using System; using System.Data; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace IBM.Data.DB2 { public sealed class DB2Parameter : MarshalByRefObject, IDbDataParameter, IDataParameter, ICloneable { private DbType dbType = DbType.Object; private DB2Type db2Type = DB2Type.Invalid; private short db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE; private short db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE; private ParameterDirection direction; private short db2Direction = DB2Constants.SQL_PARAM_INPUT; private bool nullable = true; private string parameterName; private string sourceColumn; private DataRowVersion sourceVersion; private object dataVal; private byte scale, precision; private int size; internal IntPtr internalBuffer; internal IntPtr internalLengthBuffer; internal int requiredMemory; #region Contructors and destructors public DB2Parameter() { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; } public DB2Parameter(string name, DB2Type type) { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; this.ParameterName = name; this.DB2Type = type; } public DB2Parameter(string name, DB2Type type, int size) { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; this.ParameterName = name; this.DB2Type = type; this.Size = size; } public DB2Parameter(string name, DB2Type type, int size, string sourceColumn) { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; this.ParameterName = name; this.DB2Type = type; this.Size = size; this.SourceColumn = sourceColumn; } //only for testing purposes!!! public DB2Parameter(string name, short type, int size, string sourceColumn) { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; this.ParameterName = name; this.db2DataType = type; this.Size = size; this.SourceColumn = sourceColumn; } public DB2Parameter(string parameterName, object value) { direction = ParameterDirection.Input; sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; this.ParameterName = parameterName; this.Value = value; } public DB2Parameter(string parameterName, DB2Type db2Type, int size, ParameterDirection parameterDirection, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value) { this.ParameterName = parameterName; this.DB2Type = db2Type; this.Size = size; this.Direction = parameterDirection; this.IsNullable = isNullable; this.Precision = precision; this.Scale = scale; this.SourceColumn = srcColumn; this.SourceVersion = srcVersion; this.Value = value; } #endregion #region Properties #region DbType Property public DB2Type DB2Type { get { return db2Type; } set { db2Type = value; switch(db2Type) { case DB2Type.Invalid: dbType = DbType.Object; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE; break; case DB2Type.SmallInt: dbType = DbType.Int16; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT; break; case DB2Type.Integer: dbType = DbType.Int32; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER; break; case DB2Type.BigInt: dbType = DbType.Int64; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT; break; case DB2Type.Real: dbType = DbType.Single; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_REAL; break; case DB2Type.Double: dbType = DbType.Double; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DOUBLE; break; case DB2Type.Float: dbType = DbType.Single; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_REAL; break; case DB2Type.Decimal: dbType = DbType.Decimal; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL; break; case DB2Type.Numeric: dbType = DbType.VarNumeric; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Date: dbType = DbType.Date; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_DATE; break; case DB2Type.Time: dbType = DbType.Time; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIME; break; case DB2Type.Timestamp: dbType = DbType.DateTime; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; break; case DB2Type.Char: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.VarChar: dbType = DbType.StringFixedLength; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.LongVarChar: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Binary: dbType = DbType.Binary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; break; case DB2Type.VarBinary: dbType = DbType.Binary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; break; case DB2Type.LongVarBinary: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Graphic: dbType = DbType.StringFixedLength; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.VarGraphic: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.LongVarGraphic: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Clob: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Blob: dbType = DbType.Binary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; break; case DB2Type.DbClob: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DB2Type.Datalink: dbType = DbType.Byte; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; break; case DB2Type.RowId: dbType = DbType.Decimal; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL; break; case DB2Type.XmlReader: dbType = DbType.String; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Value is of unknown data type"); } } } /// /// Parameter data type /// public DbType DbType { get { return dbType; } set { dbType = value; switch(dbType) { case DbType.AnsiString: db2Type = DB2Type.VarChar; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength: db2Type = DB2Type.Char; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DbType.Binary: db2Type = DB2Type.Binary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; break; case DbType.Boolean: db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIT; break; case DbType.Byte: db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UTINYINT; break; case DbType.Currency: db2Type = DB2Type.Decimal; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL; break; case DbType.Date: db2Type = DB2Type.Date; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_DATE; break; case DbType.DateTime: db2Type = DB2Type.Timestamp; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; break; case DbType.Decimal: db2Type = DB2Type.Decimal; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL; break; case DbType.Double: db2Type = DB2Type.Double; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DOUBLE; break; case DbType.Guid: db2Type = DB2Type.Binary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DbType.Int16: db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT; break; case DbType.Int32: db2Type = DB2Type.Integer; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER; break; case DbType.Int64: db2Type = DB2Type.BigInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT; break; case DbType.Object: db2Type = DB2Type.Invalid; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE; break; case DbType.SByte: db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UTINYINT; break; case DbType.Single: db2Type = DB2Type.Float; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_REAL; break; case DbType.String: db2Type = DB2Type.VarChar; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DbType.StringFixedLength: db2Type = DB2Type.Char; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case DbType.Time: db2Type = DB2Type.Time; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIME; break; case DbType.UInt16: db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT; break; case DbType.UInt32: db2Type = DB2Type.Integer; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER; break; case DbType.UInt64: db2Type = DB2Type.BigInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT; break; case DbType.VarNumeric: db2Type = DB2Type.Numeric; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Value is of unknown data type"); } } } #endregion #region Direction /// /// In or out parameter, or both /// public ParameterDirection Direction { get { return direction; } set { direction = value; switch(direction) { default: case ParameterDirection.Input: db2Direction = DB2Constants.SQL_PARAM_INPUT; break; case ParameterDirection.Output: db2Direction = DB2Constants.SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT; break; case ParameterDirection.InputOutput: db2Direction = DB2Constants.SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT; break; case ParameterDirection.ReturnValue: db2Direction = DB2Constants.SQL_RETURN_VALUE; break; } } } #endregion #region IsNullable /// /// Does this parameter support a null value /// public bool IsNullable { get { return nullable; } set { nullable = value; } } #endregion #region ParameterName public string ParameterName { get { return parameterName; } set { parameterName = value; } } #endregion #region SourceColumn /// /// Gets or sets the name of the source column that is mapped to the DataSet /// public string SourceColumn { get { return sourceColumn; } set { sourceColumn = value; } } #endregion #region SourceVersion /// /// DataRowVersion property /// public DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { return sourceVersion; } set { sourceVersion = value; } } #endregion #region IDbDataParameter properties public byte Precision { get { return precision; } set { precision = value; } } public byte Scale { get { return scale; } set { scale = value; } } public int Size { get { return size; } set { size = value; } } #endregion #region Value /// /// The actual parameter data /// public object Value { get { return dataVal; } set { this.dataVal = value; } } #endregion #endregion #region inferType Method /// /// Determine the data type based on the value /// private void InferType() { if(Value == null) throw new ArgumentException("No DB2Parameter.Value found"); if(Value is IConvertible) { switch(((IConvertible)Value).GetTypeCode()) { case TypeCode.Char: dbType = DbType.Byte; db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case TypeCode.Boolean: dbType = DbType.Byte; db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIT; break; case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: dbType = DbType.Byte; db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_UTINYINT; break; case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int16: dbType = DbType.Int16; db2Type = DB2Type.SmallInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT; break; case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int32: dbType = DbType.Int32; db2Type = DB2Type.Integer; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER; break; case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Int64: dbType = DbType.Int64; db2Type = DB2Type.BigInt; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT; break; case TypeCode.Single: dbType = DbType.Single; db2Type = DB2Type.Float; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_REAL; break; case TypeCode.Double: dbType = DbType.Double; db2Type = DB2Type.Double; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DOUBLE; break; case TypeCode.Decimal: dbType = DbType.Decimal; db2Type = DB2Type.Decimal; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL; break; case TypeCode.DateTime: dbType = DbType.DateTime; db2Type = DB2Type.Timestamp; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; break; case TypeCode.String: dbType = DbType.String; db2Type = DB2Type.VarChar; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR; break; case TypeCode.Object: case TypeCode.DBNull: case TypeCode.Empty: throw new SystemException("Unknown data type"); default: throw new SystemException("Value is of unknown data type"); } } else if(Value is byte[]) { dbType = DbType.Binary; db2Type = DB2Type.VarBinary; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY; } else if(Value is TimeSpan) { dbType = DbType.Time; db2Type = DB2Type.Time; db2DataType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIME; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Value is of unsupported data type"); } } #endregion internal void CalculateRequiredmemory() { if((direction == ParameterDirection.Input) || (direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) { if(Value == null) throw new ArgumentException("Value missing"); } if(dbType == DbType.Object) { if((direction == ParameterDirection.Output) || (direction == ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)) throw new ArgumentException("Unknown type"); if((direction != ParameterDirection.Input) || !Convert.IsDBNull(Value)) { InferType(); } } if((db2DataType == DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY) || (db2DataType == DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR)) { if(Size <= 0) { if(direction != ParameterDirection.Input) throw new ArgumentException("Size not specified"); if(Value == DBNull.Value) requiredMemory = 0; else if(Value is string) requiredMemory = ((string)Value).Length; else if(Value is byte[]) requiredMemory = ((byte[])Value).Length; else throw new ArgumentException("wrong type!?"); } else { requiredMemory = Size; } if(db2DataType == DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR) requiredMemory = (requiredMemory * 2) + 2; requiredMemory = (requiredMemory | 0xf) + 1; } requiredMemory = Math.Max(128, requiredMemory); } #region Bind /// /// Bind this parameter /// internal short Bind(IntPtr hwndStmt, short paramNum) { int inLength = requiredMemory; db2LastUsedDataType = db2DataType; short db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_DEFAULT; if((direction == ParameterDirection.Input) || (direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) { if(Convert.IsDBNull(Value)) { inLength = DB2Constants.SQL_NULL_DATA; if((db2DataType == DB2Constants.SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE) || (db2DataType == DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL)) { db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARGRAPHIC; db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_WCHAR; } } } if((direction == ParameterDirection.Input) || (direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) { switch (db2DataType) { case DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR: string tmpString = Convert.ToString(Value); inLength = tmpString.Length; if((Size > 0) && (inLength > Size)) inLength = Size; Marshal.Copy(tmpString.ToCharArray(), 0, internalBuffer, inLength); inLength *= 2; db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARGRAPHIC; db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_WCHAR; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY: byte[] tmpBytes = (byte[])Value; inLength = tmpBytes.Length; if((Size > 0) && (inLength > Size)) inLength = Size; Marshal.Copy(tmpBytes, 0, internalBuffer, inLength); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_BINARY; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_BIT: case DB2Constants.SQL_UTINYINT: case DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT: Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, Convert.ToInt16(Value)); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SSHORT; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER: Marshal.WriteInt32(internalBuffer, Convert.ToInt32(Value)); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SLONG; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT: Marshal.WriteInt64(internalBuffer, Convert.ToInt64(Value)); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SBIGINT; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_REAL: Marshal.StructureToPtr((float)Convert.ToDouble(Value), internalBuffer, false); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_REAL; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_DOUBLE: Marshal.StructureToPtr(Convert.ToDouble(Value), internalBuffer, false); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_DOUBLE; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL: byte[] tmpDecimalData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( Convert.ToDecimal(Value).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); inLength = Math.Min(tmpDecimalData.Length, requiredMemory); Marshal.Copy(tmpDecimalData, 0, internalBuffer, inLength); db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARCHAR; db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_CHAR; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_DATE: DateTime tmpDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Value); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 0, (short)tmpDate.Year); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 2, (short)tmpDate.Month); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 4, (short)tmpDate.Day); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_DATE; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: DateTime tmpDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(Value); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 0, (short)tmpDateTime.Year); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 2, (short)tmpDateTime.Month); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 4, (short)tmpDateTime.Day); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 6, (short)tmpDateTime.Hour); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 8, (short)tmpDateTime.Minute); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 10, (short)tmpDateTime.Second); Marshal.WriteInt32(internalBuffer, 12, (int)((tmpDateTime.Ticks % 10000000) * 100)); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIME: TimeSpan tmpTime = (TimeSpan)Value; Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 0, (short)tmpTime.Hours); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 2, (short)tmpTime.Minutes); Marshal.WriteInt16(internalBuffer, 4, (short)tmpTime.Seconds); db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_TIME; break; } } else { switch (db2DataType) { case DB2Constants.SQL_WCHAR: db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARGRAPHIC; db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_WCHAR; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_VARBINARY: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_BINARY; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_BIT: case DB2Constants.SQL_UTINYINT: case DB2Constants.SQL_SMALLINT: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SSHORT; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_INTEGER: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SLONG; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_BIGINT: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_SBIGINT; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_REAL: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_REAL; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_DOUBLE: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_DOUBLE; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_DECIMAL: db2LastUsedDataType = DB2Constants.SQL_VARCHAR; db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_CHAR; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_DATE: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_DATE; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; break; case DB2Constants.SQL_TYPE_TIME: db2CType = DB2Constants.SQL_C_TYPE_TIME; break; } } Marshal.WriteInt32(internalLengthBuffer, inLength); short sqlRet = DB2CLIWrapper.SQLBindParameter(hwndStmt, paramNum, db2Direction, db2CType, db2LastUsedDataType, Size, Scale, internalBuffer, requiredMemory, internalLengthBuffer); return sqlRet; } #endregion object ICloneable.Clone () { DB2Parameter clone = new DB2Parameter(); clone.dbType = dbType; clone.db2Type = db2Type; clone.db2DataType = db2DataType; clone.db2LastUsedDataType = db2LastUsedDataType; clone.direction = direction; clone.db2Direction = db2Direction; clone.nullable = nullable; clone.parameterName = parameterName; clone.sourceColumn = sourceColumn; clone.sourceVersion = sourceVersion; clone.dataVal = dataVal; clone.scale = scale; clone.precision = precision; clone.size = size; if(dataVal is ICloneable) { clone.dataVal = ((ICloneable)dataVal).Clone(); } return clone; } internal void GetOutValue() { int length = Marshal.ReadInt32(internalLengthBuffer); if(length == DB2Constants.SQL_NULL_DATA) { dataVal = DBNull.Value; return; } switch(DB2Type) { case DB2Type.SmallInt: dataVal = Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer); break; case DB2Type.Integer: dataVal = Marshal.ReadInt32(internalBuffer); break; case DB2Type.BigInt: dataVal = Marshal.ReadInt64(internalBuffer); break; case DB2Type.Double: dataVal = Marshal.PtrToStructure(internalBuffer, typeof(Double)); break; case DB2Type.Float: dataVal = Marshal.PtrToStructure(internalBuffer, typeof(Single)); break; case DB2Type.Char: case DB2Type.VarChar: case DB2Type.LongVarChar: case DB2Type.Graphic: case DB2Type.VarGraphic: case DB2Type.LongVarGraphic: case DB2Type.Clob: case DB2Type.DbClob: dataVal = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(internalBuffer, Math.Min(Size, length / 2)); break; case DB2Type.Binary: case DB2Type.VarBinary: case DB2Type.LongVarBinary: case DB2Type.Blob: case DB2Type.Datalink: length = Math.Min(Size, length); dataVal = new byte[length]; Marshal.Copy(internalBuffer, (byte[])dataVal, 0, length); break; case DB2Type.Decimal: dataVal = decimal.Parse(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(internalBuffer, length), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case DB2Type.Timestamp: DateTime dtTmp = new DateTime( Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 0), // year Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 2), // month Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 4), // day Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 6), // hour Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 8), // minute Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 10));// second dataVal = dtTmp.AddTicks(Marshal.ReadInt32(internalBuffer, 12) / 100); // nanoseconds break; case DB2Type.Date: dataVal = new DateTime( Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 0), Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 2), Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 4)); break; case DB2Type.Time: dataVal = new TimeSpan( Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 0), // Hour Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 2), // Minute Marshal.ReadInt16(internalBuffer, 4)); // Second break; case DB2Type.Invalid: case DB2Type.Real: case DB2Type.Numeric: case DB2Type.RowId: case DB2Type.XmlReader: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new NotSupportedException("unknown data type"); } } } }