* Compilers for other languages Here are some other free compilers for other languages that target .NET and should work with Mono with no problem: Languages we would like to have supported, with links to resources: Some experimental languages: ** Java There is a very interesting project to make a JavaVM for .NET here ** MonoLogo An implementation of Logo for Mono (and .NET) The Mono Logo compiler is hosted in the Mono CVS repository and also available on the AnonCVS mirrors. ** Oberon This Oberon compiler is written in Oberon.NET (another self hosting compiler). The main site http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/ Download: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/download/ Examples: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/examples/ http://www.superin.formativ.net/mono/oberon/oberon.zip ** Component Pascal The Component Pascal compiler: Home Page, you can download it ** Delta Forth The Delta Forth.NET project: Home Page and more details here. ** Tachy A subset of Scheme language called Tachy * Missing languages Here is a list of a few languages that we would like to see supported. We will try to maintain a set of links here with technical information for those interested in porting, implementing or adapting a compiler for any of these languages: * Java Script The Mozilla project has an implementation of JavaScript written in Java called Rhino. You could port this code from Java to C#. Note that since JavaScript allows for evaluation at runtime, the compiler has to be built as a class that can be invoked at runtime. * C Ideally GCC could be modified to generate CIL, but it is a big task. That would give us various compilers in one pass. LCC 4.2 has been recently released. This release adds support for compiling ANSI C programs to CIL. Note that the CIL support only works on Win32 right now, but should be easy to convert to Mono/other architectures. LCC is not an open source compiler, but it is free as long as you do not profit from selling it. * Java We have a separate page for Java.