Add locking to EventWaitHandle.Set/Reset to avoid crashes when another thread dispose...
[mono.git] / mcs / class / corlib / System.Reflection.Emit / OpCodeNames.cs
1 namespace System.Reflection.Emit {
2         internal class OpCodeNames {
3                 internal static readonly string [] names = {
4                         "nop",
5                         "break",
6                         "ldarg.0",
7                         "ldarg.1",
8                         "ldarg.2",
9                         "ldarg.3",
10                         "ldloc.0",
11                         "ldloc.1",
12                         "ldloc.2",
13                         "ldloc.3",
14                         "stloc.0",
15                         "stloc.1",
16                         "stloc.2",
17                         "stloc.3",
18                         "ldarg.s",
19                         "ldarga.s",
20                         "starg.s",
21                         "ldloc.s",
22                         "ldloca.s",
23                         "stloc.s",
24                         "ldnull",
25                         "ldc.i4.m1",
26                         "ldc.i4.0",
27                         "ldc.i4.1",
28                         "ldc.i4.2",
29                         "ldc.i4.3",
30                         "ldc.i4.4",
31                         "ldc.i4.5",
32                         "ldc.i4.6",
33                         "ldc.i4.7",
34                         "ldc.i4.8",
35                         "ldc.i4.s",
36                         "ldc.i4",
37                         "ldc.i8",
38                         "ldc.r4",
39                         "ldc.r8",
40                         null,
41                         "dup",
42                         "pop",
43                         "jmp",
44                         "call",
45                         "calli",
46                         "ret",
47                         "br.s",
48                         "brfalse.s",
49                         "brtrue.s",
50                         "beq.s",
51                         "bge.s",
52                         "bgt.s",
53                         "ble.s",
54                         "blt.s",
55                         "bne.un.s",
56                         "bge.un.s",
57                         "bgt.un.s",
58                         "ble.un.s",
59                         "blt.un.s",
60                         "br",
61                         "brfalse",
62                         "brtrue",
63                         "beq",
64                         "bge",
65                         "bgt",
66                         "ble",
67                         "blt",
68                         "bne.un",
69                         "bge.un",
70                         "bgt.un",
71                         "ble.un",
72                         "blt.un",
73                         "switch",
74                         "ldind.i1",
75                         "ldind.u1",
76                         "ldind.i2",
77                         "ldind.u2",
78                         "ldind.i4",
79                         "ldind.u4",
80                         "ldind.i8",
81                         "ldind.i",
82                         "ldind.r4",
83                         "ldind.r8",
84                         "ldind.ref",
85                         "stind.ref",
86                         "stind.i1",
87                         "stind.i2",
88                         "stind.i4",
89                         "stind.i8",
90                         "stind.r4",
91                         "stind.r8",
92                         "add",
93                         "sub",
94                         "mul",
95                         "div",
96                         "div.un",
97                         "rem",
98                         "rem.un",
99                         "and",
100                         "or",
101                         "xor",
102                         "shl",
103                         "shr",
104                         "shr.un",
105                         "neg",
106                         "not",
107                         "conv.i1",
108                         "conv.i2",
109                         "conv.i4",
110                         "conv.i8",
111                         "conv.r4",
112                         "conv.r8",
113                         "conv.u4",
114                         "conv.u8",
115                         "callvirt",
116                         "cpobj",
117                         "ldobj",
118                         "ldstr",
119                         "newobj",
120                         "castclass",
121                         "isinst",
122                         "conv.r.un",
123                         null,
124                         null,
125                         "unbox",
126                         "throw",
127                         "ldfld",
128                         "ldflda",
129                         "stfld",
130                         "ldsfld",
131                         "ldsflda",
132                         "stsfld",
133                         "stobj",
134                         "conv.ovf.i1.un",
135                         "conv.ovf.i2.un",
136                         "conv.ovf.i4.un",
137                         "conv.ovf.i8.un",
138                         "conv.ovf.u1.un",
139                         "conv.ovf.u2.un",
140                         "conv.ovf.u4.un",
141                         "conv.ovf.u8.un",
142                         "conv.ovf.i.un",
143                         "conv.ovf.u.un",
144                         "box",
145                         "newarr",
146                         "ldlen",
147                         "ldelema",
148                         "ldelem.i1",
149                         "ldelem.u1",
150                         "ldelem.i2",
151                         "ldelem.u2",
152                         "ldelem.i4",
153                         "ldelem.u4",
154                         "ldelem.i8",
155                         "ldelem.i",
156                         "ldelem.r4",
157                         "ldelem.r8",
158                         "ldelem.ref",
159                         "stelem.i",
160                         "stelem.i1",
161                         "stelem.i2",
162                         "stelem.i4",
163                         "stelem.i8",
164                         "stelem.r4",
165                         "stelem.r8",
166                         "stelem.ref",
167                         "ldelem",
168                         "stelem",
169                         "unbox.any",
170                         null,
171                         null,
172                         null,
173                         null,
174                         null,
175                         null,
176                         null,
177                         null,
178                         null,
179                         null,
180                         null,
181                         null,
182                         null,
183                         "conv.ovf.i1",
184                         "conv.ovf.u1",
185                         "conv.ovf.i2",
186                         "conv.ovf.u2",
187                         "conv.ovf.i4",
188                         "conv.ovf.u4",
189                         "conv.ovf.i8",
190                         "conv.ovf.u8",
191                         null,
192                         null,
193                         null,
194                         null,
195                         null,
196                         null,
197                         null,
198                         "refanyval",
199                         "ckfinite",
200                         null,
201                         null,
202                         "mkrefany",
203                         null,
204                         null,
205                         null,
206                         null,
207                         null,
208                         null,
209                         null,
210                         null,
211                         null,
212                         "ldtoken",
213                         "conv.u2",
214                         "conv.u1",
215                         "conv.i",
216                         "conv.ovf.i",
217                         "conv.ovf.u",
218                         "add.ovf",
219                         "add.ovf.un",
220                         "mul.ovf",
221                         "mul.ovf.un",
222                         "sub.ovf",
223                         "sub.ovf.un",
224                         "endfinally",
225                         "leave",
226                         "leave.s",
227                         "stind.i",
228                         "conv.u",
229                         null,
230                         null,
231                         null,
232                         null,
233                         null,
234                         null,
235                         null,
236                         null,
237                         null,
238                         null,
239                         null,
240                         null,
241                         null,
242                         null,
243                         null,
244                         null,
245                         null,
246                         null,
247                         null,
248                         null,
249                         null,
250                         null,
251                         null,
252                         "prefix7",
253                         "prefix6",
254                         "prefix5",
255                         "prefix4",
256                         "prefix3",
257                         "prefix2",
258                         "prefix1",
259                         "prefixref",
260                         "arglist",
261                         "ceq",
262                         "cgt",
263                         "cgt.un",
264                         "clt",
265                         "clt.un",
266                         "ldftn",
267                         "ldvirtftn",
268                         null,
269                         "ldarg",
270                         "ldarga",
271                         "starg",
272                         "ldloc",
273                         "ldloca",
274                         "stloc",
275                         "localloc",
276                         null,
277                         "endfilter",
278                         "unaligned.",
279                         "volatile.",
280                         "tail.",
281                         "initobj",
282                         "constrained.",
283                         "cpblk",
284                         "initblk",
285                         null,
286                         "rethrow",
287                         null,
288                         "sizeof",
289                         "refanytype",
290                         "readonly.",
291                         null,
292                         null,
293                         null,
294                         null,
295                         null,
296                         null,
297                         null,
298                         null,
299                         null,
300                         null,
301                         null,
302                         null,
303                         null,
304                         null,
305                         null,
306                         null,
307                         null, 
308                 };
309         }
310 }