#!/bin/bash # Author: Aaron Bockover # Licensed under MIT/X11 # (C) 2006 Novell if [ "x$1" = "x--help" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [--show-only-mono]" echo "" echo "This script prints a sorted list of GLib functions used in Mono" echo "that have not yet been implemented in EGlib." echo "" echo "If --show-only-mono is passed, then the script will print all" echo "GLib functions used in Mono, whether or not they have been" echo "implemented in EGlib yet." echo "" echo "This script relies on the MONO_CHECKOUT environment variable." echo "MONO_CHECKOUT should be set to the location of a mono checkout." echo "" exit 1 fi if [ -z $MONO_CHECKOUT ]; then MONO_CHECKOUT=~/cvs/mono/mono fi if [ ! -d $MONO_CHECKOUT ]; then echo "Cannot find mono checkout; set MONO_CHECKOUT" exit 1 fi MONO_CHECKOUT="$MONO_CHECKOUT/mono" RESULTS_FILE=.results (for i in `find $MONO_CHECKOUT -iregex \.*.c$`; do grep -oP "[ \t\(\)]+g_[a-z_]+[ ]{0,1}\([A-Za-z_\&\*\,\(\) ]+\)" $i | awk 'BEGIN { FS="(" } { print $1 }' | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z_]//g' done ) > $RESULTS_FILE if [ ! "x$1" = "x--show-only-mono" ]; then IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS=`grep -oP "g_[a-z_]+[ ]{0,1}" ../src/glib.h | awk 'BEGIN { FS="(" } { print $1 }'` rm -f $RESULTS_FILE.tmp for mono_function in `cat $RESULTS_FILE`; do matched="no" for implemented_function in $IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS; do if [ "x$mono_function" = "x$implemented_function" ]; then matched="yes" break fi done if [ "x$matched" = "xno" ]; then echo $mono_function >> $RESULTS_FILE.tmp fi done mv $RESULTS_FILE.tmp $RESULTS_FILE fi (for i in `cat $RESULTS_FILE | sort -u`; do echo "`grep -c $i $RESULTS_FILE` $i"; done; ) | sort -nr rm $RESULTS_FILE