* Drawing Mono provides two mechanism to draw. The first exposes the Microsoft System.Drawing API and the second exposes the Cairo API. * System.Drawing The System.Drawing implementation in Mono is designed to be compatible with the Microsoft API. The imaging model is very similar to the PDF 1.4 composition-based imaging model. Our implementation is a C# wrapper around the GDI+ C API (also called the "GDI+ Flat API"). This means that the C# code is the same for Windows and Unix systems. The following graph explains the situation:
In Windows Mono uses the GDI+ library that is included with the operating system (GDIPLUS.DLL, while in Unix we provide an implementation of this API in the libgdiplus.so shared library. Our libgdiplus.so has the same C Flat API as the GDIPLUS.DLL. Our implementation uses Cairo to do the heavy lifting. The implementation of GDI+ lives in mcs/class/System.Drawing in the gdiplus directory and requires Cairo to be installed to get the package built. The C# code that implement System.Drawing is the same for Windows and Unix builds. Since this is an implementation of an existing Microsoft API no architectural changes go here. * Mono.Cairo The Mono.Cairo.dll assembly exposes the Cairo API to managed applications. The mapping is a pretty straightforward one, and the programming model is very close to the C API. This API is still unstable due to the nature of the underlying API being used and will be revisited as Cairo evolves.