library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.common_pkg.all; use work.alu_pkg.all; architecture shift_op of exec_op is signal logic, ls, carry : std_logic; begin arith <= op_detail(ARITH_OPT); rs <= op_detail(RIGHT_OPT); carry <= op_detail(CARRY_OPT); calc: process(left_operand, right_operand, arith,rs, carry, alu_state) variable alu_result_v : alu_result_rec; variable tmp_shift : bit_vector(gp_register_t'length+1 downto 0); variable tmp_sb : std_logic; begin alu_result_v := alu_state; if rs = '1' then tmp_sb := (carry and alu_state.status.carry and not(arith)) or (arith and left_operand(gp_register_t'high)); tmp_shift := to_bitvector(tmp_sb & left_operand & alu_state.status.carry); tmp_shift := tmp_shift sra to_integer(unsigned(right_operand)(SHIFT_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); alu_result_v.status.carry := to_stdlogicvector(tmp_shift)(0); else tmp_sb := (carry and alu_state.status.carry and not(arith)); tmp_shift := to_bitvector(alu_state.status.carry & left_operand & tmp_sb); tmp_shift := tmp_shift sla to_integer(unsigned(right_operand)(SHIFT_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); alu_result_v.status.carry := to_stdlogicvector(tmp_shift)(tmp_shift'high); end if; alu_result_v.result := to_stdlogicvector(tmp_shift)(gp_register_t'length downto 1); alu_result <= alu_result_v; end process; end architecture shift_op;