use correct properties
[mono.git] / mcs / class / System.Drawing / System.Drawing.Drawing2D / ExtendedGeneralPath.jvm.cs
1 //
2 // System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ExtendedGeneralPath.cs
3 //
4 // Author:
5 // Bors Kirzner <>    
6 //
7 // Copyright (C) 2005 Mainsoft Corporation, (
8 //
9 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
10 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
11 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
12 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
13 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
14 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
15 // the following conditions:
16 // 
17 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
18 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
19 // 
27 //\r
28 \r
29 using System;\r
30 \r
31 using java.awt;\r
32 using java.awt.geom;\r
33 using java.lang;\r
34 \r
35 namespace System.Drawing.Drawing2D\r
36 {\r
37         internal class ExtendedGeneralPath : Shape, ICloneable\r
38         {\r
39                 #region Fields\r
40 \r
41                 public const int WIND_EVEN_ODD = 0; //PathIterator__Finals.WIND_EVEN_ODD;\r
42                 public const int WIND_NON_ZERO = 1; //PathIterator__Finals.WIND_NON_ZERO;\r
43                 \r
44                 public const sbyte SEG_MOVETO  = 0; //(byte) PathIterator__Finals.SEG_MOVETO;\r
45                 public const sbyte SEG_LINETO  = 1; //(byte) PathIterator__Finals.SEG_LINETO;\r
46                 public const sbyte SEG_QUADTO  = 2; //(byte) PathIterator__Finals.SEG_QUADTO;\r
47                 public const sbyte SEG_CUBICTO = 3; //(byte) PathIterator__Finals.SEG_CUBICTO;\r
48                 public const sbyte SEG_CLOSE   = 4; //(byte) PathIterator__Finals.SEG_CLOSE;\r
49                 \r
50                 public const sbyte SEG_START      = 16; // segment start\r
51 \r
52                 public const sbyte SEG_MASK       = SEG_MOVETO | SEG_LINETO | SEG_QUADTO | SEG_CUBICTO | SEG_CLOSE; // mask to eliminate SEG_CLOSE and SEG_MARKER\r
53 \r
54                 private const sbyte SEG_MARKER = 32; // path marker\r
55                 \r
56 \r
57                 private sbyte [] _types;\r
58                 private float [] _coords;\r
59                 private int _typesCount;\r
60                 private int _coordsCount;\r
61                 private int _windingRule;\r
62 \r
63                 private PathData _pathData;\r
64                 private GeneralPath _generalPath;\r
65 \r
66                 const int INIT_SIZE = 20;\r
67                 const int EXPAND_MAX = 500;\r
68 \r
69                 #endregion // Fileds\r
70 \r
71                 #region Constructors\r
72 \r
73             public ExtendedGeneralPath() : this (WIND_NON_ZERO, INIT_SIZE, INIT_SIZE)\r
74                 {\r
75                 }\r
76 \r
77                 public ExtendedGeneralPath(int rule) : this (rule, INIT_SIZE, INIT_SIZE)\r
78                 {\r
79                 }\r
80 \r
81                 public ExtendedGeneralPath(int rule, int initialCapacity) : this (rule, initialCapacity, initialCapacity)\r
82                 {\r
83                 }\r
84 \r
85                 public ExtendedGeneralPath(Shape s) : this(WIND_NON_ZERO, INIT_SIZE, INIT_SIZE)\r
86                 {\r
87                         PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator (null);\r
88                         setWindingRule (pi.getWindingRule ());\r
89                         append (pi, false);\r
90                 }\r
91 \r
92                 private ExtendedGeneralPath(int rule, int initialTypes, int initialCoords) \r
93                 {\r
94                         setWindingRule(rule);\r
95                         Reset (initialTypes, initialCoords);\r
96                 }\r
97 \r
98                 #endregion // Constructors\r
99 \r
100                 #region Properties\r
101 \r
102                 private GeneralPath GeneralPath\r
103                 {\r
104                         get {\r
105                                 if (_generalPath == null) {                             \r
106                                         _generalPath = GetGeneralPath ();\r
107                                 }\r
108                                 return _generalPath;\r
109                         }\r
110                 }\r
111 \r
112                 public sbyte [] Types\r
113                 {\r
114                         get { return _types; }\r
115                 }\r
116 \r
117                 public float [] Coords\r
118                 {\r
119                         get { return _coords; }\r
120                 }\r
121 \r
122                 public int TypesCount\r
123                 {\r
124                         get { return _typesCount; }\r
125                 }\r
126 \r
127                 public int CoordsCount\r
128                 {\r
129                         get { return _coordsCount; }\r
130                 }\r
131 \r
132                 public bool LastFigureClosed\r
133                 {\r
134                         get { \r
135                                 return ((TypesCount == 0) || \r
136                                         ((Types [TypesCount - 1] & ExtendedGeneralPath.SEG_CLOSE) != 0) ||\r
137                                         ((Types [TypesCount - 1] & ExtendedGeneralPath.SEG_START) != 0));\r
138                         }\r
139                 }\r
140 \r
141                 public int PointCount\r
142                 {\r
143                         get {\r
144                                 return CoordsCount / 2;\r
145                         }\r
146                 }\r
147 \r
148                 public PathData PathData \r
149                 {\r
150                         get \r
151                         {\r
152                                 if (_pathData == null)\r
153                                         _pathData = GetPathData ();\r
154                                 \r
155                                 return _pathData;\r
156                         }\r
157                 }\r
158 \r
159                 #endregion // Properties\r
160 \r
161                 #region Methods\r
162 \r
163                 #region CachedData\r
164 \r
165                 private void ClearCache ()\r
166                 {\r
167                         _pathData = null;\r
168                         _generalPath = null;\r
169                 }\r
170 \r
171                 private GeneralPath GetGeneralPath ()\r
172                 {\r
173                         PathIterator iter = getPathIterator (null);\r
174                         GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath ();\r
175                         path.append (iter, false);\r
176                         return path;\r
177                 }\r
178 \r
179                 private PathData GetPathData ()\r
180                 {\r
181                         PathData pathData = new PathData();\r
182                         int nPts = PointCount;\r
183                         for (int i = 0; i < TypesCount; i++)\r
184                                 if ((Types [i] & SEG_MASK) == SEG_QUADTO)\r
185                                         nPts++;\r
186 \r
187                         pathData.Types = new byte [nPts];\r
188                         pathData.Points = new PointF [nPts];\r
189                         int tpos = 0;\r
190                         int ppos = 0;\r
191                         int cpos = 0;\r
192                         byte marker;\r
193                         bool start;\r
194                         for (int i = 0; i < TypesCount; i++) {\r
195                                 sbyte segmentType = (sbyte)(Types [i] & SEG_MASK);\r
196 \r
197                                 // set the masks and the markers\r
198                                 marker = ((Types [i] & SEG_MARKER) != 0) ? (byte)PathPointType.PathMarker : (byte)0;\r
199                                 start = ((Types [i] & SEG_START) != 0);\r
200                                 \r
201                                 switch (segmentType) {\r
202                                         case SEG_CLOSE:\r
203                                                 pathData.Types [tpos - 1] = (byte) (pathData.Types [tpos - 1] | (byte) PathPointType.CloseSubpath | marker);\r
204                                                 break;\r
205                                         case SEG_MOVETO:\r
206                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte)((byte) PathPointType.Start | marker);\r
207                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (Coords [cpos++], Coords [cpos++]);\r
208                                                 break;\r
209                                         case SEG_LINETO:\r
210                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte) ((byte) PathPointType.Line | marker);\r
211                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (Coords [cpos++], Coords [cpos++]);\r
212                                                 break;\r
213                                         case SEG_QUADTO:\r
214                                                 /*\r
215                                                         .net does not support Quadratic curves, so convert to Cubic according to\r
216                                                           \r
217                                                         The end points of the cubic will be the same as the quadratic's.\r
218                                                         CP0 = QP0\r
219                                                         CP3 = QP2 \r
220 \r
221                                                         The two control points for the cubic are:\r
222 \r
223                                                         CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0)\r
224                                                         CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) \r
225                                                 */\r
226 \r
227                                                 float x0 = Coords[cpos-2]; //QP0\r
228                                                 float y0 = Coords[cpos-1]; //QP0\r
229                         \r
230                                                 float x1 = x0 + (2/3 * (Coords [cpos++]-x0));\r
231                                                 float y1 = y0 + (2/3 * (Coords [cpos++]-y0));\r
232 \r
233                                                 float x3 = Coords [cpos++]; //QP2\r
234                                                 float y3 = Coords [cpos++]; //QP2\r
235                                                 \r
236                                                 float x2 = x1 + (1/3 * (x3-x0));\r
237                                                 float y2 = y1 + (1/3 * (y3-y0));\r
238 \r
239                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte)(byte) PathPointType.Bezier;\r
240                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (x1, y1);\r
241                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte)(byte) PathPointType.Bezier;\r
242                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (x2, y2);\r
243                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte) ((byte)PathPointType.Bezier | marker);\r
244                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (x3, y3);\r
245                                                 break;\r
246                                         case SEG_CUBICTO:\r
247                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte)(byte) PathPointType.Bezier3;\r
248                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (Coords [cpos++], Coords [cpos++]);\r
249                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte) PathPointType.Bezier3;\r
250                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (Coords [cpos++], Coords [cpos++]);\r
251                                                 pathData.Types [tpos++] = (byte) ((byte)PathPointType.Bezier3 | marker);\r
252                                                 pathData.Points [ppos++] = new PointF (Coords [cpos++], Coords [cpos++]);\r
253                                                 break;\r
254                                 }\r
255                         }\r
256                         return pathData;\r
257                 }\r
258 \r
259                 #endregion // CachedData\r
260 \r
261                 public void append(Shape s)\r
262                 {\r
263                         append (s, !LastFigureClosed);\r
264                 }\r
265 \r
266                 #region GeneralPath\r
267 \r
268                 public void append(PathIterator pi, bool connect) \r
269                 {\r
270                         ClearCache ();\r
271                         float [] coords = new float [6];\r
272                         while (!pi.isDone ()) {\r
273                                 switch (pi.currentSegment (coords)) {\r
274                                         case SEG_MOVETO:\r
275                                                 if (!connect || _typesCount < 1 || _coordsCount < 2) {\r
276                                                         moveTo (coords [0], coords [1]);\r
277                                                         break;\r
278                                                 }\r
279                                                 if (_types [_typesCount - 1] != SEG_CLOSE &&\r
280                                                         _coords [_coordsCount - 2] == coords [0] &&\r
281                                                         _coords [_coordsCount - 1] == coords [1])\r
282                                                         break;  \r
283                                                 goto case SEG_LINETO;\r
284                                         case SEG_LINETO:\r
285                                                 lineTo (coords [0], coords [1]);\r
286                                                 break;\r
287                                         case SEG_QUADTO:\r
288                                                 quadTo (coords [0], coords [1], coords [2], coords [3]);\r
289                                                 break;\r
290                                         case SEG_CUBICTO:\r
291                                                 curveTo (coords [0], coords [1], coords [2], coords [3], coords [4], coords [5]);\r
292                                                 break;\r
293                                         case SEG_CLOSE:\r
294                                                 closePath ();\r
295                                         break;\r
296                                 }\r
297                        ();\r
298                                 connect = false;\r
299                         }\r
300                 }\r
301 \r
302                 public void append(Shape s, bool connect) \r
303                 {\r
304                         PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator (null);\r
305                         append (pi,connect);\r
306                 }\r
307 \r
308                 public object Clone() \r
309                 {\r
310                         ExtendedGeneralPath copy = (ExtendedGeneralPath)MemberwiseClone ();\r
311                         copy._types = (sbyte []) _types.Clone ();\r
312                         copy._coords = (float []) _coords.Clone ();\r
313                         return copy;\r
314                 }\r
315 \r
316                 public void closePath() \r
317                 {\r
318                         ClearCache ();\r
319                         if (_typesCount == 0 || _types[_typesCount - 1] != SEG_CLOSE) {\r
320                                 needRoom (1, 0, true);\r
321                                 _types [_typesCount++] = SEG_CLOSE;\r
322                         }\r
323                 }\r
324 \r
325                 public bool contains(double x, double y) \r
326                 {                       \r
327                         return GeneralPath.contains (x, y);\r
328                 }\r
329 \r
330                 public bool contains(double x, double y, double w, double h) \r
331                 {\r
332                         return GeneralPath.contains (x, y, w, h);\r
333                 }\r
334 \r
335                 public bool contains(Point2D p) \r
336                 {\r
337                         return contains (p.getX (), p.getY ());\r
338                 }\r
339 \r
340                 public bool contains(Rectangle2D r) \r
341                 {\r
342                         return contains (r.getX (), r.getY (), r.getWidth (), r.getHeight ());\r
343                 }\r
344 \r
345                 public Shape createTransformedShape(AffineTransform at) \r
346                 {\r
347                         ExtendedGeneralPath gp = (ExtendedGeneralPath) Clone ();\r
348                         if (at != null) {\r
349                                 gp.transform (at);\r
350                         }\r
351                         return gp;\r
352                 }\r
353 \r
354                 public void curveTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) \r
355                 {\r
356                         ClearCache ();\r
357                         needRoom (1, 6, true);\r
358                         _types [_typesCount++] = SEG_CUBICTO;\r
359                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x1;\r
360                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y1;\r
361                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x2;\r
362                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y2;\r
363                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x3;\r
364                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y3;\r
365                 }\r
366 \r
367                 public java.awt.Rectangle getBounds() \r
368                 {\r
369                         return getBounds2D ().getBounds ();\r
370                 }\r
371 \r
372                 public Rectangle2D getBounds2D() \r
373                 {\r
374                         float x1, y1, x2, y2;\r
375                         int i = _coordsCount;\r
376                         if (i > 0) {\r
377                                 y1 = y2 = _coords [--i];\r
378                                 x1 = x2 = _coords [--i];\r
379                                 while (i > 0) {\r
380                                         float y = _coords [--i];\r
381                                         float x = _coords [--i];\r
382                                         if (x < x1) x1 = x;\r
383                                         if (y < y1) y1 = y;\r
384                                         if (x > x2) x2 = x;\r
385                                         if (y > y2) y2 = y;\r
386                                 }\r
387                         } \r
388                         else {\r
389                                 x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0f;\r
390                         }\r
391                         return new Rectangle2D.Float (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);\r
392                 }\r
393 \r
394                 public Point2D getCurrentPoint() \r
395                 {\r
396                         if (_typesCount < 1 || _coordsCount < 2)\r
397                                 return null;\r
398                         \r
399                         int index = _coordsCount;\r
400                         if (_types [_typesCount - 1] == SEG_CLOSE)\r
401                                 for (int i = _typesCount - 2; i > 0; i--) {\r
402                                         switch (_types [i]) {\r
403                                                 case SEG_MOVETO:\r
404                                                         //break loop;\r
405                                                         goto loopend;\r
406                                                 case SEG_LINETO:\r
407                                                         index -= 2;\r
408                                                         break;\r
409                                                 case SEG_QUADTO:\r
410                                                         index -= 4;\r
411                                                         break;\r
412                                                 case SEG_CUBICTO:\r
413                                                         index -= 6;\r
414                                                         break;\r
415                                                 case SEG_CLOSE:\r
416                                                         break;\r
417                                         }\r
418                                 }\r
419                         loopend:\r
420 \r
421                         return new Point2D.Float (_coords [index - 2], _coords [index - 1]);\r
422                 }\r
423 \r
424                 public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform at) {\r
425                         return new GeneralPathIterator (this, at);\r
426                 }\r
427 \r
428                 public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform at, double flatness) {\r
429                         return new FlatteningPathIterator (getPathIterator (at), flatness);\r
430                 }\r
431 \r
432                 public int getWindingRule() \r
433                 {\r
434                         return _windingRule;\r
435                 }\r
436 \r
437                 public bool intersects(double x, double y, double w, double h) \r
438                 {\r
439                         return GeneralPath.intersects (x, y, w, h);\r
440                 }\r
441 \r
442                 public bool intersects(Rectangle2D r) \r
443                 {\r
444                         return intersects (r.getX (), r.getY (), r.getWidth (), r.getHeight ());\r
445                 }\r
446 \r
447                 public void lineTo(float x, float y) \r
448                 {\r
449                         ClearCache ();\r
450                         needRoom (1, 2, true);\r
451                         _types [_typesCount++] = SEG_LINETO;\r
452                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x;\r
453                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y;\r
454                 }\r
455 \r
456                 public void moveTo(float x, float y) \r
457                 {\r
458                         ClearCache ();\r
459                         if (_typesCount > 0 && _types [_typesCount - 1] == SEG_MOVETO) {\r
460                                 _coords [_coordsCount - 2] = x;\r
461                                 _coords [_coordsCount - 1] = y;\r
462                         } \r
463                         else {\r
464                                 needRoom (1, 2, false);\r
465                                 _types [_typesCount++] = SEG_MOVETO;\r
466                                 _coords [_coordsCount++] = x;\r
467                                 _coords [_coordsCount++] = y;\r
468                         }\r
469                 }\r
470 \r
471                 public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) \r
472                 {\r
473                         // restore quadTo as cubic affects quality\r
474                         ClearCache ();\r
475                         needRoom (1, 4, true);\r
476                         _types [_typesCount++] = SEG_QUADTO;\r
477                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x1;\r
478                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y1;\r
479                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = x2;\r
480                         _coords [_coordsCount++] = y2;\r
481                 }\r
482 \r
483                 public void reset() \r
484                 {\r
485                         ClearCache ();\r
486                         _typesCount = 0;\r
487                         _coordsCount = 0;\r
488                 }\r
489 \r
490                 public void setWindingRule(int rule) \r
491                 {\r
492                         if (rule != WIND_EVEN_ODD && rule != WIND_NON_ZERO) {\r
493                                 throw new IllegalArgumentException ("winding rule must be WIND_EVEN_ODD or WIND_NON_ZERO");\r
494                         }\r
495                         _windingRule = rule;\r
496                 }\r
497 \r
498                 public void transform(AffineTransform at) \r
499                 {\r
500                         transform(at, 0, CoordsCount);\r
501                 }\r
502 \r
503                 public void transform(AffineTransform at, int startCoord, int numCoords) {\r
504                         ClearCache ();\r
505                         at.transform (_coords, startCoord, _coords, startCoord, numCoords/2);\r
506                 }\r
507 \r
508                 private void needRoom(int newTypes, int newCoords, bool needMove) \r
509                 {\r
510                         if (needMove && _typesCount == 0)\r
511                                 throw new IllegalPathStateException ("missing initial moveto in path definition");\r
512                         \r
513                         int size = _coords.Length;\r
514                         if (_coordsCount + newCoords > size) {\r
515                                 int grow = size;\r
516                                 if (grow > EXPAND_MAX * 2)\r
517                                         grow = EXPAND_MAX * 2;\r
518                                 \r
519                                 if (grow < newCoords)\r
520                                         grow = newCoords;\r
521                                 \r
522                                 float [] arr = new float [size + grow];\r
523                                 Array.Copy (_coords, 0, arr, 0, _coordsCount);\r
524                                 _coords = arr;\r
525                         }\r
526                         size = _types.Length;\r
527                         if (_typesCount + newTypes > size) {\r
528                                 int grow = size;\r
529                                 if (grow > EXPAND_MAX)\r
530                                         grow = EXPAND_MAX;\r
531                                 \r
532                                 if (grow < newTypes)\r
533                                         grow = newTypes;\r
534                                 \r
535                                 sbyte [] arr = new sbyte [size + grow];\r
536                                 Array.Copy (_types, 0, arr, 0, _typesCount);\r
537                                 _types = arr;\r
538                         }\r
539                 }\r
540 \r
541                 #endregion // GeneralPath\r
542 \r
543                 public void SetMarkers()\r
544                 {\r
545                         ClearCache ();\r
546                         if (TypesCount > 0)\r
547                                 Types [ TypesCount - 1] |= SEG_MARKER;\r
548                 }\r
549 \r
550                 public void ClearMarkers()\r
551                 {\r
552                         ClearCache ();\r
553                         for (int i = 0; i < TypesCount; i++)\r
554                                 Types [i] &= ~SEG_MARKER;\r
555                 }\r
556 \r
557                 public void StartFigure ()\r
558                 {\r
559                         ClearCache ();\r
560                         if (TypesCount > 0)\r
561                                 Types [TypesCount - 1] |= ExtendedGeneralPath.SEG_START;\r
562                 }\r
563 \r
564                 private void Reset (int initialTypes, int initialCoords)\r
565                 {\r
566                         ClearCache ();\r
567                         _types = new sbyte [initialTypes];\r
568                         _coords = new float [initialCoords * 2];\r
569                         _typesCount = 0;\r
570                         _coordsCount = 0;\r
571                 }\r
572 \r
573                 internal void Clear ()\r
574                 {\r
575                         Reset (INIT_SIZE, INIT_SIZE);\r
576                 }\r
577 \r
578                 internal void Reverse ()\r
579                 {\r
580                         ClearCache ();\r
581                         // revert coordinates\r
582                         for (int i=0, max = CoordsCount / 2; i < max;) {\r
583                                 int ix = i++;\r
584                                 int iy = i++;\r
585                                 int rix = CoordsCount - i;\r
586                                 int riy = rix + 1;\r
587                                 float tmpx = Coords [ix];\r
588                                 float tmpy = Coords [iy];\r
589                                 Coords [ix] = Coords [rix];\r
590                                 Coords [iy] = Coords [riy];\r
591                                 Coords [rix] = tmpx;\r
592                                 Coords [riy] = tmpy;\r
593                         }\r
594 \r
595                         // revert types\r
596                         sbyte [] newTypes = new sbyte [TypesCount];\r
597                         int oldIdx = 0;\r
598                         int newIdx = TypesCount - 1;\r
599                         int copyStart;\r
600                         int copyEnd;\r
601                         sbyte mask1 = 0;\r
602                         sbyte mask2 = 0;\r
603                         sbyte closeMask = 0;\r
604                         bool closedFigure = false;\r
605                         \r
606                         while (oldIdx < TypesCount) {\r
607                                 // start copying after moveto\r
608                                 copyStart = ++oldIdx;\r
609                                 // continue to the next figure start\r
610                                 while ((Types [oldIdx] != SEG_MOVETO) && (oldIdx < TypesCount))\r
611                                         oldIdx++;\r
612 \r
613                                 copyEnd = oldIdx - 1;\r
614                                 // check whenever current figure is closed\r
615                                 if ((Types [oldIdx - 1] & SEG_CLOSE) != 0) {\r
616                                         closedFigure = true;\r
617                                         // close figure\r
618                                         newTypes [newIdx--] = (sbyte)(SEG_CLOSE | mask1);\r
619                                         mask1 = 0;\r
620                                         mask2 = 0;\r
621                                         // end copy one cell earlier\r
622                                         copyEnd--;\r
623                                         closeMask = (sbyte)(Types [oldIdx - 1] & (sbyte)SEG_MARKER);\r
624                                 }\r
625                                 else {\r
626                                         mask2 = mask1;\r
627                                         mask1 = 0;\r
628                                 }\r
629 \r
630                                 // copy reverted "inner" types\r
631                                 for(int i = copyStart; i <= copyEnd; i++) {\r
632                                         newTypes [newIdx--] = (sbyte)((Types [i] & SEG_MASK) | mask2);\r
633                                         mask2 = mask1;\r
634                                         mask1 = (sbyte)(Types [i] & (sbyte)SEG_MARKER);\r
635                                 }\r
636 \r
637                                 // copy moveto\r
638                                 newTypes [newIdx--] = SEG_MOVETO;\r
639 \r
640                                 // pass close mask to the nex figure\r
641                                 if (closedFigure) {\r
642                                         mask1 = closeMask;\r
643                                         closedFigure = false;\r
644                                 }\r
645                         }\r
646 \r
647                         _types = newTypes;\r
648                 }\r
649 \r
650                 public PointF GetLastPoint ()\r
651                 {\r
652                         if (CoordsCount == 0)\r
653                                 throw new System.ArgumentException ("Invalid parameter used.");\r
654 \r
655                         return new PointF (Coords [CoordsCount - 2], Coords [CoordsCount - 1]);\r
656                 }\r
657 \r
658                 #endregion //Methods\r
659 \r
660                 #region Private helpers\r
661 \r
662 #if DEBUG\r
663                 private void Print()\r
664                 {\r
665                         Console.WriteLine ("\n\n");\r
666                         float [] fpoints = _coords;\r
667                         int cpos = 0;\r
668                         for (int i=0; i < _typesCount; i++) {\r
669                                 sbyte type = _types [i];\r
670                                 string marker = String.Empty;\r
671                                 if ((type & SEG_MARKER) != 0)\r
672                                         marker = " | MARKER";\r
673 \r
674                                 switch (type & SEG_MASK) {\r
675                                         case SEG_CLOSE:\r
676                                                 Console.WriteLine ("CLOSE {0}",marker);\r
677                                                 break;\r
678                                         case SEG_MOVETO:\r
679                                                 Console.WriteLine("{0}{3} ({1},{2})","MOVETO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++], marker);\r
680                                                 break;\r
681                                         case SEG_LINETO:\r
682                                                 Console.WriteLine("{0}{3} ({1},{2})","LINETO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++], marker);\r
683                                                 break;\r
684                                         case SEG_QUADTO:\r
685                                                 Console.WriteLine("{0}{3} ({1},{2})","QUADTO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++], marker);\r
686                                                 Console.WriteLine("       ({1},{2})","QUADTO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++]);\r
687                                                 break;\r
688                                         case SEG_CUBICTO:\r
689                                                 Console.WriteLine("{0}{3} ({1},{2})","CUBICTO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++], marker);\r
690                                                 Console.WriteLine("        ({1},{2})","CUBICTO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++]);\r
691                                                 Console.WriteLine("        ({1},{2})","CUBICTO", fpoints[cpos++], fpoints[cpos++]);\r
692                                                 break;\r
693                                 }\r
694                         }\r
695                 }\r
696 #endif\r
697                 #endregion // Private helpers\r
698                 \r
699         }\r
700 }\r