Mono JIT porting guide. Paolo Molaro ( * Introduction This documents describes the process of porting the mono JIT to a new CPU architecture. The new mono JIT has been designed to make porting easier though at the same time enable the port to take full advantage from the new architecture features and instructions. Knowledge of the mini architecture (described in the mini-doc.txt file) is a requirement for understanding this guide, as well as an earlier document about porting the mono interpreter (available on the web site). There are six main areas that a port needs to implement to have a fully-functional JIT for a given architecture: 1) instruction selection 2) native code emission 3) call conventions and register allocation 4) method trampolines 5) exception handling 6) minor helper methods To take advantage of some not-so-common processor features (for example conditional execution of instructions as may be found on ARM or ia64), it may be needed to develop an high-level optimization, but doing so is not a requirement for getting the JIT to work. We'll see in more details each of the steps required, note, though, that a new port may just as well start from a cut&paste of an existing port to a similar architecture (for example from x86 to amd64, or from powerpc to sparc). The architecture specific code is split from the rest of the JIT, for example the x86 specific code and data is all included in the following files in the distribution: mini-x86.h mini-x86.c inssel-x86.brg tramp-x86.c exceptions-x86.c I suggest a similar split for other architectures as well. Note that this document is still incomplete: some sections are only sketched and some are missing, but the important info to get a port going is already described. * Architecture-specific instructions and instruction selection. The JIT already provides a set of instructions that can be easily mapped to a great variety of different processor instructions. Sometimes it may be necessary or advisable to add a new instruction that represent more closely an instruction in the architecture. Note that a mini instruction can be used to represent also a short sequence of CPU low-level instructions, but note that each instruction represents the minimum amount of code the instruction scheduler will handle (i.e., the scheduler won't schedule the instructions that compose the low-level sequence as individual instructions, but just the whole sequence, as an indivisible block). New instructions are created by adding a line in the mini-ops.h file, assigning an opcode and a name. To specify the input and output for the instruction, there are two different places, depending on the context in which the instruction gets used. If the instruction is used in the tree representation, the input and output types are defined by the BURG rules in the *.brg files (the usual non-terminals are 'reg' to represent a normal register, 'lreg' to represent a register or two that hold a 64 bit value, freg for a floating point register). If an instruction is used as a low-level CPU instruction, the info is specified in a machine description file. The description file is processed by the genmdesc program to provide a data structure that can be easily used from C code to query the needed info about the instruction. As an example, let's consider the add instruction for both x86 and ppc: x86 version: add: dest:i src1:i src2:i len:2 clob:1 ppc version: add: dest:i src1:i src2:i len:4 Note that the instruction takes two input integer registers on both CPU, but on x86 the first source register is clobbered (clob:1) and the length in bytes of the instruction differs. Note that integer adds and floating point adds use different opcodes, unlike the IL language (64 bit add is done with two instructions on 32 bit architectures, using a add that sets the carry and an add with carry). A specific CPU port may assign any meaning to the clob field for an instruction since the value will be processed in an arch-specific file anyway. See the top of the existing file for more info on other fields: the info may or may not be applicable to a different CPU, in this latter case the info can be ignored. The code in mini.c together with the BURG rules in inssel.brg, inssel-float.brg and inssel-long32.brg provides general purpose mappings from the tree representation to a set of instructions that should be easily implemented in any architecture. To allow for additional arch-specific functionality, an arch-specific BURG file can be used: in this file arch-specific instructions can be selected that provide better performance than the general instructions or that provide functionality that is needed by the JIT but that cannot be expressed in a general enough way. As an example, x86 has the special instruction "push" to make it easier to implement the default call convention (passing arguments on the stack): almost all the other architectures don't have such an instruction (and don't need it anyway), so we added a special rule in the inssel-x86.brg file for it. So, one of the first things needed in a port is to write a cpu-$(arch).md machine description file and fill it with the needed info. As a start, only a few instructions can be specified, like the ones required to do simple integer operations. The default rules of the instruction selector will emit the common instructions and so we're ready to go for the next step in porting the JIT. *) Native code emission Since the first step in porting mono to a new CPU is to port the interpreter, there should be already a file that allows the emission of binary native code in a buffer for the architecture. This file should be placed in the mono/arch/$(arch)/ directory. The bulk of the code emission happens in the mini-$(arch).c file, in a function called mono_arch_output_basic_block (). This function takes a basic block, walks the list of instructions in the block and emits the binary code for each. Optionally a peephole optimization pass is done on the basic block, but this can be left for later, when the port actually works. This function is very simple, there is just a big switch on the instruction opcode and in the corresponding case the functions or macros to emit the binary native code are used. Note that in this function the lengths of the instructions are used to determine if the buffer for the code needs enlarging. To complete the code emission for a method, a few other functions need implementing as well: mono_arch_emit_prolog () mono_arch_emit_epilog () mono_arch_patch_code () mono_arch_emit_prolog () will emit the code to setup the stack frame for a method, optionally call the callbacks used in profiling and tracing, and move the arguments to their home location (in a caller-save register if the variable was allocated to one, or in a stack location if the argument was passed in a volatile register and wasn't allocated a non-volatile one). caller-save registers used by the function are saved in the prolog as well. mono_arch_emit_epilog () will emit the code needed to return from the function, optionally calling the profiling or tracing callbacks. At this point the basic blocks or the code that was moved out of the normal flow for the function can be emitted as well (this is usually done to provide better info for the static branch predictor). In the epilog, caller-save registers are restored if they were used. Note that, to help exception handling and stack unwinding, when there is a transition from managed to unmanaged code, some special processing needs to be done (basically, saving all the registers and setting up the links in the Last Managed Frame structure). When the epilog has been emitted, the upper level code arranges for the buffer of memory that contains the native code to be copied in an area of executable memory and at this point, instructions that use relative addressing need to be patched to have the right offsets: this work is done by mono_arch_patch_code (). * Call conventions and register allocation To account for the differences in the call conventions, a few functions need to be implemented. mono_arch_allocate_vars () assigns to both arguments and local variables the offset relative to the frame register where they are stored, dead variables are simply discarded. The total amount of stack needed is calculated. mono_arch_call_opcode () is the function that more closely deals with the call convention on a given system. For each argument to a function call, an instruction is created that actually puts the argument where needed, be it the stack or a specific register. This function can also re-arrange th order of evaluation when multiple arguments are involved if needed (like, on x86 arguments are pushed on the stack in reverse order). The function needs to carefully take into accounts platform specific issues, like how structures are returned as well as the differences in size and/or alignment of managed and corresponding unmanaged structures. The other chunk of code that needs to deal with the call convention and other specifics of a CPU, is the local register allocator, implemented in a function named mono_arch_local_regalloc (). The local allocator deals with a basic block at a time and basically just allocates registers for temporary values during expression evaluation, spilling and unspilling as necessary. The local allocator needs to take into account clobbering information, both during simple instructions and during function calls and it needs to deal with other architecture-specific weirdnesses, like instructions that take inputs only in specific registers or output only is some. Some effort will be put later in moving most of the local register allocator to a common file so that the code can be shared more for similar, risc-like CPUs. The register allocator does a first pass on the instructions in a block, collecting liveness information and in a backward pass on the same list performs the actual register allocation, inserting the instructions needed to spill values, if necessary. When this part of code is implemented, some testing can be done with the generated code for the new architecture. Most helpful is the use of the --regression command line switch to run the regression tests (basic.cs, for example). Note that the JIT will try to initialize the runtime, but it may not be able yet to compile and execute complex code: commenting most of the code in the mini_init() function in mini.c is needed to let the JIT just compile the regression tests. Also, using multiple -v switches on the command line makes the JIT dump an increasing amount of information during compilation. * Method trampolines To get better startup performance, the JIT actually compiles a method only when needed. To achieve this, when a call to a method is compiled, we actually emit a call to a magic trampoline. The magic trampoline is a function written in assembly that invokes the compiler to compile the given method and jumps to the newly compiled code, ensuring the arguments it received are passed correctly to the actual method. Before jumping to the new code, though, the magic trampoline takes care of patching the call site so that next time the call will go directly to the method instead of the trampoline. How does this all work? mono_arch_create_jit_trampoline () creates a small function that just preserves the arguments passed to it and adds an additional argument (the method to compile) before calling the generic trampoline. This small function is called the specific trampoline, because it is method-specific (the method to compile is hard-code in the instruction stream). The generic trampoline saves all the arguments that could get clobbered and calls a C function that will do two things: *) actually call the JIT to compile the method *) identify the calling code so that it can be patched to call directly the actual method If the 'this' argument to a method is a boxed valuetype that is passed to a method that expects just a pointer to the data, an additional unboxing trampoline will need to be inserted as well. * Exception handling Exception handling is likely the most difficult part of the port, as it needs to deal with unwinding (both managed and unmanaged code) and calling catch and filter blocks. It also needs to deal with signals, because mono takes advantage of the MMU in the CPU and of the operation system to handle dereferences of the NULL pointer. Some of the function needed to implement the mechanisms are: mono_arch_get_throw_exception () returns a function that takes an exception object and invokes an arch-specific function that will enter the exception processing. To do so, all the relevant registers need to be saved and passed on. mono_arch_handle_exception () this function takes the exception thrown and a context that describes the state of the CPU at the time the exception was thrown. The function needs to implement the exception handling mechanism, so it makes a search for an handler for the exception and if none is found, it follows the unhandled exception path (that can print a trace and exit or just abort the current thread). The difficulty here is to unwind the stack correctly, by restoring the register state at each call site in the call chain, calling finally, filters and handler blocks while doing so. As part of exception handling a couple of internal calls need to be implemented as well. ves_icall_get_frame_info () returns info about a specific frame. mono_jit_walk_stack () walks the stack and calls a callback with info for each frame found. ves_icall_get_trace () return an array of StackFrame objects. ** Code generation for filter/finally handlers Filter and finally handlers are called from 2 different locations: 1.) from within the method containing the exception clauses 2.) from the stack unwinding code To make this possible we implement them like subroutines, ending with a "return" statement. The subroutine does not save the base pointer, because we need access to the local variables of the enclosing method. Its is possible that instructions inside those handlers modify the stack pointer, thus we save the stack pointer at the start of the handler, and restore it at the end. We have to use a "call" instruction to execute such finally handlers. The MIR code for filter and finally handlers looks like: OP_START_HANDLER ... OP_END_FINALLY | OP_ENDFILTER(reg) OP_START_HANDLER: should save the stack pointer somewhere OP_END_FINALLY: restores the stack pointers and returns. OP_ENDFILTER (reg): restores the stack pointers and returns the value in "reg". ** Calling finally/filter handlers There is a special opcode to call those handler, its called OP_CALL_HANDLER. It simple emits a call instruction. Its a bit more complex to call handler from outside (in the stack unwinding code), because we have to restore the whole context of the method first. After that we simply emit a call instruction to invoke the handler. Its usually possible to use the same code to call filter and finally handlers (see arch_get_call_filter). ** Calling catch handlers Catch handlers are always called from the stack unwinding code. Unlike finally clauses or filters, catch handler never return. Instead we simply restore the whole context, and restart execution at the catch handler. ** Passing Exception objects to catch handlers and filters. We use a local variable to store exception objects. The stack unwinding code must store the exception object into this variable before calling catch handler or filter. * Minor helper methods A few minor helper methods are referenced from the arch-independent code. Some of them are: *) mono_arch_cpu_optimizations () This function returns a mask of optimizations that should be enabled for the current CPU and a mask of optimizations that should be excluded, instead. *) mono_arch_regname () Returns the name for a numeric register. *) mono_arch_get_allocatable_int_vars () Returns a list of variables that can be allocated to the integer registers in the current architecture. *) mono_arch_get_global_int_regs () Returns a list of caller-save registers that can be used to allocate variables in the current method. *) mono_arch_instrument_mem_needs () *) mono_arch_instrument_prolog () *) mono_arch_instrument_epilog () Functions needed to implement the profiling interface. * Writing regression tests Regression tests for the JIT should be written for any bug found in the JIT in one of the *.cs files in the mini directory. Eventually all the operations of the JIT should be tested (including the ones that get selected only when some specific optimization is enabled). * Platform specific optimizations An example of a platform-specific optimization is the peephole optimization: we look at a small window of code at a time and we replace one or more instructions with others that perform better for the given architecture or CPU.