// // Commons.Xml.Relaxng.RelaxngReader.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // 2003 Atsushi Enomoto "No rights reserved." // // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell Inc. // All rights reserved // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; namespace Commons.Xml.Relaxng { public class RelaxngReader : XmlDefaultReader { // static members. static RelaxngPattern grammarForRelaxng; static XmlReader relaxngXmlReader; static RelaxngReader () { relaxngXmlReader = new XmlTextReader (typeof (RelaxngReader).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("relaxng.rng")); grammarForRelaxng = RelaxngPattern.Read (relaxngXmlReader); } [Obsolete] // incorrectly introduced public static string RelaxngNS = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"; public static RelaxngPattern GrammarForRelaxng { get { return grammarForRelaxng; } } // fields Stack nsStack = new Stack (); Stack datatypeLibraryStack = new Stack (); XmlResolver resolver; // ArrayList annotationNamespaces = new ArrayList (); // ctor public RelaxngReader (XmlReader reader) : this (reader, null) { } public RelaxngReader (XmlReader reader, string ns) : this (reader, ns, new XmlUrlResolver ()) { } public RelaxngReader (XmlReader reader, string ns, XmlResolver resolver) // : base (grammarForRelaxng == null ? reader : new RelaxngValidatingReader (reader, grammarForRelaxng)) : base (reader) { this.resolver = resolver; if (Reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial) Read (); MoveToContent (); string nsval = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("ns", String.Empty); if (nsval == null) nsval = ns; nsStack.Push (nsval == null ? String.Empty : nsval); string dtlib = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("datatypeLibrary", String.Empty); datatypeLibraryStack.Push (dtlib != null ? dtlib : String.Empty); } public XmlResolver XmlResolver { set { resolver = value; } } internal XmlResolver Resolver { get { return resolver; } } private void FillLocation (RelaxngElementBase el) { el.BaseUri = BaseURI; IXmlLineInfo li = this as IXmlLineInfo; el.LineNumber = li != null ? li.LineNumber : 0; el.LinePosition = li != null ? li.LinePosition : 0; } /* public void AddAnnotationNamespace (string ns) { if (!annotationNamespaces.Contains (ns)) annotationNamespaces.Add (ns); } */ // public public override bool Read () { bool skipRead = false; bool b = false; bool loop = true; if (IsEmptyElement) { // this should be done here nsStack.Pop (); datatypeLibraryStack.Pop (); } do { if (!skipRead) Reader.Read (); else skipRead = false; switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: case XmlNodeType.Comment: case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: continue; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: // Skip whitespaces except for data and param. case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: if (LocalName != "value" && LocalName != "param") { continue; } else loop = false; break; default: if (NamespaceURI != RelaxngGrammar.NamespaceURI) { Reader.Skip (); skipRead = true; } else loop = false; break; } } while (!Reader.EOF && loop); switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (MoveToAttribute ("ns")) { nsStack.Push (Value.Trim ()); MoveToElement (); } else nsStack.Push (ContextNamespace); if (MoveToAttribute ("datatypeLibrary")) { string uriString = Value.Trim (); if (uriString.Length == 0) datatypeLibraryStack.Push (String.Empty); else { try { Uri uri = new Uri (uriString); // MS.NET Uri is too lamespec datatypeLibraryStack.Push (uri.ToString ()); } catch (UriFormatException ex) { throw new RelaxngException (ex.Message, ex); } } MoveToElement (); } else datatypeLibraryStack.Push (DatatypeLibrary); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: nsStack.Pop (); datatypeLibraryStack.Pop (); break; } return b; } // Properties public string ContextNamespace { get { if (nsStack.Count == 0) // It happens only on initialization. return String.Empty; return nsStack.Peek () as string; } } public string DatatypeLibrary { get { if (datatypeLibraryStack.Count == 0) // It happens only on initialization. return String.Empty; return datatypeLibraryStack.Peek () as string; } } // Utility methods. private void expect (string name) { if (NamespaceURI != RelaxngGrammar.NamespaceURI) throw new RelaxngException (String.Format ("Invalid document: expected namespace {0} but found {1}", RelaxngGrammar.NamespaceURI, NamespaceURI)); else if (LocalName != name) throw new RelaxngException (String.Format ("Invalid document: expected local name {0} but found {1}", name, LocalName)); } private void expectEnd (string name) { if (NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) throw new RelaxngException (String.Format ("Expected EndElement but found {0}.", NodeType)); expect (name); Read (); } // Other than name class and pattern. private RelaxngStart ReadStart () { RelaxngStart s = new RelaxngStart (); FillLocation (s); expect ("start"); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI != String.Empty) continue; switch (LocalName) { case "datatypeLibrary": case "combine": break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } if (MoveToAttribute ("combine")) { s.Combine = Value.Trim (); if (s.Combine != "choice" && s.Combine != "interleave") throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid combine attribute: " + s.Combine); } MoveToElement (); Read (); s.Pattern = ReadPattern (); expectEnd ("start"); return s; } private string GetNameAttribute () { string name = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("name", String.Empty); if (name == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Required attribute name is not found."); return XmlConvert.VerifyNCName (name); } private string GetSpaceStrippedAttribute (string name, string ns) { string v = GetAttribute (name, ns); return v != null ? v.Trim () : null; } private RelaxngDefine ReadDefine () { RelaxngDefine def = new RelaxngDefine (); FillLocation (def); expect ("define"); def.Name = GetNameAttribute (); def.Combine = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("combine", String.Empty); Read (); while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) def.Patterns.Add (ReadPattern ()); expectEnd ("define"); return def; } private RelaxngParam ReadParam () { RelaxngParam p = new RelaxngParam (); FillLocation (p); expect ("param"); p.Name = GetNameAttribute (); p.Value = ReadString ().Trim (); expectEnd ("param"); return p; } // NameClass reader (only if it is element-style.) private RelaxngNameClass ReadNameClass () { switch (LocalName) { case "name": return ReadNameClassName (); case "anyName": return ReadNameClassAnyName (); case "nsName": return ReadNameClassNsName (); case "choice": return ReadNameClassChoice (); } throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid name class: " + LocalName); } private RelaxngName ReadNameClassName () { string name = ReadString ().Trim (); RelaxngName rName = resolvedName (name); expectEnd ("name"); return rName; } private RelaxngAnyName ReadNameClassAnyName () { RelaxngAnyName an = new RelaxngAnyName (); FillLocation (an); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { } else { // expect except expect ("except"); Read (); an.Except = new RelaxngExceptNameClass (); FillLocation (an.Except); while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) an.Except.Names.Add ( ReadNameClass ()); expectEnd ("except"); } expectEnd ("anyName"); } else Read (); return an; } private RelaxngNsName ReadNameClassNsName () { RelaxngNsName nn = new RelaxngNsName (); FillLocation (nn); nn.Namespace = this.ContextNamespace; if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { } else { // expect except expect ("except"); // Read (); nn.Except = ReadNameClassExcept ();//new RelaxngExceptNameClass (); FillLocation (nn.Except); } expectEnd ("nsName"); } else Read (); return nn; } private RelaxngNameChoice ReadNameClassChoice () { RelaxngNameChoice nc = new RelaxngNameChoice (); FillLocation (nc); if (IsEmptyElement) throw new RelaxngException ("Name choice must have at least one name class."); Read (); while (NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { nc.Children.Add (ReadNameClass ()); } if (nc.Children.Count == 0) throw new RelaxngException ("Name choice must have at least one name class."); expectEnd ("choice"); return nc; } private RelaxngExceptNameClass ReadNameClassExcept () { RelaxngExceptNameClass x = new RelaxngExceptNameClass (); FillLocation (x); if (IsEmptyElement) throw new RelaxngException ("Name choice must have at least one name class."); Read (); while (NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) x.Names.Add (ReadNameClass ()); if (x.Names.Count == 0) throw new RelaxngException ("Name choice must have at least one name class."); expectEnd ("except"); return x; } // Pattern reader public RelaxngPattern ReadPattern () { while (NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) if (!Read ()) throw new RelaxngException ("RELAX NG pattern did not appear."); switch (LocalName) { case "element": return ReadElementPattern (); case "attribute": return ReadAttributePattern (); case "group": return ReadGroupPattern (); case "interleave": return ReadInterleavePattern (); case "choice": return ReadChoicePattern (); case "optional": return ReadOptionalPattern (); case "zeroOrMore": return ReadZeroOrMorePattern (); case "oneOrMore": return ReadOneOrMorePattern (); case "list": return ReadListPattern (); case "mixed": return ReadMixedPattern (); case "ref": return ReadRefPattern (); case "parentRef": return ReadParentRefPattern (); case "empty": return ReadEmptyPattern (); case "text": return ReadTextPattern (); case "data": return ReadDataPattern (); case "value": return ReadValuePattern (); case "notAllowed": return ReadNotAllowedPattern (); case "externalRef": return ReadExternalRefPattern (); case "grammar": return ReadGrammarPattern (); } throw new RelaxngException ("Non-supported pattern specification: " + LocalName); } private void ReadPatterns (RelaxngSingleContentPattern el) { do { el.Patterns.Add (ReadPattern ()); } while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); } private void ReadPatterns (RelaxngBinaryContentPattern el) { do { el.Patterns.Add (ReadPattern ()); } while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); } private RelaxngExcept ReadPatternExcept () { RelaxngExcept x = new RelaxngExcept (); FillLocation (x); if (IsEmptyElement) throw new RelaxngException ("'except' must have at least one pattern."); Read (); while (NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) x.Patterns.Add (ReadPattern ()); if (x.Patterns.Count == 0) throw new RelaxngException ("'except' must have at least one pattern."); expectEnd ("except"); return x; } private RelaxngInclude ReadInclude () { RelaxngInclude i = new RelaxngInclude (); FillLocation (i); expect ("include"); i.NSContext = ContextNamespace; string href = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("href", String.Empty); if (href == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Required attribute href was not found."); XmlResolver res = resolver != null ? resolver : new XmlUrlResolver (); i.Href = res.ResolveUri (BaseURI != null ? new Uri (BaseURI) : null, href).AbsoluteUri; if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); this.readGrammarIncludeContent (i.Starts, i.Defines, i.Divs, null); expectEnd ("include"); } else Read (); return i; } private void readGrammarIncludeContent (IList starts, IList defines, IList divs, IList includes) { while (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (LocalName) { case "start": starts.Add (ReadStart ()); break; case "define": defines.Add (ReadDefine ()); break; case "div": divs.Add (ReadDiv (includes != null)); break; case "include": if (includes != null) includes.Add (ReadInclude ()); else throw new RelaxngException ("Unexpected content: " + Name); break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Unexpected content: " + Name); } } } private RelaxngDiv ReadDiv (bool allowIncludes) { expect ("div"); RelaxngDiv div = new RelaxngDiv (); FillLocation (div); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); readGrammarIncludeContent (div.Starts, div.Defines, div.Divs, div.Includes); expectEnd ("div"); } else Read (); return div; } private RelaxngName resolvedName (string nameSpec) { int colonAt = nameSpec.IndexOf (':'); string prefix = (colonAt < 0) ? "" : nameSpec.Substring (0, colonAt); string local = (colonAt < 0) ? nameSpec : nameSpec.Substring (colonAt + 1, nameSpec.Length - colonAt - 1); string uri = ContextNamespace; if (prefix != "") { uri = LookupNamespace (prefix); if (uri == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Undeclared prefix in name component: " + nameSpec); } RelaxngName n = new RelaxngName (local, uri); FillLocation (n); return n; } private RelaxngElement ReadElementPattern () { RelaxngElement el = new RelaxngElement (); FillLocation (el); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI != String.Empty) continue; switch (LocalName) { case "datatypeLibrary": case "name": case "ns": break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } // try to get name from attribute. if (MoveToAttribute ("name")) el.NameClass = resolvedName (XmlConvert.VerifyName (Value.Trim ())); MoveToElement (); Read (); // read nameClass from content. if (el.NameClass == null) el.NameClass = ReadNameClass (); // read patterns. this.ReadPatterns (el); expectEnd ("element"); if (el.NameClass == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Name class was not specified."); return el; } private RelaxngAttribute ReadAttributePattern () { RelaxngAttribute attr = new RelaxngAttribute (); FillLocation (attr); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI != String.Empty) continue; switch (LocalName) { case "datatypeLibrary": case "name": case "ns": break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } string ns = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("ns", String.Empty); // try to get name from attribute. if (MoveToAttribute ("name", String.Empty)) { // attr.NameClass = resolvedName (XmlConvert.VerifyName (Value.Trim ()), false); RelaxngName nc = new RelaxngName (); string name = XmlConvert.VerifyName (Value.Trim ()); if (name.IndexOf (':') > 0) nc = resolvedName (name); else { nc.LocalName = name; nc.Namespace = ns == null ? String.Empty : ns; } attr.NameClass = nc; } MoveToElement (); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); // read nameClass from content. if (attr.NameClass == null) attr.NameClass = ReadNameClass (); if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) attr.Pattern = ReadPattern (); expectEnd ("attribute"); } else Read (); if (attr.NameClass == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Name class was not specified."); return attr; } private RelaxngGrammar ReadGrammarPattern () { RelaxngGrammar grammar = new RelaxngGrammar (); FillLocation (grammar); grammar.DefaultNamespace = Reader.GetAttribute ("ns"); Read (); this.readGrammarIncludeContent (grammar.Starts, grammar.Defines, grammar.Divs, grammar.Includes); expectEnd ("grammar"); return grammar; } private RelaxngRef ReadRefPattern () { RelaxngRef r = new RelaxngRef (); FillLocation (r); expect ("ref"); r.Name = GetNameAttribute (); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("ref"); } else Read (); return r; } private RelaxngExternalRef ReadExternalRefPattern () { RelaxngExternalRef r = new RelaxngExternalRef (); FillLocation (r); expect ("externalRef"); string href = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("href", String.Empty); if (href == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Required attribute href was not found."); XmlResolver res = resolver != null ? resolver : new XmlUrlResolver (); r.Href = res.ResolveUri (BaseURI != null ? new Uri (BaseURI) : null, href).AbsoluteUri; r.NSContext = ContextNamespace; if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("externalRef"); } else Read (); return r; } private RelaxngParentRef ReadParentRefPattern () { RelaxngParentRef r = new RelaxngParentRef (); FillLocation (r); expect ("parentRef"); r.Name = GetNameAttribute (); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("parentRef"); } else Read (); return r; } private RelaxngEmpty ReadEmptyPattern () { expect ("empty"); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI == String.Empty && LocalName != "datatypeLibrary") throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("empty"); } else Read (); RelaxngEmpty empty = new RelaxngEmpty (); FillLocation (empty); return empty; } private RelaxngText ReadTextPattern () { expect ("text"); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI == String.Empty && LocalName != "datatypeLibrary") throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("text"); } else Read (); RelaxngText t = new RelaxngText (); FillLocation (t); return t; } private RelaxngData ReadDataPattern () { RelaxngData data = new RelaxngData (); FillLocation (data); expect ("data"); data.Type = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("type", String.Empty); if (data.Type == null) throw new RelaxngException ("Attribute type is required."); data.DatatypeLibrary = DatatypeLibrary; if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI != String.Empty) continue; switch (LocalName) { case "datatypeLibrary": case "type": break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); while (Name == "param") { data.ParamList.Add (ReadParam ()); } if (LocalName == "except") data.Except = ReadPatternExcept (); expectEnd ("data"); } else Read (); return data; } private RelaxngValue ReadValuePattern () { RelaxngValue v = new RelaxngValue (); FillLocation (v); expect ("value"); if (MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { do { if (NamespaceURI != String.Empty) continue; switch (LocalName) { case "datatypeLibrary": case "type": case "ns": break; default: throw new RelaxngException ("Invalid attribute."); } } while (MoveToNextAttribute ()); MoveToElement (); } if (MoveToAttribute ("type")) { v.Type = Value.Trim (); v.DatatypeLibrary = DatatypeLibrary; } else { v.Type = "token"; v.DatatypeLibrary = ""; } // v.Namespace = GetSpaceStrippedAttribute ("ns", String.Empty); MoveToElement (); if (IsEmptyElement) { v.Value = String.Empty; Read (); } else { v.Value = ReadString (); expectEnd ("value"); } return v; } private RelaxngList ReadListPattern () { RelaxngList list = new RelaxngList (); FillLocation (list); expect ("list"); Read (); ReadPatterns (list); expectEnd ("list"); return list; } private RelaxngOneOrMore ReadOneOrMorePattern () { RelaxngOneOrMore o = new RelaxngOneOrMore (); FillLocation (o); expect ("oneOrMore"); Read (); ReadPatterns (o); expectEnd ("oneOrMore"); return o; } private RelaxngZeroOrMore ReadZeroOrMorePattern () { RelaxngZeroOrMore o = new RelaxngZeroOrMore (); FillLocation (o); expect ("zeroOrMore"); Read (); ReadPatterns (o); expectEnd ("zeroOrMore"); return o; } private RelaxngOptional ReadOptionalPattern () { RelaxngOptional o = new RelaxngOptional (); FillLocation (o); expect ("optional"); Read (); ReadPatterns (o); expectEnd ("optional"); return o; } private RelaxngMixed ReadMixedPattern () { RelaxngMixed o = new RelaxngMixed (); FillLocation (o); expect ("mixed"); Read (); ReadPatterns (o); expectEnd ("mixed"); return o; } private RelaxngGroup ReadGroupPattern () { RelaxngGroup g = new RelaxngGroup (); FillLocation (g); expect ("group"); Read (); ReadPatterns (g); expectEnd ("group"); return g; } private RelaxngInterleave ReadInterleavePattern () { RelaxngInterleave i = new RelaxngInterleave (); FillLocation (i); expect ("interleave"); Read (); ReadPatterns (i); expectEnd ("interleave"); return i; } private RelaxngChoice ReadChoicePattern () { RelaxngChoice c = new RelaxngChoice (); FillLocation (c); expect ("choice"); Read (); ReadPatterns (c); expectEnd ("choice"); return c; } private RelaxngNotAllowed ReadNotAllowedPattern () { expect ("notAllowed"); if (!IsEmptyElement) { Read (); expectEnd ("notAllowed"); } else Read (); RelaxngNotAllowed na = new RelaxngNotAllowed (); FillLocation (na); return na; } } }