\section{Calling Convention} Programs and functions implementing this instruction set, should implement the following calling conventions. The register usage should be done as stated in table~\ref{tab:callcon}. If the callee should be given more than five parameters, other parameters should be passed over by the stack. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{register} & \textbf{saved by} & \textbf{usage} \\ \hline r0 & caller & return \\ \hline r1 & caller & first parameter \\ \hline r2 & caller & second parameter \\ \hline r3 & caller & third parameter \\ \hline r4 & caller & fourth parameter \\ \hline r5 & caller & fifth parameter \\ \hline r6 & caller & \\ \hline r7 & caller & \\ \hline r8 & caller & \\ \hline r9 & caller & \\ \hline r10 & callee & \\ \hline r11 & callee & \\ \hline r12 & callee & \\ \hline r13 & callee & \\ \hline r14 & callee & \\ \hline r15 & callee & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Calling Convention} \label{tab:callcon} \end{table} \subsection{Assembler Syntax} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Immediate s}: decimal \texttt{12345}, hex \texttt{0xabcde123}, binary \texttt{0b10101110}\\ If an immediate is to large for the given instruction the assembler terminates with an error \item \textbf{High and Low Half Word}: you can use the suffix \texttt{@hi} to access the upper 16 bit of an immediate, or \texttt{@lo} to access the lower 16 bit. \item \textbf{Memory access}: to access data on an address which is located in a register, you have to write \texttt{0(rS)}. Alternatively you can specify a signed displacement. \item \textbf{Expressions}: Usual expressions like \texttt{+}, \texttt{-}, \texttt{*} or \texttt{<<} will be evaluated by the assembler, e.g. \texttt{ldw r1, 0x20-8(r3)} is a valid instruction \end{itemize} \subsection{Directives} In order to gain extra comfort, several directives are interpreted by the assembler, a list is given in table~\ref{tab:asmdirs}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{|l|p{10cm}|} \hline \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline \texttt{.data} & subsequent data is desired for the data memory\\ \hline \texttt{.text} & subsequent code is desired for the instruction memory\\ \hline \verb+.include "file.s"+ & include a further file \\ \hline \texttt{.org \textit{addr}} & move \textit{forward} to a specific address in data or instruction memory, depending on the current section \\ \hline \texttt{.fill \textit{repeat}, \textit{size}, \textit{value}} & place a value of a specific size \texttt{\textit{repeat}}-times, while \texttt{\textit{repeat}} and \texttt{\texttt{size}} are optional. When one parameter is given, the value is placed at the current address. Note that a given value will be rounded up to a full byte, e.g. \texttt{0x123} occupy two bytes. When two parameters are given, the first equals \texttt{\textit{repeat}} and the second corresponds to \texttt{\textit{value}} \\ \hline \texttt{.define \textit{name}, \textit{value}} & define a constant. Note that a define isn't equal to a label\\ \hline \texttt{label: } & label an instruction or data. The label can be used as an alias for the address of this instruction in the instruction memory or as a reference in the data memory, depending on the current section\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{supported directives by the assembler} \label{tab:asmdirs} \end{table}