Guidelines for hacking SWF ========================== This document describes some of the minimal coding guidelines to be followed while hacking the new SWF implementation. These guidelines are for the sake of consistency. 1. Please refer to the design document of SWF to understand the implementation. 2. Please follow the general coding style described for the Mono project (/cvs/mcs/class/README). 3. Method stubbing is highly discouraged. It's recommended to submit an implemented method instead of just the signature. If you have to stub a property or method, please use the [MonoTODO ("what")] attribute to document what still needs to be done. 4. When you implement the drawing method for a control in a theme, it should make call to ControlPaint class methods and System.Drawing classes. If it is not possible to implement a control's draw method under these restrictions and you need some functionality from XplatUIDriver, please let us know. We will try to enhance the driver, if *really* required. 5. As mentioned in the design doc also, double buffering must be used by any new controls being added. Whenever a property or method that changes the look of the control is called, the bitmap representing the control should be updated. The Paint method should only copy the bitmap to the screen, and *not* recalculate or paint the control. To aid in double-buffering, the Control class provides the Control.DeviceContext and Control.ImageBuffer properties. A typical OnPaint will look like this: protected override void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs pevent) { pevent.Graphics.DrawImage (this.ImageBuffer, pevent.ClipRectangle, pevent.ClipRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } The ImageBuffer bitmap is supposed to contain the representation of the control, often drawn when a property is set, similar to this: public Color RectColor { set { sb.Color = value; Redraw (); } } internal void Redraw () { this.DeviceContext.FillRectangle (sb, this.ClientRectangle); } 6. Minimize redraws as much as possible by utilizing the clipRectangle when possible. 7. Setting the size of a control raises a resize event even if the control size is same. Be careful is setting the size and it's better to avoid changing the control size as much as possible. Wherever possible try scaling the control bitmap as per the size needs. 8. Make sure to call the base class event methods when overriding them. 9. Define regions in your code, as it makes it easy to browse the code in the editors which can collapse/expand regions. Also, keep the methods and properties sorted alphabetically. 10. Last but not the least, please let others on the mono-winforms-list know about your work, so that duplication can be avoided. 11. Theme.cs provides Pen and Brush caching. This allows to share the same brushes and pens between different controls and also to avoid to create and destroy them in every draw operation. You should not create Brushes or Pens directly, you should ask the Resource Pool for them. For example, instead of: new SolidBrush(button.BackColor); you should use: ResPool.GetSolidBrush (button.BackColor); Look at SystemResPool class for more details. Happy hacking!