removed rx_ keypressed
[hwmod.git] / src / textmode_vga / video_memory_beh.vhd
1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
2 --\r
3 -- Filename: video_memory_beh.vhd\r
4 -- =========\r
5 --\r
6 -- Short Description:\r
7 -- ==================\r
8 --   Behavioral implementation of the video memory. The access time\r
9 --   is exactly one clock cycle.\r
10 --\r
11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
12 \r
13 library ieee;
14 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
15 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
16 use work.textmode_vga_pkg.all;
17 use work.font_pkg.all;
19 architecture beh of video_memory is
20   subtype RAM_ENTRY is std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
21   type RAM_TYPE is array(0 to (2 ** (ROW_ADDR_WIDTH + COL_ADDR_WIDTH)) - 1) of RAM_ENTRY;
22   signal ram : RAM_TYPE :=
23   (
24     others => (others => '0')
25   ); 
26 begin
27   process(vga_clk)
28     variable vga_row_address_int, sm_row_address_int : integer range 0 to 2 * LINE_COUNT - 2;
29     variable vga_row_address_vector, sm_row_address_vector : std_logic_vector(ROW_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
30     variable vga_address, sm_address : std_logic_vector(COL_ADDR_WIDTH + ROW_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
31   begin
32     if rising_edge(vga_clk) then
33       vga_row_address_int := to_integer(unsigned(vga_row_address)) + to_integer(unsigned(sm_scroll_address));
34       if vga_row_address_int > LINE_COUNT - 1 then
35         vga_row_address_int := vga_row_address_int - LINE_COUNT;
36       end if;
37       vga_row_address_vector := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(vga_row_address_int, ROW_ADDR_WIDTH));
38       vga_address := vga_row_address_vector & vga_col_address;
39       vga_data <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(vga_address)));
41       if sm_wr = '1' then
42         sm_row_address_int := to_integer(unsigned(sm_row_address)) + to_integer(unsigned(sm_scroll_address));
43         if sm_row_address_int > LINE_COUNT - 1 then
44           sm_row_address_int := sm_row_address_int - LINE_COUNT;
45         end if;
46         sm_row_address_vector := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(sm_row_address_int, ROW_ADDR_WIDTH));
47         sm_address := sm_row_address_vector & sm_col_address;
48         ram(to_integer(unsigned(sm_address))) <= sm_data;
49       end if;
50     end if;
51   end process;
52 end architecture beh;