/* jit/stack.c ***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1997 A. Krall, R. Grafl, M. Gschwind, M. Probst See file COPYRIGHT for information on usage and disclaimer of warranties Parser for JavaVM to intermediate code translation Authors: Andreas Krall EMAIL: cacao@complang.tuwien.ac.at Last Change: 1997/11/18 *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef STATISTICS #define COUNT(cnt) cnt++ #else #define COUNT(cnt) #endif #define STACKRESET {curstack=0;stackdepth=0;} #define TYPEPANIC {show_icmd_method();panic("Stack type mismatch");} #define CURKIND curstack->varkind #define CURTYPE curstack->type #define NEWSTACK(s,v,n) {new->prev=curstack;new->type=s;new->flags=0;\ new->varkind=v;new->varnum=n;curstack=new;new++;} #define NEWSTACKn(s,n) NEWSTACK(s,UNDEFVAR,n) #define NEWSTACK0(s) NEWSTACK(s,UNDEFVAR,0) #define NEWXSTACK {NEWSTACK(TYPE_ADR,STACKVAR,0);curstack=0;} #define SETDST {iptr->dst=curstack;} #define POP(s) {if(s!=curstack->type){TYPEPANIC;}\ if(curstack->varkind==UNDEFVAR)curstack->varkind=TEMPVAR;\ curstack=curstack->prev;} #define POPANY {if(curstack->varkind==UNDEFVAR)curstack->varkind=TEMPVAR;\ curstack=curstack->prev;} #define COPY(s,d) {(d)->flags=0;(d)->type=(s)->type;\ (d)->varkind=(s)->varkind;(d)->varnum=(s)->varnum;} #define PUSHCONST(s){NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth);SETDST;stackdepth++;} #define LOAD(s,v,n) {NEWSTACK(s,v,n);SETDST;stackdepth++;} #define STORE(s) {POP(s);SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP1_0(s) {POP(s);SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP1_0ANY {POPANY;SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP0_1(s) {NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth);SETDST;stackdepth++;} #define OP1_1(s,d) {POP(s);NEWSTACKn(d,stackdepth-1);SETDST;} #define OP2_0(s) {POP(s);POP(s);SETDST;stackdepth-=2;} #define OPTT2_0(t,b){POP(t);POP(b);SETDST;stackdepth-=2;} #define OP2_1(s) {POP(s);POP(s);NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth-2);SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP2IAT_1(s) {POP(TYPE_INT);POP(TYPE_ADR);NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth-2);\ SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP2IT_1(s) {POP(TYPE_INT);POP(s);NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth-2);\ SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OPTT2_1(s,d){POP(s);POP(s);NEWSTACKn(d,stackdepth-2);SETDST;stackdepth--;} #define OP2_2(s) {POP(s);POP(s);NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth-2);\ NEWSTACKn(s,stackdepth-1);SETDST;} #define OP3TIA_0(s) {POP(s);POP(TYPE_INT);POP(TYPE_ADR);SETDST;stackdepth-=3;} #define OP3_0(s) {POP(s);POP(s);POP(s);SETDST;stackdepth-=3;} #define POPMANY(i) {stackdepth-=i;while(--i>=0){POPANY;}SETDST;} #define DUP {NEWSTACK(CURTYPE,CURKIND,curstack->varnum);SETDST;\ stackdepth++;} #define SWAP {COPY(curstack,new);POPANY;COPY(curstack,new+1);POPANY;\ new[0].prev=curstack;new[1].prev=new;\ curstack=new+1;new+=2;SETDST;} #define DUP_X1 {COPY(curstack,new);COPY(curstack,new+2);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new+1);POPANY;new[0].prev=curstack;\ new[1].prev=new;new[2].prev=new+1;\ curstack=new+2;new+=3;SETDST;stackdepth++;} #define DUP2_X1 {COPY(curstack,new+1);COPY(curstack,new+4);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new);COPY(curstack,new+3);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new+2);POPANY;new[0].prev=curstack;\ new[1].prev=new;new[2].prev=new+1;\ new[3].prev=new+2;new[4].prev=new+3;\ curstack=new+4;new+=5;SETDST;stackdepth+=2;} #define DUP_X2 {COPY(curstack,new);COPY(curstack,new+3);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new+2);POPANY;COPY(curstack,new+1);POPANY;\ new[0].prev=curstack;new[1].prev=new;\ new[2].prev=new+1;new[3].prev=new+2;\ curstack=new+3;new+=4;SETDST;stackdepth++;} #define DUP2_X2 {COPY(curstack,new+1);COPY(curstack,new+5);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new);COPY(curstack,new+4);POPANY;\ COPY(curstack,new+3);POPANY;COPY(curstack,new+2);POPANY;\ new[0].prev=curstack;new[1].prev=new;\ new[2].prev=new+1;new[3].prev=new+2;\ new[4].prev=new+3;new[5].prev=new+4;\ curstack=new+5;new+=6;SETDST;stackdepth+=2;} #define COPYCURSTACK(copy) {\ int d;\ stackptr s;\ if(curstack){\ s=curstack;\ new+=stackdepth;\ d=stackdepth;\ copy=new;\ while(s){\ copy--;d--;\ copy->prev=copy-1;\ copy->type=s->type;\ copy->flags=0;\ copy->varkind=STACKVAR;\ copy->varnum=d;\ s=s->prev;\ }\ copy->prev=NULL;\ copy=new-1;\ }\ else\ copy=NULL;\ } #define BBEND(s,i){\ i=stackdepth-1;\ copy=s;\ while(copy){\ if((copy->varkind==STACKVAR)&&(copy->varnum>i))\ copy->varkind=TEMPVAR;\ else {\ copy->varkind=STACKVAR;\ copy->varnum=i;\ }\ interfaces[i][copy->type].type = copy->type;\ interfaces[i][copy->type].flags |= copy->flags;\ i--;copy=copy->prev;\ }\ i=bptr->indepth-1;\ copy=bptr->instack;\ while(copy){\ interfaces[i][copy->type].type = copy->type;\ if(copy->varkind==STACKVAR){\ if (copy->flags & SAVEDVAR)\ interfaces[i][copy->type].flags |= SAVEDVAR;\ }\ i--;copy=copy->prev;\ }\ } #define MARKREACHED(b,c) {\ if(b->flags<0)\ {COPYCURSTACK(c);b->flags=0;b->instack=c;b->indepth=stackdepth;}\ else {stackptr s=curstack;stackptr t=b->instack;\ if(b->indepth!=stackdepth)\ {show_icmd_method();panic("Stack depth mismatch");}\ while(s){if (s->type!=t->type)\ TYPEPANIC\ s=s->prev;t=t->prev;\ }\ }\ } #ifdef USEBUILTINTABLE static stdopdescriptor *find_builtin(stdopdescriptor *first, stdopdescriptor *last, int icmd) { int len = last - first; int half; stdopdescriptor *middle; while (len > 0) { half = len/2; middle = first + half; if (middle->opcode < icmd) { first = middle + 1; len -= half + 1; } else len = half; } return first; } #endif static void show_icmd_method(); static void analyse_stack() { int b_count, b_index; int stackdepth; stackptr curstack, new, copy; int opcode, i, len, loops; int superblockend, repeat, deadcode; instruction *iptr = instr; basicblock *bptr, *tbptr; s4 *s4ptr; void* *tptr; // int *argren = DMNEW(int, maxlocals); int *argren = (int *)alloca(maxlocals * sizeof(int)); /* table for argument renaming */ for (i = 0; i < maxlocals; i++) argren[i]=i; arguments_num = 0; new = stack; loops = 0; block[0].flags = BBREACHED; block[0].instack = 0; block[0].indepth = 0; for (i = 0; i < exceptiontablelength; i++) { bptr = &block[block_index[extable[i].handlerpc]]; bptr->flags = BBREACHED; bptr->type = BBTYPE_EXH; bptr->instack = new; bptr->indepth = 1; bptr->pre_count = 10000; STACKRESET; NEWXSTACK; } #ifdef CONDITIONAL_LOADCONST b_count = block_count; bptr = block; while (--b_count >= 0) { if (bptr->icount != 0) { iptr = bptr->iinstr + bptr->icount - 1; switch (iptr->opc) { case ICMD_RET: case ICMD_RETURN: case ICMD_IRETURN: case ICMD_LRETURN: case ICMD_FRETURN: case ICMD_DRETURN: case ICMD_ARETURN: case ICMD_ATHROW: break; case ICMD_IFEQ: case ICMD_IFNE: case ICMD_IFLT: case ICMD_IFGE: case ICMD_IFGT: case ICMD_IFLE: case ICMD_IFNULL: case ICMD_IFNONNULL: case ICMD_IF_ICMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ICMPNE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLE: case ICMD_IF_ACMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ACMPNE: bptr[1].pre_count++; case ICMD_GOTO: block[block_index[iptr->op1]].pre_count++; break; case ICMD_TABLESWITCH: s4ptr = iptr->val.a; block[block_index[*s4ptr++]].pre_count++; /* default */ i = *s4ptr++; /* low */ i = *s4ptr++ - i + 1; /* high */ while (--i >= 0) { block[block_index[*s4ptr++]].pre_count++; } break; case ICMD_LOOKUPSWITCH: s4ptr = iptr->val.a; block[block_index[*s4ptr++]].pre_count++; /* default */ i = *s4ptr++; /* count */ while (--i >= 0) { block[block_index[s4ptr[1]]].pre_count++; s4ptr += 2; } break; default: bptr[1].pre_count++; break; } } bptr++; } #endif do { loops++; b_count = block_count; bptr = block; superblockend = true; repeat = false; STACKRESET; deadcode = true; while (--b_count >= 0) { if (bptr->flags == BBDELETED) { /* do nothing */ } else if (superblockend && (bptr->flags < BBREACHED)) repeat = true; else if (bptr->flags <= BBREACHED) { if (superblockend) stackdepth = bptr->indepth; else if (bptr->flags < BBREACHED) { COPYCURSTACK(copy); bptr->instack = copy; bptr->indepth = stackdepth; } else if (bptr->indepth != stackdepth) { show_icmd_method(); panic("Stack depth mismatch"); } curstack = bptr->instack; deadcode = false; superblockend = false; bptr->flags = BBFINISHED; len = bptr->icount; iptr = bptr->iinstr; b_index = bptr - block; while (--len >= 0) { opcode = iptr->opc; iptr->target = NULL; #ifdef USEBUILTINTABLE { stdopdescriptor *blast = builtintable + sizeof(builtintable)/sizeof(stdopdescriptor); stdopdescriptor *breplace; breplace = find_builtin(builtintable, blast, opcode); if (breplace != blast && opcode == breplace->opcode && !breplace->supported) { iptr[0].opc = breplace->icmd; iptr[0].op1 = breplace->type_d; iptr[0].val.a = breplace->builtin; isleafmethod = false; switch (breplace->icmd) { case ICMD_BUILTIN1: goto builtin1; case ICMD_BUILTIN2: goto builtin2; } } } #endif switch (opcode) { /* pop 0 push 0 */ case ICMD_NOP: case ICMD_CHECKASIZE: case ICMD_IFEQ_ICONST: case ICMD_IFNE_ICONST: case ICMD_IFLT_ICONST: case ICMD_IFGE_ICONST: case ICMD_IFGT_ICONST: case ICMD_IFLE_ICONST: case ICMD_ELSE_ICONST: SETDST; break; case ICMD_RET: locals[iptr->op1][TYPE_ADR].type = TYPE_ADR; case ICMD_RETURN: COUNT(count_pcmd_return); SETDST; superblockend = true; break; /* pop 0 push 1 const */ case ICMD_ICONST: COUNT(count_pcmd_load); if (len > 0) { switch (iptr[1].opc) { case ICMD_IADD: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IADDCONST; icmd_iconst_tail: iptr[1].opc = ICMD_NOP; OP1_1(TYPE_INT,TYPE_INT); COUNT(count_pcmd_op); break; case ICMD_ISUB: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_ISUBCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IMUL: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IMULCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IDIV: if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000002) iptr[0].val.i = 1; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000004) iptr[0].val.i = 2; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000008) iptr[0].val.i = 3; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000010) iptr[0].val.i = 4; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000020) iptr[0].val.i = 5; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000040) iptr[0].val.i = 6; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000080) iptr[0].val.i = 7; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000100) iptr[0].val.i = 8; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000200) iptr[0].val.i = 9; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000400) iptr[0].val.i = 10; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000800) iptr[0].val.i = 11; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00001000) iptr[0].val.i = 12; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00002000) iptr[0].val.i = 13; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00004000) iptr[0].val.i = 14; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00008000) iptr[0].val.i = 15; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00010000) iptr[0].val.i = 16; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00020000) iptr[0].val.i = 17; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00040000) iptr[0].val.i = 18; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00080000) iptr[0].val.i = 19; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00100000) iptr[0].val.i = 20; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00200000) iptr[0].val.i = 21; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00400000) iptr[0].val.i = 22; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00800000) iptr[0].val.i = 23; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x01000000) iptr[0].val.i = 24; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x02000000) iptr[0].val.i = 25; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x04000000) iptr[0].val.i = 26; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x08000000) iptr[0].val.i = 27; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x10000000) iptr[0].val.i = 28; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x20000000) iptr[0].val.i = 29; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x40000000) iptr[0].val.i = 30; else if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x80000000) iptr[0].val.i = 31; else { PUSHCONST(TYPE_INT); break; } iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IDIVPOW2; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IREM: #if !defined(NO_DIV_OPT) if (iptr[0].val.i == 0x10001) { iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IREM0X10001; goto icmd_iconst_tail; } #endif if ((iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000002) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000004) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000008) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000010) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000020) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000040) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000080) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000100) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000200) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000400) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00000800) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00001000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00002000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00004000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00008000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00010000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00020000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00040000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00080000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00100000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00200000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00400000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x00800000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x01000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x02000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x04000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x08000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x10000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x20000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x40000000) || (iptr[0].val.i == 0x80000000)) { iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IREMPOW2; iptr[0].val.i -= 1; goto icmd_iconst_tail; } PUSHCONST(TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_IAND: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IANDCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IOR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IORCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IXOR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IXORCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_ISHL: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_ISHLCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_ISHR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_ISHRCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; case ICMD_IUSHR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IUSHRCONST; goto icmd_iconst_tail; #if SUPPORT_LONG_SHIFT case ICMD_LSHL: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LSHLCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LSHR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LSHRCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LUSHR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LUSHRCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; #endif case ICMD_IF_ICMPEQ: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFEQ; icmd_if_icmp_tail: iptr[0].op1 = iptr[1].op1; bptr->icount--; len--; /* iptr[1].opc = ICMD_NOP; */ OP1_0(TYPE_INT); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); break; case ICMD_IF_ICMPLT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFLT; goto icmd_if_icmp_tail; case ICMD_IF_ICMPLE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFLE; goto icmd_if_icmp_tail; case ICMD_IF_ICMPNE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFNE; goto icmd_if_icmp_tail; case ICMD_IF_ICMPGT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFGT; goto icmd_if_icmp_tail; case ICMD_IF_ICMPGE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFGE; goto icmd_if_icmp_tail; default: PUSHCONST(TYPE_INT); } } else PUSHCONST(TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_LCONST: COUNT(count_pcmd_load); if (len > 0) { switch (iptr[1].opc) { #if SUPPORT_LONG_ADD case ICMD_LADD: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LADDCONST; icmd_lconst_tail: iptr[1].opc = ICMD_NOP; OP1_1(TYPE_LNG,TYPE_LNG); COUNT(count_pcmd_op); break; case ICMD_LSUB: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LSUBCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; #endif #if SUPPORT_LONG_MULDIV case ICMD_LMUL: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LMULCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LDIV: if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000002) iptr[0].val.i = 1; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000004) iptr[0].val.i = 2; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000008) iptr[0].val.i = 3; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000010) iptr[0].val.i = 4; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000020) iptr[0].val.i = 5; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000040) iptr[0].val.i = 6; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000080) iptr[0].val.i = 7; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000100) iptr[0].val.i = 8; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000200) iptr[0].val.i = 9; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000400) iptr[0].val.i = 10; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000800) iptr[0].val.i = 11; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00001000) iptr[0].val.i = 12; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00002000) iptr[0].val.i = 13; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00004000) iptr[0].val.i = 14; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00008000) iptr[0].val.i = 15; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00010000) iptr[0].val.i = 16; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00020000) iptr[0].val.i = 17; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00040000) iptr[0].val.i = 18; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00080000) iptr[0].val.i = 19; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00100000) iptr[0].val.i = 20; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00200000) iptr[0].val.i = 21; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00400000) iptr[0].val.i = 22; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00800000) iptr[0].val.i = 23; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x01000000) iptr[0].val.i = 24; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x02000000) iptr[0].val.i = 25; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x04000000) iptr[0].val.i = 26; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x08000000) iptr[0].val.i = 27; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x10000000) iptr[0].val.i = 28; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x20000000) iptr[0].val.i = 29; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x40000000) iptr[0].val.i = 30; else if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x80000000) iptr[0].val.i = 31; else { PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); break; } iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LDIVPOW2; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LREM: #if !defined(NO_DIV_OPT) if (iptr[0].val.l == 0x10001) { iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LREM0X10001; goto icmd_lconst_tail; } #endif if ((iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000002) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000004) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000008) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000010) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000020) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000040) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000080) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000100) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000200) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000400) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00000800) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00001000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00002000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00004000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00008000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00010000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00020000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00040000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00080000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00100000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00200000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00400000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x00800000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x01000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x02000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x04000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x08000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x10000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x20000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x40000000) || (iptr[0].val.l == 0x80000000)) { iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LREMPOW2; iptr[0].val.l -= 1; goto icmd_lconst_tail; } PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); break; #endif #if SUPPORT_LONG_LOG case ICMD_LAND: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LANDCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LOR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LORCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; case ICMD_LXOR: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_LXORCONST; goto icmd_lconst_tail; #endif #if defined(NOLONG_CONDITIONAL) case ICMD_LCMP: if ((len > 1) && (iptr[2].val.i == 0)) { switch (iptr[2].opc) { case ICMD_IFEQ: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LEQ; icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail: iptr[0].op1 = iptr[2].op1; bptr->icount -= 2; len -= 2; /* iptr[1].opc = ICMD_NOP; iptr[2].opc = ICMD_NOP; */ OP1_0(TYPE_LNG); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); COUNT(count_pcmd_op); break; case ICMD_IFNE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LNE; goto icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail; case ICMD_IFLT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LLT; goto icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail; case ICMD_IFGT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LGT; goto icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail; case ICMD_IFLE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LLE; goto icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail; case ICMD_IFGE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LGE; goto icmd_lconst_lcmp_tail; default: PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); } /* switch (iptr[2].opc) */ } /* if (iptr[2].val.i == 0) */ else PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); break; #endif default: PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); } } else PUSHCONST(TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_FCONST: COUNT(count_pcmd_load); PUSHCONST(TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_DCONST: COUNT(count_pcmd_load); PUSHCONST(TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_ACONST: COUNT(count_pcmd_load); PUSHCONST(TYPE_ADR); break; /* pop 0 push 1 load */ case ICMD_ILOAD: case ICMD_LLOAD: case ICMD_FLOAD: case ICMD_DLOAD: case ICMD_ALOAD: COUNT(count_load_instruction); i = opcode-ICMD_ILOAD; iptr->op1 = argren[iptr->op1]; locals[ iptr->op1 ][i].type = i; LOAD(i, LOCALVAR, iptr->op1); break; /* pop 2 push 1 */ case ICMD_IALOAD: case ICMD_LALOAD: case ICMD_FALOAD: case ICMD_DALOAD: case ICMD_AALOAD: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_check_bound); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP2IAT_1(opcode-ICMD_IALOAD); break; case ICMD_BALOAD: case ICMD_CALOAD: case ICMD_SALOAD: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_check_bound); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP2IAT_1(TYPE_INT); break; /* pop 0 push 0 iinc */ case ICMD_IINC: #ifdef STATISTICS i = stackdepth; if (i >= 10) count_store_depth[10]++; else count_store_depth[i]++; #endif copy = curstack; i = stackdepth - 1; while (copy) { if ((copy->varkind == LOCALVAR) && (copy->varnum == iptr->op1)) { copy->varkind = TEMPVAR; copy->varnum = i; } i--; copy = copy->prev; } SETDST; break; /* pop 1 push 0 store */ case ICMD_ISTORE: case ICMD_LSTORE: case ICMD_FSTORE: case ICMD_DSTORE: case ICMD_ASTORE: icmd_store: i = opcode-ICMD_ISTORE; locals[iptr->op1][i].type = i; #ifdef STATISTICS count_pcmd_store++; i = new - curstack; if (i >= 20) count_store_length[20]++; else count_store_length[i]++; i = stackdepth - 1; if (i >= 10) count_store_depth[10]++; else count_store_depth[i]++; #endif copy = curstack->prev; i = stackdepth - 2; while (copy) { if ((copy->varkind == LOCALVAR) && (copy->varnum == iptr->op1)) { copy->varkind = TEMPVAR; copy->varnum = i; } i--; copy = copy->prev; } if ((new - curstack) == 1) { curstack->varkind = LOCALVAR; curstack->varnum = iptr->op1; }; STORE(opcode-ICMD_ISTORE); break; /* pop 3 push 0 */ case ICMD_IASTORE: case ICMD_LASTORE: case ICMD_FASTORE: case ICMD_DASTORE: case ICMD_AASTORE: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_check_bound); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP3TIA_0(opcode-ICMD_IASTORE); break; case ICMD_BASTORE: case ICMD_CASTORE: case ICMD_SASTORE: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_check_bound); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP3TIA_0(TYPE_INT); break; /* pop 1 push 0 */ case ICMD_POP: OP1_0ANY; break; case ICMD_IRETURN: case ICMD_LRETURN: case ICMD_FRETURN: case ICMD_DRETURN: case ICMD_ARETURN: COUNT(count_pcmd_return); OP1_0(opcode-ICMD_IRETURN); superblockend = true; break; case ICMD_ATHROW: COUNT(count_check_null); OP1_0(TYPE_ADR); STACKRESET; SETDST; superblockend = true; break; case ICMD_PUTSTATIC: COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP1_0(iptr->op1); break; /* pop 1 push 0 branch */ case ICMD_IFNULL: case ICMD_IFNONNULL: COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); OP1_0(TYPE_ADR); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); break; case ICMD_IFEQ: case ICMD_IFNE: case ICMD_IFLT: case ICMD_IFGE: case ICMD_IFGT: case ICMD_IFLE: COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); #ifdef CONDITIONAL_LOADCONST { tbptr = block + b_index; if ((b_count >= 3) && ((b_index + 2) == block_index[iptr[0].op1]) && (tbptr[1].pre_count == 1) && (iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ICONST) && (iptr[2].opc == ICMD_GOTO) && ((b_index + 3) == block_index[iptr[2].op1]) && (tbptr[2].pre_count == 1) && (iptr[3].opc == ICMD_ICONST)) { OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT); switch (iptr[0].opc) { case ICMD_IFEQ: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFNE_ICONST; break; case ICMD_IFNE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFEQ_ICONST; break; case ICMD_IFLT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFGE_ICONST; break; case ICMD_IFGE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFLT_ICONST; break; case ICMD_IFGT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFLE_ICONST; break; case ICMD_IFLE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IFGT_ICONST; break; } iptr[0].val.i = iptr[1].val.i; iptr[1].opc = ICMD_ELSE_ICONST; iptr[1].val.i = iptr[3].val.i; iptr[2].opc = ICMD_NOP; iptr[3].opc = ICMD_NOP; tbptr[1].flags = BBDELETED; tbptr[2].flags = BBDELETED; tbptr[1].icount = 0; tbptr[2].icount = 0; if (tbptr[3].pre_count == 2) { len += tbptr[3].icount + 3; bptr->icount += tbptr[3].icount + 3; tbptr[3].flags = BBDELETED; tbptr[3].icount = 0; b_index++; } else { bptr->icount++; len ++; } b_index += 2; break; } } #endif OP1_0(TYPE_INT); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); break; /* pop 0 push 0 branch */ case ICMD_GOTO: COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); SETDST; superblockend = true; break; /* pop 1 push 0 table branch */ case ICMD_TABLESWITCH: COUNT(count_pcmd_table); OP1_0(TYPE_INT); s4ptr = iptr->val.a; tbptr = block + block_index[*s4ptr++]; /* default */ MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); i = *s4ptr++; /* low */ i = *s4ptr++ - i + 1; /* high */ tptr = DMNEW(void*, i+1); iptr->target = (void *) tptr; tptr[0] = (void *) tbptr; tptr++; while (--i >= 0) { tbptr = block + block_index[*s4ptr++]; tptr[0] = (void *) tbptr; tptr++; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); } SETDST; superblockend = true; break; /* pop 1 push 0 table branch */ case ICMD_LOOKUPSWITCH: COUNT(count_pcmd_table); OP1_0(TYPE_INT); s4ptr = iptr->val.a; tbptr = block + block_index[*s4ptr++]; /* default */ MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); i = *s4ptr++; /* count */ tptr = DMNEW(void*, i+1); iptr->target = (void *) tptr; tptr[0] = (void *) tbptr; tptr++; while (--i >= 0) { tbptr = block + block_index[s4ptr[1]]; tptr[0] = (void *) tbptr; tptr++; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); s4ptr += 2; } SETDST; superblockend = true; break; case ICMD_NULLCHECKPOP: case ICMD_MONITORENTER: COUNT(count_check_null); case ICMD_MONITOREXIT: OP1_0(TYPE_ADR); break; /* pop 2 push 0 branch */ case ICMD_IF_ICMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ICMPNE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLE: COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); OP2_0(TYPE_INT); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); break; case ICMD_IF_ACMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ACMPNE: COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); OP2_0(TYPE_ADR); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); break; /* pop 2 push 0 */ case ICMD_PUTFIELD: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OPTT2_0(iptr->op1,TYPE_ADR); break; case ICMD_POP2: if (! IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->type)) { OP1_0ANY; /* second pop */ } else iptr->opc = ICMD_POP; OP1_0ANY; break; /* pop 0 push 1 dup */ case ICMD_DUP: COUNT(count_dup_instruction); DUP; break; case ICMD_DUP2: if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->type)) { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP; DUP; } else { copy = curstack; NEWSTACK(copy->prev->type, copy->prev->varkind, copy->prev->varnum); NEWSTACK(copy->type, copy->varkind, copy->varnum); SETDST; stackdepth+=2; } break; /* pop 2 push 3 dup */ case ICMD_DUP_X1: DUP_X1; break; case ICMD_DUP2_X1: if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->type)) { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP_X1; DUP_X1; } else { DUP2_X1; } break; /* pop 3 push 4 dup */ case ICMD_DUP_X2: if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->prev->type)) { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP_X1; DUP_X1; } else { DUP_X2; } break; case ICMD_DUP2_X2: if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->type)) { if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->prev->type)) { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP_X1; DUP_X1; } else { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP_X2; DUP_X2; } } else if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(curstack->prev->prev->type)) { iptr->opc = ICMD_DUP2_X1; DUP2_X1; } else { DUP2_X2; } break; /* pop 2 push 2 swap */ case ICMD_SWAP: SWAP; break; /* pop 2 push 1 */ case ICMD_IDIV: #if !SUPPORT_DIVISION iptr[0].opc = ICMD_BUILTIN2; iptr[0].op1 = TYPE_INT; iptr[0].val.a = (functionptr) asm_builtin_idiv; isleafmethod = false; goto builtin2; #endif case ICMD_IREM: #if !SUPPORT_DIVISION iptr[0].opc = ICMD_BUILTIN2; iptr[0].op1 = TYPE_INT; iptr[0].val.a = (functionptr) asm_builtin_irem; isleafmethod = false; goto builtin2; #endif case ICMD_IADD: case ICMD_ISUB: case ICMD_IMUL: case ICMD_ISHL: case ICMD_ISHR: case ICMD_IUSHR: case ICMD_IAND: case ICMD_IOR: case ICMD_IXOR: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP2_1(TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_LDIV: #if !(SUPPORT_DIVISION && SUPPORT_LONG && SUPPORT_LONG_MULDIV) iptr[0].opc = ICMD_BUILTIN2; iptr[0].op1 = TYPE_LNG; iptr[0].val.a = (functionptr) asm_builtin_ldiv; isleafmethod = false; goto builtin2; #endif case ICMD_LREM: #if !(SUPPORT_DIVISION && SUPPORT_LONG && SUPPORT_LONG_MULDIV) iptr[0].opc = ICMD_BUILTIN2; iptr[0].op1 = TYPE_LNG; iptr[0].val.a = (functionptr) asm_builtin_lrem; isleafmethod = false; goto builtin2; #endif case ICMD_LADD: case ICMD_LSUB: case ICMD_LMUL: case ICMD_LOR: case ICMD_LAND: case ICMD_LXOR: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP2_1(TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_LSHL: case ICMD_LSHR: case ICMD_LUSHR: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP2IT_1(TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_FADD: case ICMD_FSUB: case ICMD_FMUL: case ICMD_FDIV: case ICMD_FREM: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP2_1(TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_DADD: case ICMD_DSUB: case ICMD_DMUL: case ICMD_DDIV: case ICMD_DREM: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP2_1(TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_LCMP: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); #ifndef NOLONG_CONDITIONAL if ((len > 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) { switch (iptr[1].opc) { case ICMD_IFEQ: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPEQ; icmd_lcmp_if_tail: iptr[0].op1 = iptr[1].op1; len--; bptr->icount--; /* iptr[1].opc = ICMD_NOP; */ OP2_0(TYPE_LNG); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); COUNT(count_pcmd_bra); break; case ICMD_IFNE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPNE; goto icmd_lcmp_if_tail; case ICMD_IFLT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPLT; goto icmd_lcmp_if_tail; case ICMD_IFGT: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPGT; goto icmd_lcmp_if_tail; case ICMD_IFLE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPLE; goto icmd_lcmp_if_tail; case ICMD_IFGE: iptr[0].opc = ICMD_IF_LCMPGE; goto icmd_lcmp_if_tail; default: OPTT2_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_INT); } } else #endif OPTT2_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_FCMPL: case ICMD_FCMPG: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OPTT2_1(TYPE_FLT, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_DCMPL: case ICMD_DCMPG: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OPTT2_1(TYPE_DBL, TYPE_INT); break; /* pop 1 push 1 */ case ICMD_INEG: case ICMD_INT2BYTE: case ICMD_INT2CHAR: case ICMD_INT2SHORT: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_LNEG: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_FNEG: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_FLT, TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_DNEG: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_DBL, TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_I2L: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_I2F: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_I2D: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_L2I: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_L2F: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_L2D: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_LNG, TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_F2I: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_FLT, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_F2L: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_FLT, TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_F2D: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_FLT, TYPE_DBL); break; case ICMD_D2I: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_DBL, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_D2L: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_DBL, TYPE_LNG); break; case ICMD_D2F: COUNT(count_pcmd_op); OP1_1(TYPE_DBL, TYPE_FLT); break; case ICMD_CHECKCAST: OP1_1(TYPE_ADR, TYPE_ADR); break; case ICMD_ARRAYLENGTH: case ICMD_INSTANCEOF: OP1_1(TYPE_ADR, TYPE_INT); break; case ICMD_NEWARRAY: case ICMD_ANEWARRAY: OP1_1(TYPE_INT, TYPE_ADR); break; case ICMD_GETFIELD: COUNT(count_check_null); COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP1_1(TYPE_ADR, iptr->op1); break; /* pop 0 push 1 */ case ICMD_GETSTATIC: COUNT(count_pcmd_mem); OP0_1(iptr->op1); break; case ICMD_NEW: OP0_1(TYPE_ADR); break; case ICMD_JSR: OP0_1(TYPE_ADR); tbptr = block + block_index[iptr->op1]; iptr[0].target = (void *) tbptr; tbptr->type=BBTYPE_SBR; MARKREACHED(tbptr, copy); OP1_0ANY; break; /* pop many push any */ case ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL: case ICMD_INVOKESPECIAL: case ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE: case ICMD_INVOKESTATIC: COUNT(count_pcmd_met); { methodinfo *m = iptr->val.a; if (m->flags & ACC_STATIC) {COUNT(count_check_null);} i = iptr->op1; if (i > arguments_num) arguments_num = i; #if defined(__X86_64__) { int iarg = 0; int farg = 0; int stackargs = 0; copy = curstack; while (--i >= 0) { (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(copy->type)) ? farg++ : iarg++; copy = copy->prev; } stackargs += (iarg < intreg_argnum) ? 0 : (iarg - intreg_argnum); stackargs += (farg < fltreg_argnum) ? 0 : (farg - fltreg_argnum); i = iptr->op1; copy = curstack; while (--i >= 0) { if (!(copy->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { copy->varkind = ARGVAR; if (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(copy->type)) { if (--farg < fltreg_argnum) { copy->varnum = farg; } else { copy->varnum = --stackargs + intreg_argnum; } } else { if (--iarg < intreg_argnum) { copy->varnum = iarg; } else { copy->varnum = --stackargs + intreg_argnum; } } } else { (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(copy->type)) ? --farg : --iarg; } copy = copy->prev; } } #else copy = curstack; while (--i >= 0) { if (! (copy->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { copy->varkind = ARGVAR; copy->varnum = i; } copy = copy->prev; } #endif while (copy) { copy->flags |= SAVEDVAR; copy = copy->prev; } i = iptr->op1; POPMANY(i); if (m->returntype != TYPE_VOID) { OP0_1(m->returntype); } break; } case ICMD_BUILTIN3: if (! (curstack->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { curstack->varkind = ARGVAR; curstack->varnum = 2; } if (3 > arguments_num) { arguments_num = 3; } OP1_0ANY; case ICMD_BUILTIN2: builtin2: if (! (curstack->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { curstack->varkind = ARGVAR; curstack->varnum = 1; } if (2 > arguments_num) { arguments_num = 2; } OP1_0ANY; case ICMD_BUILTIN1: if (! (curstack->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { curstack->varkind = ARGVAR; curstack->varnum = 0; } if (1 > arguments_num) { arguments_num = 1; } OP1_0ANY; copy = curstack; while (copy) { copy->flags |= SAVEDVAR; copy = copy->prev; } if (iptr->op1 != TYPE_VOID) OP0_1(iptr->op1); break; case ICMD_MULTIANEWARRAY: i = iptr->op1; if ((i + intreg_argnum) > arguments_num) arguments_num = i + intreg_argnum; copy = curstack; while (--i >= 0) { if (! (copy->flags & SAVEDVAR)) { copy->varkind = ARGVAR; copy->varnum = i + intreg_argnum; } copy = copy->prev; } while (copy) { copy->flags |= SAVEDVAR; copy = copy->prev; } i = iptr->op1; POPMANY(i); OP0_1(TYPE_ADR); break; case ICMD_CLEAR_ARGREN: for (i = iptr->op1; iopc = opcode = ICMD_NOP; SETDST; break; case ICMD_READONLY_ARG: case ICMD_READONLY_ARG+1: case ICMD_READONLY_ARG+2: case ICMD_READONLY_ARG+3: case ICMD_READONLY_ARG+4: if (curstack->varkind == LOCALVAR) { i = curstack->varnum; argren[iptr->op1] = i; iptr->op1 = i; } opcode = iptr->opc = opcode - ICMD_READONLY_ARG + ICMD_ISTORE; goto icmd_store; break; default: printf("ICMD %d at %d\n", iptr->opc, (int)(iptr-instr)); panic("Missing ICMD code during stack analysis"); } /* switch */ iptr++; } /* while instructions */ bptr->outstack = curstack; bptr->outdepth = stackdepth; BBEND(curstack, i); } /* if */ else superblockend = true; bptr++; } /* while blocks */ } while (repeat && ! deadcode); #ifdef STATISTICS if (block_count > count_max_basic_blocks) count_max_basic_blocks = block_count; count_basic_blocks += block_count; if (instr_count > count_max_javainstr) count_max_javainstr = instr_count; count_javainstr += instr_count; if (stack_count > count_upper_bound_new_stack) count_upper_bound_new_stack = stack_count; if ((new - stack) > count_max_new_stack) count_max_new_stack = (new - stack); b_count = block_count; bptr = block; while (--b_count >= 0) { if (bptr->flags > BBREACHED) { if (bptr->indepth >= 10) count_block_stack[10]++; else count_block_stack[bptr->indepth]++; len = bptr->icount; if (len < 10) count_block_size_distribution[len]++; else if (len <= 12) count_block_size_distribution[10]++; else if (len <= 14) count_block_size_distribution[11]++; else if (len <= 16) count_block_size_distribution[12]++; else if (len <= 18) count_block_size_distribution[13]++; else if (len <= 20) count_block_size_distribution[14]++; else if (len <= 25) count_block_size_distribution[15]++; else if (len <= 30) count_block_size_distribution[16]++; else count_block_size_distribution[17]++; } bptr++; } if (loops == 1) count_analyse_iterations[0]++; else if (loops == 2) count_analyse_iterations[1]++; else if (loops == 3) count_analyse_iterations[2]++; else if (loops == 4) count_analyse_iterations[3]++; else count_analyse_iterations[4]++; if (block_count <= 5) count_method_bb_distribution[0]++; else if (block_count <= 10) count_method_bb_distribution[1]++; else if (block_count <= 15) count_method_bb_distribution[2]++; else if (block_count <= 20) count_method_bb_distribution[3]++; else if (block_count <= 30) count_method_bb_distribution[4]++; else if (block_count <= 40) count_method_bb_distribution[5]++; else if (block_count <= 50) count_method_bb_distribution[6]++; else if (block_count <= 75) count_method_bb_distribution[7]++; else count_method_bb_distribution[8]++; #endif } static void print_stack(stackptr s) { int i, j; stackptr t; i = maxstack; t = s; while (t) { i--; t = t->prev; } j = maxstack - i; while (--i >= 0) printf(" "); while (s) { j--; if (s->flags & SAVEDVAR) switch (s->varkind) { case TEMPVAR: if (s->flags & INMEMORY) printf(" M%02d", s->regoff); else if ((s->type == TYPE_FLT) || (s->type == TYPE_DBL)) printf(" F%02d", s->regoff); else printf(" %3s", regs[s->regoff]); break; case STACKVAR: printf(" I%02d", s->varnum); break; case LOCALVAR: printf(" L%02d", s->varnum); break; case ARGVAR: printf(" A%02d", s->varnum); break; default: printf(" !%02d", j); } else switch (s->varkind) { case TEMPVAR: if (s->flags & INMEMORY) printf(" m%02d", s->regoff); else if ((s->type == TYPE_FLT) || (s->type == TYPE_DBL)) printf(" f%02d", s->regoff); else printf(" %3s", regs[s->regoff]); break; case STACKVAR: printf(" i%02d", s->varnum); break; case LOCALVAR: printf(" l%02d", s->varnum); break; case ARGVAR: printf(" a%02d", s->varnum); break; default: printf(" ?%02d", j); } s = s->prev; } } #if 0 static void print_reg(stackptr s) { if (s) { if (s->flags & SAVEDVAR) switch (s->varkind) { case TEMPVAR: if (s->flags & INMEMORY) printf(" tm%02d", s->regoff); else printf(" tr%02d", s->regoff); break; case STACKVAR: printf(" s %02d", s->varnum); break; case LOCALVAR: printf(" l %02d", s->varnum); break; case ARGVAR: printf(" a %02d", s->varnum); break; default: printf(" ! %02d", s->varnum); } else switch (s->varkind) { case TEMPVAR: if (s->flags & INMEMORY) printf(" Tm%02d", s->regoff); else printf(" Tr%02d", s->regoff); break; case STACKVAR: printf(" S %02d", s->varnum); break; case LOCALVAR: printf(" L %02d", s->varnum); break; case ARGVAR: printf(" A %02d", s->varnum); break; default: printf(" ? %02d", s->varnum); } } else printf(" "); } #endif static char *builtin_name(functionptr bptr) { builtin_descriptor *bdesc = builtin_desc; while ((bdesc->bptr != NULL) && (bdesc->bptr != bptr)) bdesc++; return bdesc->name; } static char *jit_type[] = { "int", "lng", "flt", "dbl", "adr" }; static void show_icmd_method() { int i, j; int deadcode; s4 *s4ptr; instruction *iptr; basicblock *bptr; void **tptr; xtable *ex; printf("\n"); utf_fprint(stdout, class->name); printf("."); utf_fprint(stdout, method->name); printf(" "); utf_fprint(stdout, method->descriptor); printf ("\n\nMax locals: %d\n", (int) maxlocals); printf ("Max stack: %d\n", (int) maxstack); printf ("Exceptions (Number: %d):\n", exceptiontablelength); for (ex = extable; ex != NULL; ex = ex->down) { printf(" L%03d ... ", ex->start->debug_nr ); printf("L%03d = ", ex->end->debug_nr); printf("L%03d\n", ex->handler->debug_nr); } printf ("Local Table:\n"); for (i = 0; i < maxlocals; i++) { printf(" %3d: ", i); for (j = TYPE_INT; j <= TYPE_ADR; j++) if (locals[i][j].type >= 0) { printf(" (%s) ", jit_type[j]); if (locals[i][j].flags & INMEMORY) printf("m%2d", locals[i][j].regoff); else if ((j == TYPE_FLT) || (j == TYPE_DBL)) printf("f%02d", locals[i][j].regoff); else printf("%3s", regs[locals[i][j].regoff]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); printf ("Interface Table:\n"); for (i = 0; i < maxstack; i++) { if ((interfaces[i][0].type >= 0) || (interfaces[i][1].type >= 0) || (interfaces[i][2].type >= 0) || (interfaces[i][3].type >= 0) || (interfaces[i][4].type >= 0)) { printf(" %3d: ", i); for (j = TYPE_INT; j <= TYPE_ADR; j++) if (interfaces[i][j].type >= 0) { printf(" (%s) ", jit_type[j]); if (interfaces[i][j].flags & SAVEDVAR) { if (interfaces[i][j].flags & INMEMORY) printf("M%2d", interfaces[i][j].regoff); else if ((j == TYPE_FLT) || (j == TYPE_DBL)) printf("F%02d", interfaces[i][j].regoff); else printf("%3s", regs[interfaces[i][j].regoff]); } else { if (interfaces[i][j].flags & INMEMORY) printf("m%2d", interfaces[i][j].regoff); else if ((j == TYPE_FLT) || (j == TYPE_DBL)) printf("f%02d", interfaces[i][j].regoff); else printf("%3s", regs[interfaces[i][j].regoff]); } } printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); if (showdisassemble) { #if defined(__I386__) || defined(__X86_64__) u1 *u1ptr; u1ptr = method->mcode + dseglen; for (i = 0; i < block[0].mpc; i++, u1ptr++) { disassinstr(u1ptr, i); i = pstatic; u1ptr = codestatic; } printf("\n"); #else s4ptr = (s4 *) (method->mcode + dseglen); for (i = 0; i < block[0].mpc; i += 4, s4ptr++) { disassinstr(*s4ptr, i); } printf("\n"); #endif } for (bptr = block; bptr != NULL; bptr = bptr->next) if (bptr->flags != BBDELETED) { deadcode = bptr->flags <= BBREACHED; printf("["); if (deadcode) for (j = maxstack; j > 0; j--) printf(" ? "); else print_stack(bptr->instack); printf("] L%03d(%d - %d):\n", bptr->debug_nr, bptr->icount, bptr->pre_count); iptr = bptr->iinstr; for (i=0; i < bptr->icount; i++, iptr++) { printf("["); if (deadcode) { for (j = maxstack; j > 0; j--) printf(" ? "); } else print_stack(iptr->dst); printf("] %4d %s", i, icmd_names[iptr->opc]); switch ((int) iptr->opc) { case ICMD_IADDCONST: case ICMD_ISUBCONST: case ICMD_IMULCONST: case ICMD_IDIVPOW2: case ICMD_IREMPOW2: case ICMD_IREM0X10001: case ICMD_IANDCONST: case ICMD_IORCONST: case ICMD_IXORCONST: case ICMD_ISHLCONST: case ICMD_ISHRCONST: case ICMD_IUSHRCONST: case ICMD_LSHLCONST: case ICMD_LSHRCONST: case ICMD_LUSHRCONST: case ICMD_ICONST: case ICMD_ELSE_ICONST: case ICMD_IFEQ_ICONST: case ICMD_IFNE_ICONST: case ICMD_IFLT_ICONST: case ICMD_IFGE_ICONST: case ICMD_IFGT_ICONST: case ICMD_IFLE_ICONST: printf(" %d", iptr->val.i); break; case ICMD_LADDCONST: case ICMD_LSUBCONST: case ICMD_LMULCONST: case ICMD_LDIVPOW2: case ICMD_LREMPOW2: case ICMD_LANDCONST: case ICMD_LORCONST: case ICMD_LXORCONST: case ICMD_LCONST: #if defined(__I386__) printf(" %lld", iptr->val.l); #else printf(" %ld", iptr->val.l); #endif break; case ICMD_FCONST: printf(" %f", iptr->val.f); break; case ICMD_DCONST: printf(" %f", iptr->val.d); break; case ICMD_ACONST: printf(" %p", iptr->val.a); break; case ICMD_GETFIELD: case ICMD_PUTFIELD: printf(" %d,", ((fieldinfo *) iptr->val.a)->offset); case ICMD_PUTSTATIC: case ICMD_GETSTATIC: printf(" "); utf_fprint(stdout, ((fieldinfo *) iptr->val.a)->name); break; case ICMD_IINC: printf(" %d + %d", iptr->op1, iptr->val.i); break; case ICMD_IASTORE: case ICMD_SASTORE: case ICMD_BASTORE: case ICMD_CASTORE: case ICMD_LASTORE: case ICMD_DASTORE: case ICMD_FASTORE: case ICMD_AASTORE: case ICMD_IALOAD: case ICMD_SALOAD: case ICMD_BALOAD: case ICMD_CALOAD: case ICMD_LALOAD: case ICMD_DALOAD: case ICMD_FALOAD: case ICMD_AALOAD: if (iptr->op1 != 0) printf("(opt.)"); break; case ICMD_RET: case ICMD_ILOAD: case ICMD_LLOAD: case ICMD_FLOAD: case ICMD_DLOAD: case ICMD_ALOAD: case ICMD_ISTORE: case ICMD_LSTORE: case ICMD_FSTORE: case ICMD_DSTORE: case ICMD_ASTORE: printf(" %d", iptr->op1); break; case ICMD_NEW: printf(" "); utf_fprint(stdout, ((classinfo *) iptr->val.a)->name); break; case ICMD_NEWARRAY: switch (iptr->op1) { case 4: printf(" boolean"); break; case 5: printf(" char"); break; case 6: printf(" float"); break; case 7: printf(" double"); break; case 8: printf(" byte"); break; case 9: printf(" short"); break; case 10: printf(" int"); break; case 11: printf(" long"); break; } break; case ICMD_ANEWARRAY: if (iptr->op1) { printf(" "); utf_fprint(stdout, ((classinfo *) iptr->val.a)->name); } break; case ICMD_CHECKCAST: case ICMD_INSTANCEOF: if (iptr->op1) { classinfo *c = iptr->val.a; if (c->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) printf(" (INTERFACE) "); else printf(" (CLASS,%3d) ", c->vftbl->diffval); utf_fprint(stdout, c->name); } break; case ICMD_BUILTIN3: case ICMD_BUILTIN2: case ICMD_BUILTIN1: printf(" %s", builtin_name((functionptr) iptr->val.a)); break; case ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL: case ICMD_INVOKESPECIAL: case ICMD_INVOKESTATIC: case ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE: printf(" "); utf_fprint(stdout, ((methodinfo *) iptr->val.a)->class->name); printf("."); utf_fprint(stdout, ((methodinfo *) iptr->val.a)->name); break; case ICMD_IFEQ: case ICMD_IFNE: case ICMD_IFLT: case ICMD_IFGE: case ICMD_IFGT: case ICMD_IFLE: printf("(%d) L%03d", iptr->val.i, ((basicblock *) iptr->target)->debug_nr); break; case ICMD_IF_LEQ: case ICMD_IF_LNE: case ICMD_IF_LLT: case ICMD_IF_LGE: case ICMD_IF_LGT: case ICMD_IF_LLE: printf("(%lld) L%03d", iptr->val.l, ((basicblock *) iptr->target)->debug_nr); break; case ICMD_JSR: case ICMD_GOTO: case ICMD_IFNULL: case ICMD_IFNONNULL: case ICMD_IF_ICMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ICMPNE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGE: case ICMD_IF_ICMPGT: case ICMD_IF_ICMPLE: case ICMD_IF_LCMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_LCMPNE: case ICMD_IF_LCMPLT: case ICMD_IF_LCMPGE: case ICMD_IF_LCMPGT: case ICMD_IF_LCMPLE: case ICMD_IF_ACMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ACMPNE: printf(" L%03d", ((basicblock *) iptr->target)->debug_nr); break; case ICMD_TABLESWITCH: s4ptr = iptr->val.a; tptr = (void **) iptr->target; printf(" L%03d;", ((basicblock *) *tptr)->debug_nr); /* default */ s4ptr++; tptr++; j = *s4ptr++; /* low */ j = *s4ptr++ - j; /* high */ while (j >= 0) { printf(" L%03d", ((basicblock *) *tptr)->debug_nr); tptr++; j--; } break; case ICMD_LOOKUPSWITCH: s4ptr = iptr->val.a; tptr = (void **) iptr->target; printf(" L%03d", ((basicblock *) *tptr)->debug_nr); s4ptr++; /* default */ j = *s4ptr; /* count */ tptr++; while (--j >= 0) { printf(" L%03d", ((basicblock *) *tptr)->debug_nr); tptr++; } break; } printf("\n"); } if (showdisassemble && (!deadcode)) { #if defined(__I386__) || defined(__X86_64__) u1 *u1ptr; printf("\n"); i = bptr->mpc; u1ptr = method->mcode + dseglen + i; if (bptr->next != NULL) { for (; i < bptr->next->mpc; i++, u1ptr++) { disassinstr(u1ptr, i); i = pstatic; u1ptr = codestatic; } printf("\n"); } else { for (; u1ptr < (u1 *) (method->mcode + method->mcodelength); i++, u1ptr++) { disassinstr(u1ptr, i); i = pstatic; u1ptr = codestatic; } printf("\n"); } #else printf("\n"); i = bptr->mpc; s4ptr = (s4 *) (method->mcode + dseglen + i); if (bptr->next != NULL) { for (; i < bptr->next->mpc; i += 4, s4ptr++) { disassinstr(*s4ptr, i); } printf("\n"); } else { for (; s4ptr < (s4 *) (method->mcode + method->mcodelength); i += 4, s4ptr++) { disassinstr(*s4ptr, i); } printf("\n"); } #endif } } /* i = bptr->mpc; s4ptr = (s4 *) (method->mcode + dseglen + i); if (showdisassemble && (s4ptr < (s4 *) (method->mcode + method->mcodelength))) { printf("\n"); for (; s4ptr < (s4 *) (method->mcode + method->mcodelength); i += 4, s4ptr++) { disassinstr(*s4ptr, i); } printf("\n"); } */ } /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */