quartus THR /quartus/ccl/thr/thr_mutex_win32.c 306 0xfffffffff7fc981d: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xe81d (thr_os_error + 0xa0) 0xfffffffff7fc990d: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xe90d (thr_windows_error + 0xa6) 0xfffffffff7fc9cd8: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xecd8 (thr_mutex_unlock + 0x7b) 0x0ce567a4: quartus + 0x4e0e7a4 (_ZN18PDB_SEGMENT_READERD1Ev + 0x74) 0x0beaff91: quartus + 0x3e67f91 (_Z9pdb_read_I11PDB_ARCHIVE10RDB_REPORTEbRPT0_RT_PKc + 0xbf) 0x0bebe7eb: quartus + 0x3e767eb (_ZN7DBM_PDBI10RDB_REPORTE9read_fileEPKcS3_ + 0x1fb) 0x0bea55d2: quartus + 0x3e5d5d2 (_ZN10RDB_REPORT10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEES8_PK10RDB_OBJECT + 0xf0) 0x0bea61f6: quartus + 0x3e5e1f6 (_ZN10RDB_REPORT10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE15RDB_REPORT_TYPEPK10RDB_OBJECT + 0x44) 0x0bea62ae: quartus + 0x3e5e2ae (_ZN16RDB_MANAGER_IMPL10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE15RDB_REPORT_TYPERS6_ + 0x3a) 0x0bec9908: quartus + 0x3e81908 (_ZN13DBMUI_MANAGER14get_rdb_reportE15RDB_REPORT_TYPEPKc + 0x428) 0x08d09aa5: quartus + 0xcc1aa5 (_ZN12PJN_H_C_TREE14get_rdb_reportEv + 0x75) 0x08d070d1: quartus + 0xcbf0d1 (_ZN12PJN_H_C_TREE25get_resource_report_tableEv + 0x257) 0x08d0810b: quartus + 0xcc010b (_ZN12PJN_H_C_TREE23insert_resource_columnsEv + 0x103) 0x08d0301c: quartus + 0xcbb01c (_ZN12PJN_H_C_TREE22refresh_comp_hierarchyEb + 0x2c4) 0x08d2bda6: quartus + 0xce3da6 (_ZN13PJN_NAVIGATOR22refresh_comp_hierarchyEv + 0x36) 0x08d2be3d: quartus + 0xce3e3d (_ZN13PJN_NAVIGATOR20on_refresh_hierarchyEjl + 0x1d) 0xfffffffff799832e: mfc400s + 0xcb32e (_ZN4CWnd8OnWndMsgEjjlPl + 0x22e) 0xfffffffff7997d59: mfc400s + 0xcad59 (_ZN4CWnd10WindowProcEjjl + 0x39) 0xfffffffff799c623: mfc400s + 0xcf623 (_Z14AfxCallWndProcP4CWndP6HWND__jjl + 0xc3) 0xfffffffff799d0c3: mfc400s + 0xd00c3 (_Z10AfxWndProcP6HWND__jjl + 0x53) 0xfffffffff7994e9b: mfc400s + 0xc7e9b (_Z14AfxWndProcBaseP6HWND__jjl + 0x5b) 0xfffffffff72c4a51: gdiuser32 + 0x180a51 (MwCallCallWndProc + 0x171) 0xfffffffff72d1891: gdiuser32 + 0x18d891 (MwIDispatchMessage + 0xa1) 0xfffffffff72d1a4a: gdiuser32 + 0x18da4a (DispatchMessageA + 0x4a) 0xfffffffff79f8fed: mfc400s + 0x12bfed (_ZN10CWinThread11PumpMessageEv + 0x7d) 0xfffffffff799aa14: mfc400s + 0xcda14 (_ZN4CWnd12RunModalLoopEm + 0xe4) 0xfffffffff79c9848: mfc400s + 0xfc848 (_ZN7CDialog7DoModalEv + 0x328) 0x08a188e0: quartus + 0x9d08e0 (_ZN17MSW_IE_DLG_YES_NO7DoModalEv + 0x22) 0x089d688d: quartus + 0x98e88d (_ZN11MSW_DISPLAY22internal_error_displayEN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE + 0x5d1) 0x0ce10783: quartus + 0x4dc8783 (_ZN10MSG_REPORT14internal_errorERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE + 0xfb) 0x0ce2a4a1: quartus + 0x4de24a1 (_ZN14MSG_ERROR_INFO8finalizeEv + 0x47) 0x0ce2a6f2: quartus + 0x4de26f2 (_ZN18MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR6reportEPKcS1_S1_i + 0x72) 0xfffffffff7fc981d: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xe81d (thr_os_error + 0xa0) 0xfffffffff7fc990d: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xe90d (thr_windows_error + 0xa6) 0xfffffffff7fc9cd8: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xecd8 (thr_mutex_unlock + 0x7b) 0x0ce567a4: quartus + 0x4e0e7a4 (_ZN18PDB_SEGMENT_READERD1Ev + 0x74) 0x0beaff91: quartus + 0x3e67f91 (_Z9pdb_read_I11PDB_ARCHIVE10RDB_REPORTEbRPT0_RT_PKc + 0xbf) 0x0bebe7eb: quartus + 0x3e767eb (_ZN7DBM_PDBI10RDB_REPORTE9read_fileEPKcS3_ + 0x1fb) 0x0bea55d2: quartus + 0x3e5d5d2 (_ZN10RDB_REPORT10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEES8_PK10RDB_OBJECT + 0xf0) 0x0bea61f6: quartus + 0x3e5e1f6 (_ZN10RDB_REPORT10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE15RDB_REPORT_TYPEPK10RDB_OBJECT + 0x44) 0x0bea62ae: quartus + 0x3e5e2ae (_ZN16RDB_MANAGER_IMPL10get_reportERKN11_Dinkum_std12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEE17MEM_STL_ALLOCATORIcEEE15RDB_REPORT_TYPERS6_ + 0x3a) 0x0bec9908: quartus + 0x3e81908 (_ZN13DBMUI_MANAGER14get_rdb_reportE15RDB_REPORT_TYPEPKc + 0x428) 0x08a60959: quartus + 0xa18959 (_ZN8TMW_TREE25check_for_existing_reportEP14TMW_STEP_PARAM + 0x259) 0x08a604e3: quartus + 0xa184e3 (_ZN8TMW_TREE28validate_view_report_commandEv + 0x79) 0x08a56fe3: quartus + 0xa0efe3 (_ZN8TMW_TREE29validate_all_assignment_tasksEPb + 0x18f) 0x08a57d47: quartus + 0xa0fd47 (_ZN8TMW_TREE10acf_updateEv + 0xb5) 0x08a3e924: quartus + 0x9f6924 (_ZN7TMW_NTF15ntf_acf_changedEjl + 0x26) 0x0ce02b27: quartus + 0x4dbab27 (_ZN17NTF_NOTIFY_TARGET19dispatch_notify_msgEPK14NTF_NOTIFY_MAPjjl + 0x57) 0x0ce02b9e: quartus + 0x4dbab9e (_ZN17NTF_NOTIFY_TARGET13on_ntf_notifyEjjl + 0x34) 0x0ce02dc0: quartus + 0x4dbadc0 (_ZN14NTF_NOTIFY_MGR16broadcast_notifyEjjlb + 0x96) 0x0ce02e0f: quartus + 0x4dbae0f (_ZN14NTF_NOTIFY_MGR25broadcast_notify_ntf_onlyEjjlb + 0x2f) 0x0cd92935: quartus + 0x4d4a935 (_ZN11ACF_MANAGER12write_unlockEb + 0x1e5) 0x0cd89a59: quartus + 0x4d41a59 (_ZN19ACF_MANAGER_STORAGE11synchronizeEv + 0x789) 0x0cda9ef4: quartus + 0x4d61ef4 (_ZN19ACF_MANAGER_STORAGE9read_lockEbbb + 0xa4) 0x0cdaa0de: quartus + 0x4d620de (_ZN11ACF_MANAGER45has_any_settings_file_changed_since_last_readEbb + 0xfe) 0x092b23e7: quartus + 0x126a3e7 (_ZN13AFC_MDI_FRAME10OnActivateEjP4CWndi + 0x1cb) 0xfffffffff7998c20: mfc400s + 0xcbc20 (_ZN4CWnd8OnWndMsgEjjlPl + 0xb20) 0x0894f635: quartus + 0x907635 (_ZN14PJM_MAIN_FRAME8OnWndMsgEjjlPl + 0x85) 0xfffffffff7997d59: mfc400s + 0xcad59 (_ZN4CWnd10WindowProcEjjl + 0x39) 0xfffffffff7e6d014: ot803as + 0x269014 (_ZN14SECMDIFrameWnd10WindowProcEjjl + 0x64) 0xfffffffff799c623: mfc400s + 0xcf623 (_Z14AfxCallWndProcP4CWndP6HWND__jjl + 0xc3) 0xfffffffff799d0c3: mfc400s + 0xd00c3 (_Z10AfxWndProcP6HWND__jjl + 0x53) 0xfffffffff7994e9b: mfc400s + 0xc7e9b (_Z14AfxWndProcBaseP6HWND__jjl + 0x5b) 0xfffffffff72c4a51: gdiuser32 + 0x180a51 (MwCallCallWndProc + 0x171) 0xfffffffff72d05ca: gdiuser32 + 0x18c5ca (MwICallWindowProc + 0x7a) 0xfffffffff72dca56: gdiuser32 + 0x198a56 (CallWindowProcA + 0x66) 0x08963359: quartus + 0x91b359 (_ZN12CSubclassWnd10WindowProcEjjl + 0x9f) 0x08960be3: quartus + 0x918be3 (_ZN16CCoolMenuManager10WindowProcEjjl + 0x199) 0x08963497: quartus + 0x91b497 (_Z11HookWndProcP6HWND__jjl + 0xf1) 0xfffffffff72c4a51: gdiuser32 + 0x180a51 (MwCallCallWndProc + 0x171) 0xfffffffff72d17e5: gdiuser32 + 0x18d7e5 (MwInternalSendMessage + 0x45) 0xfffffffff72d7a8e: gdiuser32 + 0x193a8e (xxxSendMessageTimeout + 0x27e) 0xfffffffff72da021: gdiuser32 + 0x196021 (xxxSendMessage + 0x71) 0xfffffffff72fcf01: gdiuser32 + 0x1b8f01 (ActivateThisWindow + 0x4a1) 0xfffffffff72fda00: gdiuser32 + 0x1b9a00 (xxxActivateWindow + 0x210) 0xfffffffff72da42e: gdiuser32 + 0x19642e (xxxMouseActivate + 0x11e) 0xfffffffff72d6d62: gdiuser32 + 0x192d62 (MwEventSideEffects + 0x1712) 0xfffffffff72d717d: gdiuser32 + 0x19317d (MwFindMatchingEventInQueue + 0x23d) 0xfffffffff72db1c3: gdiuser32 + 0x1971c3 (MwGetMessageThreads + 0x643) 0xfffffffff72dbbe0: gdiuser32 + 0x197be0 (GetMessageA + 0x60) 0xfffffffff79f8faa: mfc400s + 0x12bfaa (_ZN10CWinThread11PumpMessageEv + 0x3a) 0xfffffffff79f8aea: mfc400s + 0x12baea (_ZN10CWinThread3RunEv + 0x8a) 0xfffffffff79fab59: mfc400s + 0x12db59 (_ZN7CWinApp3RunEv + 0x29) 0x092ad6a9: quartus + 0x12656a9 (_ZN7AFC_APP19win_app_run_wrapperEPv + 0x1d) 0xfffffffff7fc8f39: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xdf39 (thr_final_wrapper + 0xf) 0x089b3372: quartus + 0x96b372 (_Z18mem_thread_wrapperPFPvS_ES_ + 0xd2) 0x0cf2edb7: quartus + 0x4ee6db7 (_Z18err_thread_wrapperPFPvS_ES_ + 0x29) 0xfffffffff7fc8fc7: ccl_thr_win32 + 0xdfc7 (thr_thread_wrapper + 0x2c) 0x092ad810: quartus + 0x1265810 (_ZN7AFC_APP3RunEv + 0x160) 0xfffffffff79a92ed: mfc400s + 0xdc2ed (_Z10AfxWinMainP11HINSTANCE__S0_Pci + 0xad) 0x0cf45c33: quartus + 0x4efdc33 (WinMain + 0x53) 0x089a1385: quartus + 0x959385 (main + 0x9d) 0x0092bdec: c.so.6 + 0x15dec (__libc_start_main + 0xdc) 0x088d6431: quartus + 0x88e431 (_ZN13SECControlBar17CalcDynamicLayoutEim + 0x91) Quartus II requested that Windows unlock a mutex, but Windows could not do so. Please report the full text of this message to Altera so we can investigate its causes. In the meantime, may wish to take the following steps to work around the problem: * Disabled parallel compilation if it is enabled * Ensure you have sufficient memory to run Quartus. * Ensure all service packs and patches from Microsoft are installed Technical details: * API: ReleaseMutex(mutex->m_os_mutex) * Error: 288 (Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller) Mon Mar 30 17:11:20 2009 Quartus II Version 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version OS Failure: Windows could not unlock a mutex Quartus II requested that Windows unlock a mutex, but Windows could not do so. Please report the full text of this message to Altera so we can investigate its causes. In the meantime, may wish to take the following steps to work around the problem: * Disabled parallel compilation if it is enabled * Ensure you have sufficient memory to run Quartus. * Ensure all service packs and patches from Microsoft are installed Technical details: * API: ReleaseMutex(mutex->m_os_mutex) * Error: 288 (Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller) Quartus II Version 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version