using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Xml; namespace Commons.Xml.Nvdl { internal class SimplifiedItem : IXmlLineInfo { int line; int column; string sourceUri = String.Empty; public int LineNumber { get { return line; } set { line = value; } } public int LinePosition { get { return column; } set { column = value; } } public string SourceUri { get { return sourceUri; } set { sourceUri = value != null ? value : String.Empty; } } internal void FillLocation (NvdlElementBase e) { line = e.LineNumber; column = e.LinePosition; sourceUri = e.SourceUri; } public bool HasLineInfo () { return line != 0; } public string Location { get { return line != 0 ? String.Format ("{0} ({1},{2})", sourceUri, line, column) : String.Empty; } } } internal class SimpleRules : SimplifiedItem { SimpleMode startMode; SimpleTrigger [] triggers; // FIXME: It is not used in validation step, so move it to // compile context SimpleMode [] modes; public SimpleRules (NvdlCompileContext context) { FillLocation (context.Rules); SimplifyPhase1 (context); // 6.4.1 - 10. SimplifyPhase2 (context); // 6.4.11 - 14. ResolveModes (context); // 6.4.15. } public SimpleMode StartMode { get { return startMode; } } public SimpleTrigger [] Triggers { get { return triggers; } } #region Simplification private void SimplifyPhase1 (NvdlCompileContext ctx) { NvdlRules rules = ctx.Rules; // 6.4.1 : just ignore "Foreign" property. // 6.4.2 : already ignored on reading nvdl. // 6.4.3 : done in SOM // 6.4.4 : FIXME: must be done. // 6.4.5 : FIXME: considered in compiler. // 6.4.6 : FIXME: considered in compiler. // 6.4.7 : FIXME: considered in compiler. // 6.4.8 : here NvdlModeList list = rules.Modes; NvdlMode startMode = null; if (rules.Modes.Count > 0) { if (rules.Rules.Count > 0) throw new NvdlCompileException ("Modes and rules cannot coexist in 'rules' element.", rules); else if (rules.StartMode == null) throw new NvdlCompileException ("startMode is missing in 'rules' element when modes are specified.", rules); foreach (NvdlMode m in rules.Modes) { if (m.Name == rules.StartMode) { startMode = m; break; } } if (startMode == null) throw new NvdlCompileException ("Matching 'mode' element specified by 'startMode' does not exist.", rules); } else { if (rules.Rules.Count == 0) throw new NvdlCompileException ("Neither modes nor rules exists in 'rules' element.", rules); list = new NvdlModeList (); startMode = new NvdlMode (); startMode.SourceUri = rules.SourceUri; startMode.LineNumber = rules.LineNumber; startMode.LinePosition = rules.LinePosition; startMode.Name = "(startMode)"; list.Add (startMode); foreach (NvdlRule rule in rules.Rules) startMode.Rules.Add (rule); } // 6.4.9 : done in SimpleMode.ctor() and // SimpleRule.ctor(), using ctx.CompiledModes. foreach (NvdlMode m in list) { SimpleMode sm = new SimpleMode (m, ctx); ctx.AddCompiledMode (sm.Name, sm); if (m == startMode) this.startMode = sm; } // 6.4.10 : done in SimpleRule.Simplify ArrayList tl = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < rules.Triggers.Count; i++) tl.Add (new SimpleTrigger (rules.Triggers [i])); triggers = (SimpleTrigger []) tl.ToArray ( typeof (SimpleTrigger)); modes = (SimpleMode []) new ArrayList (ctx.GetCompiledModes ()) .ToArray (typeof (SimpleMode)); } private void SimplifyPhase2 (NvdlCompileContext ctx) { foreach (SimpleMode mode in modes) mode.SimplifyPhase2 (ctx); } private void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx) { foreach (SimpleMode mode in modes) mode.ResolveModes (ctx); } #endregion } internal class SimpleTrigger : SimplifiedItem { XmlQualifiedName [] names; public SimpleTrigger (NvdlTrigger trigger) { FillLocation (trigger); ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (string ss in trigger.NameList.Split (' ')) { string s = ss.Trim (); if (s.Length == 0) continue; al.Add (new XmlQualifiedName (s, trigger.NS)); } names = (XmlQualifiedName []) al.ToArray ( typeof (XmlQualifiedName)); } public XmlQualifiedName [] Names { get { return names; } } public bool Cover (string localName, string ns) { for (int i = 0; i < Names.Length; i++) { XmlQualifiedName q = Names [i]; if (q.Name == localName && q.Namespace == ns) return true; } return false; } } internal class SimpleMode : SimplifiedItem { string name; SimpleRule [] rules; // They are available only after complete simplification. SimpleRule [] elementRules; SimpleRule [] attributeRules; public SimpleMode (NvdlMode mode, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { FillLocation (mode); if (mode.Name == null) throw new NvdlCompileException ( "'mode' element must have a name.", mode); = mode.Name; SimplifyPhase1 (mode, ctx); } public SimpleMode (string name, NvdlNestedMode mode, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { FillLocation (mode); = name; SimplifyPhase1 (mode, ctx); } public SimpleMode (NvdlIncludedMode mode, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { FillLocation (mode); // name doesn't matter here. SimplifyPhase1 (mode, ctx); } public string Name { get { return name; } } public SimpleRule [] ElementRules { get { return elementRules; } } public SimpleRule [] AttributeRules { get { return attributeRules; } } private void SimplifyPhase1 (NvdlModeBase mode, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { NvdlModeCompileContext mctx = new NvdlModeCompileContext (mode); ctx.AddModeContext (this, mctx); ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (NvdlRule r in mode.Rules) { switch (r.Match) { case NvdlRuleTarget.Both: al.Add (new SimpleRule (r, true, ctx)); al.Add (new SimpleRule (r, false, ctx)); break; case NvdlRuleTarget.None: case NvdlRuleTarget.Elements: al.Add (new SimpleRule (r, false, ctx)); break; case NvdlRuleTarget.Attributes: al.Add (new SimpleRule (r, true, ctx)); break; } } foreach (NvdlIncludedMode inc in mode.IncludedModes) mctx.Included.Add (new SimpleMode (inc, ctx)); // The rule table is just a dummy store that might // erase because of removal of inclusion. rules = (SimpleRule []) al.ToArray (typeof (SimpleRule)); } internal void SimplifyPhase2 (NvdlCompileContext ctx) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); ConsumeIncludes (al, ctx); SimpleRule anyElement = null; SimpleRule anyAttribute = null; // 6.4.12 + part of 6.4.13 CheckCollision (al, ref anyElement, ref anyAttribute); // 6.4.13 if (anyElement == null) { NvdlAnyNamespace ann = new NvdlAnyNamespace (); ann.SourceUri = this.SourceUri; ann.LineNumber = this.LineNumber; ann.LinePosition = this.LinePosition; NvdlReject reject = new NvdlReject (); reject.SourceUri = this.SourceUri; reject.LineNumber = this.LineNumber; reject.LinePosition = this.LinePosition; ann.Actions.Add (reject); ann.Match = NvdlRuleTarget.Elements; al.Add (new SimpleRule (ann, false, ctx)); } if (anyAttribute == null) { NvdlAnyNamespace ann = new NvdlAnyNamespace (); ann.SourceUri = this.SourceUri; ann.LineNumber = this.LineNumber; ann.LinePosition = this.LinePosition; NvdlAttach attach = new NvdlAttach (); attach.SourceUri = this.SourceUri; attach.LineNumber = this.LineNumber; attach.LinePosition = this.LinePosition; ann.Match = NvdlRuleTarget.Attributes; ann.Actions.Add (attach); al.Add (new SimpleRule (ann, true, ctx)); } rules = (SimpleRule []) al.ToArray (typeof (SimpleRule)); } private void ConsumeIncludes (ArrayList al, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { // The reason why we limit the check to current count // is to add invalid siblings (according to 6.4.12). int checkMax = al.Count; NvdlModeCompileContext mctx = ctx.GetModeContext (this); foreach (SimpleRule rule in rules) { // Don't skip cancelled rules here. They are // needed to filter overriden rules out // (according to 6.4.10) //if (ctx.CancelledRules [rule] != null) // continue; bool exclude = false; for (int i = 0; i < checkMax; i++) { SimpleRule r = (SimpleRule) al [i]; if (rule.IsAny == r.IsAny && rule.MatchAttributes == r.MatchAttributes && rule.NS == r.NS && rule.Wildcard == r.Wildcard) { exclude = true; break; } } if (exclude) break; al.Add (rule); } foreach (SimpleMode mode in mctx.Included) mode.ConsumeIncludes (al, ctx); // remove cancelled rules at this stage. for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; ) { if (ctx.CancelledRules [(SimpleRule) al [i]] != null) al.RemoveAt (i); else i++; } } private void CheckCollision (ArrayList al, ref SimpleRule el, ref SimpleRule attr) { for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) { SimpleRule r1 = (SimpleRule) al [i]; if (r1.IsAny) { if (r1.MatchAttributes) attr = r1; else el = r1; } for (int j = i + 1; j < al.Count; j++) { SimpleRule r2 = (SimpleRule) al [j]; if (r1.MatchAttributes != r2.MatchAttributes) continue; if (r1.IsAny && r2.IsAny) throw new NvdlCompileException ("collision in mode was found. Two anyNamespace elements.", this); if (r1.IsAny || r2.IsAny) continue; if (Nvdl.NSMatches (r1.NS, 0, r1.Wildcard, r2.NS, 0, r2.Wildcard)) throw new NvdlCompileException ("collision in mode was found.", this); } } } internal void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx) { // Resolve moces and fill element/attributeRules. ArrayList e = new ArrayList (); ArrayList a = new ArrayList (); foreach (SimpleRule rule in rules) { rule.ResolveModes (ctx, this); if (rule.MatchAttributes) a.Add (rule); else e.Add (rule); } elementRules = (SimpleRule []) e.ToArray (typeof (SimpleRule)); attributeRules = (SimpleRule []) a.ToArray (typeof (SimpleRule)); } } internal class SimpleRule : SimplifiedItem { bool matchAttributes; SimpleAction [] actions; readonly string ns; readonly string wildcard; bool isAny; public SimpleRule (NvdlRule rule, bool matchAttributes, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { FillLocation (rule); this.matchAttributes = matchAttributes; NvdlNamespace nss = rule as NvdlNamespace; if (nss == null) this.isAny = true; else { this.ns = nss.NS; if (nss.Wildcard == null) wildcard = "*"; else if (nss.Wildcard.Length > 1) throw new NvdlCompileException ("'wildCard' attribute can specify at most one character string.", rule); else wildcard = nss.Wildcard; } SimplifyPhase1 (rule, ctx); } public bool MatchAttributes { get { return matchAttributes; } } public SimpleAction [] Actions { get { return actions; } } public string NS { get { return ns; } } public string Wildcard { get { return wildcard; } } public bool IsAny { get { return isAny; } } public bool MatchNS (string target) { if (isAny) return true; return Nvdl.NSMatches (ns, 0, wildcard, target, 0, ""); } private void SimplifyPhase1 (NvdlRule r, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { ctx.AddRuleContext (this, r); // 6.4.9 ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (NvdlAction a in r.Actions) { NvdlNoCancelAction nca = a as NvdlNoCancelAction; if (nca != null) { if (nca.ModeUsage != null) SimplifyModeUsage (nca, ctx); NvdlResultAction ra = nca as NvdlResultAction; if (ra != null) al.Add (new SimpleResultAction (ra, ctx)); else if (nca is NvdlValidate) al.Add (new SimpleValidate ( (NvdlValidate) nca, ctx)); else if (nca is NvdlAllow) al.Add (new SimpleValidate ( (NvdlAllow) nca, ctx)); else al.Add (new SimpleValidate ( (NvdlReject) nca, ctx)); } else if (nca == null) ctx.CancelledRules.Add (this, this); } actions = (SimpleAction []) al.ToArray ( typeof (SimpleAction)); } private void SimplifyModeUsage ( NvdlNoCancelAction nca, NvdlCompileContext ctx) { NvdlModeUsage usage = nca.ModeUsage; if (usage.NestedMode != null && ctx.GetCompiledMode (usage) == null) { SimpleMode sm = new SimpleMode (String.Empty, usage.NestedMode, ctx); ctx.AddCompiledMode (usage, sm); } foreach (NvdlContext c in usage.Contexts) { if (c.NestedMode != null) { SimpleMode sm = new SimpleMode ( String.Empty, c.NestedMode, ctx); ctx.AddCompiledMode (c, sm); } } } internal void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx, SimpleMode current) { foreach (SimpleAction a in actions) a.ResolveModes (ctx, current); } } internal abstract class SimpleAction : SimplifiedItem { readonly ListDictionary messages; readonly SimpleModeUsage modeUsage; SimpleMode mode; protected SimpleAction (NvdlNoCancelAction action) { FillLocation (action); if (action.ModeUsage != null) modeUsage = new SimpleModeUsage (action.ModeUsage); messages = new ListDictionary (); if (action.SimpleMessage != null) messages.Add ("", action.SimpleMessage); foreach (NvdlMessage msg in action.Messages) messages.Add (msg.XmlLang, msg.Text); } public abstract bool NoResult { get; } public ListDictionary Messages { get { return messages; } } public SimpleMode DefaultMode { get { return mode; } } public SimpleContext [] Contexts { get { return modeUsage.Contexts; } } internal void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx, SimpleMode current) { if (modeUsage != null) { modeUsage.ResolveModes (ctx, current); mode = modeUsage.UseMode; } if (mode == null) mode = current; } } internal class SimpleValidate : SimpleAction { readonly NvdlValidatorGenerator generator; XmlResolver resolver; static NvdlValidate CreateBuiltInValidate (NvdlAction a) { bool allow = a is NvdlAllow; NvdlValidate v = new NvdlValidate (); v.SourceUri = a.SourceUri; v.LineNumber = a.LineNumber; v.LinePosition = a.LinePosition; v.ModeUsage = new NvdlModeUsage (); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ( allow ? "allow" : "reject", Nvdl.BuiltInValidationNamespace); doc.AppendChild (doc.CreateElement ("schema", Nvdl.Namespace)); doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (el); v.SchemaBody = doc.DocumentElement; return v; } // 6.4.14 public SimpleValidate (NvdlAllow allow, NvdlCompileContext ctx) : this (CreateBuiltInValidate (allow), ctx) { } // 6.4.14 public SimpleValidate (NvdlReject reject, NvdlCompileContext ctx) : this (CreateBuiltInValidate (reject), ctx) { } public SimpleValidate ( NvdlValidate validate, NvdlCompileContext ctx) : base (validate) { // 6.4.7 generator = ctx.Config.GetGenerator (validate, ctx.Rules.SchemaType); } internal NvdlValidatorGenerator Generator { get { return generator; } } public override bool NoResult { get { return true; } } public XmlReader CreateValidator (XmlReader reader) { return generator.CreateValidator (reader, resolver); } public void ValidateAttributes (XmlReader reader, string ns) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ("virtualElement", Nvdl.InstanceNamespace); for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++) { reader.MoveToAttribute (i); if (reader.NamespaceURI != ns) continue; el.SetAttribute (reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, reader.Value); } reader.MoveToElement (); XmlReader r = generator.CreateAttributeValidator ( new XmlNodeReader (el), resolver); while (!r.EOF) r.Read (); } } internal class SimpleResultAction : SimpleAction { readonly NvdlResultType resultType; public SimpleResultAction (NvdlResultAction ra, NvdlCompileContext ctx) : base (ra) { this.resultType = ra.ResultType; } public override bool NoResult { get { return false; } } public NvdlResultType ResultType { get { return resultType; } } } internal class SimpleModeUsage : SimplifiedItem { // It will never be used in validation. NvdlModeUsage source; // FIXME: put this into CompileContext readonly SimpleContext [] contexts; SimpleMode mode; public SimpleModeUsage (NvdlModeUsage usage) { this.source = usage; contexts = new SimpleContext [usage.Contexts.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < contexts.Length; i++) contexts [i] = new SimpleContext ( usage.Contexts [i]); } internal void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx, SimpleMode current) { if (source.UseMode != null) { mode = ctx.GetCompiledMode (source.UseMode); } else if (source.NestedMode != null) mode = ctx.GetCompiledMode (source); else mode = current; for (int i = 0; i < contexts.Length; i++) contexts [i].ResolveModes (ctx, mode); // FIXME: get location by some way if (mode == null) throw new NvdlCompileException ( "mode does not contain either referenced modeUsage or nested mode.", null); } public SimpleMode UseMode { get { return mode; } } public SimpleContext [] Contexts { get { return contexts; } } } internal class SimplePath { readonly SimplePathStep [] steps; public SimplePath (SimplePathStep [] steps) { this.steps = steps; } public SimplePathStep [] Steps { get { return steps; } } } internal class SimplePathStep { readonly string name; readonly bool descendants; public SimplePathStep (string name, bool descendants) { = name; this.descendants = descendants; } public string Name { get { return name; } } public bool Descendants { get { return descendants; } } } internal class SimpleContext : SimplifiedItem { readonly NvdlContext source; readonly string useModeName; // It is never used in validation. SimpleMode useMode; SimplePath [] path; public SimpleContext (NvdlContext context) { source = context; FillLocation (context); this.useModeName = context.UseMode; try { string [] spaths = context.Path.Split ('|'); ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (string spathws in spaths) { string spath = spathws.Trim ( Nvdl.Whitespaces); if (spath.Length == 0) continue; ParsePath (al, TrimName (spath)); } path = (SimplePath []) al.ToArray ( typeof (SimplePath)); } catch (XmlException ex) { throw new NvdlCompileException (String.Format ("Invalid path string: {0}", path), ex, context); } } private void ParsePath (ArrayList al, string path) { ArrayList steps = new ArrayList (); int start = path.Length > 0 && path [0] == '/' ? 1 : 0; do { int idx = path.IndexOf ('/', start); if (idx < 0) { steps.Add (new SimplePathStep (TrimName (path.Substring (start)), false)); start = path.Length; } else if (path.Length > idx + 1 && path [idx + 1] == '/') { steps.Add (new SimplePathStep (TrimName (path.Substring (start, idx - start)), true)); start = idx + 2; } else { steps.Add (new SimplePathStep (TrimName (path.Substring (start, idx - start)), false)); start = idx + 1; } } while (start < path.Length); al.Add (new SimplePath (steps.ToArray (typeof (SimplePathStep)) as SimplePathStep [])); } string TrimName (string src) { return src.TrimStart (Nvdl.Whitespaces).TrimEnd (Nvdl.Whitespaces); } internal SimplePath [] Path { get { return path; } } public SimpleMode UseMode { get { return useMode; } } internal void ResolveModes (NvdlCompileContext ctx, SimpleMode current) { if (useModeName != null) useMode = ctx.GetCompiledMode (useModeName); else if (source.NestedMode != null) useMode = ctx.GetCompiledMode (source); else useMode = current; if (useMode == null) throw new NvdlCompileException (String.Format ("Specified mode '{0}' was not found.", useModeName), this); } } }