Merge pull request #916 from akoeplinger/fix-gac-test
[mono.git] / mcs / class / corlib / System / TermInfoStrings.cs
1 //
2 // System.TermInfoStrings
3 //
4 // Authors:
5 //      Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (
6 //
7 // (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (
8 //
10 //
11 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
12 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
13 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
14 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
15 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
16 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
17 // the following conditions:
18 // 
19 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
20 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 // 
29 //
30 #if !NET_2_1
32 // These values are taken from 'man 5 terminfo' and /usr/include/term.h.
33 // They are the indexes for the string capabilities in a terminfo file.
34 namespace System {
35         enum TermInfoStrings {
36                 BackTab,                // 0
37                 Bell,
38                 CarriageReturn,
39                 ChangeScrollRegion,
40                 ClearAllTabs,
41                 ClearScreen,
42                 ClrEol,
43                 ClrEos,
44                 ColumnAddress,
45                 CommandCharacter,
46                 CursorAddress,
47                 CursorDown,
48                 CursorHome,
49                 CursorInvisible,
50                 CursorLeft,
51                 CursorMemAddress,
52                 CursorNormal,
53                 CursorRight,
54                 CursorToLl,
55                 CursorUp,
56                 CursorVisible,
57                 DeleteCharacter,
58                 DeleteLine,
59                 DisStatusLine,
60                 DownHalfLine,
61                 EnterAltCharsetMode,
62                 EnterBlinkMode,
63                 EnterBoldMode,
64                 EnterCaMode,
65                 EnterDeleteMode,
66                 EnterDimMode,
67                 EnterInsertMode,
68                 EnterSecureMode,
69                 EnterProtectedMode,
70                 EnterReverseMode,
71                 EnterStandoutMode,
72                 EnterUnderlineMode,
73                 EraseChars,
74                 ExitAltCharsetMode,
75                 ExitAttributeMode,
76                 ExitCaMode,
77                 ExitDeleteMode,
78                 ExitInsertMode,
79                 ExitStandoutMode,
80                 ExitUnderlineMode,
81                 FlashScreen,
82                 FormFeed,
83                 FromStatusLine,
84                 Init1string,
85                 Init2string,
86                 Init3string,
87                 InitFile,
88                 InsertCharacter,
89                 InsertLine,
90                 InsertPadding,
91                 KeyBackspace,
92                 KeyCatab,
93                 KeyClear,
94                 KeyCtab,
95                 KeyDc,
96                 KeyDl,
97                 KeyDown,
98                 KeyEic,
99                 KeyEol,
100                 KeyEos,
101                 KeyF0,
102                 KeyF1,
103                 KeyF10,
104                 KeyF2,
105                 KeyF3,
106                 KeyF4,
107                 KeyF5,
108                 KeyF6,
109                 KeyF7,
110                 KeyF8,
111                 KeyF9,
112                 KeyHome,
113                 KeyIc,
114                 KeyIl,
115                 KeyLeft,
116                 KeyLl,
117                 KeyNpage,
118                 KeyPpage,
119                 KeyRight,
120                 KeySf,
121                 KeySr,
122                 KeyStab,
123                 KeyUp,
124                 KeypadLocal,
125                 KeypadXmit,
126                 LabF0,
127                 LabF1,
128                 LabF10,
129                 LabF2,
130                 LabF3,
131                 LabF4,
132                 LabF5,
133                 LabF6,
134                 LabF7,
135                 LabF8,
136                 LabF9,
137                 MetaOff,
138                 MetaOn,
139                 Newline,
140                 PadChar,
141                 ParmDch,
142                 ParmDeleteLine,
143                 ParmDownCursor,
144                 ParmIch,
145                 ParmIndex,
146                 ParmInsertLine,
147                 ParmLeftCursor,
148                 ParmRightCursor,
149                 ParmRindex,
150                 ParmUpCursor,
151                 PkeyKey,
152                 PkeyLocal,
153                 PkeyXmit,
154                 PrintScreen,
155                 PrtrOff,
156                 PrtrOn,
157                 RepeatChar,
158                 Reset1string,
159                 Reset2string,
160                 Reset3string,
161                 ResetFile,
162                 RestoreCursor,
163                 RowAddress,
164                 SaveCursor,
165                 ScrollForward,
166                 ScrollReverse,
167                 SetAttributes,
168                 SetTab,
169                 SetWindow,
170                 Tab,
171                 ToStatusLine,
172                 UnderlineChar,
173                 UpHalfLine,
174                 InitProg,
175                 KeyA1,
176                 KeyA3,
177                 KeyB2,
178                 KeyC1,
179                 KeyC3,
180                 PrtrNon,
181                 CharPadding,
182                 AcsChars,
183                 PlabNorm,
184                 KeyBtab,
185                 EnterXonMode,
186                 ExitXonMode,
187                 EnterAmMode,
188                 ExitAmMode,
189                 XonCharacter,
190                 XoffCharacter,
191                 EnaAcs,
192                 LabelOn,
193                 LabelOff,
194                 KeyBeg,
195                 KeyCancel,
196                 KeyClose,
197                 KeyCommand,
198                 KeyCopy,
199                 KeyCreate,
200                 KeyEnd,
201                 KeyEnter,
202                 KeyExit,
203                 KeyFind,
204                 KeyHelp,
205                 KeyMark,
206                 KeyMessage,
207                 KeyMove,
208                 KeyNext,
209                 KeyOpen,
210                 KeyOptions,
211                 KeyPrevious,
212                 KeyPrint,
213                 KeyRedo,
214                 KeyReference,
215                 KeyRefresh,
216                 KeyReplace,
217                 KeyRestart,
218                 KeyResume,
219                 KeySave,
220                 KeySuspend,
221                 KeyUndo,
222                 KeySbeg,
223                 KeyScancel,
224                 KeyScommand,
225                 KeyScopy,
226                 KeyScreate,
227                 KeySdc,
228                 KeySdl,
229                 KeySelect,
230                 KeySend,
231                 KeySeol,
232                 KeySexit,
233                 KeySfind,
234                 KeyShelp,
235                 KeyShome,
236                 KeySic,
237                 KeySleft,
238                 KeySmessage,
239                 KeySmove,
240                 KeySnext,
241                 KeySoptions,
242                 KeySprevious,
243                 KeySprint,
244                 KeySredo,
245                 KeySreplace,
246                 KeySright,
247                 KeySrsume,
248                 KeySsave,
249                 KeySsuspend,
250                 KeySundo,
251                 ReqForInput,
252                 KeyF11,
253                 KeyF12,
254                 KeyF13,
255                 KeyF14,
256                 KeyF15,
257                 KeyF16,
258                 KeyF17,
259                 KeyF18,
260                 KeyF19,
261                 KeyF20,
262                 KeyF21,
263                 KeyF22,
264                 KeyF23,
265                 KeyF24,
266                 KeyF25,
267                 KeyF26,
268                 KeyF27,
269                 KeyF28,
270                 KeyF29,
271                 KeyF30,
272                 KeyF31,
273                 KeyF32,
274                 KeyF33,
275                 KeyF34,
276                 KeyF35,
277                 KeyF36,
278                 KeyF37,
279                 KeyF38,
280                 KeyF39,
281                 KeyF40,
282                 KeyF41,
283                 KeyF42,
284                 KeyF43,
285                 KeyF44,
286                 KeyF45,
287                 KeyF46,
288                 KeyF47,
289                 KeyF48,
290                 KeyF49,
291                 KeyF50,
292                 KeyF51,
293                 KeyF52,
294                 KeyF53,
295                 KeyF54,
296                 KeyF55,
297                 KeyF56,
298                 KeyF57,
299                 KeyF58,
300                 KeyF59,
301                 KeyF60,
302                 KeyF61,
303                 KeyF62,
304                 KeyF63,
305                 ClrBol,
306                 ClearMargins,
307                 SetLeftMargin,
308                 SetRightMargin,
309                 LabelFormat,
310                 SetClock,
311                 DisplayClock,
312                 RemoveClock,
313                 CreateWindow,
314                 GotoWindow,
315                 Hangup,
316                 DialPhone,
317                 QuickDial,
318                 Tone,
319                 Pulse,
320                 FlashHook,
321                 FixedPause,
322                 WaitTone,
323                 User0,
324                 User1,
325                 User2,
326                 User3,
327                 User4,
328                 User5,
329                 User6,
330                 User7,
331                 User8,
332                 User9,
333                 OrigPair,
334                 OrigColors,
335                 InitializeColor,
336                 InitializePair,
337                 SetColorPair,
338                 SetForeground,
339                 SetBackground,
340                 ChangeCharPitch,
341                 ChangeLinePitch,
342                 ChangeResHorz,
343                 ChangeResVert,
344                 DefineChar,
345                 EnterDoublewideMode,
346                 EnterDraftQuality,
347                 EnterItalicsMode,
348                 EnterLeftwardMode,
349                 EnterMicroMode,
350                 EnterNearLetterQuality,
351                 EnterNormalQuality,
352                 EnterShadowMode,
353                 EnterSubscriptMode,
354                 EnterSuperscriptMode,
355                 EnterUpwardMode,
356                 ExitDoublewideMode,
357                 ExitItalicsMode,
358                 ExitLeftwardMode,
359                 ExitMicroMode,
360                 ExitShadowMode,
361                 ExitSubscriptMode,
362                 ExitSuperscriptMode,
363                 ExitUpwardMode,
364                 MicroColumnAddress,
365                 MicroDown,
366                 MicroLeft,
367                 MicroRight,
368                 MicroRowAddress,
369                 MicroUp,
370                 OrderOfPins,
371                 ParmDownMicro,
372                 ParmLeftMicro,
373                 ParmRightMicro,
374                 ParmUpMicro,
375                 SelectCharSet,
376                 SetBottomMargin,
377                 SetBottomMarginParm,
378                 SetLeftMarginParm,
379                 SetRightMarginParm,
380                 SetTopMargin,
381                 SetTopMarginParm,
382                 StartBitImage,
383                 StartCharSetDef,
384                 StopBitImage,
385                 StopCharSetDef,
386                 SubscriptCharacters,
387                 SuperscriptCharacters,
388                 TheseCauseCr,
389                 ZeroMotion,
390                 CharSetNames,
391                 KeyMouse,
392                 MouseInfo,
393                 ReqMousePos,
394                 GetMouse,
395                 SetAForeground,
396                 SetABackground,
397                 PkeyPlab,
398                 DeviceType,
399                 CodeSetInit,
400                 Set0DesSeq,
401                 Set1DesSeq,
402                 Set2DesSeq,
403                 Set3DesSeq,
404                 SetLrMargin,
405                 SetTbMargin,
406                 BitImageRepeat,
407                 BitImageNewline,
408                 BitImageCarriageReturn,
409                 ColorNames,
410                 DefineBitImageRegion,
411                 EndBitImageRegion,
412                 SetColorBand,
413                 SetPageLength,
414                 DisplayPcChar,
415                 EnterPcCharsetMode,
416                 ExitPcCharsetMode,
417                 EnterScancodeMode,
418                 ExitScancodeMode,
419                 PcTermOptions,
420                 ScancodeEscape,
421                 AltScancodeEsc,
422                 EnterHorizontalHlMode,
423                 EnterLeftHlMode,
424                 EnterLowHlMode,
425                 EnterRightHlMode,
426                 EnterTopHlMode,
427                 EnterVerticalHlMode,
428                 SetAAttributes,
429                 SetPglenInch,           // 393
430                 Last
431         }
432 }
433 #endif