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[mono.git] / mcs / class / System.Windows.Forms / System.Windows.Forms / Keys.cs
1 //
2 // System.Windows.Forms.Keys.cs
3 //
4 // Author:
5 //   Dennis Hayes (
6 //
7 // (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc.
8 //
10 //
11 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
12 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
13 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
14 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
15 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
16 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
17 // the following conditions:
18 // 
19 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
20 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 // 
29 //
31 using System.ComponentModel;
32 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
34 namespace System.Windows.Forms
35 {
36         [Flags]
37         [ComVisible (true)]
38         [TypeConverter (typeof (KeysConverter))]
39         public enum Keys
40         {
41                 A = 65,
42                 Add = 107,
43                 Alt = 262144,
44                 Apps = 93,
45                 Attn = 246,
46                 B = 66,
47                 Back = 8,
48                 BrowserBack = 166,
49                 BrowserFavorites = 171,
50                 BrowserForward = 167,
51                 BrowserHome = 172,
52                 BrowserRefresh = 168,
53                 BrowserSearch = 170,
54                 BrowserStop = 169,
55                 C = 67,
56                 Cancel = 3,
57                 Capital = 20,
58                 CapsLock = 20,
59                 Clear = 12,
60                 Control = 131072,
61                 ControlKey = 17,
62                 Crsel = 247,
63                 D = 68,
64                 D0 = 48,
65                 D1 = 49,
66                 D2 = 50,
67                 D3 = 51,
68                 D4 = 52,
69                 D5 = 53,
70                 D6 = 54,
71                 D7 = 55,
72                 D8 = 56,
73                 D9 = 57,
74                 Decimal = 110,
75                 Delete = 46,
76                 Divide = 111,
77                 Down = 40,
78                 E = 69,
79                 End = 35,
80                 Enter = 13,
81                 EraseEof = 249,
82                 Escape = 27,
83                 Execute = 43,
84                 Exsel = 248,
85                 F = 70,
86                 F1 = 112,
87                 F2 = 113,
88                 F3 = 114,
89                 F4 = 115,
90                 F5 = 116,
91                 F6 = 117,
92                 F7 = 118,
93                 F8 = 119,
94                 F9 = 120,
95                 F10 = 121,
96                 F11 = 122,
97                 F12 = 123,
98                 F13 = 124,
99                 F14 = 125,
100                 F15 = 126,
101                 F16 = 127,
102                 F17 = 128,
103                 F18 = 129,
104                 F19 = 130,
105                 F20 = 131,
106                 F21 = 132,
107                 F22 = 133,
108                 F23 = 134,
109                 F24 = 135,
110                 FinalMode = 24,
111                 G = 71,
112                 H = 72,
113                 HanguelMode = 21,
114                 HangulMode = 21,
115                 HanjaMode = 25,
116                 Help = 47,
117                 Home = 36,
118                 I = 73,
119                 IMEAceept = 30,
120                 IMEConvert = 28,
121                 IMEModeChange = 31,
122                 IMENonconvert = 29,
123                 Insert = 45,
124                 J = 74,
125                 JunjaMode = 23,
126                 K = 75,
127                 KanaMode = 21,
128                 KanjiMode = 25,
129                 KeyCode = 65535,
130                 L = 76,
131                 LaunchApplication1 = 182,
132                 LaunchApplication2 = 183,
133                 LaunchMail = 180,
134                 LButton = 1,
135                 LControlKey = 162,
136                 Left = 37,
137                 LineFeed = 10,
138                 LShiftKey = 160,
139                 LMenu = 164,
140                 LWin = 91,
141                 M = 77,
142                 MButton = 4,
143                 MediaNextTrack = 176,
144                 MediaPlayPause = 179,
145                 MediaPreviousTrack = 177,
146                 MediaStop = 178,
147                 Menu = 18,
148                 Modifiers = -65536,
149                 Multiply = 106,
150                 N = 78,
151                 Next = 34,
152                 NoName = 252,
153                 None = 0,
154                 NumLock = 144,
155                 NumPad0 = 96,
156                 NumPad1 = 97,
157                 NumPad2 = 98,
158                 NumPad3 = 99,
159                 NumPad4 = 100,
160                 NumPad5 = 101,
161                 NumPad6 = 102,
162                 NumPad7 = 103,
163                 NumPad8 = 104,
164                 NumPad9 = 105,
165                 O = 79,
166                 Oem8 = 223,
167                 OemBackslash = 226,
168                 OemClear = 254,
169                 OemCloseBrackets = 221,
170                 Oemcomma = 188,
171                 OemMinus = 189,
172                 OemOpenBrackets = 219,
173                 OemPeriod = 190,
174                 OemPipe = 220,
175                 Oemplus = 187,
176                 OemQuestion = 191,
177                 OemQuotes = 222,
178                 OemSemicolon = 186,
179                 Oemtilde = 192,
180                 P = 80,
181                 Pa1 = 253,
182                 PageDown = 34,
183                 PageUp = 33,
184                 Pause = 19,
185                 Play = 250,
186                 Print = 42,
187                 PrintScreen = 44,
188                 Prior = 33,
189                 ProcessKey = 229,
190                 Q = 81,
191                 R = 82,
192                 RButton = 2,
193                 RControlKey = 163,
194                 Return = 13,
195                 Right = 39,
196                 RMenu = 165,
197                 RShiftKey = 161,
198                 RWin = 92,
199                 S = 83,
200                 Scroll = 145,
201                 Select = 41,
202                 SelectMedia = 181,
203                 Separator = 108,
204                 Shift = 65536,
205                 ShiftKey = 16,
206                 Snapshot = 44,
207                 Space = 32,
208                 Subtract = 109,
209                 T = 84,
210                 Tab = 9,
211                 U = 85,
212                 Up = 38,
213                 V = 86,
214                 VolumeDown = 174,
215                 VolumeMute = 173,
216                 VolumeUp = 175,
217                 W = 87,
218                 X = 88,
219                 XButton1 = 5,
220                 XButton2 = 6,
221                 Y = 89,
222                 Z = 90,
223                 Zoom = 251
224         }
225 }