library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.common_pkg.all; use work.core_pkg.all; use work.mem_pkg.all; use work.extension_pkg.all; use work.extension_uart_pkg.all; use work.extension_7seg_pkg.all; use work.extension_imp_pkg.all; use work.extension_timer_pkg.all; architecture behav of writeback_stage is signal data_ram_read, data_ram_read_ext : word_t; signal data_addr : word_t; signal wb_reg, wb_reg_nxt : writeback_rec; signal ext_uart,ext_timer,ext_gpmp,ext_7seg,ext_int,ext_imp : extmod_rec; signal ext_uart_out, ext_timer_out, ext_gpmp_out, ext_int_out,ext_imp_out : gp_register_t; --signal int_req : interrupt_t; signal uart_int : std_logic; signal sel_nxt, dmem_we, ext_anysel : std_logic; signal calc_mem_res : gp_register_t; begin ext_gpmp_out <= (others => '0'); --TODO: delete when gpm is connected spartan3e: if FPGATYPE = "s3e" generate data_ram : ram_xilinx generic map ( DATA_ADDR_WIDTH ) port map ( clk, data_addr(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), data_addr(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), wb_reg_nxt.byte_en, dmem_we,, --ram_data, data_ram_read ); end generate; -- else generate gibt es erst mit vhdl 2008 ... altera: if FPGATYPE /= "s3e" generate data_ram : r_w_ram_be generic map ( DATA_ADDR_WIDTH ) port map ( clk, data_addr(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), data_addr(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), wb_reg_nxt.byte_en, dmem_we,, --ram_data, data_ram_read ); end generate; uart : extension_uart generic map( RESET_VALUE, CLK_BAUD ) port map( clk , reset, ext_uart, ext_uart_out, uart_int, bus_rx, bus_tx ); imp : extension_imp generic map( RESET_VALUE ) port map( clk , reset, ext_imp, ext_imp_out, im_addr, im_data, new_im_data_out ); altera_7seg: if FPGATYPE /= "s3e" generate sseg : extension_7seg generic map( RESET_VALUE ) port map( clk, reset, ext_7seg, sseg0, sseg1, sseg2, sseg3 ); end generate; interrupt : extension_interrupt generic map( RESET_VALUE ) port map( clk, reset, ext_int, ext_int_out, uart_int, int_req ); timer : extension_timer generic map(RESET_VALUE) port map(clk, reset, ext_timer, ext_timer_out); syn: process(clk, reset) begin if (reset = RESET_VALUE) then wb_reg.address <= (others => '0'); wb_reg.dmem_en <= '0'; wb_reg.dmem_write_en <= '0'; wb_reg.hword <= '0'; wb_reg.byte_s <= '0'; wb_reg.byte_en <= (others => '0'); <= (others =>'0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then wb_reg <= wb_reg_nxt; end if; end process; -- type writeback_rec is record -- address : in word_t; --ureg -- dmem_en : in std_logic; --ureg (jump addr in mem or in address) -- dmem_write_en : in std_logic; --ureg -- hword_hl : in std_logic --ureg -- end record; shift_input: process(data_ram_read, address, dmem_en, dmem_write_en, hword, wb_reg, result, byte_s, alu_jmp, br_pred, write_en, ram_data) variable byte_en : byte_en_t; variable address_val : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin wb_reg_nxt.address <= address; wb_reg_nxt.dmem_en <= dmem_en; wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en <= dmem_write_en; wb_reg_nxt.hword <= hword; wb_reg_nxt.byte_s <= byte_s; calc_mem_res <= result; --(others => '0'); <= ram_data; byte_en := (others => '0'); address_val := address(BYTEADDR-1 downto 0); if dmem_en = '1' then if hword = '1' then -- case address(BYTEADDR-1 downto 0) is case address_val is when "00" => byte_en(1 downto 0) := "11"; when "10" => byte_en(3 downto 2) := "11"; downto 16) <= ram_data(15 downto 0); when others => null; end case; elsif byte_s = '1' then -- case address(BYTEADDR-1 downto 0) is case address_val is when "00" => byte_en(0) := '1'; when "01" => byte_en(1) := '1'; downto 8) <= ram_data(7 downto 0); when "10" => byte_en(2) := '1'; downto 16) <= ram_data(7 downto 0); when "11" => byte_en(3) := '1'; downto 24) <= ram_data(7 downto 0); when others => null; end case; else byte_en := (others => '1'); end if; end if; wb_reg_nxt.byte_en <= byte_en; -- if (wb_reg.dmem_en = '1' and wb_reg.dmem_write_en = '0') then -- ram read operation --alu_jmp = '0' and -- calc_mem_res <= data_ram_read; -- if (wb_reg.hword = '1') then -- calc_mem_res <= (others => '0'); -- if (wb_reg.address(1) = '1') then -- calc_mem_res(15 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(31 downto 16); -- else -- calc_mem_res(15 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(15 downto 0); -- end if; -- end if; -- if (wb_reg.byte_s = '1') then -- calc_mem_res <= (others => '0'); -- case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => calc_mem_res(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(7 downto 0); -- when "01" => calc_mem_res(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(15 downto 8); -- when "10" => calc_mem_res(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(23 downto 16); -- when "11" => calc_mem_res(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(31 downto 24); -- when others => null; -- end case; -- end if; -- end if; --jump <= (alu_jmp xor br_pred) and (write_en or wb_reg.dmem_en); jump <= (alu_jmp xor br_pred);-- and (write_en or wb_reg.dmem_en); if (alu_jmp = '1' and wb_reg.dmem_en = '1' and wb_reg.dmem_write_en = '0' and write_en = '0') then jump_addr <= data_ram_read; else jump_addr <= result; end if; -- if alu_jmp = '0' and br_pred = '1' and write_en = '0' then -- jump <= '1'; -- end if; -- if ((alu_jmp and wb_reg.dmem_en) = '1') then -- jump_addr <= data_ram_read; -- end if; end process; -- result : in gp_register_t; --reg (alu result or jumpaddr) -- result_addr : in gp_addr_t; --reg -- address : in word_t; --ureg -- alu_jmp : in std_logic; --reg -- br_pred : in std_logic; --reg -- write_en : in std_logic; --reg (register file) -- dmem_en : in std_logic; --ureg (jump addr in mem or in result) -- dmem_write_en : in std_logic; --ureg -- hword : in std_logic --ureg out_logic: process(write_en, result_addr, wb_reg, alu_jmp, wb_reg_nxt, data_ram_read_ext, calc_mem_res, data_ram_read, ext_anysel, result, hword, byte_s) variable reg_we_v : std_logic; variable data_out : gp_register_t; begin reg_we_v := (write_en or (wb_reg.dmem_en and not(wb_reg.dmem_write_en))) and not(alu_jmp); reg_addr <= result_addr; data_addr <= (others => '0'); dmem_we <= '0'; if (wb_reg.address(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+2) /= '1') then data_out := data_ram_read; else reg_we_v := reg_we_v and ext_anysel; data_out := data_ram_read_ext; end if; if wb_reg.byte_en(0) = '0' then data_out(byte_t'range) := (others => '0'); end if; if wb_reg.byte_en(1) = '0' then data_out(2*byte_t'length-1 downto byte_t'length) := (others => '0'); end if; if wb_reg.byte_en(2) = '0' then data_out(3*byte_t'length-1 downto 2*byte_t'length) := (others => '0'); end if; if wb_reg.byte_en(3) = '0' then data_out(4*byte_t'length-1 downto 3*byte_t'length) := (others => '0'); end if; -- if wb_reg.hword = '1' or wb_reg.byte_s = '1' then -- if wb_reg.address(1)='1' then -- data_out(hword_t'range) := data_out(data_out'high downto (data_out'length/2)); -- end if; -- data_out(data_out'high downto (data_out'length/2)) := (others => '0'); -- if byte_s = '1' then -- if wb_reg.address(0) = '1' then -- data_out(byte_t'range) := data_out(hword_t'high downto (hword_t'length/2)); -- end if; -- data_out(hword_t'high downto (hword_t'length/2)) := (others => '0'); -- end if; -- end if; data_out := to_stdlogicvector(to_bitvector(data_out) srl to_integer(unsigned(wb_reg.address(BYTEADDR-1 downto 0)))*byte_t'length); if (wb_reg_nxt.address(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+2) /= '1') then data_addr(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 0) <= wb_reg_nxt.address(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 0); dmem_we <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; end if; regfile_val <= data_out; if wb_reg.dmem_en = '0' then regfile_val <= result; end if; reg_we <= reg_we_v; end process; addr_de_mult: process(wb_reg, wb_reg_nxt, ram_data, sel_nxt, ext_uart_out, ext_gpmp_out, ext_timer_out) variable wr_en, enable : std_logic; -- these are all registered variable byte_en : byte_en_t; -- if a module needs the nxt signals it has to manually select them variable addr : ext_addr_t; -- for example the data memory, because it already has input registers variable addrid : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);--ext_addrid_t; variable data : gp_register_t; begin --if selecting enable is too slow, see alu_b enable := wb_reg.dmem_en; wr_en := wb_reg.dmem_write_en; byte_en := wb_reg.byte_en; addr := wb_reg.address(gp_register_t'high downto BYTEADDR); addrid := wb_reg.address(gp_register_t'high downto EXTWORDS); data :=; ext_uart.sel <='0'; ext_7seg.sel <='0'; ext_timer.sel <='0'; ext_gpmp.sel <='0'; ext_int.sel <= '0'; ext_imp.sel <= '0'; ext_uart.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_7seg.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_timer.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_gpmp.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_int.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_imp.wr_en <= wr_en; ext_uart.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_7seg.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_timer.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_gpmp.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_int.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_imp.byte_en <= byte_en; ext_uart.addr <= addr; ext_7seg.addr <= addr; ext_timer.addr <= addr; ext_gpmp.addr <= addr; ext_int.addr <= addr; ext_imp.addr <= addr; <= data; <= data; <= data; <= data; <= data; <= data; -- wenn ich hier statt dem 4rer die konstante nehme dann gibts an fehler wegen nicht lokaler variable -.- case addrid is when EXT_UART_ADDR => ext_uart.sel <= enable; ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_uart.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_uart.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(31 downto 2); -- case wb_reg_nxt.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0100"; -- --when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1111"; -- when others => null; -- end case; when EXT_IMP_ADDR => ext_imp.sel <= enable; ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_uart.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_uart.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(31 downto 2); -- case wb_reg_nxt.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0100"; -- --when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1111"; -- when others => null; -- end case; when EXT_INT_ADDR => ext_int.sel <= enable; ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_uart.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_uart.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(31 downto 2); -- case wb_reg_nxt.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0100"; -- --when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1111"; -- when others => null; -- end case; when EXT_7SEG_ADDR => ext_7seg.sel <= enable; ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_7seg.wr_en <= wb_regdmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_7seg.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(31 downto 2); -- ext_7seg.byte_en(1 downto 0) <= wb_reg_nxt.address(1 downto 0); -- case wb_reg_nxt.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_7seg.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_7seg.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_7seg.byte_en <= "0100"; -- when "11" => ext_7seg.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when others => null; -- end case; when EXT_TIMER_ADDR => ext_timer.sel <= enable; ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_timer.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_timer.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto BYTEADDR); -- case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0100"; -- when "11" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when others => null; -- end case; -- when EXT_GPMP_ADDR => -- ext_gpmp.sel <= enable; -- ext_anysel <= enable; -- ext_gpmp.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; -- <= ram_data; -- ext_gpmp.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto BYTEADDR); -- case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is -- when "00" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0001"; -- when "01" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0010"; -- when "10" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0100"; -- when "11" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "1000"; -- when others => null; -- end case; -- hier kann man weiter extensions adden :) Konstanten sind im extension pkg definiert when others => ext_anysel <= '0'; end case; data_ram_read_ext <= ext_uart_out or ext_gpmp_out or ext_timer_out; end process; end behav;