\section{AMD64 (x86\_64) code generator} \subsection{Introduction} The AMD64 architecture, formerly know as x86\_64, is an improvement of the Intel IA32 architecture by AMD -- Advanced Micro Devices. The extraordinary success of the IA32 architecture and the upcoming memory address space problem on IA32 high end servers, led to a special design decision. Unlike Intel, with it's completely new designed IA64 architecture, AMD decided to extend the IA32 instruction set with new 64-bit instructions. Due to the fact that the IA32 instructions have no fixed length, as this is the fact on RISC machines, it was easy for them to introduce a new \textit{prefix byte} called \texttt{REX}. The \textit{REX prefix} enables the 64-bit operation mode of the following instruction in the new \textit{64-bit mode} of the processor. A processor of the AMD64 architecture has two main operating modes: \begin{itemize} \item Long Mode \item Legacy Mode \end{itemize} In the \textit{Legacy Mode} the processor acts like an IA32 processor. Any 32-bit operating system or software can be run on these type of processors without changes, so companies running IA32 servers and software can change their hardware to AMD64 and their systems are still operational. This was the main intention for AMD to develop this architecture. Furthermore the \textit{Long Mode} is split into two coexistent operating modes: \begin{itemize} \item 64-bit Mode \item Compatibility Mode \end{itemize} The \textit{64-bit Mode} exposes the power of this architecture. Any memory operation now uses 64-bit addresses and ALU instructions can operate on 64-bit operands. Within \textit{Compatibility Mode} any IA32 software can be run under the control of 64-bit operation system. This, as mentioned before, is yet another point for companies to change their hardware to AMD64. So their software can be slowly migrated to the new 64-bit system, but not every type of software is faster in 64-bit code. Another crucial pointer to make the AMD64 architecture faster than IA32, is the limited number of registers. Any IA32 architecture, from the early \textit{i386} to the newest generation of \textit{Intel Pentium 4} or \textit{AMD Athlon}, has only 8 general purpose registers. With the \textit{REX prefix}, AMD has the ability to increase the amount of accessible registers by 1 bit. This means in \textit{64-bit Mode} 16 general purpose registers are available. The value of a \textit{REX prefix} is in the range \texttt{40h} through \texttt{4Fh}, depending on the particular bits used (see table \ref{REX}). \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}[b]{|c|c|l|} \hline Mnemonic & Bit Position & Definition \\ \hline - & 7-4 & 0100 \\ \hline REX.W & 3 & 0 = Default operand size \\ & & 1 = 64-bit operand size \\ \hline REX.R & 2 & 1-bit (high) extension of the ModRM \textit{reg} field, \\ & & thus permitting access to 16 registers. \\ \hline REX.X & 1 & 1-bit (high) extension of the SIB \textit{index} field, \\ & & thus permitting access to 16 registers. \\ \hline REX.B & 0 & 1-bit (high) extension of the ModRM \textit{r/m} field, \\ & & SIB \textit{base} field, or opcode \textit{reg} field, thus \\ & & permitting access to 16 registers. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{REX Prefix Byte Fields} \label{REX} \end{center} \end{table} \subsection{Code generation} AMD64 code generation is mostly the same as on IA32. All new 64-bit instructions can handle both \textit{memory operands} and \textit{register operands}, so there is no need to change the implementation of the IA32 ICMDs. Much better code generation can be achieved in the area of \textit{long arithmetic}. Since all 16 general purpose registers can hold 64-bit integer values, there is no need for special long handling, like on IA32 were we stored all long varibales in memory. A simple \texttt{ICMD\_LADD} was on IA32 (best case shown for AMD64 --- \texttt{src->regoff == iptr->dst->regoff}): \begin{verbatim} i386_mov_membase_reg(REG_SP, src->prev->regoff * 8, REG_ITMP1); i386_alu_reg_membase(I386_ADD, REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, iptr->dst->regoff * 8); i386_mov_membase_reg(REG_SP, src->prev->regoff * 8 + 4, REG_ITMP1); i386_alu_reg_membase(I386_ADC, REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, iptr->dst->regoff * 8 + 4); \end{verbatim} First memory operand is added to second memory operand which is at the same stack location as the destination operand. This are four instructions executed for one addition. If we would use registers for long variables we could get a \textit{best-case} of two instructions, namely \textit{add} followed by a \textit{adc}. On AMD64 we can generate one instruction for this addition: \begin{verbatim} x86_64_alu_reg_reg(X86_64_ADD, src->prev->regoff, iptr->dst->regoff); \end{verbatim} This means, the AMD64 port is \textit{four-times} faster than the IA32 port (maybe even more, because we do not use memory accesses). Even if we would implement the usage of registers for long variables on IA32, the AMD64 port would be at least twice as fast. To be able to use the new 64-bit instructions, we need to prefix nearly all instructions --- some instructions can be used in 64-bit mode without escaping --- with the mentioned \textit{REX prefix} byte. In CACAO we use a macro called \begin{verbatim} x86_64_emit_rex(size,reg,index,rm) \end{verbatim} The names of the arguments are respective to their use in the \textit{REX prefix} (see table \ref{REX}).