Imports System Module ConditionalStatementsB Sub Main() Dim i As Integer = 0 ' With the single-line form, it is possible to have multiple ' statements executed as the result of an If...Then decision. If i = 0 Then i += 1 : i += 2 : i += 3 If i <> 6 Then throw new exception("#CSB1 - LineIfThenStatement failed") _ else i += 6 : i += 12 If i <> 24 Then throw new exception("#CSB2 - LineIfThenStatement failed") End If ' Execution of a Case block is not permitted to "fall through" to ' next switch section Dim j As Integer = 0 for i = 0 To 3 Select Case i Case 0 Case 2 j += 2 Case 1 Case 3 j += 3 End Select next if j <> 5 then throw new exception("#CSB3 - Switch Case Statement failed") end if End Sub End Module