* Organization of Test Cases: There are three different kinds of mbas Test Cases * Positive Tests: These test cases should compile and run without failure. Any failure during compile and run is deemed as a bug in the compiler or run time. * Negative Tests: These test cases trigger a compile time failure with a pre-determined error number at pre-determined location within the source file. A successful compilation or a failure at a different line or with a different error number is deemed as a bug in the compiler. * Negative Run Time Tests: These test cases should trigger a pre-determined run time error. A successful execution or a run-time error that is any different is deemed as a bug in the compiler. * Contributing Test Cases: * All test cases are listed in the file Test.Sources under one of TEST_SOURCES, TEST_NGTIVE_COMPILATION_SOURCES, TEST_NGTIVE_RUNTIME_SOURCES as appropriate. Refer the previous paragraph to understand what these exactly mean. * Running Test Cases: * To run tests do a 'make'. * All log messages are stored in mcs/btests/logs directory. * Positive tests messages are stored in mbas-positive.results * Negative compilation tests messages are stored in mbas-negative-compile.results file * Negative execution tests messages are stored in mbas-negative-runtime.results file * Log messages for any failed test are stored in corresponding test log file, say, -.log.