#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ====================================================================== # log2xml - This script translates cacao -verbosecall output into a # more readable XML format. It also separates the output of # different threads and is able to ignore commonly called # (uninteresting) methods. # # Usage: # cacao -verbose -verbosecall ... | log2xml.pl # # For each thread the script writes a file LOG_{threadid}.xml. # # You can use any XML editor to browse the logs. If you want to use # vim, which works well, take a look at log2xml.vim in this # directory. # # You may want to edit the opt_ignore options below. # # Author : Edwin Steiner # Revision: $Id: log2xml.pl 2307 2005-04-15 09:06:54Z edwin $ # # $Log$ # Revision 1.4 2005/04/15 09:06:54 edwin # output more valid xml # # Revision 1.3 2005/04/14 20:11:04 edwin # typo # # Revision 1.2 2005/04/14 20:10:20 edwin # disabled debug print, added vim boilerplate # # Revision 1.1 2005/04/14 19:44:00 edwin # added log2xml.pl and log2xml.vim # # ====================================================================== use strict; use IO::File; my @opt_ignorelist = ( 'java.lang.Character.toLowerCase(C)C', 'java.lang.Character.toUpperCase(C)C', 'java.lang.String.endsWith(Ljava/lang/String;)Z', 'java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase(Ljava/lang/String;)Z', 'java.lang.String.equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z', 'java.lang.String.indexOf(I)I', 'java.lang.String.indexOf(II)I', 'java.lang.String.indexOf(Ljava/lang/String;)I', 'java.lang.String.indexOf(Ljava/lang/String;I)I', 'java.lang.String.lastIndexOf(Ljava/lang/String;)I', 'java.lang.String.lastIndexOf(Ljava/lang/String;I)I', 'java.lang.String.regionMatches(ILjava/lang/String;II)Z', 'java.lang.String.regionMatches(ZILjava/lang/String;II)Z', 'java.lang.String.replace(CC)Ljava/lang/String;', 'java.lang.String.startsWith(Ljava/lang/String;)Z', 'java.lang.String.substring(II)Ljava/lang/String;', 'java.lang.String.toLowerCase()Ljava/lang/String;', 'java.util.HashMap.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', 'java.util.HashMap.put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', 'java.util.Hashtable.clone()Ljava/lang/Object;', 'java.util.Hashtable.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', 'java.util.Hashtable.put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', 'java.util.jar.JarFile$EntryInputStream.read([BII)I', ); my @opt_ignore_regexps = ( qr/^java\.lang\.Character\./, qr/^java\.lang\.String\./, qr/^java\.util\.jar\./, qr/^java\.util\.Locale\./, qr/^java\.util\.zip\./, ); my $opt_details = 0; my $opt_verbose = 1; my $opt_no_text_for_ignored = 0; my $opt_fileprefix = 'LOG_'; # per-thread hashes my %stacks; my %files; my %ignore_level; my %ignorehash = map { $_=>1 } @opt_ignorelist; # ====================================================================== # OUTPUT, XML WRITING # ====================================================================== # Quote the given text for putting it in an XML file. sub quote ( $ ) { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s//>/g; return $s; } sub write_xml ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$xml) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file $xml; } sub write_xml_call_info ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file ' return="' . quote($node->{RETURN}) . '"' if defined($node->{RETURN}); print $file ' except="' . quote($node->{EXCEPTION}) . '"' if defined($node->{EXCEPTION}); if ($opt_details) { print $file ' details="' . quote($node->{DETAILS}) . '"' if defined($node->{DETAILS}); } } sub write_xml_frame ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file '\n"; } sub write_xml_enter ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file '\n"; } sub write_xml_leave ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file '\n"; print $file "\n"; } sub write_xml_never_returns ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file '\n"; print $file "\n"; } sub write_xml_node ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; write_xml_enter($thread,$node); write_xml_body($thread,$node); write_xml_leave($thread,$node); } sub write_xml_body ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$node) = @_; for my $x (@{$node->{BODY}}) { if (ref $x) { write_xml_node($thread,$x); } else { my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file $x; } } } sub write_xml_header ( $ ) { my ($file) = @_; print $file ''."\n"; print $file "\n"; } sub write_xml_end ( $ ) { my ($file) = @_; print $file "\n"; } # ====================================================================== # HELPERS # ====================================================================== # Return true if functions with this name are ignored. sub is_ignored ( $ ) { my ($name) = @_; return 1 if $ignorehash{$name}; for my $re (@opt_ignore_regexps) { return 1 if $name =~ $re; } return 0; } # ====================================================================== # STACK RECONSTRUCTION # ====================================================================== sub make_root ( ) { return {NAME => 'root', DETAILS => '', BODY => [], RETURN => undef, EXCEPTION => undef, LINE => undef, }; } sub thread_register ( $ ) { my ($thread) = @_; unless (exists $stacks{$thread}) { $stacks{$thread} = [make_root]; my $filename = $opt_fileprefix . $thread . '.xml'; $files{$thread} = IO::File->new(">$filename"); $ignore_level{$thread} = 0; write_xml_header($files{$thread}); } } sub stack_top ( $ ) { my ($thread) = @_; return $stacks{$thread}->[-1] or die "stack underflow"; } sub stack_pop ( $ ) { my ($thread) = @_; return pop @{$stacks{$thread}} or die "stack underflow"; } sub stack_push ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$value) = @_; push @{$stacks{$thread}},$value; } sub stack_slot ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$index) = @_; return $stacks{$thread}->[$index] or die "invalid stack index"; } sub stack_write ( $ ) { my ($thread) = @_; print STDERR "$.\n"; for (@{$stacks{$thread}}) { print STDERR "\t".quote($_->{NAME})."\n"; } } sub process_call ( $$$ ) { my ($thread,$keyword,$rest) = @_; my $top = stack_top($thread); $rest =~ /(\S+?) \( ([^)]*) \) ([^ \t(]+) (.*) $/x or die "could not match call log: $rest"; my ($n,$args,$rettype,$details) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); my $name = "$n($args)$rettype"; my $call = {NAME => $name,SHORTNAME => $n,DETAILS => $details,BODY => [],LINE => $.}; $call->{FIRST} = 1 if $keyword eq '1st_call'; stack_push($thread,$call); if ($ignore_level{$thread} == 0) { write_xml_enter($thread,$call); if (is_ignored($name)) { $ignore_level{$thread}++; } } else { $ignore_level{$thread}++; } } sub process_leave ( $$$ ) { my ($thread,$rest,$exception) = @_; my $top = stack_pop($thread); if ($exception) { $top->{EXCEPTION} = $exception; } else { $rest =~ /(\S+?) (\([^)]*\))? (->(.*))?$/x or die "could not match finished log: $rest"; my ($name,$return) = ($1,$4); $name eq $top->{NAME} or die "warning: mismatched leave:\n" ."\t(line $.) $name from\n" ."\t(line ".$top->{LINE}.") ".$top->{NAME}."\n"; $top->{RETURN} = defined($return) ? $return : 'void'; } --$ignore_level{$thread} if $ignore_level{$thread} > 0; if ($ignore_level{$thread} == 0) { write_xml_leave($thread,$top); } } sub process_exception ( $$$ ) { my ($thread,$exception,$rest) = @_; my ($name,$entry); my $top = stack_top($thread); if ($rest =~ /(\S+?) \([^)]*\) \((0x[^)]+)\)/x) { ($name,$entry) = ($1,$2); } elsif ($rest =~ /call_java_method/) { $name = "call_java_method"; $entry = 0; } else { die "could not match exception: $exception in $rest"; } $top->{ENTRYPOINT} = $entry unless defined($top->{ENTRYPOINT}); if ($name eq $top->{SHORTNAME} && $entry eq $top->{ENTRYPOINT}) { if ($ignore_level{$thread} == 0) { my $handled = ''."\n"; write_xml($thread,$handled); } return; # exception handled locally } # unwind a stack frame while ($name ne 'call_java_method' && $name ne stack_slot($thread,-2)->{SHORTNAME}) { stack_write($thread); print STDERR "exception : $exception\n"; print STDERR "method : $name\n"; print STDERR "entrypoint: $entry\n"; print STDERR "scope : ".$top->{SHORTNAME}."\n"; print STDERR "scopeentry: ".$top->{ENTRYPOINT}."\n"; print STDERR "outer : ".stack_slot($thread,-2)->{SHORTNAME}."\n"; print STDERR "outerentry: ".stack_slot($thread,-2)->{ENTRYPOINT}."\n"; print STDERR "unwinding stack...\n"; warn "heuristic unwind: $exception in $rest"; process_leave($thread,$rest,$exception); } process_leave($thread,$rest,$exception); } sub process_call_log ( $$$ ) { my ($thread,$keyword,$rest) = @_; if ($keyword eq 'called' || $keyword eq '1st_call') { process_call($thread,$keyword,$rest); } elsif ($keyword eq 'finished') { process_leave($thread,$rest,undef); } else { die "invalid log keyword: $keyword"; } } sub process_text ( $$ ) { my ($thread,$text) = @_; # print STDERR "$.: $text\n"; if ($opt_no_text_for_ignored && $ignore_level{$thread} > 0) { return; } my $top = stack_top($thread); my $file = $files{$thread}; print $file quote($text)."\n"; } # ====================================================================== # MAIN PROGRAM # ====================================================================== sub main { eval { my $lastthread; while (<>) { chomp($_); if (/LOG: \[(\S+)\]\s+(.*)/) { my ($thread,$log) = ($1,$2); thread_register($thread); $lastthread = $thread; if ($log =~ /(1st_call|called|finished):\s*(.*)/) { process_call_log($thread,$1,$2); } elsif ($log =~ /Exception\s+(\S+)\s+thrown in\s+(.*)/) { process_exception($thread,$1,$2); } else { process_text($thread,$log); } } else { unless (defined($lastthread)) { $lastthread = '(nil)'; thread_register($lastthread); } process_text($lastthread,$_); } } }; if ($@) { warn "error: $@"; warn "warning: omitting the rest of the input"; } for my $thread (keys %stacks) { my $ign = $ignore_level{$thread}; unless ($ign == 0) { warn "warning: ignore_level not reset to 0 at end of input"; write_xml($thread,"\n\n\n"); while ($ign > 0) { my $top = $stacks{$thread}->[-$ign]; write_xml_frame($thread,$top); $ign--; } pop @{$stacks{$thread}} for 1..$ignore_level{$thread}; } while (scalar @{$stacks{$thread}} > 1) { my $top = $stacks{$thread}->[-1]; write_xml_never_returns($thread,$top); pop @{$stacks{$thread}}; } write_xml_end($files{$thread}); $files{$thread}->close(); } print STDERR "processed $. lines\n"; } main(); # vim: noet ts=4 sw=4 ai