Managed Drivers for MySQL and PostgreSQL ====================================== Current Status of MySQL driver ---------------------------------- The driver is currently under heavy development. The driver is in beta form with most features working reasonably well. ** Please note that the binaries distributed in the package are either compiled with Mono or .NET 1.1. ** Current status of the PostgreSQL driver --------------------------------------- The PostgreSQL driver is just starting and not really usable yet. It can perform simple reads with a limited set of data types. Watch the project over the next few weeks to see much improvement. Credit --------------------------------------- First of all, many thanks to the MySQL folks for creating such a great database. Next, I have to give a big thanks and kudos to Mark Matthews for his Java-based MySQL driver. As the protocol to MySQL is very poorly documented, his driver proved to be invaluable. Also, I have to give thanks for Jun Su for starting the SourceForge project and for his wonderful contribution of code and ideas. Thanks also go out to Peter Belbin, Timoth Parez, and Daniel Morgan for their input, testing, and all the other things that make open source projects successful! I have started putting the names of people who post bugs, patches, suggestions, or anything else of value to the changelog. If you have posted and don't see your name, I apologize. Please let me know who you are and I'll include you. The most important thing here is to understand that this is not a one man show. So many people have provided input along the way.