Ximian announced the launch of the Mono project, an effort to create an Open Source implementation of the .NET Development Framework. Mono includes: a compiler for the C# language, a runtime for the Common Language Infrastructure and a set of class libraries You can read our rationale for this project. If you have questions about the project, please read our list of Frequently Asked Questions or contact us. You might also want to Download the source for our work so far. Or you can grab a snapshot of our current work. You might want to subscribe to our mono-list and mono-announce-list You can contact the team at: mono-list@ximian.com ** Oct 18, 2001 Reworking expressions to support cleanly indexers and properties. 11 days until Evolution 1.0 ships. Ximian users around the world rejoice with recent C# compiler progress. ** Oct 17, 2001 Delegate support has been checked into the compiler (definition and invocation); break/continue implemented. ** Oct 15, 2001 JIT engine supports many of the object constructs now (object creation, vtable setup, interface table setup). The C# compiler now has almost full property support (only missing bit are pre-post increment/decrement operations), delegates are now created (still missing delegate invocation). try/catch/finally is also supported in the compiler now. System.Decimal implementation is in, as well as many crypto classes. ** Oct 5, 2001 Sergey has released his first version of the ilasm assembler written in C#. You can get it from his web page: http://mono.eurosoft.od.ua. The plan is to integrate ildasm into the Mono CVS soon. This component should in theory also be reusable for SharpDevelop eventually. ** Oct 4, 2001 Our System.Reflection.Emit implementation created its first executable today. This means that a very simple .NET program that was compiled on Windows was able to generate a .NET program while running on Linux using the Mono runtime. The various piece of the puzzle are starting to get together: the compiler can compile simple programs now and we are basically focusing on completeness now. ** Sep 28, 2001 Sharp Develop 0.80 was released today. ** Sep 26, 2001 More progress: more opcodes are working (Paolo); The compiler runs up to a point in Mint (Paolo); operator overloading works (both unary and binary) all over the place (Miguel); Completed decimal type conversions (Miguel); New build system in place based on Ant (Sean and Sergey); Refactored and documented the internals of the JIT engine (Dietmar); StatementExpressions handled correctly (Miguel). ** Sep 21, 2001 A couple of news-worthy items: Dick got the initial thread support into mint; Paolo implemented many new opcodes; Dietmar got long operations and mul/div working on the JITer; Ravi rewrote the Method selector for expressions to be conformant; Miguel got i++ working. All in tonight's snapshot ** Sep 19, 2001 Paolo has written a section on Porting Mono to othre architectures. ** Sep 18, 2001 Mono 0.7 has been released (runtime engine, class libraries and C# compiler). Check the Mono 0.7 announcement for details ** Sep 17, 2001 Mike Kestner's Gtk# (Gtk-sharp) was checked into the CVS repository. Gtk# can run a simple hello world application. The binding is nice, as it maps Gtk+ signals to delegates in C#. You can see the Gtk# Hello World program here Gtk-sharp should be available on the next snapshot set. ** Sep 10, 2001 Dietmar checked in his CIL tree/forest regeneration and most importantly, the x86 instruction selector burg grammar. ** Sep 5, 2001 The MCS compiler can compile the sample Hello World application and generate a Windows/CIL executable that runs! This executable runs with the Mono Interpreter of course (see August 28) ** Sep 4, 2001 Dietmar checked into CVS the `monoburg' architecture independent instruction selector for the JIT engine. ** Aug 28, 2001 .NET Hello World is working under Mono! The latest snapshots will let you run it. Hello World consits of 1821 CIL instructions, performs 66 subroutine calls and loads 12 classes from the corlib.dll Good work Mono team! ** Aug 23, 2001 Lloyd Dupont has announced his OpenGL bindings for C#, they are available here: http://csgl.sourceforge.net ** Aug 22, 2001 New version of the Mono Runtime, Compiler and Classes has been released. Check the 0.6 announcement. ** Aug 20, 2001 A new Compilation service has been made available by Derek to allow people without access to the .NET SDK ** Aug 3, 2001 Daily snapshots of mcs and mono are now available, they will run every night at 10pm Boston time. ** Jul 29, 2001 Mono Runtime 0.5 has been released. Check the release notes ** Jul 25, 2001 The slides for my presentation at O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention ** Jul 22, 2001 Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 22-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here ** Jul 19, 2001 Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 19-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here ** Jul 17, 2001 Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 17-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here Do not forget to check out the updated FAQ. Got Sean's new Class Status web pages up. These are a lot better than mine, and we are now keeping better track of contributors. ** Jul 15, 2001 Another release of Mono is out, check the Mono 0.4 Release Notes. Get it here. ** Jul 14, 2001 A new release of the runtime, compiler and classes has been made. Get it here ** Jul 12, 2001 I keep getting questions about my opinion on Passport, even when Mono has nothing to do with it. I finally wrote something. ** Jul 9, 2001 Project launched. ** O'Reilly Brian posted a story on O'Reilly Network .NET