* Mono hacking TODO list From time to time people that want to contribute to Mono ask on the mailing list what they can help with. The generic answer is always: The proposed tasks are very important for the Mono project and are suitable for people that can dedicate even just an hour per week to contribute. But some people may need something more focused to work on, such as students that want to do a thesis on their contribution to Mono. For such people (and also for professors who want ideas for thesis regarding JIT or VM technologies), here is a list of tasks that need attention. The estimated time to complete any of the tasks is between 1 week to several months to accomodate for different hacking possibilities. Note on the time estimates: they are very rough estimates, a smart and dedicated hacker can complete the tasks in half of the minimum time, a part-time hacker that also has a social life can take more than double the max time, but there's nothing to worry as long as progress is being done. If some people (or group of people) want to take on a task, they should write to the mono-devel mailing list and in the relative bugzilla bug report. Discussions about how to implement a feature or additional information on the task should be mailed to the list or in the bugzilla report as well so that people can keep informed on the progress or have the information needed to start contributing. Mono is an excellent platform for research on JITs, virtual machines and specifically the CLR because it provides an advanced free software implementation that can be used as a basis for more optimizations, new approaches to problems and new features. There are different areas of interest where high-level contributions can be made: Happy hacking!
AreaDescriptionDifficultyTime estimateBugzilla ID
Runtime (mono/metadata) Optimize method vtable. Currently all the methods in a class are added to the method vtable, including static and non-virtual methods. This makes vtables bigger and the instructions to access them are longer, increasing also code size. Some code in metadata/icall.c and maybe also some remoting code may depend on the current layout: such code should be fixed as well. Medium 1-2 weeks not assigned
System assembly (mcs/class/System/) Implement the IL-based regular expression engine. Instead of intepreting the regular expression pattern, a method is created at runtime using Reflection.Emit. This makes for faster pattern matching because there is no intepreter overhead and the matching code is jitted to fast native code. Bonus points if the compiled regular expression is compatible with the ones generated by the MS runtime. Medium-hard (thesis subject) 2-4 months not assigned
JIT (mono/mini/) Implement common subexpression elimination. Global and local common subexpression elimination needs to be implemented to achieve better performance. The local case is easier and may take just one month. It should be implemented in the context of the SSA framework (mini/ssa.c). Hard (thesis subject) 2-4 months not assigned
JIT (mono/mini/) Optimize AOT compiler output. Currently the code generated by the AOT compiler may be significantly slower than jitted code. This is mostly because the AOT code supports multiple application domains and some values that are constant at JIT-time are not constant at AOT-time. It may be needed to write a simple dynamic linker and/or binary object writer. Bonus poinst if it supports ELF, PE/COFF and mach-O binary formats. A possible idea for improvements is also the use of appdomain ID-indexed tables to get at the appdomain specific data. Medium-hard (thesis subject) 3-6 months not assigned
JIT (mono/mini/) Implement generics support. We need to add support for the additional instructions and change existing ones to support the generics requirements. Medium-hard 2-3 months not assigned
JIT (mono/mini/) Port the JIT to additional architectures. Currently ports are in the works for ppc, arm, sparc, s390. None of the ports are as feature-complete as the x86 one, yet, so help is needed in getting them up to speed. Ports to more architectures are welcome as well. Medium-hard 3-6 months per arch not assigned
Runtime and JIT (mono/metadata and mono/mini/) Add support for COM and/or XPCOM and/or ORBit. We need a way to seamlessy use existing component technologies inside the mono runtime. The COM support needs to match the MS runtime behaviour and is targeted at windows systems. XPCOM and ORBit support are important on Unix platforms. Bonus points for developing the runtime support so that different component systems can be used at the same time. Medium-hard (thesis subject) 3-4 months for each not assigned
Runtime and JIT (mono/metadata and mono/mini/) Implement support for Code Access Security. Support needs to be added to the JIT and the runtime to ensure code that executes privileged operations is permitted to do so. The task includes loading the security information from metadata, collecting evidence, inserting calls to the permission objects, stack walking to collect security info. Medium-hard (thesis subject) 4-5 months not assigned
Runtime and JIT (mono/metadata and mono/mini/) Implement support for a generational GC. We're currently using a conservative non-moving GC. Support for a generational and moving GC requires changes to the JIT (to record locations in frames as well as registers that may contain pointers to GC-allocated memory) and to the runtime code (when objects are manipulated directly we should make sure they are pinned and reachable by the GC also in the C unmanaged code). Code from an existing precise GC such as the ORP one could be reused or a new GC may be developed (increasing the estimated development time). Hard (thesis subject) 6-8 months not assigned
Compilers for dynamic languages Write a IL compiler and runtime support for dynamic languages like Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP. Medium-hard (thesis subject) 6-12 months not assigned