'============================================================================================ 'Name:Manish Kumar Sinha 'Email Address: manishkumarsinha@sify.com 'Test Case Name: ParamArray: 'APR-1.0.0: ParamArray can be used only on the last argument of argument list. it allows us to 'pass an arbitrary list. It allows us to pass an arbitrary number of argument to the procedure '============================================================================================= Imports System Module PA_1_0_0 Function F(ParamArray args() As Integer,ParamArray args1() As Integer)as Boolean Dim a as integer Dim b as integer a = args.Length b = args1.Length if a<>b return true else return false end if End Function Sub Main() Dim a As Integer() = { 1, 2, 3 } Dim b As Integer() = { 1, 2, 3,4 } Dim e as Boolean e= F(a,b) if e<>true Throw New System.Exception("#A1, Unexcepted Behaviour in F(a,b)") end if End Sub End Module '=============================================================================================