/* * CP932.cs - Japanese (Shift-JIS) code page. * * Copyright (c) 2002 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // // Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. // namespace I18N.CJK { using System; using System.Text; using I18N.Common; [Serializable] public unsafe class CP932 : MonoEncoding { // Magic number used by Windows for the Shift-JIS code page. private const int SHIFTJIS_CODE_PAGE = 932; // Constructor. public CP932() : base(SHIFTJIS_CODE_PAGE) { } // Get the number of bytes needed to encode a character buffer. public unsafe override int GetByteCountImpl (char* chars, int count) { int index = 0; // Determine the length of the final output. int length = 0; int ch, value; #if __PNET__ byte *cjkToJis = JISConvert.Convert.cjkToJis; byte *extraToJis = JISConvert.Convert.extraToJis; #else byte[] cjkToJis = JISConvert.Convert.cjkToJis; byte[] extraToJis = JISConvert.Convert.extraToJis; #endif while(count > 0) { ch = chars[index++]; --count; ++length; if(ch < 0x0080) { // Character maps to itself. continue; } else if(ch < 0x0100) { // Check for special Latin 1 characters that // can be mapped to double-byte code points. if(ch == 0x00A2 || ch == 0x00A3 || ch == 0x00A7 || ch == 0x00A8 || ch == 0x00AC || ch == 0x00B0 || ch == 0x00B1 || ch == 0x00B4 || ch == 0x00B6 || ch == 0x00D7 || ch == 0x00F7) { ++length; } } else if(ch >= 0x0391 && ch <= 0x0451) { // Greek subset characters. ++length; } else if(ch >= 0x2010 && ch <= 0x9FA5) { // This range contains the bulk of the CJK set. value = (ch - 0x2010) * 2; value = ((int)(cjkToJis[value])) | (((int)(cjkToJis[value + 1])) << 8); if(value >= 0x0100) { ++length; } } else if(ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xE757) // PrivateUse ++length; else if(ch >= 0xFF01 && ch <= 0xFFEF) { // This range contains extra characters, // including half-width katakana. value = (ch - 0xFF01) * 2; value = ((int)(extraToJis[value])) | (((int)(extraToJis[value + 1])) << 8); if(value >= 0x0100) { ++length; } } } // Return the length to the caller. return length; } // Get the bytes that result from encoding a character buffer. public unsafe override int GetBytesImpl ( char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount) { int charIndex = 0; int byteIndex = 0; #if NET_2_0 EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer = null; #endif // Convert the characters into their byte form. int posn = byteIndex; int byteLength = byteCount; int ch, value; #if __PNET__ byte *cjkToJis = JISConvert.Convert.cjkToJis; byte *greekToJis = JISConvert.Convert.greekToJis; byte *extraToJis = JISConvert.Convert.extraToJis; #else byte[] cjkToJis = JISConvert.Convert.cjkToJis; byte[] greekToJis = JISConvert.Convert.greekToJis; byte[] extraToJis = JISConvert.Convert.extraToJis; #endif while(charCount > 0) { ch = chars[charIndex++]; --charCount; if(posn >= byteLength) { throw new ArgumentException (Strings.GetString("Arg_InsufficientSpace"), "bytes"); } if(ch < 0x0080) { // Character maps to itself. bytes[posn++] = (byte)ch; continue; } else if(ch < 0x0100) { // Check for special Latin 1 characters that // can be mapped to double-byte code points. if(ch == 0x00A2 || ch == 0x00A3 || ch == 0x00A7 || ch == 0x00A8 || ch == 0x00AC || ch == 0x00B0 || ch == 0x00B1 || ch == 0x00B4 || ch == 0x00B6 || ch == 0x00D7 || ch == 0x00F7) { if((posn + 1) >= byteLength) { throw new ArgumentException (Strings.GetString ("Arg_InsufficientSpace"), "bytes"); } switch(ch) { case 0x00A2: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x91; break; case 0x00A3: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x92; break; case 0x00A7: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x98; break; case 0x00A8: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x4E; break; case 0x00AC: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0xCA; break; case 0x00B0: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x8B; break; case 0x00B1: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x7D; break; case 0x00B4: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x4C; break; case 0x00B6: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0xF7; break; case 0x00D7: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x7E; break; case 0x00F7: bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x81; bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x80; break; } } else if(ch == 0x00A5) { // Yen sign. bytes[posn++] = (byte)0x5C; } else { #if NET_2_0 HandleFallback (ref buffer, chars, ref charIndex, ref charCount, bytes, ref posn, ref byteCount); #else // Invalid character. bytes[posn++] = (byte)'?'; #endif } continue; } else if(ch >= 0x0391 && ch <= 0x0451) { // Greek subset characters. value = (ch - 0x0391) * 2; value = ((int)(greekToJis[value])) | (((int)(greekToJis[value + 1])) << 8); } else if(ch >= 0x2010 && ch <= 0x9FA5) { // This range contains the bulk of the CJK set. value = (ch - 0x2010) * 2; value = ((int)(cjkToJis[value])) | (((int)(cjkToJis[value + 1])) << 8); } else if(ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xE757) { // PrivateUse int diff = ch - 0xE000; value = ((int) (diff / 0xBC) << 8) + (diff % 0xBC) + 0xF040; if (value % 0x100 >= 0x7F) value++; } else if(ch >= 0xFF01 && ch <= 0xFF60) { value = (ch - 0xFF01) * 2; value = ((int)(extraToJis[value])) | (((int)(extraToJis[value + 1])) << 8); } else if(ch >= 0xFF60 && ch <= 0xFFA0) { value = ch - 0xFF60 + 0xA0; } else { // Invalid character. value = 0; } if(value == 0) { #if NET_2_0 HandleFallback (ref buffer, chars, ref charIndex, ref charCount, bytes, ref posn, ref byteCount); #else bytes[posn++] = (byte)'?'; #endif } else if(value < 0x0100) { bytes[posn++] = (byte)value; } else if((posn + 1) >= byteLength) { throw new ArgumentException (Strings.GetString("Arg_InsufficientSpace"), "bytes"); } else if(value < 0x8000) { // JIS X 0208 character. value -= 0x0100; ch = (value / 0xBC); value = (value % 0xBC) + 0x40; if(value >= 0x7F) { ++value; } if(ch < (0x9F - 0x80)) { bytes[posn++] = (byte)(ch + 0x81); } else { bytes[posn++] = (byte)(ch - (0x9F - 0x80) + 0xE0); } bytes[posn++] = (byte)value; } else if (value >= 0xF040 && value <= 0xF9FC) { // PrivateUse bytes[posn++] = (byte) (value / 0x100); bytes[posn++] = (byte) (value % 0x100); } else { // JIS X 0212 character, which Shift-JIS doesn't // support, but we've already allocated two slots. bytes[posn++] = (byte)'?'; bytes[posn++] = (byte)'?'; } } // Return the final length to the caller. return posn - byteIndex; } public override int GetCharCount (byte [] bytes, int index, int count) { return new CP932Decoder (JISConvert.Convert).GetCharCount ( bytes, index, count, true); } public override int GetChars ( byte [] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char [] chars, int charIndex) { return new CP932Decoder (JISConvert.Convert).GetChars (bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex, true); } // Get the maximum number of bytes needed to encode a // specified number of characters. public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount) { if(charCount < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("charCount", Strings.GetString("ArgRange_NonNegative")); } return charCount * 2; } // Get the maximum number of characters needed to decode a // specified number of bytes. public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount) { if(byteCount < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("byteCount", Strings.GetString("ArgRange_NonNegative")); } return byteCount; } // Get a decoder that handles a rolling Shift-JIS state. public override Decoder GetDecoder() { return new CP932Decoder(JISConvert.Convert); } #if !ECMA_COMPAT // Get the mail body name for this encoding. public override String BodyName { get { return "iso-2022-jp"; } } // Get the human-readable name for this encoding. public override String EncodingName { get { return "Japanese (Shift-JIS)"; } } // Get the mail agent header name for this encoding. public override String HeaderName { get { return "iso-2022-jp"; } } // Determine if this encoding can be displayed in a Web browser. public override bool IsBrowserDisplay { get { return true; } } // Determine if this encoding can be saved from a Web browser. public override bool IsBrowserSave { get { return true; } } // Determine if this encoding can be displayed in a mail/news agent. public override bool IsMailNewsDisplay { get { return true; } } // Determine if this encoding can be saved from a mail/news agent. public override bool IsMailNewsSave { get { return true; } } // Get the IANA-preferred Web name for this encoding. public override String WebName { get { return "shift_jis"; } } // Get the Windows code page represented by this object. public override int WindowsCodePage { get { return SHIFTJIS_CODE_PAGE; } } }; // class CP932 #endif // !ECMA_COMPAT // Decoder that handles a rolling Shift-JIS state. sealed class CP932Decoder : DbcsEncoding.DbcsDecoder { private JISConvert convert; private int last_byte_count; private int last_byte_chars; // Constructor. public CP932Decoder(JISConvert convert) : base (null) { this.convert = convert; } // Override inherited methods. public override int GetCharCount ( byte [] bytes, int index, int count) { return GetCharCount (bytes, index, count, false); } public #if NET_2_0 override #endif int GetCharCount (byte [] bytes, int index, int count, bool refresh) { CheckRange (bytes, index, count); // Determine the total length of the converted string. int length = 0; int byteval; int last = last_byte_count; while(count > 0) { byteval = bytes[index++]; --count; if(last == 0) { if((byteval >= 0x81 && byteval <= 0x9F) || (byteval >= 0xE0 && byteval <= 0xEF)) { // First byte in a double-byte sequence. last = byteval; } ++length; } else { // Second byte in a double-byte sequence. last = 0; } } if (refresh) { if (last != 0) length++; last_byte_count = '\0'; } else last_byte_count = last; // Return the total length. return length; } public override int GetChars ( byte [] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char [] chars, int charIndex) { return GetChars (bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex, false); } public #if NET_2_0 override #endif int GetChars ( byte [] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char [] chars, int charIndex, bool refresh) { CheckRange (bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex); // Decode the bytes in the buffer. int posn = charIndex; int charLength = chars.Length; int byteval, value; int last = last_byte_chars; #if __PNET__ byte *table = convert.jisx0208ToUnicode; #else byte[] table = convert.jisx0208ToUnicode; #endif while(byteCount > 0) { byteval = bytes[byteIndex++]; --byteCount; if(last == 0) { if(posn >= charLength) { throw new ArgumentException (Strings.GetString ("Arg_InsufficientSpace"), "chars"); } if((byteval >= 0x81 && byteval <= 0x9F) || (byteval >= 0xE0 && byteval <= 0xEF)) { // First byte in a double-byte sequence. last = byteval; } else if(byteval < 0x80) { // Ordinary ASCII/Latin1 character. chars[posn++] = (char)byteval; } else if(byteval >= 0xA1 && byteval <= 0xDF) { // Half-width katakana character. chars[posn++] = (char)(byteval - 0xA1 + 0xFF61); } else { // Invalid first byte. chars[posn++] = '?'; } } else { // Second byte in a double-byte sequence. if(last >= 0x81 && last <= 0x9F) { value = (last - 0x81) * 0xBC; } else if (last >= 0xF0 && last <= 0xFC && byteval <= 0xFC) { // PrivateUse value = 0xE000 + (last - 0xF0) * 0xBC + byteval; if (byteval > 0x7F) value--; } else { value = (last - 0xE0 + (0xA0 - 0x81)) * 0xBC; } last = 0; if(byteval >= 0x40 && byteval <= 0x7E) { value += (byteval - 0x40); } else if(byteval >= 0x80 && byteval <= 0xFC) { value += (byteval - 0x80 + 0x3F); } else { // Invalid second byte. chars[posn++] = '?'; continue; } value *= 2; value = ((int)(table[value])) | (((int)(table[value + 1])) << 8); if(value != 0) { chars[posn++] = (char)value; } else { chars[posn++] = '?'; } } } if (refresh) { if (last != 0) chars[posn++] = '\u30FB'; last_byte_chars = '\0'; } else last_byte_chars = last; // Return the final length to the caller. return posn - charIndex; } } // class CP932Decoder [Serializable] public class ENCshift_jis : CP932 { public ENCshift_jis() : base() {} }; // class ENCshift_jis }; // namespace I18N.CJK