using System; using System.Data; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace IBM.Data.DB2 { /// /// DB2Prototypes class is a wrapper for the DB2.lib, IBM's Call Level Interface to DB2 /// /// #region comented /*internal class DB2CLIWrapper { #if (OS_LINUX) private const string libname = "db2_36"; #endif #if (OS_WINDOWS) private const string libname = "db2cli"; #endif [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLAllocHandle")] internal static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle, ref IntPtr outputHandle); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLFreeHandle")] internal static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW")] internal static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, [Out] IntPtr ValuePtr, int BufferLength, out int StringLengthPtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW")] internal static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, out int Value, int BufferLength, IntPtr Zero); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLFreeStmt")] internal static extern short SQLFreeStmt(IntPtr StatementHandle, short option); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLConnect")] internal static extern short SQLConnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc, string serverName, short serverNameLength, string userName, short userNameLength, string authentication, short authenticationLength); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLColAttribute")] internal static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, IntPtr CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, ref short StringLength, ref int NumericAttribute); //[DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] // internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, IntPtr BufferLength, ref IntPtr StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint="SQLMoreResults")] internal static extern short SQLMoreResults(IntPtr StatementHandle); //[DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] //internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, IntPtr BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); //[DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] //internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, byte[] TargetPtr, IntPtr BufferLength, ref IntPtr StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, byte[] TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] internal static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, [Out] StringBuilder sb, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLColAttributeW")] internal static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, [Out] StringBuilder CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, out short StringLength, out int NumericAttribute); [DllImport("db2cli", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, EntryPoint = "SQLDisconnect")] internal static extern short SQLDisconnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetDiagRec")] internal static extern short SQLGetDiagRec( short handleType, IntPtr handle, short recNum, [Out] StringBuilder sqlState, ref IntPtr nativeErrorPtr, [Out] StringBuilder errorMessage, short bufferLength, ref IntPtr shortTextLengthPtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLSetConnectAttr")] internal static extern short SQLSetConnectAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, long sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, long sqlValueLength); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLSetStmtAttr")] internal static extern short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHstmt, long sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, long sqlValueLength); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLEndTran")] internal static extern short SQLEndTran (short handleType, IntPtr handle, short fType); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLCancel")] internal static extern short SQLCancel(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLNumResultCols")] internal static extern short SQLNumResultCols(IntPtr handle, ref int numCols); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLFetch")] internal static extern short SQLFetch(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLRowCount")] internal static extern short SQLRowCount(IntPtr stmtHandle, ref int numRows); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLExecute")] internal static extern short SQLExecute(IntPtr handle); [DllImport ("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLExecDirect")] internal static extern short SQLExecDirect(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLDescribeCol")] internal static extern short SQLDescribeCol(IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort colNum, StringBuilder colName, short colNameMaxLength, IntPtr colNameLength, ref IntPtr dataType, ref IntPtr colSizePtr, ref IntPtr scalePtr, ref IntPtr nullablePtr ); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLBindCol")] internal static extern short SQLBindCol(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetValue, IntPtr BufferLength, ref IntPtr StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLDriverConnect")] internal static extern short SQLDriverConnect(IntPtr hdbc, int centered, [In] string inConnectStr, [In] int inStrLength, [Out] StringBuilder outConnectStr, [Out] int outStrCapacity, [Out] IntPtr outStrLengthReturned, [In] int completion); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLPrepare")] internal static extern short SQLPrepare(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLDescribeParam")] internal static extern short SQLDescribeParam(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber,ref IntPtr dataType, ref IntPtr paramSize, ref IntPtr decimalDigits, ref IntPtr nullable); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLNumParams")] internal static extern short SQLNumParams(IntPtr stmtHandle, ref IntPtr numParams); [DllImport("db2cli")] internal static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, uint colSize, short decDigits, IntPtr dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport("db2cli")] internal static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, uint colSize, short decDigits, byte[] dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLBindParameter")] internal static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, uint colSize, short decDigits, ref int dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLBindParameter")] internal static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, uint colSize, short decDigits, ref double dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLDescribeParam")] internal static extern short SQLDescribeParam(IntPtr stmtHandle, short ParameterNumber, IntPtr DataTypePtr, IntPtr ParameterSizePtr, IntPtr DecimalDigitsPtr, IntPtr NullablePtr); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetLength")] internal static extern short SQLGetLength( IntPtr stmtHandle, short locatorCType, int Locator, IntPtr stringLength, IntPtr indicatorValue); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetPosition")] internal static extern short SQLGetPosition(IntPtr stmtHandle, short locatorCType, int sourceLocator, int searchLocator, string searchLiteral, int searchLiteralLength, uint fromPosition, IntPtr locatedAt, IntPtr indicatorValue); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetPosition")] internal static extern short SQLBindFileToCol (IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort colNum, string fileName, IntPtr fileNameLength, IntPtr fileOptions, short maxFileNameLength, IntPtr stringLength, IntPtr indicatorValue); [DllImport("db2cli", EntryPoint = "SQLGetPosition")] internal static extern short SQLBindFileToParam (IntPtr stmtHandle, ushort targetType, short dataType, string fileName, IntPtr fileNameLength, short maxFileNameLength, IntPtr indicatorValue); }*/ #endregion internal class DB2CLIWrapper { static bool useLibCli; static public short Initialize(ref IntPtr pEnvHandle) { string OSVersion = Environment.OSVersion.ToString(); useLibCli = true; if(OSVersion.Substring(0,4)=="Unix"){ useLibCli = false; } return DB2CLIWrapper.SQLAllocHandle(DB2Constants.SQL_HANDLE_ENV, IntPtr.Zero, out pEnvHandle); } static public short SQLAllocHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle, out IntPtr outputHandle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLAllocHandle(handleType, inputHandle, out outputHandle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLAllocHandle(handleType, inputHandle, out outputHandle); } static public short SQLFreeHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLFreeHandle(handleType, inputHandle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLFreeHandle(handleType, inputHandle); } static public short SQLFreeStmt(IntPtr StatementHandle, short option) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLFreeStmt(StatementHandle, option); return StaticWrapper36.SQLFreeStmt(StatementHandle, option); } static public short SQLConnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc, string serverName, short serverNameLength, string userName, short userNameLength, string authentication, short authenticationLength) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLConnect(sqlHdbc, serverName, serverNameLength, userName, userNameLength, authentication, authenticationLength); return StaticWrapper36.SQLConnect(sqlHdbc, serverName, serverNameLength, userName, userNameLength, authentication, authenticationLength); } static public short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, StringBuilder CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, out short StringLength, out int NumericAttribute) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLColAttribute(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, FieldIdentifier, CharacterAttribute, BufferLength, out StringLength, out NumericAttribute); return StaticWrapper36.SQLColAttribute(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, FieldIdentifier, CharacterAttribute, BufferLength, out StringLength, out NumericAttribute); } static public short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, IntPtr ValuePtr, int BufferLength, out int StringLengthPtr) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetConnectAttr(ConnectionHandle, Attribute, ValuePtr, BufferLength, out StringLengthPtr); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetConnectAttr(ConnectionHandle, Attribute, ValuePtr, BufferLength, out StringLengthPtr); } static public short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, out int Value, int BufferLength, IntPtr Zero) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetConnectAttr(ConnectionHandle, Attribute, out Value, BufferLength, Zero); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetConnectAttr(ConnectionHandle, Attribute, out Value, BufferLength, Zero); } static public short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, IntPtr CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, ref short StringLength, ref int NumericAttribute) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLColAttribute(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, FieldIdentifier, CharacterAttribute, BufferLength, ref StringLength, ref NumericAttribute); return StaticWrapper36.SQLColAttribute(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, FieldIdentifier, CharacterAttribute, BufferLength, ref StringLength, ref NumericAttribute); } static public short SQLMoreResults(IntPtr StatementHandle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLMoreResults(StatementHandle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLMoreResults(StatementHandle); } static public short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, StringBuilder sb, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, sb, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, sb, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); } static public short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, TargetPtr, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, TargetPtr, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); } static public short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, byte[] TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, TargetPtr, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, TargetPtr, BufferLength, out StrLen_or_Ind); } static public short SQLDisconnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLDisconnect(sqlHdbc); return StaticWrapper36.SQLDisconnect(sqlHdbc); } static public short SQLGetDiagRec( short handleType, IntPtr handle, short recNum, StringBuilder sqlState, out int nativeError, StringBuilder errorMessage, int bufferLength, out short textLengthPtr) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetDiagRec( handleType, handle, recNum, sqlState, out nativeError, errorMessage, bufferLength, out textLengthPtr); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetDiagRec( handleType, handle, recNum, sqlState, out nativeError, errorMessage, bufferLength, out textLengthPtr); } static public short SQLSetConnectAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLSetConnectAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); return StaticWrapper36.SQLSetConnectAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); } static public short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLSetStmtAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); return StaticWrapper36.SQLSetStmtAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); } //for bulk operations static public short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, ushort[] sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLSetStmtAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); return StaticWrapper36.SQLSetStmtAttr(sqlHdbc, sqlAttr, sqlValuePtr, sqlValueLength); } static public short SQLEndTran (short handleType, IntPtr handle, short fType) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLEndTran (handleType, handle, fType); return StaticWrapper36.SQLEndTran (handleType, handle, fType); } static public short SQLCancel(IntPtr handle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLCancel(handle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLCancel(handle); } static public short SQLNumResultCols(IntPtr handle, out short numCols) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLNumResultCols(handle, out numCols); return StaticWrapper36.SQLNumResultCols(handle, out numCols); } static public short SQLFetch(IntPtr handle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLFetch(handle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLFetch(handle); } static public short SQLRowCount(IntPtr stmtHandle, out int numRows) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLRowCount(stmtHandle, out numRows); return StaticWrapper36.SQLRowCount(stmtHandle, out numRows); } static public short SQLExecute(IntPtr handle) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLExecute(handle); return StaticWrapper36.SQLExecute(handle); } static public short SQLExecDirect(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLExecDirect(stmtHandle, stmt, length); return StaticWrapper36.SQLExecDirect(stmtHandle, stmt, length); } static public short SQLDriverConnect(IntPtr hdbc, IntPtr windowHandle, string inConnectStr, short inStrLength, StringBuilder outConnectStr, short outStrCapacity, out short outStrLengthReturned, int completion) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, windowHandle, inConnectStr, inStrLength, outConnectStr, outStrCapacity, out outStrLengthReturned, completion); return StaticWrapper36.SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, windowHandle, inConnectStr, inStrLength, outConnectStr, outStrCapacity, out outStrLengthReturned, completion); } static public short SQLPrepare(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLPrepare(stmtHandle, stmt, length); return StaticWrapper36.SQLPrepare(stmtHandle, stmt, length); } static public short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, IntPtr dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLBindParameter(stmtHandle, paramNumber, dataType, valueType, paramType, colSize, decDigits, dataBufferPtr, dataBufferLength, StrLen_or_IndPtr); return StaticWrapper36.SQLBindParameter(stmtHandle, paramNumber, dataType, valueType, paramType, colSize, decDigits, dataBufferPtr, dataBufferLength, StrLen_or_IndPtr); } static public short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, int[] dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLBindParameter(stmtHandle, paramNumber, dataType, valueType, paramType, colSize, decDigits, dataBufferPtr, dataBufferLength, StrLen_or_IndPtr); return StaticWrapper36.SQLBindParameter(stmtHandle, paramNumber, dataType, valueType, paramType, colSize, decDigits, dataBufferPtr, dataBufferLength, StrLen_or_IndPtr); } public static short SQLGetInfo(IntPtr sqlHdbc, short fInfoType, [Out] StringBuilder rgbInfoValue, short cbInfoValueMax, out short pcbInfoValue) { if(useLibCli) return StaticWrapperCli.SQLGetInfo(sqlHdbc, fInfoType, rgbInfoValue, cbInfoValueMax, out pcbInfoValue); return StaticWrapper36.SQLGetInfo(sqlHdbc, fInfoType, rgbInfoValue, cbInfoValueMax, out pcbInfoValue); } /// /// db2Prototypes class is a wrapper for the db2.lib, IBM's Call Level Interface to Db2 /// public class StaticWrapperCli { private const string libname = "db2cli"; [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLAllocHandle")] public static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle, out IntPtr outputHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFreeHandle")] public static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFreeStmt")] public static extern short SQLFreeStmt(IntPtr StatementHandle, short option); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLConnectW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLConnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc, string serverName, short serverNameLength, string userName, short userNameLength, string authentication, short authenticationLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLColAttributeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, [Out] StringBuilder CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, out short StringLength, out int NumericAttribute); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, [Out] IntPtr ValuePtr, int BufferLength, out int StringLengthPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, out int Value, int BufferLength, IntPtr Zero); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLColAttributeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, IntPtr CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, ref short StringLength, ref int NumericAttribute); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint="SQLMoreResults")] public static extern short SQLMoreResults(IntPtr StatementHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, [Out] StringBuilder sb, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, [Out] byte[] TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLDisconnect")] public static extern short SQLDisconnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetDiagRec")] public static extern short SQLGetDiagRec( short handleType, IntPtr handle, short recNum, [Out] StringBuilder sqlState, out int nativeError, [Out] StringBuilder errorMessage, int bufferLength, out short textLengthPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetConnectAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetConnectAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetStmtAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); //For bulk operations [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetStmtAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, ushort[] sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLEndTran")] public static extern short SQLEndTran (short handleType, IntPtr handle, short fType); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLCancel")] public static extern short SQLCancel(IntPtr handle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLNumResultCols")] public static extern short SQLNumResultCols(IntPtr handle, out short numCols); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFetch")] public static extern short SQLFetch(IntPtr handle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLRowCount")] public static extern short SQLRowCount(IntPtr stmtHandle, out int numRows); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLExecute")] public static extern short SQLExecute(IntPtr handle); [DllImport (libname, EntryPoint = "SQLExecDirectW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLExecDirect(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLDriverConnectW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLDriverConnect(IntPtr hdbc, IntPtr windowHandle, [In] string inConnectStr, [In] short inStrLength, [Out] StringBuilder outConnectStr, [Out] short outStrCapacity, out short outStrLengthReturned, [In] int completion); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLPrepareW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLPrepare(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport(libname)] public static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, IntPtr dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport(libname)] public static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, int[] dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetInfoW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetInfo(IntPtr sqlHdbc, short fInfoType, [Out] StringBuilder rgbInfoValue, short cbInfoValueMax, out short pcbInfoValue); } public class StaticWrapper36 { private const string libname = "db2_36"; [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLAllocHandle")] public static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle, out IntPtr outputHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFreeHandle")] public static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short handleType, IntPtr inputHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFreeStmt")] public static extern short SQLFreeStmt(IntPtr StatementHandle, short option); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLConnect", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern short SQLConnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc, string serverName, short serverNameLength, string userName, short userNameLength, string authentication, short authenticationLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLColAttributeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, [Out] StringBuilder CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, out short StringLength, out int NumericAttribute); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, [Out] IntPtr ValuePtr, int BufferLength, out int StringLengthPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetConnectAttrW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetConnectAttr(IntPtr ConnectionHandle, int Attribute, out int Value, int BufferLength, IntPtr Zero); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLColAttributeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLColAttribute(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short FieldIdentifier, IntPtr CharacterAttribute, short BufferLength, ref short StringLength, ref int NumericAttribute); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint="SQLMoreResults")] public static extern short SQLMoreResults(IntPtr StatementHandle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, [Out] StringBuilder sb, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, IntPtr TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetData")] public static extern short SQLGetData(IntPtr StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, short TargetType, [Out] byte[] TargetPtr, int BufferLength, out int StrLen_or_Ind); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLDisconnect")] public static extern short SQLDisconnect(IntPtr sqlHdbc); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetDiagRec")] public static extern short SQLGetDiagRec( short handleType, IntPtr handle, short recNum, [Out] StringBuilder sqlState, out int nativeError, [Out] StringBuilder errorMessage, int bufferLength, out short textLengthPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetConnectAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetConnectAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetStmtAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, [In] IntPtr sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); //for bulk operations [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLSetStmtAttr")] public static extern short SQLSetStmtAttr(IntPtr sqlHdbc, int sqlAttr, ushort[] sqlValuePtr, int sqlValueLength); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLEndTran")] public static extern short SQLEndTran (short handleType, IntPtr handle, short fType); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLCancel")] public static extern short SQLCancel(IntPtr handle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLNumResultCols")] public static extern short SQLNumResultCols(IntPtr handle, out short numCols); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLFetch")] public static extern short SQLFetch(IntPtr handle); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLRowCount")] public static extern short SQLRowCount(IntPtr stmtHandle, out int numRows); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLExecute")] public static extern short SQLExecute(IntPtr handle); [DllImport (libname, EntryPoint = "SQLExecDirectW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLExecDirect(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLDriverConnectW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLDriverConnect(IntPtr hdbc, IntPtr windowHandle, [In] string inConnectStr, [In] short inStrLength, [Out] StringBuilder outConnectStr, [Out] short outStrCapacity, out short outStrLengthReturned, [In] int completion); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLPrepareW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLPrepare(IntPtr stmtHandle, string stmt, int length); [DllImport(libname)] public static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, IntPtr dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport(libname)] public static extern short SQLBindParameter(IntPtr stmtHandle, short paramNumber, short dataType, short valueType, short paramType, int colSize, short decDigits, int[] dataBufferPtr, int dataBufferLength, IntPtr StrLen_or_IndPtr); [DllImport(libname, EntryPoint = "SQLGetInfoW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern short SQLGetInfo(IntPtr sqlHdbc, short fInfoType, [Out] StringBuilder rgbInfoValue, short cbInfoValueMax, out short pcbInfoValue); } } }