Design of new implementation of SWF =================================== 0. About SWF: ============= SWF stands for System.Windows.Forms. This is a class library that provides a set of controls for designing application UI. 1. Architecture: ================ The new implementation of SWF is based on drivers providing access to the native windowing system of the host OS. The old implementation was based on Wine library. The motivation for new implementation comes from the problems faced with the Wine approach: - Wine was missing features that .NET provided over Win32; to add those features we would have had to write the controls managed anyway - Installation became much more difficult due to the Wine dependencies and the relatively akward way we had to initialize Wine. The new implementation takes advantage of Win32 APIs on Windows and emulates the same on Linux using X11 for window management and events. Following gives a high level idea of the new implementation of SWF. -------------------------- | Managed SWF | -------------------------- |XplatUI Driver Interface| -------------------------- | X11 Driver|Win32 Driver| | | | | Mono on | Mono on | | Linux/Mac | Windows | -------------------------- The above picture explains how the window management is done in the new implementation. For drawing the controls System.Drawing library is used. 2. Design: ========== The new design of SWF makes porting of the library to Linux/Windows/Mac very easy. All the controls in SWF inherit from Control class and most of the painting operations are done using ControlPaint class. At the low level, XplatUI class provides the abstraction over the underlying window management system. It contains a XplatUIDriver for providing the window management. XplatUIDriver is an abstract class which is implemented by XplatX11 and XplatWin32 classes respectively for Linux/Mac and Windows platforms. Support for any new platform can be added simply by implementing XplatUIDriver for the new platform. 2a. Double Buffering: ===================== For drawing controls double buffering used, so that a better performance can be achieved. Every controls maintains a bitmap image of itself. This image is used for painting the screen when a paint event is raised. When a control property changes the look of the control, it redraws the bitmap image. [Please see the guidelines document] 2b. Themes: =========== The look of any control is supposed to be controlled by the chosen theme. All control drawing needs to be done by the currently selected theme class. The ThemeEngine class manages the themes. All the themes implement Theme abstract class. The Theme class provides the drawing primitives for all controls. The current implementation supports the Windows Classic theme through the ThemeWin32Classic class and the Gnome theme through the ThemeGtk class. Gnome support is still very incomplete (even more incomplete than SWF itself) 2c. Multi-threading: ==================== - To be added. 2d. Issues: =========== - To be added.