\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{common} \begin{document} \allauthors \title{Instruction Set ``Deep Thought''} % haha, deep throat \titlehead{Vienna University of Technology \hfill WS~2010} \subject{Computer Architecture Labor\"ubung} \date{\today} \publishers{Gruppe 1} \maketitle \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \input{cmp} \input{desdis} \input{conds} \input{callingconv} \clearpage \section{Instruction Set Overview} \input{flags} \subsection{arithmetic instructions} When not stated otherwise the following instructions will modify all flags of the PSW. \input{arith} \subsection{logical instructions} When not stated otherwise the following instructions will only modify the zero and sign flag. \input{logic} \subsection{data modifying instructions} When not stated otherwise the following instructions will not modify any flag. \input{data} \subsection{miscellaneous instructions} \input{misc} \end{document}