// // namespace.cs: Tracks namespaces // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. // using System; using System.Collections; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// Keeps track of the namespaces defined in the C# code. /// public class Namespace : IAlias { static ArrayList all_namespaces = new ArrayList (); static Hashtable namespaces_map = new Hashtable (); Namespace parent; string fullname; ArrayList entries; Hashtable namespaces; Hashtable defined_names; /// /// Constructor Takes the current namespace and the /// name. This is bootstrapped with parent == null /// and name = "" /// public Namespace (Namespace parent, string name) { this.parent = parent; string pname = parent != null ? parent.Name : ""; if (pname == "") fullname = name; else fullname = parent.Name + "." + name; entries = new ArrayList (); namespaces = new Hashtable (); defined_names = new Hashtable (); all_namespaces.Add (this); if (namespaces_map.Contains (fullname)) return; namespaces_map [fullname] = true; } public static bool IsNamespace (string name) { return namespaces_map [name] != null; } public static Namespace Root = new Namespace (null, ""); public Namespace GetNamespace (string name, bool create) { int pos = name.IndexOf ('.'); Namespace ns; string first; if (pos >= 0) first = name.Substring (0, pos); else first = name; ns = (Namespace) namespaces [first]; if (ns == null) { if (!create) return null; ns = new Namespace (this, first); namespaces.Add (first, ns); } if (pos >= 0) ns = ns.GetNamespace (name.Substring (pos + 1), create); return ns; } public static Namespace LookupNamespace (string name, bool create) { return Root.GetNamespace (name, create); } public IAlias Lookup (DeclSpace ds, string name, Location loc) { IAlias o = Lookup (name); Type t; DeclSpace tdecl = o as DeclSpace; if (tdecl != null) { t = tdecl.DefineType (); if (t == null) return null; if ((ds == null) || ds.CheckAccessLevel (t)) return new TypeExpression (t, loc); } Namespace ns = GetNamespace (name, false); if (ns != null) return ns; t = TypeManager.LookupType (DeclSpace.MakeFQN (fullname, name)); if ((t == null) || ((ds != null) && !ds.CheckAccessLevel (t))) return null; return new TypeExpression (t, loc); } public void AddNamespaceEntry (NamespaceEntry entry) { entries.Add (entry); } public void DefineName (string name, IAlias o) { defined_names.Add (name, o); } public IAlias Lookup (string name) { return (IAlias) defined_names [name]; } static public ArrayList UserDefinedNamespaces { get { return all_namespaces; } } /// /// The qualified name of the current namespace /// public string Name { get { return fullname; } } /// /// The parent of this namespace, used by the parser to "Pop" /// the current namespace declaration /// public Namespace Parent { get { return parent; } } public static void DefineNamespaces (SymbolWriter symwriter) { foreach (Namespace ns in all_namespaces) { foreach (NamespaceEntry entry in ns.entries) entry.DefineNamespace (symwriter); } } /// /// Used to validate that all the using clauses are correct /// after we are finished parsing all the files. /// public static void VerifyUsing () { foreach (Namespace ns in all_namespaces) { foreach (NamespaceEntry entry in ns.entries) entry.VerifyUsing (); } } public override string ToString () { if (this == Root) return "Namespace ()"; else return String.Format ("Namespace ({0})", Name); } bool IAlias.IsType { get { return false; } } TypeExpr IAlias.ResolveAsType (EmitContext ec) { throw new InvalidOperationException (); } } public class NamespaceEntry { Namespace ns; NamespaceEntry parent, implicit_parent; SourceFile file; int symfile_id; Hashtable aliases; ArrayList using_clauses; public bool DeclarationFound = false; // // This class holds the location where a using definition is // done, and whether it has been used by the program or not. // // We use this to flag using clauses for namespaces that do not // exist. // public class UsingEntry { public readonly string Name; public readonly NamespaceEntry NamespaceEntry; public readonly Location Location; public UsingEntry (NamespaceEntry entry, string name, Location loc) { Name = name; NamespaceEntry = entry; Location = loc; } Namespace resolved_ns; public Namespace Resolve () { if (resolved_ns != null) return resolved_ns; object resolved = NamespaceEntry.LookupForUsing (Name, Location); resolved_ns = resolved as Namespace; return resolved_ns; } } public class AliasEntry { public readonly string Name; public readonly MemberName Alias; public readonly NamespaceEntry NamespaceEntry; public readonly Location Location; public AliasEntry (NamespaceEntry entry, string name, MemberName alias, Location loc) { Name = name; Alias = alias; NamespaceEntry = entry; Location = loc; } IAlias resolved; public IAlias Resolve () { if (resolved != null) return resolved; // // GENERICS: Cope with the expression and not with the string // this will fail with `using A = Stack' // string alias = Alias.GetTypeName (); resolved = NamespaceEntry.LookupForUsing (alias, Location); if (resolved == null) return null; if (resolved.IsType) resolved = new TypeAliasExpression ( resolved, Alias.TypeArguments, Location); return resolved; } } public NamespaceEntry (NamespaceEntry parent, SourceFile file, string name, Location loc) : this (parent, file, name, false, loc) { } protected NamespaceEntry (NamespaceEntry parent, SourceFile file, string name, bool is_implicit, Location loc) { this.parent = parent; this.file = file; this.IsImplicit = is_implicit; this.ID = ++next_id; if (!is_implicit && (parent != null)) ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace (name, true); else if (name != null) ns = Namespace.LookupNamespace (name, true); else ns = Namespace.Root; ns.AddNamespaceEntry (this); if ((parent != null) && (parent.NS != ns.Parent)) implicit_parent = new NamespaceEntry (parent, file, ns.Parent.Name, true, loc); else implicit_parent = parent; this.FullName = ns.Name; } static int next_id = 0; public readonly string FullName; public readonly int ID; public readonly bool IsImplicit; public Namespace NS { get { return ns; } } public NamespaceEntry Parent { get { return parent; } } public NamespaceEntry ImplicitParent { get { return implicit_parent; } } public void DefineName (string name, IAlias o) { ns.DefineName (name, o); } /// /// Records a new namespace for resolving name references /// public void Using (string ns, Location loc) { if (DeclarationFound){ Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements"); return; } if (ns == FullName) return; if (using_clauses == null) using_clauses = new ArrayList (); foreach (UsingEntry old_entry in using_clauses) { if (old_entry.Name == ns) { if (RootContext.WarningLevel >= 3) Report.Warning (105, loc, "The using directive for '{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", ns); return; } } UsingEntry ue = new UsingEntry (this, ns, loc); using_clauses.Add (ue); } public void UsingAlias (string name, MemberName alias, Location loc) { if (DeclarationFound){ Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements"); return; } if (aliases == null) aliases = new Hashtable (); if (aliases.Contains (name)){ Report.Error (1537, loc, "The using alias `" + name + "' appeared previously in this namespace"); return; } aliases [name] = new AliasEntry (this, name, alias, loc); } protected AliasEntry GetAliasEntry (string alias) { AliasEntry entry = null; if (aliases != null) entry = (AliasEntry) aliases [alias]; if (entry == null && Parent != null) entry = Parent.GetAliasEntry (alias); return entry; } public IAlias LookupAlias (string alias) { AliasEntry entry = GetAliasEntry (alias); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.Resolve (); } // // According to section 16.3.1 (using-alias-directive), the namespace-or-type-name is // resolved as if the immediately containing namespace body has no using-directives. // // Section 16.3.2 says that the same rule is applied when resolving the namespace-name // in the using-namespace-directive. // public IAlias LookupForUsing (string dotted_name, Location loc) { int pos = dotted_name.IndexOf ('.'); string simple_name = dotted_name; string rest = null; if (pos >= 0) { simple_name = dotted_name.Substring (0, pos); rest = dotted_name.Substring (pos + 1); } IAlias o = NS.Lookup (null, simple_name, loc); if (o == null && ImplicitParent != null) o = ImplicitParent.LookupNamespaceOrType (null, simple_name, loc); if (o == null || rest == null) return o; Namespace ns = o as Namespace; if (ns != null) return ns.Lookup (null, rest, loc); Type nested = TypeManager.LookupType (o.Name + "." + rest); if (nested == null) return null; return new TypeExpression (nested, loc); } public IAlias LookupNamespaceOrType (DeclSpace ds, string name, Location loc) { IAlias resolved = null; for (NamespaceEntry curr_ns = this; curr_ns != null; curr_ns = curr_ns.ImplicitParent) { if ((resolved = curr_ns.Lookup (ds, name, loc)) != null) break; } return resolved; } private IAlias Lookup (DeclSpace ds, string name, Location loc) { IAlias o; Namespace ns; // // If name is of the form `N.I', first lookup `N', then search a member `I' in it. // // FIXME: Remove this block. Only simple names should come here. // The bug: The loop in LookupNamespaceOrType continues if // the lookup for N succeeds but the nested lookup for I fails. // This is one part of #52697. // int pos = name.IndexOf ('.'); if (pos >= 0) { string first = name.Substring (0, pos); string last = name.Substring (pos + 1); o = Lookup (ds, first, loc); if (o == null) return null; ns = o as Namespace; if (ns != null) { o = ns.Lookup (ds, last, loc); return o; } Type nested = TypeManager.LookupType (o.Name + "." + last); if ((nested == null) || ((ds != null) && !ds.CheckAccessLevel (nested))) return null; return new TypeExpression (nested, loc); } // // Check whether it's in the namespace. // o = NS.Lookup (ds, name, loc); if (o != null) return o; // // Check aliases. // AliasEntry entry = GetAliasEntry (name); if (entry != null) { IAlias alias = entry.Resolve (); if (alias != null) return alias; } if (name.IndexOf ('.') > 0) return null; // // Check using entries. // IAlias t = null, match = null; foreach (Namespace using_ns in GetUsingTable ()) { match = using_ns.Lookup (ds, name, loc); if ((match != null) && match.IsType){ if (t != null) { DeclSpace.Error_AmbiguousTypeReference (loc, name, t.Name, match.Name); return null; } else { t = match; } } } return t; } // Our cached computation. Namespace [] namespace_using_table; public Namespace[] GetUsingTable () { if (namespace_using_table != null) return namespace_using_table; if (using_clauses == null) return new Namespace [0]; ArrayList list = new ArrayList (using_clauses.Count); foreach (UsingEntry ue in using_clauses) { Namespace using_ns = ue.Resolve (); if (using_ns == null) continue; list.Add (using_ns); } namespace_using_table = new Namespace [list.Count]; list.CopyTo (namespace_using_table, 0); return namespace_using_table; } public void DefineNamespace (SymbolWriter symwriter) { if (symfile_id != 0) return; if (parent != null) parent.DefineNamespace (symwriter); string[] using_list; if (using_clauses != null) { using_list = new string [using_clauses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < using_clauses.Count; i++) using_list [i] = ((UsingEntry) using_clauses [i]).Name; } else { using_list = new string [0]; } int parent_id = parent != null ? parent.symfile_id : 0; if (file.SourceFileEntry == null) return; symfile_id = symwriter.DefineNamespace ( ns.Name, file.SourceFileEntry, using_list, parent_id); } public int SymbolFileID { get { return symfile_id; } } static void MsgtryRef (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -r:" + s); } static void MsgtryPkg (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -pkg:" + s); } protected void error246 (Location loc, string name) { Report.Error (246, loc, "The namespace `" + name + "' can not be found (missing assembly reference?)"); switch (name) { case "Gtk": case "GtkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gtk-sharp"); break; case "Gdk": case "GdkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gdk-sharp"); break; case "Glade": case "GladeSharp": MsgtryPkg ("glade-sharp"); break; case "System.Drawing": case "System.Web.Services": case "System.Web": case "System.Data": case "System.Windows.Forms": MsgtryRef (name); break; } } /// /// Used to validate that all the using clauses are correct /// after we are finished parsing all the files. /// public void VerifyUsing () { TypeContainer dummy = new RootTypes (); EmitContext ec = new EmitContext ( dummy, Location.Null, null, null, 0, false); if (using_clauses != null){ foreach (UsingEntry ue in using_clauses){ if (ue.Resolve () != null) continue; if (LookupForUsing (ue.Name, ue.Location) == null) error246 (ue.Location, ue.Name); else Report.Error (138, ue.Location, "The using keyword only lets you specify a namespace, " + "`" + ue.Name + "' is a class not a namespace."); } } if (aliases != null){ foreach (DictionaryEntry de in aliases){ AliasEntry entry = (AliasEntry) de.Value; IAlias alias = entry.Resolve (); if (alias != null) { if (alias.IsType) alias.ResolveAsType (ec); continue; } error246 (entry.Location, entry.Alias.GetTypeName ()); } } } public override string ToString () { if (NS == Namespace.Root) return "NamespaceEntry ()"; else return String.Format ("NamespaceEntry ({0},{1},{2})", FullName, IsImplicit, ID); } } }