horiz_pixeloffset; } } internal bool IsChanging { get { return is_changing; } } public object this [DataGridCell cell] { get { return this [cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber]; } set { this [cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber] = value; } } public object this [int rowIndex, int columnIndex] { get { return CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex].GetColumnValueAtRow (ListManager, rowIndex); } set { CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[columnIndex].SetColumnValueAtRow (ListManager, rowIndex, value); } } public Color LinkColor { get { return grid_style.LinkColor; } set { grid_style.LinkColor = value; } } internal Font LinkFont { get { return new Font (Font, FontStyle.Underline); } } #if !NET_2_0 [ComVisible(false)] #endif [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public Color LinkHoverColor { get { return grid_style.LinkHoverColor; } set { grid_style.LinkHoverColor = value; } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected internal CurrencyManager ListManager { get { if (list_manager == null && refetch_list_manager) { SetDataSource (datasource, datamember); refetch_list_manager = false; } return list_manager; } set { throw new NotSupportedException ("Operation is not supported."); } } public Color ParentRowsBackColor { get { return parentrowsback_color; } set { if (parentrowsback_color != value) { parentrowsback_color = value; if (parentrows_visible) { Refresh (); } } } } public Color ParentRowsForeColor { get { return parentrowsfore_color; } set { if (parentrowsfore_color != value) { parentrowsfore_color = value; if (parentrows_visible) { Refresh (); } } } } [DefaultValue(DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle.Both)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle ParentRowsLabelStyle { get { return parentrowslabel_style; } set { if (parentrowslabel_style != value) { parentrowslabel_style = value; if (parentrows_visible) { Refresh (); } OnParentRowsLabelStyleChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } } [DefaultValue(true)] public bool ParentRowsVisible { get { return parentrows_visible; } set { if (parentrows_visible != value) { parentrows_visible = value; CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); OnParentRowsVisibleChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } } // Settting this property seems to have no effect. [DefaultValue(75)] [TypeConverter(typeof(DataGridPreferredColumnWidthTypeConverter))] public int PreferredColumnWidth { get { return grid_style.PreferredColumnWidth; } set { grid_style.PreferredColumnWidth = value; } } public int PreferredRowHeight { get { return grid_style.PreferredRowHeight; } set { grid_style.PreferredRowHeight = value; } } [DefaultValue(false)] public bool ReadOnly { get { return _readonly; } set { if (_readonly != value) { _readonly = value; OnReadOnlyChanged (EventArgs.Empty); CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } } } [DefaultValue(true)] public bool RowHeadersVisible { get { return grid_style.RowHeadersVisible; } set { grid_style.RowHeadersVisible = value; } } [DefaultValue(35)] public int RowHeaderWidth { get { return grid_style.RowHeaderWidth; } set { grid_style.RowHeaderWidth = value; } } internal DataGridRelationshipRow[] DataGridRows { get { return rows; } } public Color SelectionBackColor { get { return grid_style.SelectionBackColor; } set { grid_style.SelectionBackColor = value; } } public Color SelectionForeColor { get { return grid_style.SelectionForeColor; } set { grid_style.SelectionForeColor = value; } } public override ISite Site { get { return base.Site; } set { base.Site = value; } } [Localizable(true)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] public GridTableStylesCollection TableStyles { get { return styles_collection; } } [Bindable(false)] [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { base.Text = value; } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected ScrollBar VertScrollBar { get { return vert_scrollbar; } } internal ScrollBar VScrollBar { get { return vert_scrollbar; } } [Browsable(false)] public int VisibleColumnCount { get { return visiblecolumn_count; } } [Browsable(false)] public int VisibleRowCount { get { return visiblerow_count; } } #endregion // Public Instance Properties #region Private Instance Properties internal DataGridTableStyle CurrentTableStyle { get { return current_style; } set { if (current_style != value) { if (current_style != null) DisconnectTableStyleEvents (); current_style = value; if (current_style != null) { current_style.DataGrid = this; ConnectTableStyleEvents (); } CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } } } internal int FirstVisibleRow { get { return first_visiblerow; } } internal int RowsCount { get { return ListManager != null ? ListManager.Count : 0; } } internal int RowHeight { get { if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentPreferredRowHeight > Font.Height + 3 + 1 /* line */) return CurrentTableStyle.CurrentPreferredRowHeight; else return Font.Height + 3 + 1 /* line */; } } internal bool ShowEditRow { get { if (ListManager != null && !ListManager.CanAddRows) return false; return !_readonly; } } internal bool ShowParentRows { get { return ParentRowsVisible && dataSourceStack.Count > 0; } } #endregion Private Instance Properties #region Public Instance Methods void AbortEditing () { if (is_changing) { CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber].Abort (current_cell.RowNumber); is_changing = false; InvalidateRowHeader (current_cell.RowNumber); } } [MonoTODO] public bool BeginEdit (DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber) { if (is_changing) return false; int column = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.IndexOf (gridColumn); if (column < 0) return false; CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (rowNumber, column); /* force editing of CurrentCell if we aren't already editing */ Edit (); return true; } public void BeginInit () { } protected virtual void CancelEditing () { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) return; CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber].ConcedeFocus (); if (is_changing) { if (current_cell.ColumnNumber < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count) CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber].Abort (current_cell.RowNumber); InvalidateRowHeader (current_cell.RowNumber); } if (cursor_in_add_row && !is_changing) { ListManager.CancelCurrentEdit (); } is_changing = false; is_editing = false; } [MonoTODO] public void Collapse (int row) { if (!rows[row].IsExpanded) return; SuspendLayout (); rows[row].IsExpanded = false; for (int i = 1; i < rows.Length - row; i ++) rows[row + i].VerticalOffset -= rows[row].RelationHeight; rows[row].height -= rows[row].RelationHeight; rows[row].RelationHeight = 0; ResumeLayout (false); /* XX need to redraw from @row down */ CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } protected internal virtual void ColumnStartedEditing (Control editingControl) { ColumnStartedEditing (editingControl.Bounds); } protected internal virtual void ColumnStartedEditing (Rectangle bounds) { bool need_invalidate = is_changing == false; // XXX calculate the row header to invalidate // instead of using CurrentRow is_changing = true; if (cursor_in_add_row && need_invalidate) RecreateDataGridRows (true); if (need_invalidate) InvalidateRowHeader (CurrentRow); } protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance () { return base.CreateAccessibilityInstance (); } protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn (PropertyDescriptor prop) { return CreateGridColumn (prop, false); } protected virtual DataGridColumnStyle CreateGridColumn (PropertyDescriptor prop, bool isDefault) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { base.Dispose (disposing); } public bool EndEdit (DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int rowNumber, bool shouldAbort) { if (shouldAbort || (_readonly || gridColumn.TableStyleReadOnly || gridColumn.ReadOnly)) gridColumn.Abort (rowNumber); else { gridColumn.Commit (ListManager, rowNumber); gridColumn.ConcedeFocus (); } if (is_editing || is_changing) { is_editing = false; is_changing = false; InvalidateRowHeader (rowNumber); } return true; } public void EndInit () { } public void Expand (int row) { if (rows[row].IsExpanded) return; rows[row].IsExpanded = true; int i; string[] relations = CurrentTableStyle.Relations; StringBuilder relation_builder = new StringBuilder (""); for (i = 0; i < relations.Length; i ++) { if (i > 0) relation_builder.Append ("\n"); relation_builder.Append (relations[i]); } string relation_text = relation_builder.ToString (); SizeF measured_area = DeviceContext.MeasureString (relation_text, LinkFont); rows[row].relation_area = new Rectangle (cells_area.X + 1, 0, /* updated as needed at the usage sites for relation_area */ (int)measured_area.Width + 4, Font.Height * relations.Length); for (i = 1; i < rows.Length - row; i ++) rows[row + i].VerticalOffset += rows[row].relation_area.Height; rows[row].height += rows[row].relation_area.Height; rows[row].RelationHeight = rows[row].relation_area.Height; /* XX need to redraw from @row down */ CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } public Rectangle GetCellBounds (DataGridCell cell) { return GetCellBounds (cell.RowNumber, cell.ColumnNumber); } public Rectangle GetCellBounds (int row, int col) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (); int col_pixel; bounds.Width = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].Width; bounds.Height = rows[row].Height - rows[row].RelationHeight; bounds.Y = cells_area.Y + rows[row].VerticalOffset - rows[FirstVisibleRow].VerticalOffset; col_pixel = GetColumnStartingPixel (col); bounds.X = cells_area.X + col_pixel - horiz_pixeloffset; return bounds; } public Rectangle GetCurrentCellBounds () { return GetCellBounds (current_cell.RowNumber, current_cell.ColumnNumber); } protected virtual string GetOutputTextDelimiter () { return string.Empty; } protected virtual void GridHScrolled (object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { if (se.NewValue == horiz_pixeloffset || se.Type == ScrollEventType.EndScroll) { return; } ScrollToColumnInPixels (se.NewValue); } protected virtual void GridVScrolled (object sender, ScrollEventArgs se) { int old_first_visiblerow = first_visiblerow; first_visiblerow = se.NewValue; if (first_visiblerow == old_first_visiblerow) return; UpdateVisibleRowCount (); if (first_visiblerow == old_first_visiblerow) return; ScrollToRow (old_first_visiblerow, first_visiblerow); } public HitTestInfo HitTest (Point position) { return HitTest (position.X, position.Y); } const int RESIZE_HANDLE_HORIZ_SIZE = 5; const int RESIZE_HANDLE_VERT_SIZE = 3; // From Point to Cell public HitTestInfo HitTest (int x, int y) { if (columnhdrs_area.Contains (x, y)) { int offset_x = x + horiz_pixeloffset; int column_x; int column_under_mouse = FromPixelToColumn (offset_x, out column_x); if ((column_x + CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column_under_mouse].Width - offset_x < RESIZE_HANDLE_HORIZ_SIZE) && column_under_mouse < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count) { return new HitTestInfo (-1, column_under_mouse, HitTestType.ColumnResize); } else { return new HitTestInfo (-1, column_under_mouse, HitTestType.ColumnHeader); } } if (rowhdrs_area.Contains (x, y)) { int posy; int rcnt = FirstVisibleRow + VisibleRowCount; for (int r = FirstVisibleRow; r < rcnt; r++) { posy = cells_area.Y + rows[r].VerticalOffset - rows[FirstVisibleRow].VerticalOffset; if (y <= posy + rows[r].Height) { if ((posy + rows[r].Height) - y < RESIZE_HANDLE_VERT_SIZE) { return new HitTestInfo (r, -1, HitTestType.RowResize); } else { return new HitTestInfo (r, -1, HitTestType.RowHeader); } } } } if (caption_area.Contains (x, y)) { return new HitTestInfo (-1, -1, HitTestType.Caption); } if (parent_rows.Contains (x, y)) { return new HitTestInfo (-1, -1, HitTestType.ParentRows); } int pos_y, pos_x, width; int rowcnt = FirstVisibleRow + VisibleRowCount; for (int row = FirstVisibleRow; row < rowcnt; row++) { pos_y = cells_area.Y + rows[row].VerticalOffset - rows[FirstVisibleRow].VerticalOffset; if (y <= pos_y + rows[row].Height) { int col_pixel; int column_cnt = first_visiblecolumn + visiblecolumn_count; if (column_cnt > 0) { for (int column = first_visiblecolumn; column < column_cnt; column++) { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].bound == false) continue; col_pixel = GetColumnStartingPixel (column); pos_x = cells_area.X + col_pixel - horiz_pixeloffset; width = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width; if (x <= pos_x + width) { // Column found return new HitTestInfo (row, column, HitTestType.Cell); } } } else if (CurrentTableStyle.HasRelations) { /* XXX this needs checking against MS somehow... */ if (x < rows[row].relation_area.X + rows[row].relation_area.Width) return new HitTestInfo (row, 0/*XXX?*/, HitTestType.Cell); } break; } } return new HitTestInfo (); } public bool IsExpanded (int rowNumber) { return (rows[rowNumber].IsExpanded); } public bool IsSelected (int row) { return rows[row].IsSelected; } [MonoTODO] public void NavigateBack () { if (dataSourceStack.Count == 0) return; DataGridDataSource source = (DataGridDataSource)dataSourceStack.Pop (); list_manager = source.list_manager; rows = source.Rows; selected_rows = source.SelectedRows; selection_start = source.SelectionStart; SetDataSource (source.data_source, source.data_member); CurrentCell = source.current; } [MonoTODO] public void NavigateTo (int rowNumber, string relationName) { if (allow_navigation == false) return; DataGridDataSource previous_source = new DataGridDataSource (this, list_manager, datasource, datamember, list_manager.Current, CurrentCell); previous_source.Rows = rows; previous_source.SelectedRows = selected_rows; previous_source.SelectionStart = selection_start; dataSourceStack.Push (previous_source); rows = null; selected_rows = new Hashtable (); selection_start = -1; DataMember = String.Format ("{0}.{1}", DataMember, relationName); OnDataSourceChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void OnAllowNavigationChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [AllowNavigationChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected void OnBackButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [BackButtonClickEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnBackColorChanged (e); } protected virtual void OnBackgroundColorChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [BackgroundColorChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnBindingContextChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnBindingContextChanged (e); SetDataSource (datasource, datamember); } protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [BorderStyleChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnCaptionVisibleChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [CaptionVisibleChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnCurrentCellChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [CurrentCellChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnDataSourceChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [DataSourceChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnEnter (EventArgs e) { base.OnEnter (e); Edit (); } protected virtual void OnFlatModeChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [FlatModeChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e) { CalcGridAreas (); base.OnFontChanged (e); } protected override void OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnForeColorChanged (e); } protected override void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleCreated (e); SetDataSource (datasource, datamember); } protected override void OnHandleDestroyed (EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleDestroyed (e); } protected override void OnKeyDown (KeyEventArgs ke) { base.OnKeyDown (ke); if (ProcessGridKey (ke) == true) ke.Handled = true; /* TODO: we probably don't need this check, * since current_cell wouldn't have been set * to something invalid */ if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0) { CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber].OnKeyDown (ke, current_cell.RowNumber, current_cell.ColumnNumber); } } protected override void OnKeyPress (KeyPressEventArgs kpe) { base.OnKeyPress (kpe); } protected override void OnLayout (LayoutEventArgs levent) { base.OnLayout (levent); CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } protected override void OnLeave (EventArgs e) { base.OnLeave (e); if (cursor_in_add_row) { ListManager.CancelCurrentEdit (); } } protected override void OnMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown (e); bool ctrl_pressed = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0); bool shift_pressed = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); HitTestInfo testinfo; testinfo = HitTest (e.X, e.Y); switch (testinfo.Type) { case HitTestType.Cell: if (testinfo.Row < 0 || testinfo.Column < 0) break; if (rows[testinfo.Row].IsExpanded) { Rectangle relation_area = rows[testinfo.Row].relation_area; relation_area.Y = rows[testinfo.Row].VerticalOffset + cells_area.Y + rows[testinfo.Row].Height - rows[testinfo.Row].RelationHeight; if (relation_area.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { /* the click happened in the relation area, navigate to the new table */ int relative = e.Y - relation_area.Y; NavigateTo (testinfo.Row, CurrentTableStyle.Relations[relative / LinkFont.Height]); return; } } DataGridCell new_cell = new DataGridCell (testinfo.Row, testinfo.Column); if ((new_cell.Equals (current_cell) == false) || (!is_editing)) { CurrentCell = new_cell; Edit (); } else { CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[testinfo.Column].OnMouseDown (e, testinfo.Row, testinfo.Column); } break; case HitTestType.RowHeader: bool expansion_click = false; if (CurrentTableStyle.HasRelations) { if (e.X > rowhdrs_area.X + rowhdrs_area.Width / 2) { /* it's in the +/- space */ if (IsExpanded (testinfo.Row)) Collapse (testinfo.Row); else Expand (testinfo.Row); expansion_click = true; } } if (!ctrl_pressed && !shift_pressed && !expansion_click) { ResetSelection (); // Invalidates selected rows } if ((shift_pressed || expansion_click) && selection_start != -1) { ShiftSelection (testinfo.Row); } else { // ctrl_pressed or single item selection_start = testinfo.Row; Select (testinfo.Row); } CancelEditing (); CurrentRow = testinfo.Row; OnRowHeaderClick (EventArgs.Empty); break; case HitTestType.ColumnHeader: if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) break; if (AllowSorting == false) break; if (ListManager.List is IBindingList == false) break; ListSortDirection direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending; PropertyDescriptor prop = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[testinfo.Column].PropertyDescriptor; IBindingList list = (IBindingList) ListManager.List; if (list.SortProperty != null) { CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[list.SortProperty].ArrowDrawingMode = DataGridColumnStyle.ArrowDrawing.No; } if (prop == list.SortProperty && list.SortDirection == ListSortDirection.Ascending) { direction = ListSortDirection.Descending; } CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[testinfo.Column].ArrowDrawingMode = direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending ? DataGridColumnStyle.ArrowDrawing.Ascending : DataGridColumnStyle.ArrowDrawing.Descending; list.ApplySort (prop, direction); Refresh (); break; case HitTestType.ColumnResize: if (e.Clicks == 2) { // double click column resize goes here } else { resize_column = testinfo.Column; column_resize_active = true; resize_column_x = e.X; resize_column_width_delta = 0; EndEdit (); DrawResizeLineVert (resize_column_x); } break; case HitTestType.RowResize: if (e.Clicks == 2) { // double click row resize goes here } else { resize_row = testinfo.Row; row_resize_active = true; resize_row_y = e.Y; resize_row_height_delta = 0; EndEdit (); DrawResizeLineHoriz (resize_row_y); } break; case HitTestType.Caption: if (back_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { back_button_active = true; Invalidate (back_button_rect); } if (parent_rows_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { parent_rows_button_active = true; Invalidate (parent_rows_button_rect); } break; default: break; } } protected override void OnMouseLeave (EventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeave (e); } protected override void OnMouseMove (MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove (e); if (column_resize_active) { /* erase the old line */ DrawResizeLineVert (resize_column_x + resize_column_width_delta); resize_column_width_delta = e.X - resize_column_x; /* draw the new line */ DrawResizeLineVert (resize_column_x + resize_column_width_delta); return; } else if (row_resize_active) { /* erase the old line */ DrawResizeLineHoriz (resize_row_y + resize_row_height_delta); resize_row_height_delta = e.Y - resize_row_y; /* draw the new line */ DrawResizeLineHoriz (resize_row_y + resize_row_height_delta); return; } else { /* determine the cursor to use */ HitTestInfo testinfo; testinfo = HitTest (e.X, e.Y); switch (testinfo.Type) { case HitTestType.ColumnResize: Cursor = Cursors.VSplit; break; case HitTestType.RowResize: Cursor = Cursors.HSplit; break; case HitTestType.Caption: Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (back_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { if (!back_button_mouseover) Invalidate (back_button_rect); back_button_mouseover = true; } else if (back_button_mouseover) { Invalidate (back_button_rect); back_button_mouseover = false; } if (parent_rows_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { if (parent_rows_button_mouseover) Invalidate (parent_rows_button_rect); parent_rows_button_mouseover = true; } else if (parent_rows_button_mouseover) { Invalidate (parent_rows_button_rect); parent_rows_button_mouseover = false; } break; case HitTestType.Cell: if (rows[testinfo.Row].IsExpanded) { Rectangle relation_area = rows[testinfo.Row].relation_area; relation_area.Y = rows[testinfo.Row].VerticalOffset + cells_area.Y + rows[testinfo.Row].Height - rows[testinfo.Row].RelationHeight; if (relation_area.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.Hand; break; } } Cursor = Cursors.Default; break; default: Cursor = Cursors.Default; break; } } } protected override void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp (e); if (column_resize_active) { column_resize_active = false; if (resize_column_width_delta + CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[resize_column].Width < 0) resize_column_width_delta = -CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[resize_column].Width; CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[resize_column].Width += resize_column_width_delta; width_of_all_columns += resize_column_width_delta; Edit (); Invalidate (); } else if (row_resize_active) { row_resize_active = false; if (resize_row_height_delta + rows[resize_row].Height < 0) resize_row_height_delta = -rows[resize_row].Height; rows[resize_row].height = rows[resize_row].Height + resize_row_height_delta; for (int i = resize_row + 1; i < rows.Length; i ++) rows[i].VerticalOffset += resize_row_height_delta; Edit (); CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } else if (back_button_active) { if (back_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { Invalidate (back_button_rect); NavigateBack (); OnBackButtonClicked (this, EventArgs.Empty); } back_button_active = false; } else if (parent_rows_button_active) { if (parent_rows_button_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { Invalidate (parent_rows_button_rect); ParentRowsVisible = !ParentRowsVisible; OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked (this, EventArgs.Empty); } parent_rows_button_active = false; } } protected override void OnMouseWheel (MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseWheel (e); bool ctrl_pressed = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0); int pixels; if (ctrl_pressed) { // scroll horizontally if (!horiz_scrollbar.Visible) return; if (e.Delta > 0) { /* left */ pixels = Math.Max (horiz_scrollbar.Minimum, horiz_scrollbar.Value - horiz_scrollbar.LargeChange); } else { /* right */ pixels = Math.Min (horiz_scrollbar.Maximum - horiz_scrollbar.LargeChange + 1, horiz_scrollbar.Value + horiz_scrollbar.LargeChange); } GridHScrolled (this, new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition, pixels)); horiz_scrollbar.Value = pixels; } else { if (!vert_scrollbar.Visible) return; if (e.Delta > 0) { /* up */ pixels = Math.Max (vert_scrollbar.Minimum, vert_scrollbar.Value - vert_scrollbar.LargeChange); } else { /* down */ pixels = Math.Min (vert_scrollbar.Maximum - vert_scrollbar.LargeChange + 1, vert_scrollbar.Value + vert_scrollbar.LargeChange); } GridVScrolled (this, new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition, pixels)); vert_scrollbar.Value = pixels; } } protected void OnNavigate (NavigateEventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [NavigateEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs pe) { ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridPaint (pe, this); } protected override void OnPaintBackground (PaintEventArgs ebe) { } protected virtual void OnParentRowsLabelStyleChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ParentRowsLabelStyleChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnParentRowsVisibleChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ParentRowsVisibleChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ReadOnlyChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnResize (EventArgs e) { base.OnResize (e); } protected void OnRowHeaderClick (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [RowHeaderClickEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected void OnScroll (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ScrollEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected void OnShowParentDetailsButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ShowParentDetailsButtonClickEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override bool ProcessDialogKey (Keys keyData) { return ProcessGridKey (new KeyEventArgs (keyData)); } void UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (bool extend_selection) { if (extend_selection) { CancelEditing (); ShiftSelection (CurrentRow); } else { ResetSelection (); } } protected bool ProcessGridKey (KeyEventArgs ke) { /* if we have no rows, exit immediately. XXX is this necessary? */ if (RowsCount == 0) return false; bool ctrl_pressed = ((ke.Modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0); //bool alt_pressed = ((ke.Modifiers & Keys.Alt) != 0); bool shift_pressed = ((ke.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) != 0); switch (ke.KeyCode) { case Keys.Escape: if (is_changing) AbortEditing (); else CancelEditing (); Edit (); return true; case Keys.D0: if (ctrl_pressed) { if (is_editing) CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[CurrentColumn].EnterNullValue (); return true; } return false; case Keys.Enter: if (is_changing) CurrentRow ++; return true; case Keys.Tab: if (shift_pressed) { if (CurrentColumn > 0) CurrentColumn --; else if ((CurrentRow > 0) && (CurrentColumn == 0)) CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (CurrentRow - 1, CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1); } else { if (CurrentColumn < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1) CurrentColumn ++; else if ((CurrentRow <= RowsCount) && (CurrentColumn == CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1)) CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (CurrentRow + 1, 0); } UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (false); return true; case Keys.Right: if (ctrl_pressed) { CurrentColumn = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1; } else { if (CurrentColumn < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1) { CurrentColumn ++; } else if (CurrentRow < RowsCount - 1 || (CurrentRow == RowsCount - 1 && !cursor_in_add_row)) { CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (CurrentRow + 1, 0); } } UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (false); return true; case Keys.Left: if (ctrl_pressed) { CurrentColumn = 0; } else { if (current_cell.ColumnNumber > 0) CurrentColumn --; else if (CurrentRow > 0) CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (CurrentRow - 1, CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1); } UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (false); return true; case Keys.Up: if (ctrl_pressed) CurrentRow = 0; else if (CurrentRow > 0) CurrentRow --; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.Down: if (ctrl_pressed) CurrentRow = RowsCount - 1; else if (CurrentRow < RowsCount - 1) CurrentRow ++; else if (CurrentRow == RowsCount - 1 && cursor_in_add_row && (add_row_changed || is_changing)) CurrentRow ++; else if (CurrentRow == RowsCount - 1 && !cursor_in_add_row && !shift_pressed) CurrentRow ++; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.PageUp: if (CurrentRow > VLargeChange) CurrentRow -= VLargeChange; else CurrentRow = 0; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.PageDown: if (CurrentRow < RowsCount - VLargeChange) CurrentRow += VLargeChange; else CurrentRow = RowsCount - 1; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.Home: if (ctrl_pressed) CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (0, 0); else CurrentColumn = 0; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (ctrl_pressed && shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.End: if (ctrl_pressed) CurrentCell = new DataGridCell (RowsCount - 1, CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1); else CurrentColumn = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count - 1; UpdateSelectionAfterCursorMove (ctrl_pressed && shift_pressed); return true; case Keys.Delete: if (is_editing) return false; else if (selected_rows.Keys.Count > 0) { foreach (int row in selected_rows.Keys) { ListManager.RemoveAt (row); } selected_rows.Clear (); CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } return true; } return false; // message not processed } protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview (ref Message m) { if ((Msg)m.Msg == Msg.WM_KEYDOWN) { Keys key = (Keys) m.WParam.ToInt32 (); KeyEventArgs ke = new KeyEventArgs (key); if (ProcessGridKey (ke) == true) { return true; } } return base.ProcessKeyPreview (ref m); } protected bool ProcessTabKey (Keys keyData) { return false; } public void ResetAlternatingBackColor () { grid_style.AlternatingBackColor = default_style.AlternatingBackColor; } public override void ResetBackColor () { grid_style.BackColor = default_style.BackColor; } public override void ResetForeColor () { grid_style.ForeColor = default_style.ForeColor; } public void ResetGridLineColor () { grid_style.GridLineColor = default_style.GridLineColor; } public void ResetHeaderBackColor () { grid_style.HeaderBackColor = default_style.HeaderBackColor; } public void ResetHeaderFont () { grid_style.HeaderFont = default_style.HeaderFont; } public void ResetHeaderForeColor () { grid_style.HeaderForeColor = default_style.HeaderForeColor; } public void ResetLinkColor () { grid_style.LinkColor = default_style.LinkColor; } public void ResetLinkHoverColor () { grid_style.LinkHoverColor = default_style.LinkHoverColor; } protected void ResetSelection () { InvalidateSelection (); selected_rows.Clear (); selection_start = -1; } void InvalidateSelection () { foreach (int row in selected_rows.Keys) { rows[row].IsSelected = false; InvalidateRow (row); } } public void ResetSelectionBackColor () { grid_style.SelectionBackColor = default_style.SelectionBackColor; } public void ResetSelectionForeColor () { grid_style.SelectionForeColor = default_style.SelectionForeColor; } public void Select (int row) { if (selected_rows.Count == 0) selection_start = row; selected_rows[row] = true; rows[row].IsSelected = true; InvalidateRow (row); } public void SetDataBinding (object dataSource, string dataMember) { SetDataSource (dataSource, dataMember); } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeAlternatingBackColor () { return (grid_style.AlternatingBackColor != default_style.AlternatingBackColor); } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeBackgroundColor () { return (background_color != def_background_color); } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionBackColor () { return (caption_backcolor != def_caption_backcolor); } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeCaptionForeColor () { return caption_forecolor != def_caption_forecolor; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeGridLineColor () { return grid_style.GridLineColor != default_style.GridLineColor; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderBackColor () { return grid_style.HeaderBackColor != default_style.HeaderBackColor; } protected bool ShouldSerializeHeaderFont () { return grid_style.HeaderFont != default_style.HeaderFont; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeHeaderForeColor () { return grid_style.HeaderForeColor != default_style.HeaderForeColor; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeLinkHoverColor () { return grid_style.LinkHoverColor != grid_style.LinkHoverColor; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsBackColor () { return parentrowsback_color != def_parentrowsback_color; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeParentRowsForeColor () { return parentrowsback_color != def_parentrowsback_color; } protected bool ShouldSerializePreferredRowHeight () { return grid_style.PreferredRowHeight != default_style.PreferredRowHeight; } protected bool ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor () { return grid_style.SelectionBackColor != default_style.SelectionBackColor; } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor () { return grid_style.SelectionForeColor != default_style.SelectionForeColor; } public void SubObjectsSiteChange (bool site) { } public void UnSelect (int row) { rows[row].IsSelected = false; selected_rows.Remove (row); InvalidateRow (row); } #endregion // Public Instance Methods #region Private Instance Methods internal void CalcAreasAndInvalidate () { CalcGridAreas (); Invalidate (); } private void ConnectListManagerEvents () { list_manager.MetaDataChanged += new EventHandler (OnListManagerMetaDataChanged); list_manager.PositionChanged += new EventHandler (OnListManagerPositionChanged); list_manager.ItemChanged += new ItemChangedEventHandler (OnListManagerItemChanged); } private void DisconnectListManagerEvents () { list_manager.MetaDataChanged -= new EventHandler (OnListManagerMetaDataChanged); list_manager.PositionChanged -= new EventHandler (OnListManagerPositionChanged); list_manager.ItemChanged -= new ItemChangedEventHandler (OnListManagerItemChanged); } void DisconnectTableStyleEvents () { current_style.AllowSortingChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.AlternatingBackColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.BackColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ForeColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.GridLineColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.GridLineStyleChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderBackColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderFontChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderForeColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.LinkColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.LinkHoverColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.MappingNameChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.PreferredColumnWidthChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.PreferredRowHeightChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ReadOnlyChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.RowHeadersVisibleChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.RowHeaderWidthChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.SelectionBackColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.SelectionForeColorChanged -= new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); } void ConnectTableStyleEvents () { current_style.AllowSortingChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.AlternatingBackColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.BackColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ColumnHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ForeColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.GridLineColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.GridLineStyleChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderBackColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderFontChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.HeaderForeColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.LinkColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.LinkHoverColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.MappingNameChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.PreferredColumnWidthChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.PreferredRowHeightChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.ReadOnlyChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.RowHeadersVisibleChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.RowHeaderWidthChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.SelectionBackColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); current_style.SelectionForeColorChanged += new EventHandler (TableStyleChanged); } void TableStyleChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { EndEdit (); CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } private void EnsureCellVisibility (DataGridCell cell) { if (cell.ColumnNumber <= first_visiblecolumn || cell.ColumnNumber + 1 >= first_visiblecolumn + visiblecolumn_count) { first_visiblecolumn = GetFirstColumnForColumnVisibility (first_visiblecolumn, cell.ColumnNumber); int pixel = GetColumnStartingPixel (first_visiblecolumn); ScrollToColumnInPixels (pixel); horiz_scrollbar.Value = pixel; Update(); } if (cell.RowNumber < first_visiblerow || cell.RowNumber + 1 >= first_visiblerow + visiblerow_count) { if (cell.RowNumber + 1 >= first_visiblerow + visiblerow_count) { int old_first_visiblerow = first_visiblerow; first_visiblerow = 1 + cell.RowNumber - visiblerow_count; UpdateVisibleRowCount (); ScrollToRow (old_first_visiblerow, first_visiblerow); } else { int old_first_visiblerow = first_visiblerow; first_visiblerow = cell.RowNumber; UpdateVisibleRowCount (); ScrollToRow (old_first_visiblerow, first_visiblerow); } vert_scrollbar.Value = first_visiblerow; } } private void SetDataSource (object source, string member) { SetDataSource (source, member, true); } bool in_setdatasource; private void SetDataSource (object source, string member, bool recreate_rows) { CurrencyManager old_lm = list_manager; /* we need this bool flag to work around a * problem with OnBindingContextChanged. once * that stuff works properly, remove this * hack */ if (in_setdatasource) return; in_setdatasource = true; #if false if (datasource == source && member == datamember) return; #endif if (source != null && source as IListSource != null && source as IList != null) throw new Exception ("Wrong complex data binding source"); datasource = source; datamember = member; if (is_editing) CancelEditing (); current_cell = new DataGridCell (); if (list_manager != null) DisconnectListManagerEvents (); list_manager = null; /* create the new list manager */ if (BindingContext != null && datasource != null) list_manager = (CurrencyManager) BindingContext [datasource, datamember]; if (list_manager != null) ConnectListManagerEvents (); if (old_lm != list_manager) { BindColumns (); /* reset first_visiblerow to 0 here before * doing anything that'll requires us to * figure out if we need a scrollbar. */ vert_scrollbar.Value = 0; horiz_scrollbar.Value = 0; first_visiblerow = 0; if (recreate_rows) RecreateDataGridRows (false); } CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); in_setdatasource = false; OnDataSourceChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } void RecreateDataGridRows (bool recalc) { DataGridRelationshipRow[] new_rows = new DataGridRelationshipRow[RowsCount + (ShowEditRow ? 1 : 0)]; int start_index = 0; if (rows != null) { start_index = rows.Length; Array.Copy (rows, 0, new_rows, 0, rows.Length < new_rows.Length ? rows.Length : new_rows.Length); } for (int i = start_index; i < new_rows.Length; i ++) { new_rows[i] = new DataGridRelationshipRow (this); new_rows[i].height = RowHeight; if (i > 0) new_rows[i].VerticalOffset = new_rows[i-1].VerticalOffset + new_rows[i-1].Height; } rows = new_rows; if (recalc) CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } internal void UpdateRowsFrom (DataGridRelationshipRow row) { int start_index = Array.IndexOf (rows, row); if (start_index == -1) return; for (int i = start_index + 1; i < rows.Length; i ++) { rows[i].VerticalOffset = rows[i-1].VerticalOffset + rows[i-1].Height; } CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } void BindColumns () { if (list_manager != null) { string list_name = list_manager.GetListName (null); if (TableStyles[list_name] == null) { // no style exists by the supplied name current_style.GridColumnStyles.Clear (); current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (false); } else if (CurrentTableStyle == grid_style || CurrentTableStyle.MappingName != list_name) { // If the style has been defined by the user, use it CurrentTableStyle = styles_collection[list_name]; current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (true); } else { current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (true); } } else current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (false); } private void OnListManagerMetaDataChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { // XXX //we need to rethink this, as in 2.0 we get this event when a column is added to a table. // forcing a rebind of columns means that we fail bug #80422. disable this for now. // // BindColumns (); } private void OnListManagerPositionChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { from_positionchanged_handler = true; CurrentRow = list_manager.Position; from_positionchanged_handler = false; } private void OnListManagerItemChanged (object sender, ItemChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Index == -1) { ResetSelection (); if (rows == null || RowsCount != rows.Length - (ShowEditRow ? 1 : 0)) RecreateDataGridRows (true); } else { InvalidateRow (e.Index); } } private void OnTableStylesCollectionChanged (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { if (ListManager == null) return; string list_name = ListManager.GetListName (null); switch (e.Action){ case CollectionChangeAction.Add: { if (e.Element != null && String.Compare (list_name, ((DataGridTableStyle)e.Element).MappingName, true) == 0) { CurrentTableStyle = (DataGridTableStyle)e.Element; ((DataGridTableStyle) e.Element).CreateColumnsForTable (false); } break; } case CollectionChangeAction.Remove: { if (e.Element != null && String.Compare (list_name, ((DataGridTableStyle)e.Element).MappingName, true) == 0) { CurrentTableStyle = default_style; current_style.GridColumnStyles.Clear (); current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (false); } break; } case CollectionChangeAction.Refresh: { if (CurrentTableStyle == default_style || String.Compare (list_name, CurrentTableStyle.MappingName, true) != 0) { DataGridTableStyle style = styles_collection [list_name]; if (style != null) { CurrentTableStyle = style; current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (false); } else { CurrentTableStyle = default_style; current_style.GridColumnStyles.Clear (); current_style.CreateColumnsForTable (false); } } break; } } CalcAreasAndInvalidate (); } private void AddNewRow () { ListManager.EndCurrentEdit (); ListManager.AddNew (); } private void Edit () { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) return; if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[CurrentColumn].bound == false) return; is_editing = true; is_changing = false; CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[CurrentColumn].Edit (ListManager, CurrentRow, GetCellBounds (CurrentRow, CurrentColumn), _readonly, null, true); } private void EndEdit () { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) return; if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber].bound == false) return; EndEdit (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[current_cell.ColumnNumber], current_cell.RowNumber, false); } private void ShiftSelection (int index) { // we have to save off selection_start // because ResetSelection clobbers it int saved_selection_start = selection_start; int start, end; ResetSelection (); selection_start = saved_selection_start; if (index >= selection_start) { start = selection_start; end = index; } else { start = index; end = selection_start; } if (start == -1) start = 0; for (int idx = start; idx <= end; idx ++) { Select (idx); } } private void ScrollToColumnInPixels (int pixel) { int pixels; if (pixel > horiz_pixeloffset) // ScrollRight pixels = -1 * (pixel - horiz_pixeloffset); else pixels = horiz_pixeloffset - pixel; Rectangle area = cells_area; if (ColumnHeadersVisible == true) { area.Y -= ColumnHeadersArea.Height; area.Height += ColumnHeadersArea.Height; } horiz_pixeloffset = pixel; UpdateVisibleColumn (); EndEdit (); XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, area, pixels, 0, false); int pixel_offset = GetColumnStartingPixel (CurrentColumn); int next_pixel_offset = pixel_offset + CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[CurrentColumn].Width; if (pixel_offset >= horiz_pixeloffset && next_pixel_offset < horiz_pixeloffset + cells_area.Width) Edit (); } private void ScrollToRow (int old_row, int new_row) { int pixels = 0; int i; if (new_row > old_row) { // Scrolldown for (i = old_row; i < new_row; i ++) pixels -= rows[i].Height; } else { for (i = new_row; i < old_row; i ++) pixels += rows[i].Height; } if (pixels == 0) return; EndEdit (); Rectangle rows_area = cells_area; // Cells area - partial rows space if (RowHeadersVisible) { rows_area.X -= RowHeaderWidth; rows_area.Width += RowHeaderWidth; } /* scroll the window */ XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, rows_area, 0, pixels, false); /* if the row is still */ if (CurrentRow >= first_visiblerow && CurrentRow < first_visiblerow + visiblerow_count) Edit (); } #endregion Private Instance Methods #region Events static object AllowNavigationChangedEvent = new object (); static object BackButtonClickEvent = new object (); static object BackgroundColorChangedEvent = new object (); static object BorderStyleChangedEvent = new object (); static object CaptionVisibleChangedEvent = new object (); static object CurrentCellChangedEvent = new object (); static object DataSourceChangedEvent = new object (); static object FlatModeChangedEvent = new object (); static object NavigateEvent = new object (); static object ParentRowsLabelStyleChangedEvent = new object (); static object ParentRowsVisibleChangedEvent = new object (); static object ReadOnlyChangedEvent = new object (); static object RowHeaderClickEvent = new object (); static object ScrollEvent = new object (); static object ShowParentDetailsButtonClickEvent = new object (); public event EventHandler AllowNavigationChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (AllowNavigationChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AllowNavigationChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler BackButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler (BackButtonClickEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BackButtonClickEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler BackgroundColorChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (BackgroundColorChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BackgroundColorChangedEvent, value); } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged { add { base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; } remove { base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler TextChanged { add { base.TextChanged += value; } remove { base.TextChanged -= value; } } [Browsable(false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler CursorChanged { add { base.CursorChanged += value; } remove { base.CursorChanged -= value; } } public event EventHandler BorderStyleChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (BorderStyleChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BorderStyleChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler CaptionVisibleChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (CaptionVisibleChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (CaptionVisibleChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler CurrentCellChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (CurrentCellChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (CurrentCellChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler DataSourceChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (DataSourceChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DataSourceChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler FlatModeChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (FlatModeChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (FlatModeChangedEvent, value); } } public event NavigateEventHandler Navigate { add { Events.AddHandler (NavigateEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (NavigateEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ParentRowsLabelStyleChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (ParentRowsLabelStyleChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ParentRowsLabelStyleChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ParentRowsVisibleChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (ParentRowsVisibleChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ParentRowsVisibleChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ReadOnlyChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (ReadOnlyChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ReadOnlyChangedEvent, value); } } protected event EventHandler RowHeaderClick { add { Events.AddHandler (RowHeaderClickEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (RowHeaderClickEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler Scroll { add { Events.AddHandler (ScrollEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ScrollEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ShowParentDetailsButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler (ShowParentDetailsButtonClickEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ShowParentDetailsButtonClickEvent, value); } } #endregion // Events #region Code originally in DataGridDrawingLogic.cs #region Local Variables // Areas Rectangle parent_rows; int width_of_all_columns; internal Rectangle caption_area; internal Rectangle columnhdrs_area; // Used columns header area internal int columnhdrs_maxwidth; // Total width (max width) for columns headrs internal Rectangle rowhdrs_area; // Used Headers rows area internal Rectangle cells_area; #endregion // Local Variables #region Public Instance Methods // Calc the max with of all columns int CalcAllColumnsWidth () { int width = 0; int cnt = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count; for (int col = 0; col < cnt; col++) { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].bound == false) { continue; } width += CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].Width; } return width; } // Gets a column from a pixel int FromPixelToColumn (int pixel, out int column_x) { int width = 0; int cnt = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count; column_x = 0; if (cnt == 0) return 0; if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) { width += rowhdrs_area.X + rowhdrs_area.Width; column_x += rowhdrs_area.X + rowhdrs_area.Width; } for (int col = 0; col < cnt; col++) { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].bound == false) continue; width += CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].Width; if (pixel < width) return col; column_x += CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].Width; } return cnt - 1; } internal int GetColumnStartingPixel (int my_col) { int width = 0; int cnt = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count; for (int col = 0; col < cnt; col++) { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].bound == false) { continue; } if (my_col == col) return width; width += CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[col].Width; } return 0; } // Which column has to be the first visible column to ensure a column visibility int GetFirstColumnForColumnVisibility (int current_first_visiblecolumn, int column) { int new_col = column; int width = 0; if (column > current_first_visiblecolumn) { // Going forward for (new_col = column; new_col >= 0; new_col--){ if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[new_col].bound == false) continue; width += CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[new_col].Width; if (width >= cells_area.Width) return new_col + 1; //return new_col < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count ? new_col + 1 : CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count; } return 0; } else { return column; } } bool in_calc_grid_areas; void CalcGridAreas () { if (IsHandleCreated == false) // Delay calculations until the handle is created return; /* make sure we don't happen to end up in this method again */ if (in_calc_grid_areas) return; in_calc_grid_areas = true; /* Order is important. E.g. row headers max. height depends on caption */ horiz_pixeloffset = 0; CalcCaption (); CalcParentRows (); CalcParentButtons (); UpdateVisibleRowCount (); CalcRowHeaders (); width_of_all_columns = CalcAllColumnsWidth (); CalcColumnHeaders (); CalcCellsArea (); bool needHoriz = false; bool needVert = false; /* figure out which scrollbars we need, and what the visible areas are */ int visible_cells_width = cells_area.Width; int visible_cells_height = cells_area.Height; int allrows = RowsCount; if (ShowEditRow && RowsCount > 0) allrows++; /* use a loop to iteratively calculate whether * we need horiz/vert scrollbars. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { if (needVert) visible_cells_width = cells_area.Width - vert_scrollbar.Width; if (needHoriz) visible_cells_height = cells_area.Height - horiz_scrollbar.Height; UpdateVisibleRowCount (); needHoriz = (width_of_all_columns > visible_cells_width); needVert = (allrows > visiblerow_count); } int horiz_scrollbar_width = ClientRectangle.Width; int horiz_scrollbar_maximum = 0; int vert_scrollbar_height = 0; int vert_scrollbar_maximum = 0; if (needVert) SetUpVerticalScrollBar (out vert_scrollbar_height, out vert_scrollbar_maximum); if (needHoriz) SetUpHorizontalScrollBar (out horiz_scrollbar_maximum); cells_area.Width = visible_cells_width; cells_area.Height = visible_cells_height; if (needVert && needHoriz) { if (ShowParentRows) parent_rows.Width -= vert_scrollbar.Width; if (!ShowingColumnHeaders) { if (columnhdrs_area.X + columnhdrs_area.Width > vert_scrollbar.Location.X) { columnhdrs_area.Width -= vert_scrollbar.Width; } } horiz_scrollbar_width -= vert_scrollbar.Width; vert_scrollbar_height -= horiz_scrollbar.Height; } if (needVert) { if (rowhdrs_area.Y + rowhdrs_area.Height > ClientRectangle.Y + ClientRectangle.Height) { rowhdrs_area.Height -= horiz_scrollbar.Height; } vert_scrollbar.Size = new Size (vert_scrollbar.Width, vert_scrollbar_height); vert_scrollbar.Maximum = vert_scrollbar_maximum; Controls.Add (vert_scrollbar); vert_scrollbar.Visible = true; } else { Controls.Remove (vert_scrollbar); vert_scrollbar.Visible = false; } if (needHoriz) { horiz_scrollbar.Size = new Size (horiz_scrollbar_width, horiz_scrollbar.Height); horiz_scrollbar.Maximum = horiz_scrollbar_maximum; Controls.Add (horiz_scrollbar); horiz_scrollbar.Visible = true; } else { Controls.Remove (horiz_scrollbar); horiz_scrollbar.Visible = false; } UpdateVisibleColumn (); UpdateVisibleRowCount (); in_calc_grid_areas = false; } void CalcCaption () { caption_area.X = ClientRectangle.X; caption_area.Y = ClientRectangle.Y; caption_area.Width = ClientRectangle.Width; if (caption_visible) { caption_area.Height = CaptionFont.Height; if (caption_area.Height < back_button_image.Height) caption_area.Height = back_button_image.Height; caption_area.Height += 2; } else caption_area.Height = 0; } void CalcCellsArea () { cells_area.X = ClientRectangle.X + rowhdrs_area.Width; cells_area.Y = columnhdrs_area.Y + columnhdrs_area.Height; cells_area.Width = ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width - cells_area.X; if (cells_area.Width < 0) cells_area.Width = 0; cells_area.Height = ClientRectangle.Y + ClientRectangle.Height - cells_area.Y; if (cells_area.Height < 0) cells_area.Height = 0; } void CalcColumnHeaders () { int max_width_cols; columnhdrs_area.X = ClientRectangle.X; columnhdrs_area.Y = parent_rows.Y + parent_rows.Height; // TODO: take into account Scrollbars columnhdrs_maxwidth = ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width - columnhdrs_area.X; max_width_cols = columnhdrs_maxwidth; if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) max_width_cols -= RowHeaderWidth; if (width_of_all_columns > max_width_cols) { columnhdrs_area.Width = columnhdrs_maxwidth; } else { columnhdrs_area.Width = width_of_all_columns; if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) columnhdrs_area.Width += RowHeaderWidth; } if (ShowingColumnHeaders) columnhdrs_area.Height = CurrentTableStyle.HeaderFont.Height + 6; else columnhdrs_area.Height = 0; } void CalcParentRows () { parent_rows.X = ClientRectangle.X; parent_rows.Y = caption_area.Y + caption_area.Height; parent_rows.Width = ClientRectangle.Width; if (ShowParentRows) parent_rows.Height = (CaptionFont.Height + 3) * dataSourceStack.Count; else parent_rows.Height = 0; } void CalcParentButtons () { if (dataSourceStack.Count > 0 && CaptionVisible) { back_button_rect = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width - 2 * (caption_area.Height - 2) - 8, caption_area.Height / 2 - back_button_image.Height / 2, back_button_image.Width, back_button_image.Height); parent_rows_button_rect = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width - (caption_area.Height - 2) - 4, caption_area.Height / 2 - parent_rows_button_image.Height / 2, parent_rows_button_image.Width, parent_rows_button_image.Height); } else { back_button_rect = parent_rows_button_rect = Rectangle.Empty; } } void CalcRowHeaders () { rowhdrs_area.X = ClientRectangle.X; rowhdrs_area.Y = columnhdrs_area.Y + columnhdrs_area.Height; rowhdrs_area.Height = ClientRectangle.Height + ClientRectangle.Y - rowhdrs_area.Y; if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) rowhdrs_area.Width = RowHeaderWidth; else rowhdrs_area.Width = 0; } int GetVisibleRowCount (int visibleHeight) { int rows_height = 0; int r; for (r = FirstVisibleRow; r < rows.Length; r ++) { if (rows_height + rows[r].Height >= visibleHeight) break; rows_height += rows[r].Height; } if (r < rows.Length - 1) r ++; return r - FirstVisibleRow; } void UpdateVisibleColumn () { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count == 0) { visiblecolumn_count = 0; return; } int col; int max_pixel = horiz_pixeloffset + cells_area.Width; int unused; first_visiblecolumn = FromPixelToColumn (horiz_pixeloffset, out unused); col = FromPixelToColumn (max_pixel, out unused); visiblecolumn_count = 1 + col - first_visiblecolumn; visiblecolumn_count = 0; for (int i = first_visiblecolumn; i <= col; i ++) { if (CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[i].bound) visiblecolumn_count++; } if (first_visiblecolumn + visiblecolumn_count < CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count) { visiblecolumn_count++; // Partially visible column } } void UpdateVisibleRowCount () { visiblerow_count = GetVisibleRowCount (cells_area.Height); CalcRowHeaders (); // Height depends on num of visible rows } void InvalidateCaption () { if (caption_area.IsEmpty) return; Invalidate (caption_area); } void InvalidateRow (int row) { if (row < FirstVisibleRow || row > FirstVisibleRow + VisibleRowCount) return; Rectangle rect_row = new Rectangle (); rect_row.X = cells_area.X; rect_row.Width = width_of_all_columns; if (rect_row.Width > cells_area.Width) rect_row.Width = cells_area.Width; rect_row.Height = rows[row].Height; rect_row.Y = cells_area.Y + rows[row].VerticalOffset - rows[FirstVisibleRow].VerticalOffset; Invalidate (rect_row); } void InvalidateRowHeader (int row) { Rectangle rect_rowhdr = new Rectangle (); rect_rowhdr.X = rowhdrs_area.X; rect_rowhdr.Width = rowhdrs_area.Width; rect_rowhdr.Height = rows[row].Height; rect_rowhdr.Y = rowhdrs_area.Y + rows[row].VerticalOffset - rows[FirstVisibleRow].VerticalOffset; Invalidate (rect_rowhdr); } internal void InvalidateColumn (DataGridColumnStyle column) { Rectangle rect_col = new Rectangle (); int col_pixel; int col = -1; col = CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.IndexOf (column); if (col == -1) return; rect_col.Width = column.Width; col_pixel = GetColumnStartingPixel (col); rect_col.X = cells_area.X + col_pixel - horiz_pixeloffset; rect_col.Y = cells_area.Y; rect_col.Height = cells_area.Height; Invalidate (rect_col); } void DrawResizeLineVert (int x) { XplatUI.DrawReversibleRectangle (Handle, new Rectangle (x, cells_area.Y, 1, cells_area.Height - 3), 2); } void DrawResizeLineHoriz (int y) { XplatUI.DrawReversibleRectangle (Handle, new Rectangle (cells_area.X, y, cells_area.Width - 3, 1), 2); } void SetUpHorizontalScrollBar (out int maximum) { maximum = width_of_all_columns; horiz_scrollbar.Location = new Point (ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y + ClientRectangle.Height - horiz_scrollbar.Height); horiz_scrollbar.LargeChange = cells_area.Width; } void SetUpVerticalScrollBar (out int height, out int maximum) { int y; y = ClientRectangle.Y + parent_rows.Y + parent_rows.Height; height = ClientRectangle.Height - parent_rows.Y - parent_rows.Height; vert_scrollbar.Location = new Point (ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width - vert_scrollbar.Width, y); maximum = RowsCount; if (ShowEditRow && RowsCount > 0) { maximum++; } vert_scrollbar.LargeChange = VLargeChange; } #endregion // Public Instance Methods #region Instance Properties // Returns the ColumnHeaders area excluding the rectangle shared with RowHeaders internal Rectangle ColumnHeadersArea { get { Rectangle columns_area = columnhdrs_area; if (CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) { columns_area.X += RowHeaderWidth; columns_area.Width -= RowHeaderWidth; } return columns_area; } } bool ShowingColumnHeaders { get { return ColumnHeadersVisible && CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles.Count > 0; } } internal Rectangle RowHeadersArea { get { return rowhdrs_area; } } internal Rectangle ParentRowsArea { get { return parent_rows; } } int VLargeChange { get { return VisibleRowCount; } } #endregion Instance Properties #endregion // Code originally in DataGridDrawingLogic.cs } }