// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Peter Bartok pbartok@novell.com // // using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Windows.Forms { #if NET_2_0 [ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)] [ComVisible (true)] #endif public class ContainerControl : ScrollableControl, IContainerControl { private Control active_control; private Control unvalidated_control; private ArrayList pending_validation_chain; // This is an internal hack that allows some container controls // to not auto select their child when they are activated internal bool auto_select_child = true; #if NET_2_0 private SizeF auto_scale_dimensions; private AutoScaleMode auto_scale_mode; private bool auto_scale_mode_set; private bool auto_scale_pending; private bool is_auto_scaling; #endif internal bool validation_failed; //track whether validation was cancelled by a validating control #region Public Constructors public ContainerControl() { active_control = null; unvalidated_control = null; ControlRemoved += new ControlEventHandler(OnControlRemoved); #if NET_2_0 auto_scale_dimensions = SizeF.Empty; auto_scale_mode = AutoScaleMode.Inherit; #endif } #endregion // Public Constructors #region Public Instance Properties [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public Control ActiveControl { get { return active_control; } set { if (value==null || (active_control == value && active_control.Focused)) { return; } if (!Contains(value)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot activate invisible or disabled control."); } // Fire the enter and leave events if possible Form form = FindForm (); Control active = GetMostDeeplyNestedActiveControl (form == null ? this : form); Control common_ancestor = GetCommonContainer (active, value); ArrayList chain = new ArrayList (); ArrayList validation_chain = new ArrayList (); Control walk = active; // we split this up into three steps: // 1. walk up the tree (if we need to) to our root, firing leave events. // 2. validate. // 3. walk down the tree (if we need to), firing enter events. // "our root" is either the common ancestor of the current active // control and the new active control, or the current active control, // or the new active control. That is, it's either one of these three // configurations: // (1) root (2) new (3) current // / \ / \ / \ // ... ... ... ... ... ... // / \ / \ // current new current new // note (3) doesn't require any upward walking, and no leave events are generated. // (2) doesn't require any downward walking, and no enter events are generated. // as we walk up the tree, we generate a list of all controls which cause // validation. After firing the leave events, we invoke (in order starting from // the most deeply nested) their Validating event. If one sets CancelEventArgs.Cancel // to true, we ignore the control the user wanted to set ActiveControl to, and use // the Validating control instead. bool fire_enter = true; Control root = common_ancestor; active_control = value; // Generate the leave messages while (walk != common_ancestor && walk != null) { if (walk == value) { root = value; fire_enter = false; break; } walk.FireLeave (); /* clear our idea of the active control as we go back up */ if (walk is ContainerControl) ((ContainerControl)walk).active_control = null; if (walk.CausesValidation) validation_chain.Add (walk); walk = walk.Parent; } // Validation can be postponed due to all the controls // in the enter chain not causing validation. If we don't have any // enter chain, it means that the selected control is a child and then // we need to validate the controls anyway bool postpone_validation; Control topmost_under_root = null; // topmost under root, in the *enter* chain if (value == root) postpone_validation = false; else { postpone_validation = true; walk = value; while (walk != root && walk != null) { if (walk.CausesValidation) postpone_validation = false; topmost_under_root = walk; walk = walk.Parent; } } Control failed_validation_control = PerformValidation (form == null ? this : form, postpone_validation, validation_chain, topmost_under_root); if (failed_validation_control != null) { active_control = value = failed_validation_control; fire_enter = true; } if (fire_enter) { walk = value; while (walk != root && walk != null) { chain.Add (walk); walk = walk.Parent; } if (root != null && walk == root && !(root is ContainerControl)) chain.Add (walk); for (int i = chain.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { walk = (Control) chain [i]; walk.FireEnter (); } } walk = this; Control ctl = this; while (walk != null) { if (walk.Parent is ContainerControl) { ((ContainerControl) walk.Parent).active_control = ctl; ctl = walk.Parent; } walk = walk.Parent; } if (this is Form) CheckAcceptButton(); // Scroll control into view ScrollControlIntoView(active_control); walk = this; ctl = this; while (walk != null) { if (walk.Parent is ContainerControl) { ctl = walk.Parent; } walk = walk.Parent; } // Let the control know it's selected if (ctl.InternalContainsFocus) SendControlFocus (active_control); } } // Return the control where validation failed, and null otherwise // @topmost_under_root is the control under the root in the enter chain, if any // // The process of validation happens as described: // // 1. Iterate over the nodes in the enter chain (walk down), looking for any node // causing validation. If we can't find any, don't validate the current validation chain, but postpone it, // saving it in the top_container.pending_validation_chain field, since we need to keep track of it later. // If we have a previous pending_validation_chain, add the new nodes, making sure they are not repeated // (this is computed in ActiveControl and we receive if as the postpone_validation parameter). // // 2. If we found at least one node causing validation in the enter chain, try to validate the elements // in pending_validation_chain, if any. Then continue with the ones receives as parameters. // // 3. Return null if all the validation performed successfully, and return the control where the validation // failed otherwise. // private Control PerformValidation (ContainerControl top_container, bool postpone_validation, ArrayList validation_chain, Control topmost_under_root) { validation_failed = false; if (postpone_validation) { AddValidationChain (top_container, validation_chain); return null; } // if not null, pending chain has always one element or more if (top_container.pending_validation_chain != null) { // if the topmost node in the enter chain is exactly the topmost // int the validation chain, remove it, as .net does int last_idx = top_container.pending_validation_chain.Count - 1; if (topmost_under_root == top_container.pending_validation_chain [last_idx]) top_container.pending_validation_chain.RemoveAt (last_idx); AddValidationChain (top_container, validation_chain); validation_chain = top_container.pending_validation_chain; top_container.pending_validation_chain = null; } for (int i = 0; i < validation_chain.Count; i ++) { if (!ValidateControl ((Control)validation_chain[i])) { validation_failed = true; return (Control)validation_chain[i]; } } return null; } // Add the elements in validation_chain to the pending validation chain stored in top_container private void AddValidationChain (ContainerControl top_container, ArrayList validation_chain) { if (validation_chain.Count == 0) return; if (top_container.pending_validation_chain == null || top_container.pending_validation_chain.Count == 0) { top_container.pending_validation_chain = validation_chain; return; } foreach (Control c in validation_chain) if (!top_container.pending_validation_chain.Contains (c)) top_container.pending_validation_chain.Add (c); } private bool ValidateControl (Control c) { CancelEventArgs e = new CancelEventArgs (); c.FireValidating (e); if (e.Cancel) return false; c.FireValidated (); return true; } private Control GetMostDeeplyNestedActiveControl (ContainerControl container) { Control active = container.ActiveControl; while (active is ContainerControl) { if (((ContainerControl)active).ActiveControl == null) break; active = ((ContainerControl)active).ActiveControl; } return active; } // Just in a separate method to make debugging a little easier, // should eventually be rolled into ActiveControl setter private Control GetCommonContainer (Control active_control, Control value) { Control new_container = null; Control prev_container = active_control; while (prev_container != null) { new_container = value.Parent; while (new_container != null) { if (new_container == prev_container) return new_container; new_container = new_container.Parent; } prev_container = prev_container.Parent; } return null; } internal void SendControlFocus (Control c) { if (c.IsHandleCreated) { XplatUI.SetFocus (c.window.Handle); } } #if NET_2_0 [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] [Localizable (true)] public SizeF AutoScaleDimensions { get { return auto_scale_dimensions; } set { if (auto_scale_dimensions != value) { auto_scale_dimensions = value; PerformAutoScale (); } } } protected SizeF AutoScaleFactor { get { if (auto_scale_dimensions.IsEmpty) return new SizeF (1f, 1f); return new SizeF(CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Width / auto_scale_dimensions.Width, CurrentAutoScaleDimensions.Height / auto_scale_dimensions.Height); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode { get { return auto_scale_mode; } set { if (this is Form) (this as Form).AutoScale = false; if (auto_scale_mode != value) { auto_scale_mode = value; if (auto_scale_mode_set) auto_scale_dimensions = SizeF.Empty; auto_scale_mode_set = true; PerformAutoScale (); } } } #endif // NET_2_0 [Browsable (false)] public override BindingContext BindingContext { get { if (base.BindingContext == null) { base.BindingContext = new BindingContext(); } return base.BindingContext; } set { base.BindingContext = value; } } #if NET_2_0 [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] public SizeF CurrentAutoScaleDimensions { get { switch(auto_scale_mode) { case AutoScaleMode.Dpi: return TextRenderer.GetDpi (); case AutoScaleMode.Font: Size s = TextRenderer.MeasureText ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890", Font); int width = (int)Math.Round ((float)s.Width / 62f); return new SizeF (width, s.Height); } return auto_scale_dimensions; } } #endif [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public Form ParentForm { get { Control parent; parent = this.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (parent is Form) { return (Form)parent; } parent = parent.Parent; } return null; } } #endregion // Public Instance Properties #region Protected Instance Methods #if NET_2_0 protected override bool CanEnableIme { get { return false; } } #endif protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { return base.CreateParams; } } #endregion // Public Instance Methods #region Public Instance Methods #if NET_2_0 internal void PerformAutoScale (bool called_by_scale) { if ((AutoScaleMode == AutoScaleMode.Inherit) && !called_by_scale) return; if ((layout_suspended > 0) && !called_by_scale) { auto_scale_pending = true; return; } // Set this first so we don't get called again from // PerformDelayedAutoScale after ResumeLayout auto_scale_pending = false; SizeF factor = AutoScaleFactor; if (AutoScaleMode == AutoScaleMode.Inherit) { ContainerControl cc = FindContainer (this.Parent); if (cc != null) factor = cc.AutoScaleFactor; } if (factor != new SizeF (1F, 1F)) { is_auto_scaling = true; SuspendLayout (); Scale (factor); ResumeLayout (false); is_auto_scaling = false; } auto_scale_dimensions = CurrentAutoScaleDimensions; } public void PerformAutoScale () { PerformAutoScale (false); } internal void PerformDelayedAutoScale () { if (auto_scale_pending) PerformAutoScale (); } internal bool IsAutoScaling { get { return is_auto_scaling; } } #endif [MonoTODO ("Stub, not implemented")] static bool ValidateWarned; public bool Validate() { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (!ValidateWarned) { Console.WriteLine("ContainerControl.Validate is not yet implemented"); ValidateWarned = true; } return true; } #if NET_2_0 public bool Validate (bool checkAutoValidate) { if ((checkAutoValidate && (AutoValidate != AutoValidate.Disable)) || !checkAutoValidate) return Validate (); return true; } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public virtual bool ValidateChildren () { return ValidateChildren (ValidationConstraints.Selectable); } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public virtual bool ValidateChildren (ValidationConstraints validationConstraints) { bool recurse = !((validationConstraints & ValidationConstraints.ImmediateChildren) == ValidationConstraints.ImmediateChildren); foreach (Control control in Controls) if (!ValidateNestedControls (control, validationConstraints, recurse)) return false; return true; } #endif bool IContainerControl.ActivateControl(Control control) { return Select(control); } #endregion // Public Instance Methods #region Protected Instance Methods [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected override void AdjustFormScrollbars(bool displayScrollbars) { base.AdjustFormScrollbars(displayScrollbars); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); } // LAMESPEC This used to be documented, but it's not in code // and no longer listed in MSDN2 // [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] // protected override void OnControlRemoved(ControlEventArgs e) { private void OnControlRemoved(object sender, ControlEventArgs e) { if (e.Control == this.unvalidated_control) { this.unvalidated_control = null; } if (e.Control == this.active_control) { this.unvalidated_control = null; } // base.OnControlRemoved(e); } protected override void OnCreateControl() { base.OnCreateControl(); // MS seems to call this here, it gets the whole databinding process started OnBindingContextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } #if NET_2_0 protected override bool ProcessCmdKey (ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if (ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData) == true) return true; return base.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData); } #endif [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected override bool ProcessDialogChar(char charCode) { if (GetTopLevel()) { if (ProcessMnemonic(charCode)) { return true; } } return base.ProcessDialogChar(charCode); } protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { Keys key; bool forward; key = keyData & Keys.KeyCode; forward = true; switch (key) { case Keys.Tab: { if ((keyData & (Keys.Alt | Keys.Control)) == Keys.None) { if (ProcessTabKey ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0)) { return true; } } break; } case Keys.Left: { forward = false; goto case Keys.Down; } case Keys.Up: { forward = false; goto case Keys.Down; } case Keys.Right: { goto case Keys.Down; } case Keys.Down: { if (SelectNextControl(active_control, forward, false, false, true)) { return true; } break; } } return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); } protected override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode) { bool wrapped; Control c; wrapped = false; c = active_control; do { c = GetNextControl(c, true); if (c != null) { // This is stupid. I want to be able to call c.ProcessMnemonic directly if (c.ProcessControlMnemonic(charCode)) { return(true); } continue; } else { if (wrapped) { break; } wrapped = true; } } while (c != active_control); return false; } protected virtual bool ProcessTabKey(bool forward) { return SelectNextControl(active_control, forward, true, true, false); } protected override void Select(bool directed, bool forward) { if (Parent != null) { IContainerControl parent = Parent.GetContainerControl (); if (parent != null) { parent.ActiveControl = this; } } if (directed && auto_select_child) { SelectNextControl (null, forward, true, true, false); } } protected virtual void UpdateDefaultButton() { // MS Internal } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch ((Msg) m.Msg) { case Msg.WM_SETFOCUS: if (active_control != null) Select (active_control); else base.WndProc (ref m); #if false else SelectNextControl (null, true, true, true, false); #endif break; default: base.WndProc(ref m); break; } } #endregion // Protected Instance Methods #region Internal Methods internal void ChildControlRemoved (Control control) { ContainerControl top_container = FindForm (); if (top_container == null) top_container = this; // Remove controls -as well as any sub control- that was in the pending validation chain ArrayList pending_validation_chain = top_container.pending_validation_chain; if (pending_validation_chain != null) { RemoveChildrenFromValidation (pending_validation_chain, control); if (pending_validation_chain.Count == 0) top_container.pending_validation_chain = null; } if (control == active_control || control.Contains (active_control)) { SelectNextControl (this, true, true, true, true); if (control == active_control || control.Contains (active_control)) { active_control = null; } } } // Check that this control (or any child) is included in the pending validation chain bool RemoveChildrenFromValidation (ArrayList validation_chain, Control c) { if (RemoveFromValidationChain (validation_chain, c)) return true; foreach (Control child in c.Controls) if (RemoveChildrenFromValidation (validation_chain, child)) return true; return false; } // Remove the top most control in the pending validation chain, as well as any children there, // taking advantage of the fact that the chain is in reverse order of the control's hierarchy bool RemoveFromValidationChain (ArrayList validation_chain, Control c) { int idx = validation_chain.IndexOf (c); if (idx > -1) { pending_validation_chain.RemoveAt (idx--); return true; } return false; } internal virtual void CheckAcceptButton() { // do nothing here, only called if it is a Form } #if NET_2_0 private bool ValidateNestedControls (Control c, ValidationConstraints constraints, bool recurse) { bool validate_result = true; if (!c.CausesValidation) validate_result = true; else if (!ValidateThisControl (c, constraints)) validate_result = true; else if (!ValidateControl (c)) validate_result = false; if (recurse) foreach (Control control in c.Controls) if (!ValidateNestedControls (control, constraints, recurse)) return false; return validate_result; } private bool ValidateThisControl (Control c, ValidationConstraints constraints) { if (constraints == ValidationConstraints.None) return true; if ((constraints & ValidationConstraints.Enabled) == ValidationConstraints.Enabled && !c.Enabled) return false; if ((constraints & ValidationConstraints.Selectable) == ValidationConstraints.Selectable && !c.GetStyle (ControlStyles.Selectable)) return false; if ((constraints & ValidationConstraints.TabStop) == ValidationConstraints.TabStop && !c.TabStop) return false; if ((constraints & ValidationConstraints.Visible) == ValidationConstraints.Visible && !c.Visible) return false; return true; } #endif #endregion // Internal Methods #if NET_2_0 protected override void OnParentChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnParentChanged (e); } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnFontChanged (e); if (AutoScaleMode == AutoScaleMode.Font) PerformAutoScale (); } protected override void OnLayout (LayoutEventArgs e) { base.OnLayout (e); } AutoValidate auto_validate = AutoValidate.Inherit; [Browsable (false)] [AmbientValue (AutoValidate.Inherit)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public virtual AutoValidate AutoValidate { get { return auto_validate; } [MonoTODO("Currently does nothing with the setting")] set { if (auto_validate != value){ auto_validate = value; OnAutoValidateChanged (new EventArgs ()); } } } internal bool ShouldSerializeAutoValidate () { return this.AutoValidate != AutoValidate.Inherit; } static object OnValidateChanged = new object (); protected virtual void OnAutoValidateChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [OnValidateChanged]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public event EventHandler AutoValidateChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (OnValidateChanged, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (OnValidateChanged, value); } } #endif } }