.\" .\" mono manual page. .\" (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. .\" Author: .\" Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) .\" .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP) .if t .sp .5v .if n .sp .. .TH Mono "Mono 1.0" .SH NAME mono \- Mono's ECMA-CLI native code generator (Just-in-Time and Ahead-of-Time) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B mono [options] file [arguments...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fImono\fP is a runtime implementation of the ECMA Common Language Infrastructure. This can be used to run ECMA and .NET applications. .PP The runtime contains a native code generator that transforms the Common Intermediate Language into native code. .PP The code generator can operate in two modes: just in time compilation (JIT) or ahead of time compilation (AOT). Since code can be dynamically loaded, the runtime environment and the JIT are always present, even if code is compiled ahead of time. .PP The runtime loads ths specified .I file and optionally passes the .I arguments to it. The .I file is an ECMA assembly. They typically have a .exe or .dll extension. .PP The runtime provides a number of configuration options for running applications, for developping and debugging, and for testing and debugging the runtime itself. .SH RUNTIME OPTIONS The following options are available: .TP .I "--aot" This option is used to precompile the CIL code in the specified assembly to native code. The generated code is stored in a file with the extension .so. This file will be automatically picked up by the runtime when the assembly is executed. .Sp Ahead-of-Time compilation is most useful if you use it in combination with the -O=all,-shared flag which enables all of the optimizations in the code generator to be performed. Some of those optimizations are not practical for Just-in-Time compilation since they might be very time consuming. .Sp Unlike the .NET Framework, Ahead-of-Time compilation will not generate domain independent code: it generates the same code that the Just-in-Time compiler would produce. Since most applications use a single domain, this is fine. If you want to optimize the generated code for use in multi-domain applications, consider using the -O=shared flag. .Sp This pre-compiles the methods, but the original assembly is still required to execute as this one contains the metadata and exception information which is not availble on the generated file. When precompiling code, you might want to compile with all optimizations (-O=all). Pre-compiled code is position independent code. .Sp Pre compilation is just a mechanism to reduce startup time, and avoid just-in-time compilation costs. The original assembly must still be present, as the metadata is contained there. .TP .I "--config filename" Load the specified configuration file instead of the default one(s). The default files are /etc/mono/config and ~/.mono/config or the file specified in the MONO_CONFIG environment variable, if set. See the mono-config(5) man page for details on the format of this file. .TP .I "--help", "-h" Displays usage instructions. .TP .I "--optimize=MODE", "-O=mode" MODE is a comma separated list of optimizations. They also allow optimizations to be turned off by prefixing the optimization name with a minus sign. .Sp The following optimizations are implemented: .nf all Turn on all optimizations peephole Peephole postpass branch Branch optimizations inline Inline method calls cfold Constant folding consprop Constant propagation copyprop Copy propagation deadce Dead code elimination linears Linear scan global reg allocation cmov Conditional moves shared Emit per-domain code sched Instruction scheduling intrins Intrinsic method implementations tailc Tail recursion and tail calls loop Loop related optimizations leaf Leaf procedures optimizations profile Use profiling information .fi .Sp For example, to enable all the optimization but dead code elimination and inlining, you can use: .nf -O=all,-deadce,-inline .fi .TP .I "-V", "--version" Prints JIT version information. .SH DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS The following options are used to help when developing a JITed application. .TP .I "--debug" Turns on the debugging mode in the runtime. If an assembly was compiled with debugging information, it will produce line number information for stack traces. .TP .I "--profile[=profiler[:profiler_args]]" Instructs the runtime to collect profiling information about execution times and memory allocation, and dump it at the end of the execution. If a profiler is not specified, the default profiler is used. profiler_args is a profiler-specific string of options for the profiler itself. .PP The default profiler accepts -time and -alloc to options to disable the time profiling or the memory allocation profilng. .SH JIT MAINTAINER OPTIONS The maintainer options are only used by those developing the runtime itself, and not typically of interest to runtime users or developers. .TP .I "--compile name" This compiles a method (namespace.name:methodname), this is used for testing the compiler performance or to examine the output of the code generator. .TP .I "--compileall" Compiles all the methods in an assembly. This is used to test the compiler performance or to examine the output of the code generator .TP .I "--graph=TYPE METHOD" This generates a postscript file with a graph with the details about the specified method (namespace.name:methodname). This requires `dot' and ghostview to be installed (it expects Ghostview to be called "gv"). .PP The following graphs are available: .nf cfg Control Flow Graph (CFG) dtree Dominator Tree code CFG showing code ssa CFG showing code after SSA translation optcode CFG showing code after IR optimizations .fi .Sp Some graphs will only be available if certain optimizations are turned on. .TP .I "--ncompile" Instruct the runtime on the number of times that the method specified by --compile (or all the methods if --compileall is used) to be compiled. This is used for testing the code generator performance. .TP .I "-v", "--verbose" Increases the verbosity level, each time it is listed, increases the verbosity level to include more information (including, for example, a disassembly of the native code produced, code selector info etc.). .TP .I "--break method" Inserts a breakpoint before the method whose name is `method' (namespace.class:methodname). Use `Main' as method name to insert a breakpoint on the application's main method. .TP .I "--breakonex" Inserts a breakpoint on exceptions. This allows you to debug your application with a native debugger when an exception is thrown. .TP .I "--trace[=expression]" Shows method names as they are invoked. By default all methods are traced. .PP The trace can be customized to include or exclude methods, classes or assemblies. A trace expression is a comma separated list of targets, each target can be prefixed with a minus sign to turn off a particular target. The words `program' and `all' have special meaning. `program' refers to the main program being executed, and `all' means all the method calls. .PP Assemblies are specified by their name, for example, to trace all calls in the System assembly, use: .nf mono --trace=System app.exe .fi Classes are specified with the T: prefix. For example, to trace all calls to the System.String class, use: .nf mono --trace=T:System.String app.exe .fi And individual methods are referenced with the M: prefix, and the standar method notation: .nf mono --trace=M:System.Console.WriteLine app.exe .fi As previously noted, various rules can be specified at once: .nf mono --trace=T:System.String,T:System.Random app.exe .fi You can exclude pieces, the next example traces calls to System.String except for the System.String:Concat method. .nf mono --trace=T:System.String,-M:System.String:Concat .fi Finally, namespaces can be specified using the N: prefix: .nf mono --trace=N:System.Xml .fi .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .I "GC_DONT_GC" Turns off the garbage collection in Mono. This should be only used for debugging purposes .TP .I "MONO_PATH" Provides a search path to the runtime where to look for library files. Directories are separated by the platform path separator (colons on unix). Example: .B /home/username/lib:/usr/local/mono/lib .TP .I "MONO_CFG_DIR" If set, this variable overrides the default system configuration directory ($PREFIX/etc). It's used to locate machine.config file. .TP .I "MONO_CONFIG" If set, this variable overrides the default runtime configuration file ($PREFIX/etc/mono/config). The --config command line options overrides the environment variable. .TP .I "MONO_DEBUG" If set, enables some features of the runtime useful for debugging. Currently it only makes the runtime display the stack traces for all the threads running and exit. It may not exit cleanly. Use at your own risk. .TP .I "MONO_DISABLE_AIO" If set, tells mono NOT to attempt using native asynchronous I/O services. In that case, the threadpool is used for asynchronous I/O on files and sockets. .TP .I "MONO_DISABLE_SHM" If this variable is set, it disables the shared memory part of the Windows I/O Emulation layer, and handles (files, events, mutexes, pipes) will not be shared across processes. Process creation is also disabled. This option is only available on Unix. .TP .I "MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS" If set, contains a colon-separated list of text encodings to try when turning externally-generated text (e.g. command-line arguments or filenames) into Unicode. The encoding names come from the list provided by iconv, and the special case "default_locale" which refers to the current locale's default encoding. .TP When reading externally-generated text strings UTF-8 is tried first, and then this list is tried in order with the first successful conversion ending the search. When writing external text (e.g. new filenames or arguments to new processes) the first item in this list is used, or UTF-8 if the environment variable is not set. .TP .I "MONO_SHARED_DIR" If set its the directory where the ".wapi" handle state is stored. This is the directory where the Windows I/O Emulation layer stores its shared state data (files, events, mutexes, pipes). By default Mono will store the ".wapi" directory in the users's home directory. .TP .I "MONO_UNMANAGED_XSLT" If set any value, System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform uses libxslt-based transformation engine (a.k.a Unmanaged XSLT). Unmanaged XSLT has long been used for XSLT engine while Managed XSLT engine is so new and might have some bugs. Basically we recommend Managed XSLT solution, but if it contains some blocking bugs, then you can also use traditional libxslt. If you want to use msxsl:script, you have to select Managed XSLT. .TP .I "MONO_MANAGED_WATCHER" If set to any value, System.IO.FileSystemWatcher will use the default managed implementation (slow). If unset, mono will try to use FAM under Unix systems and native API calls on Windows, falling back to the managed implementation on error. .TP .I "MONO_CODEDOM_NODELETE" If set to any value, the C# CodeDom compiler will not remove the temporary source files generated. .SH FILES On Unix assemblies are loaded from the installation lib directory. If you set `prefix' to /usr, the assemblies will be located in /usr/lib. On Windows, the assemblies are loaded from the directory where mono and mint live. .PP /etc/mono/config, ~/.mono/config .PP Mono runtime configuration file. See the mono-config(5) manual page for more information. .SH MAILING LISTS Visit http://mail.ximian.com/mailman/mono-list for details. .SH WEB SITE Visit: http://www.go-mono.com for details .SH SEE ALSO .BR mcs(1), mint(1), monodis(1), mono-config(5). .PP For ASP.NET-related documentation, see the xsp(1) manual page