Merge pull request #484 from roji/transactions_pspe
[mono.git] / mcs / class / Mono.Posix / Documentation / en / Mono.Unix / UnixFileSystemInfo.xml
1 <Type Name="UnixFileSystemInfo" FullName="Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo">
2   <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public abstract class UnixFileSystemInfo" />
3   <TypeSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".class public auto ansi abstract beforefieldinit UnixFileSystemInfo extends System.Object" />
4   <AssemblyInfo>
5     <AssemblyName>Mono.Posix</AssemblyName>
6     <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
7     <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
8     <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
9   </AssemblyInfo>
10   <ThreadingSafetyStatement>All public static members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. No instance members are guaranteed to be thread safe.</ThreadingSafetyStatement>
11   <Base>
12     <BaseTypeName>System.Object</BaseTypeName>
13   </Base>
14   <Interfaces />
15   <Docs>
16     <summary>Provides information and performs operations on file system
17     entries.</summary>
18     <remarks>
19       <para>
20         The <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" /> class provides
21         information about a file system entry and permits file system entry
22         manipulation such as:
23       </para>
24       <list type="bullet">
25         <item>
26           <term>Determining the full file name with 
27             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
28           </term>
29         </item>
30         <item>
31           <term>Determining whether the file exists with 
32             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Exists" /></term>
33         </item>
34         <item>
35           <term>Querying file system entry metadata such as the 
36             hardware device it resides on 
37             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Device" />),
38             the file system inode
39             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Inode" />),
40             file access permissions
41             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileAccessPermissions" />),
42             file type
43             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" />),
44             file owner information
45             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OwnerUser" />),
46             group information
47             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OwnerGroup" />),
48             file size
49             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Length" />),
50             various times maintained by the operating system
51             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.LastAccessTime" />,
52             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.LastWriteTime" />,
53             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.LastStatusChangeTime" />),
54             and more.
55           </term>
56         </item>
57         <item>
58           <term>Creating hard links with
59             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.CreateLink" />.
60           </term>
61         </item>
62         <item>
63           <term>Creating symbolic links with
64             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.CreateSymbolicLink" />.
65           </term>
66         </item>
67         <item>
68           <term>File system entry deletion with
69             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Delete" />.
70           </term>
71         </item>
72         <item>
73           <term>Setting file system owner and group information with
74             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.SetOwner" />.
75           </term>
76         </item>
77       </list>
78       <para>
79         Information provided by this type may not be valid for any significant
80         period of time, due to potential race conditions with other processes
81         running on the system or because of file management actions performed
82         within the current process.
83       </para>
84       <para>
85         The only guarantee is that the information provided <i>was</i> valid
86         at some point in time, <i>or</i> an 
87         <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> exception will be
88         thrown when attempting to access the provided information.
89         <block subset="none" type="note">
90           To clarify, once the file system entry 
91           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is found, 
92           it won't be checked for again until a call to
93           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Refresh" />.
94           <c>FullName</c> will be checked for during object construction, but
95           need not exist during object construction -- 
96           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Exists" /> will let you
97           know if the file currently exists and does an implicit 
98           <c>Refresh</c>.  If <c>FullName</c> doesn't exist when the
99           <c>UnixFileSystemInfo</c> is created, it will be checked for
100           whenever information about the file system entry is required,
101           such as with 
102           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Device" /> and
103           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Length" />.
104         </block></para>
105       <para>
106         Check the individual method and property documentation to determine if
107         and when an exception will be thrown.
108       </para>
109     </remarks>
110     <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixDirectoryInfo" />
111     <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileInfo" />
112     <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" />
113   </Docs>
114   <Members>
115     <Member MemberName=".ctor">
116       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected UnixFileSystemInfo (string path);" />
117       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method familyhidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(string path) cil managed" />
118       <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType>
119       <AssemblyInfo>
120         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
121         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
122         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
123       </AssemblyInfo>
124       <Parameters>
125         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
126       </Parameters>
127       <Docs>
128         <param name="path">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the
129         name of the file system object to query.</param>
130         <summary>Creates a <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
131           subclass.
132         </summary>
133         <remarks>
134           <para>The <paramref name="path" /> argument is permitted to specify
135           relative or absolute path information. Relative path information is 
136           interpreted as relative to the current working directory. 
137           <block subset="none" type="note">To obtain the current working 
138           directory, see 
139           <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixDirectoryInfo.GetCurrentDirectory" qualify="true" />.
140           </block></para>
141         </remarks>
142         <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
143           <paramref name="path" /> is <see langword="null" />.
144         </exception>
145         <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
146           <para>
147             <paramref name="path" /> is a zero-length string.</para>
148           <para>-or-</para>
149           <para>
150             <paramref name="path" /> contains an invalid character.
151             See <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixPath.GetInvalidPathChars" />.
152           </para>
153         </exception>
154       </Docs>
155     </Member>
156     <Member MemberName="BlocksAllocated">
157       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long BlocksAllocated { get; }" />
158       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 BlocksAllocated" />
159       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
160       <AssemblyInfo>
161         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
162         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
163         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
164       </AssemblyInfo>
165       <ReturnValue>
166         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
167       </ReturnValue>
168       <Docs>
169         <summary>Gets the number of file system blocks used by this file
170           system entry.</summary>
171         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the number of file
172           system blocks used by this file system entry.</value>
173         <remarks>
174         </remarks>
175         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
176           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
177         </exception>
178         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_blocks" />
179         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
180       </Docs>
181     </Member>
182     <Member MemberName="BlockSize">
183       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long BlockSize { get; }" />
184       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 BlockSize" />
185       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
186       <AssemblyInfo>
187         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
188         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
189         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
190       </AssemblyInfo>
191       <ReturnValue>
192         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
193       </ReturnValue>
194       <Docs>
195         <summary>Gets the preferred blocksize for filesystem I/O.</summary>
196         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the preferred block 
197           size for file system I/O on this file system entry.</value>
198         <remarks>
199         </remarks>
200         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
201           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
202         </exception>
203         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_blksize" />
204         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
205       </Docs>
206     </Member>
207     <Member MemberName="CanAccess">
208       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool CanAccess (Mono.Unix.Native.AccessModes mode);" />
209       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance bool CanAccess(valuetype Mono.Unix.Native.AccessModes mode) cil managed" />
210       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
211       <AssemblyInfo>
212         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
213         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
214         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
215       </AssemblyInfo>
216       <Attributes>
217         <Attribute>
218           <AttributeName>System.CLSCompliant(false)</AttributeName>
219         </Attribute>
220       </Attributes>
221       <ReturnValue>
222         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
223       </ReturnValue>
224       <Parameters>
225         <Parameter Name="mode" Type="Mono.Unix.Native.AccessModes" />
226       </Parameters>
227       <Docs>
228         <param name="mode">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.AccessModes" />
229           specifying what kind of access the process would like.
230         </param>
231         <summary>Determines whether or not the process can access
232           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> with the
233           specified access <paramref name="mode" /></summary>
234         <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> specifying whether or not
235           the process can access
236           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
237         </returns>
238         <remarks>
239           <para>
240             Note that this method is subject to external race conditions --
241             just because you can access 
242             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> now doesn't
243             mean you'll be able to access it later, as another thread/process
244             may change the access permissions.
245           </para>
246         </remarks>
247       </Docs>
248     </Member>
249     <Member MemberName="CreateLink">
250       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo CreateLink (string path);" />
251       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance class Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo CreateLink(string path) cil managed" />
252       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
253       <AssemblyInfo>
254         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
255         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
256         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
257       </AssemblyInfo>
258       <ReturnValue>
259         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo</ReturnType>
260       </ReturnValue>
261       <Parameters>
262         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
263       </Parameters>
264       <Docs>
265         <param name="path">
266         </param>
267         <summary>Creates a hard link so that 
268           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> and 
269           <paramref name="path" /> are the same file.</summary>
270         <returns>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" /> instance which
271           represents <paramref name="path" />.</returns>
272         <remarks>
273           <para>The <paramref name="path" /> argument is permitted to specify
274           relative or absolute path information. Relative path information is 
275           interpreted as relative to the current working directory. 
276           <block subset="none" type="note">To obtain the current working 
277             directory, see 
278             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixDirectoryInfo.GetCurrentDirectory" />.
279           </block></para>
280           <para>
281             After creating the link, the link count 
282             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.LinkCount" /> will be
283             incremented, and there will be no way to distinguish the two
284             files -- they're the same file with two (or more) different names.
285           </para>
286         </remarks>
287         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
288           <para>
289             The file system containing 
290             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
291             does not support hard links.
292             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EOPNOTSUPP" />]
293           </para>
294           <para>-or-</para>
295           <para>The file
296             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
297             is a directory or is flagged immutable or append-only
298             (see <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chflags" />).
299             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
300           </para>
301         </exception>
302         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
303           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
304             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> or
305             <paramref name="path" />.
306             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCESS" />]
307           </para>
308           <para>-or-</para>
309           <para>
310             <paramref name="path" /> requires writing in a directory with a
311             mode that denies write permissions.
312             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCESS" />]
313           </para>
314         </exception>
315         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
316           A component of the path prefix of 
317           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
318           or <paramref name="path" /> is not a
319           directory.
320             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
321         </exception>
322         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
323           <para>
324             A component of 
325             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
326             or <paramref name="path" />
327             that must exist does not exist.
328             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
329           </para>
330           <para>-or-</para>
331           <para>
332             The file 
333             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
334             does not exist.
335             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
336           </para>
337         </exception>
338         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
339           <para>
340             <paramref name="path" />
341             resides on a read-only file system.
342             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
343           </para>
344           <para>-or-</para>
345           <para>The directory for <paramref name="path" /> cannot be extended 
346             because there is no space left.
347             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOSPC" />]
348           </para>
349           <para>-or-</para>
350           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry.
351             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
352           </para>
353         </exception>
354         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
355           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> or
356           <paramref name="path" />
357           was too long.
358             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
359         </exception>
360         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
361           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
362             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> or
363             <paramref name="path" />
364             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
365           </para>
366           <para>-or-</para>
367           <para>
368             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileInfo.Directory" /> cannot be
369           extended because the user's quota of disk blocks on the file system
370           containing this directory has been exhausted.
371             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EDQUOT" />]
372           </para>
373           <para>-or-</para>
374           <para>
375             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.LinkCount" />
376             would exceed its limit.  Use 
377             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.GetConfigurationValue" />(<see cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName._PC_LINK_MAX" />) 
378             to determine the maximum link value.
379             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EMLINK" />]
380           </para>
381           <para>-or-</para>
382           <para>
383             <paramref name="path" /> already exists.
384             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EEXIST" />]
385           </para>
386           <para>-or-</para>
387           <para>
388             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> and
389             <paramref name="path" /> are on different file systems.
390             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EXDEV" />]
391           </para>
392         </exception>
393         <altmember cref="" />
394       </Docs>
395     </Member>
396     <Member MemberName="CreateSymbolicLink">
397       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo CreateSymbolicLink (string path);" />
398       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance class Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo CreateSymbolicLink(string path) cil managed" />
399       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
400       <AssemblyInfo>
401         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
402         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
403         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
404       </AssemblyInfo>
405       <ReturnValue>
406         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo</ReturnType>
407       </ReturnValue>
408       <Parameters>
409         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
410       </Parameters>
411       <Docs>
412         <param name="path">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the name
413         of the symbolic link to create.</param>
414         <summary>Create a symbolic link so that <paramref name="path" /> 
415           "points to" <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
416         </summary>
417         <returns>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" /> instance
418           containing information about the created symbolic link.</returns>
419         <remarks>
420           <para>The <paramref name="path" /> argument is permitted to specify
421           relative or absolute path information. Relative path information is 
422           interpreted as relative to the current working directory. 
423           <block subset="none" type="note">To obtain the current working 
424             directory, see 
425             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixDirectoryInfo.GetCurrentDirectory" />.
426           </block></para>
427           <para>
428             The created symbolic link will contain the full path name, 
429             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.  
430             If this is undesirable (for instance, you want the created
431             symbolic link to contain relative path information), use
432             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.CreateSymbolicLinkTo" />
433             instead.  <c>UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.CreateSymbolicLinkTo</c> 
434             uses the exact path provided to the 
435             <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" /> constructor when
436             creating the symbolic link, while this method uses the
437             fully-qualified file name to create the symbolic link.
438           </para>
439           <example>
440             <para>The <c>ln</c>(1) command:</para>
441             <code lang="sh">ln -s target symlink</code>
442             <para>
443               Can be created using <see cref="N:Mono.Unix" /> in two ways.
444               First, it can be created using 
445               <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.CreateSymbolicLink" />:
446             </para>
447             <code lang="C#">UnixFileInfo f = new UnixFileInfo ("target.ufi");
448 f.CreateSymbolicLink ("symlink.ufi");</code>
449             <para>
450               Second, it can be created using 
451               <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.CreateSymbolicLinkTo" />:
452             </para>
453             <code lang="C#">UnixSymbolicLinkInfo s = 
454     new UnixSymbolicLinkInfo ("symlink.usli");
455 s.CreateSymbolicLinkTo ("target.usli");</code>
456             <para>
457               The links created by the above differ; in particular, the target
458               of 
459               <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.CreateSymbolicLink" />
460               is the full path name of the target, while 
461               <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.CreateSymbolicLinkTo" /> contains no extra information:
462             </para>
463             <code lang="sh">$ ls -lF symlink* | cut -c 39-
464 symlink -&gt; target
465 symlink.ufi -&gt; /full/path/to/target.ufi
466 symlink.usli -&gt; target.usli
467             </code>
468           </example>
469         </remarks>
470         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
471           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
472           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> or 
473           <paramref name="path" />.
474             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
475           </para>
476         </exception>
477         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
478           A component of the path prefix of 
479           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
480           directory.
481             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
482         </exception>
483         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
484           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
485           that must exist does not exist.
486             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
487         </exception>
488         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
489           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
490             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
491         </exception>
492         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
493           <para>
494             <paramref name="path" /> resides on a read-only file system.
495             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
496           </para>
497           <para>-or-</para>
498           <para>The directory containing <paramref name="path" />
499           cannot be extended because there is no space left on the file
500           system containing the directory.
501             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOSPC" />]
502           </para>
503           <para>-or-</para>
504           <para>There are no free inodes on the file system on which the file
505           is being created.
506             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOSPC" />]
507           </para>
508           <para>-or-</para>
509           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
510           allocating the inode.
511             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
512           </para>
513         </exception>
514         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
515           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
516           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
517             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
518           </para>
519           <para>-or-</para>
520           <para>The user's quota of inodes on the file system containing
521           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileInfo.Directory" /> has been exhausted.
522             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EDQUOT" />]
523           </para>
524           <para>-or-</para>
525           <para>The directory containing <paramref name="path" /> cannot be
526           extended because the user's quota of disk blocks on the file system
527           containing this directory has been exhausted.
528             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EDQUOT" />]
529           </para>
530           <para>-or-</para>
531           <para>
532             <paramref name="path" /> already exists.</para>
533         </exception>
534         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.symlink" />
535       </Docs>
536     </Member>
537     <Member MemberName="Delete">
538       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public abstract void Delete ();" />
539       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void Delete() cil managed" />
540       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
541       <AssemblyInfo>
542         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
543         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
544         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
545       </AssemblyInfo>
546       <ReturnValue>
547         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
548       </ReturnValue>
549       <Parameters />
550       <Docs>
551         <summary>Deletes the file system entry
552         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.</summary>
553         <remarks>
554         </remarks>
555         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
556           <para>The filesystem containing 
557           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> does not
558           support the removal of file system entries.</para>
559           <para>-or-</para>
560           <para>The directory containing 
561           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
562           has the <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.Sticky" /> bit
563           set and the process's 
564           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixEnvironment.EffectiveUserId" /> is
565           neither the uid of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory
566           containing it.</para>
567         </exception>
568         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
569           <para>Write access to the directory containing
570           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was not
571           allowed for the processe's effective user id 
572           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixEnvironment.EffectiveUserId" />.</para>
573           <para>-or-</para>
574           <para>One of the directories in 
575           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> did not have
576           search (execute) permissions.</para>
577         </exception>
578         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
579           A component of 
580           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
581           directory.
582         </exception>
583         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
584           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> does not
585           exist.
586         </exception>
587         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
588           <para>
589             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> contains 
590           files other than '<c>.</c>' and '<c>..</c>' in it.</para>
591           <para>-or-</para>
592           <para>An I/O error occurred while deleting the file system entry or
593           deallocating the inode.</para>
594           <para>-or-</para>
595           <para>The directory entry to be removed resides in a read-only file
596           system.</para>
597         </exception>
598         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
599           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
600         </exception>
601         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
602           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
603           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.</para>
604           <para>-or</para>
605           <para>The directory to be removed is the mount point for a mounted
606           filesystem.</para>
607         </exception>
608       </Docs>
609     </Member>
610     <Member MemberName="Device">
611       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long Device { get; }" />
612       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 Device" />
613       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
614       <AssemblyInfo>
615         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
616         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
617         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
618       </AssemblyInfo>
619       <ReturnValue>
620         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
621       </ReturnValue>
622       <Docs>
623         <summary>Gets the device ID that this file system entry resides on.</summary>
624         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the device ID that
625           this file system entry resides on.</value>
626         <remarks>
627         </remarks>
628         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
629           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
630         </exception>
631         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_dev" />
632         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.System.stat" />
633       </Docs>
634     </Member>
635     <Member MemberName="DeviceType">
636       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long DeviceType { get; }" />
637       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 DeviceType" />
638       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
639       <AssemblyInfo>
640         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
641         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
642         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
643       </AssemblyInfo>
644       <ReturnValue>
645         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
646       </ReturnValue>
647       <Docs>
648         <summary>Gets the device type of this inode.</summary>
649         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the type of this
650           inode.</value>
651         <remarks>
652         </remarks>
653         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
654           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
655         </exception>
656         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_rdev" />
657         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
658       </Docs>
659     </Member>
660     <Member MemberName="Exists">
661       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool Exists { get; }" />
662       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool Exists" />
663       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
664       <AssemblyInfo>
665         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
666         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
667         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
668       </AssemblyInfo>
669       <ReturnValue>
670         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
671       </ReturnValue>
672       <Docs>
673         <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether
674         the specified file system object exists.</summary>
675         <value>
676           <para>
677             <see langword="true" /> if the caller has the required permissions 
678             and <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
679             contains the name of an existing file or directory; otherwise, 
680             <see langword="false" />. 
681             If <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is
682             <see langword="null" /> or a zero-length string,
683             returns <see langword="false" />.
684           </para>
685         </value>
686         <remarks>
687           <para>If the caller does not have sufficient permissions to read 
688           the file system object 
689           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />, no
690           exception is thrown and the method returns <see langword="false" />
691           regardless of the existence of 
692           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.</para>
693         </remarks>
694       </Docs>
695     </Member>
696     <Member MemberName="FileAccessPermissions">
697       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions FileAccessPermissions { get; set; }" />
698       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions FileAccessPermissions" />
699       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
700       <AssemblyInfo>
701         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
702         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
703         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
704       </AssemblyInfo>
705       <ReturnValue>
706         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions</ReturnType>
707       </ReturnValue>
708       <Docs>
709         <summary>Gets or sets the file system entry access permissions.</summary>
710         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions" /> value which
711           controls access to the file system entry.</value>
712         <remarks>
713           <para>
714             Access to file system objects 
715             (as represented by <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />)
716             is controlled by the file system access permissions, 
717             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileAccessPermissions" />.
718             <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions" /> is a nine-bit field
719             specifying read, write, and execute access for the owner, group, and
720             everyone else (other).
721           </para>
722           <para>
723             Access by the file's owner is controlled by the bits specified by
724             <c>
725             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileAccessPermissions" />
726             &amp; 
727             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions.UserReadWriteExecute" />)</c>.
728             The owner permissions supersede group permissions and other
729             permissions, even if the owner belongs to the group.
730           </para>
731           <para>
732             Access by the file's owner group is controlled by the bits
733             specified by <c>
734             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileAccessPermissions" />
735             &amp; 
736             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions.GroupReadWriteExecute" />)</c>.
737             All group members get these access permissions.
738             See also
739             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OwnerGroup" />.<see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo.GetMembers" />.
740           </para>
741           <para>
742             All other users (users who are not the file's owner nor belonging
743             to the file's owner group) get the file access permissions
744             specified by <c>
745             (<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileAccessPermissions" />
746             &amp; 
747             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions.OtherReadWriteExecute" />)</c>.
748           </para>
749         </remarks>
750         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
751           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
752         </exception>
753       </Docs>
754     </Member>
755     <Member MemberName="FileSpecialAttributes">
756       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes FileSpecialAttributes { get; set; }" />
757       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes FileSpecialAttributes" />
758       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
759       <AssemblyInfo>
760         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
761         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
762         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
763       </AssemblyInfo>
764       <ReturnValue>
765         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes</ReturnType>
766       </ReturnValue>
767       <Docs>
768         <summary>Gets or sets the file system entry special attributes.</summary>
769         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes" /> value which
770           contains the file special attributes to use.</value>
771         <remarks>
772           <para>Callers may need to be the super user (often the <c>root</c>
773             user) to change the file special attributes.
774           </para>
775         </remarks>
776         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
777           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
778         </exception>
779       </Docs>
780     </Member>
781     <Member MemberName="FileType">
782       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.FileTypes FileType { get; }" />
783       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype Mono.Unix.FileTypes FileType" />
784       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
785       <AssemblyInfo>
786         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
787         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
788         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
789       </AssemblyInfo>
790       <ReturnValue>
791         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.FileTypes</ReturnType>
792       </ReturnValue>
793       <Docs>
794         <summary>Gets the type of this file system entry.</summary>
795         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.FileTypes" /> value specifying the type
796           of this file system entry.</value>
797         <remarks>
798         </remarks>
799         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
800           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
801         </exception>
802       </Docs>
803     </Member>
804     <Member MemberName="FullName">
805       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual string FullName { get; }" />
806       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance string FullName" />
807       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
808       <AssemblyInfo>
809         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
810         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
811         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
812       </AssemblyInfo>
813       <ReturnValue>
814         <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
815       </ReturnValue>
816       <Docs>
817         <summary>Gets the fully-qualified path name.</summary>
818         <value>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the fully-qualified
819           path name.</value>
820         <remarks>
821         </remarks>
822         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixPath.GetFullPath" />
823       </Docs>
824     </Member>
825     <Member MemberName="FullPath">
826       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected string FullPath { get; set; }" />
827       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance string FullPath" />
828       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
829       <AssemblyInfo>
830         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
831         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
832         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
833       </AssemblyInfo>
834       <ReturnValue>
835         <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
836       </ReturnValue>
837       <Docs>
838         <summary>Gets or sets the fully qualified path name.</summary>
839         <value>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the fully qualified
840           path name.</value>
841         <remarks>
842           <para>
843             If <paramref name="value" /> is a different path, then the state is
844             invalidated.  This shouldn't matter, as the state will be
845             re-validated on the next member access.
846           </para>
847           <para>It is possible for the object state to be inconsistent if 
848             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullPath" /> is set but
849             not <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OriginalPath" />.
850             All methods in this class do not use <c>OriginalPath</c> but use
851             <c>FullPath</c>; subclasses such as 
852             <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" /> do use
853             <c>OriginalPath</c>.  If <c>FullPath</c> is set then
854             <c>OriginalPath</c> should also be set if possible for
855             consistency.
856           </para>
857         </remarks>
858         <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
859           <paramref name="path" /> is <see langword="null" />.
860         </exception>
861         <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
862           <para>
863             <paramref name="path" /> is a zero-length string.</para>
864           <para>-or-</para>
865           <para>
866             <paramref name="path" /> contains an invalid character.
867             See <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixPath.GetInvalidPathChars" />.
868           </para>
869         </exception>
870       </Docs>
871     </Member>
872     <Member MemberName="GetConfigurationValue">
873       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long GetConfigurationValue (Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName name);" />
874       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance int64 GetConfigurationValue(valuetype Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName name) cil managed" />
875       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
876       <AssemblyInfo>
877         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
878         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
879         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
880       </AssemblyInfo>
881       <Attributes>
882         <Attribute>
883           <AttributeName>System.CLSCompliant(false)</AttributeName>
884         </Attribute>
885       </Attributes>
886       <ReturnValue>
887         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
888       </ReturnValue>
889       <Parameters>
890         <Parameter Name="name" Type="Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName" />
891       </Parameters>
892       <Docs>
893         <param name="name">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName" />
894           value specifying which configuration value to retreive.</param>
895         <summary>Gets a configurable system limit or option variable
896           associated with 
897           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
898         </summary>
899         <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the value
900           of the configuration variable <paramref name="name" />.
901           If there is no value for the configuration variable 
902           <paramref name="name" />, then <c>-1</c> is returned.
903         </returns>
904         <remarks>
905         </remarks>
906         <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
907           The implementation does not support an association of 
908           <paramref name="name" /> with 
909           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
910         </exception>
911         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
912           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
913           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
914             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
915           </para>
916         </exception>
917         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
918           A component of the path prefix of 
919           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
920           directory.
921             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
922         </exception>
923         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
924           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
925           that must exist does not exist.
926             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
927         </exception>
928         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
929           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
930             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
931         </exception>
932         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
933           An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file
934           system.
935         </exception>
936         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
937           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
938           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
939             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
940           </para>
941         </exception>
942         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.pathconf" />
943       </Docs>
944     </Member>
945     <Member MemberName="GetFileStatus">
946       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual bool GetFileStatus (string path, out Mono.Unix.Native.Stat stat);" />
947       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method familyhidebysig newslot virtual instance bool GetFileStatus(string path, valuetype Mono.Unix.Native.Stat stat) cil managed" />
948       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
949       <AssemblyInfo>
950         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
951         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
952         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
953       </AssemblyInfo>
954       <ReturnValue>
955         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
956       </ReturnValue>
957       <Parameters>
958         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
959         <Parameter Name="stat" Type="Mono.Unix.Native.Stat&amp;" RefType="out" />
960       </Parameters>
961       <Docs>
962         <param name="path">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the path
963           to retrieve information about</param>
964         <param name="stat">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat" /> which will
965           contain information about <paramref name="path" />.</param>
966         <summary>Gets file status information.</summary>
967         <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> specifying whether 
968           <paramref name="stat" /> was filled.  If <see langword="true" />, then 
969           <paramref name="path" /> exists and <paramref name="stat" /> contains
970           valid information.  Otherwise, <paramref name="path" /> is assumed to
971           not exist and <paramref name="stat" /> is assumed to contain invalid
972           information.
973         </returns>
974         <remarks>
975         </remarks>
976       </Docs>
977     </Member>
978     <Member MemberName="GetFileSystemEntry">
979       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo GetFileSystemEntry (string path);" />
980       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public static hidebysig class Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo GetFileSystemEntry(string path) cil managed" />
981       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
982       <AssemblyInfo>
983         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
984         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
985         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
986       </AssemblyInfo>
987       <ReturnValue>
988         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo</ReturnType>
989       </ReturnValue>
990       <Parameters>
991         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
992       </Parameters>
993       <Docs>
994         <param name="path">To be added.</param>
995         <summary>To be added.</summary>
996         <returns>To be added.</returns>
997         <remarks>To be added.</remarks>
998       </Docs>
999     </Member>
1000     <Member MemberName="Inode">
1001       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long Inode { get; }" />
1002       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 Inode" />
1003       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1004       <AssemblyInfo>
1005         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1006         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1007         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1008       </AssemblyInfo>
1009       <ReturnValue>
1010         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
1011       </ReturnValue>
1012       <Docs>
1013         <summary>Gets the inode of this file system entry.</summary>
1014         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the inode of this
1015           file system entry.</value>
1016         <remarks>
1017         </remarks>
1018         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1019           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1020         </exception>
1021         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_ino" />
1022         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.System.stat" />
1023       </Docs>
1024     </Member>
1025     <Member MemberName="IsBlockDevice">
1026       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsBlockDevice { get; }" />
1027       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsBlockDevice" />
1028       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1029       <AssemblyInfo>
1030         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1031         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1032         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1033       </AssemblyInfo>
1034       <ReturnValue>
1035         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1036       </ReturnValue>
1037       <Docs>
1038         <summary>Is 
1039           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1040           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.BlockDevice" />?</summary>
1041         <value>
1042           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1043           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1044           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.BlockDevice" />.
1045         </value>
1046         <remarks>
1047           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1048             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1049             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.BlockDevice" />.
1050           </para>
1051         </remarks>
1052         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1053           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1054         </exception>
1055       </Docs>
1056     </Member>
1057     <Member MemberName="IsCharacterDevice">
1058       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsCharacterDevice { get; }" />
1059       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsCharacterDevice" />
1060       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1061       <AssemblyInfo>
1062         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1063         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1064         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1065       </AssemblyInfo>
1066       <ReturnValue>
1067         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1068       </ReturnValue>
1069       <Docs>
1070         <summary>Is 
1071           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1072           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.CharacterDevice" />?</summary>
1073         <value>
1074           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1075           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1076           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.CharacterDevice" />.
1077         </value>
1078         <remarks>
1079           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1080             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1081             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.CharacterDevice" />.
1082           </para>
1083         </remarks>
1084         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1085           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1086         </exception>
1087       </Docs>
1088     </Member>
1089     <Member MemberName="IsDirectory">
1090       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsDirectory { get; }" />
1091       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsDirectory" />
1092       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1093       <AssemblyInfo>
1094         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1095         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1096         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1097       </AssemblyInfo>
1098       <ReturnValue>
1099         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1100       </ReturnValue>
1101       <Docs>
1102         <summary>Is 
1103           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1104           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Directory" />?</summary>
1105         <value>
1106           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1107           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1108           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Directory" />.
1109         </value>
1110         <remarks>
1111           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1112             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1113             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Directory" />.
1114           </para>
1115         </remarks>
1116         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1117           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1118         </exception>
1119       </Docs>
1120     </Member>
1121     <Member MemberName="IsFifo">
1122       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsFifo { get; }" />
1123       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsFifo" />
1124       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1125       <AssemblyInfo>
1126         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1127         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1128         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1129       </AssemblyInfo>
1130       <ReturnValue>
1131         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1132       </ReturnValue>
1133       <Docs>
1134         <summary>Is 
1135           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1136           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Fifo" />?</summary>
1137         <value>
1138           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1139           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1140           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Fifo" />.
1141         </value>
1142         <remarks>
1143           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1144             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1145             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Fifo" />.
1146           </para>
1147         </remarks>
1148         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1149           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1150         </exception>
1151       </Docs>
1152     </Member>
1153     <Member MemberName="IsRegularFile">
1154       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsRegularFile { get; }" />
1155       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsRegularFile" />
1156       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1157       <AssemblyInfo>
1158         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1159         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1160         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1161       </AssemblyInfo>
1162       <ReturnValue>
1163         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1164       </ReturnValue>
1165       <Docs>
1166         <summary>Is 
1167           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1168           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.RegularFile" />?</summary>
1169         <value>
1170           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1171           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1172           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.RegularFile" />.
1173         </value>
1174         <remarks>
1175           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1176             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1177             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.RegularFile" />.
1178           </para>
1179         </remarks>
1180         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1181           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1182         </exception>
1183       </Docs>
1184     </Member>
1185     <Member MemberName="IsSetGroup">
1186       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSetGroup { get; }" />
1187       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsSetGroup" />
1188       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1189       <AssemblyInfo>
1190         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1191         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1192         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1193       </AssemblyInfo>
1194       <ReturnValue>
1195         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1196       </ReturnValue>
1197       <Docs>
1198         <summary>Does
1199           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> include
1200           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" />?</summary>
1201         <value>
1202           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1203           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> includes
1204           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" />.
1205         </value>
1206         <remarks>
1207           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1208             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> with
1209             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" />.
1210           </para>
1211         </remarks>
1212         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1213           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1214         </exception>
1215       </Docs>
1216     </Member>
1217     <Member MemberName="IsSetUser">
1218       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSetUser { get; }" />
1219       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsSetUser" />
1220       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1221       <AssemblyInfo>
1222         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1223         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1224         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1225       </AssemblyInfo>
1226       <ReturnValue>
1227         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1228       </ReturnValue>
1229       <Docs>
1230         <summary>Does
1231           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> include
1232           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" />?</summary>
1233         <value>
1234           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1235           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> includes
1236           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" />.
1237         </value>
1238         <remarks>
1239           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1240             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> with
1241             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" />.
1242           </para>
1243         </remarks>
1244         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1245           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1246         </exception>
1247       </Docs>
1248     </Member>
1249     <Member MemberName="IsSocket">
1250       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSocket { get; }" />
1251       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsSocket" />
1252       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1253       <AssemblyInfo>
1254         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1255         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1256         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1257       </AssemblyInfo>
1258       <ReturnValue>
1259         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1260       </ReturnValue>
1261       <Docs>
1262         <summary>Is 
1263           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1264           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Socket" />?</summary>
1265         <value>
1266           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1267           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1268           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Socket" />.
1269         </value>
1270         <remarks>
1271           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1272             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1273             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.Socket" />.
1274           </para>
1275         </remarks>
1276         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1277           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1278         </exception>
1279       </Docs>
1280     </Member>
1281     <Member MemberName="IsSticky">
1282       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSticky { get; }" />
1283       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsSticky" />
1284       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1285       <AssemblyInfo>
1286         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1287         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1288         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1289       </AssemblyInfo>
1290       <ReturnValue>
1291         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1292       </ReturnValue>
1293       <Docs>
1294         <summary>Does
1295           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> include
1296           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.Sticky" />?</summary>
1297         <value>
1298           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1299           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> includes
1300           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.Sticky" />.
1301         </value>
1302         <remarks>
1303           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1304             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileSpecialAttributes" /> with
1305             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.Sticky" />.
1306           </para>
1307         </remarks>
1308         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1309           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1310         </exception>
1311       </Docs>
1312     </Member>
1313     <Member MemberName="IsSymbolicLink">
1314       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSymbolicLink { get; }" />
1315       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool IsSymbolicLink" />
1316       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1317       <AssemblyInfo>
1318         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1319         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1320         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1321       </AssemblyInfo>
1322       <ReturnValue>
1323         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
1324       </ReturnValue>
1325       <Docs>
1326         <summary>Is 
1327           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> a 
1328           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.SymbolicLink" />?</summary>
1329         <value>
1330           A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> indicating whether or not 
1331           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a 
1332           <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.SymbolicLink" />.
1333         </value>
1334         <remarks>
1335           <para>This is equivalent to comparing 
1336             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FileType" /> to 
1337             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileTypes.SymbolicLink" />.
1338           </para>
1339         </remarks>
1340         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1341           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1342         </exception>
1343       </Docs>
1344     </Member>
1345     <Member MemberName="LastAccessTime">
1346       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastAccessTime { get; }" />
1347       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastAccessTime" />
1348       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1349       <AssemblyInfo>
1350         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1351         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1352         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1353       </AssemblyInfo>
1354       <ReturnValue>
1355         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1356       </ReturnValue>
1357       <Docs>
1358         <summary>Gets or sets the last file access time expressed in local
1359         time.</summary>
1360         <value>The last access time of 
1361         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1362         expressed in the local time.</value>
1363         <remarks>
1364         </remarks>
1365         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1366           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1367         </exception>
1368         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_atime" />
1369         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1370       </Docs>
1371     </Member>
1372     <Member MemberName="LastAccessTimeUtc">
1373       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastAccessTimeUtc { get; }" />
1374       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastAccessTimeUtc" />
1375       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1376       <AssemblyInfo>
1377         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1378         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1379         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1380       </AssemblyInfo>
1381       <ReturnValue>
1382         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1383       </ReturnValue>
1384       <Docs>
1385         <summary>Gets or sets the last file access time expressed in
1386         coordinated universal time (UTC).</summary>
1387         <value>The last access time of 
1388         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1389         expressed in coordinated universal time (UTC).</value>
1390         <remarks>
1391         </remarks>
1392         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1393           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1394         </exception>
1395         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_atime" />
1396         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1397       </Docs>
1398     </Member>
1399     <Member MemberName="LastStatusChangeTime">
1400       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastStatusChangeTime { get; }" />
1401       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastStatusChangeTime" />
1402       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1403       <AssemblyInfo>
1404         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1405         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1406         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1407       </AssemblyInfo>
1408       <ReturnValue>
1409         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1410       </ReturnValue>
1411       <Docs>
1412         <summary>Gets or sets the last status change time expressed in local
1413         time.</summary>
1414         <value>The last status change time of 
1415         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1416         expressed in the local time.</value>
1417         <remarks>
1418         </remarks>
1419         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1420           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1421         </exception>
1422         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_ctime" />
1423         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1424       </Docs>
1425     </Member>
1426     <Member MemberName="LastStatusChangeTimeUtc">
1427       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastStatusChangeTimeUtc { get; }" />
1428       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastStatusChangeTimeUtc" />
1429       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1430       <AssemblyInfo>
1431         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1432         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1433         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1434       </AssemblyInfo>
1435       <ReturnValue>
1436         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1437       </ReturnValue>
1438       <Docs>
1439         <summary>Gets or sets the last status change time expressed in
1440         coordinated universal time (UTC).</summary>
1441         <value>The last status change time of 
1442         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1443         expressed in coordinated universal time (UTC).</value>
1444         <remarks>
1445         </remarks>
1446         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1447           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1448         </exception>
1449         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_ctime" />
1450         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1451       </Docs>
1452     </Member>
1453     <Member MemberName="LastWriteTime">
1454       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastWriteTime { get; }" />
1455       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastWriteTime" />
1456       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1457       <AssemblyInfo>
1458         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1459         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1460         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1461       </AssemblyInfo>
1462       <ReturnValue>
1463         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1464       </ReturnValue>
1465       <Docs>
1466         <summary>Gets or sets the last file write time expressed in local
1467         time.</summary>
1468         <value>The last write time of 
1469         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1470         expressed in the local time.</value>
1471         <remarks>
1472         </remarks>
1473         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1474           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1475         </exception>
1476         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_mtime" />
1477         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1478       </Docs>
1479     </Member>
1480     <Member MemberName="LastWriteTimeUtc">
1481       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public DateTime LastWriteTimeUtc { get; }" />
1482       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype System.DateTime LastWriteTimeUtc" />
1483       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1484       <AssemblyInfo>
1485         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1486         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1487         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1488       </AssemblyInfo>
1489       <ReturnValue>
1490         <ReturnType>System.DateTime</ReturnType>
1491       </ReturnValue>
1492       <Docs>
1493         <summary>Gets or sets the last file write time expressed in
1494         coordinated universal time (UTC).</summary>
1495         <value>The last write time of 
1496         <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />
1497         expressed in coordinated universal time (UTC).</value>
1498         <remarks>
1499         </remarks>
1500         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1501           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1502         </exception>
1503         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_mtime" />
1504         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1505       </Docs>
1506     </Member>
1507     <Member MemberName="Length">
1508       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long Length { get; }" />
1509       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 Length" />
1510       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1511       <AssemblyInfo>
1512         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1513         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1514         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1515       </AssemblyInfo>
1516       <ReturnValue>
1517         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
1518       </ReturnValue>
1519       <Docs>
1520         <summary>Gets the file system entry size, in bytes.</summary>
1521         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the size of this file
1522           system entry, in bytes.</value>
1523         <remarks>
1524         </remarks>
1525         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1526           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1527         </exception>
1528         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_size" />
1529         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1530       </Docs>
1531     </Member>
1532     <Member MemberName="LinkCount">
1533       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long LinkCount { get; }" />
1534       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 LinkCount" />
1535       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1536       <AssemblyInfo>
1537         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1538         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1539         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1540       </AssemblyInfo>
1541       <ReturnValue>
1542         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
1543       </ReturnValue>
1544       <Docs>
1545         <summary>Gets the current link count of this file system entry.</summary>
1546         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing link count of this
1547           file system entry.</value>
1548         <remarks>
1549           <para>A link count is the number of file system entries that share
1550             this <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Inode" />.
1551           </para>
1552           <para>
1553             Use 
1554             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.GetConfigurationValue" />(<see cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.PathconfName._PC_LINK_MAX" />) 
1555             to determine the maximum link count.
1556           </para>
1557         </remarks>
1558         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1559           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1560         </exception>
1561       </Docs>
1562     </Member>
1563     <Member MemberName="Name">
1564       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public abstract string Name { get; }" />
1565       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance string Name" />
1566       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1567       <AssemblyInfo>
1568         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1569         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1570         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1571       </AssemblyInfo>
1572       <ReturnValue>
1573         <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
1574       </ReturnValue>
1575       <Docs>
1576         <summary>The file system entry name.</summary>
1577         <value>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the file system
1578           entry name.  
1579         </value>
1580         <remarks>
1581           <para>
1582             This will generally be 
1583             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> without the 
1584             directory name.
1585           </para>
1586         </remarks>
1587         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixPath.GetFileName" />
1588         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixPath.GetDirectoryName" />
1589       </Docs>
1590     </Member>
1591     <Member MemberName="OriginalPath">
1592       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected string OriginalPath { get; set; }" />
1593       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance string OriginalPath" />
1594       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1595       <AssemblyInfo>
1596         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1597         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1598         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1599       </AssemblyInfo>
1600       <ReturnValue>
1601         <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
1602       </ReturnValue>
1603       <Docs>
1604         <summary>The original string passed to the 
1605           <see cref="C:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo(System.String)" />
1606           constructor.</summary>
1607         <value>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing 
1608           the original string passed to the 
1609           <see cref="C:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo(System.String)" />
1610           constructor.  It may contain relative path information without a
1611           qualifying directory, if that's what was originally provided to the
1612           constructor.
1613         </value>
1614         <remarks>
1615           <para>This is primarily useful if you need relative path names
1616             instead of fully-qualified directory names, such as when dealing
1617             with symbolic links (with 
1618             <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" />).
1619           </para>
1620           <para>It is possible for the object state to be inconsistent if 
1621             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullPath" /> is set but
1622             not <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OriginalPath" />.
1623             All methods in this class do not use <c>OriginalPath</c> but use
1624             <c>FullPath</c>; subclasses such as 
1625             <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo" /> do use
1626             <c>OriginalPath</c>.  If <c>FullPath</c> is set then
1627             <c>OriginalPath</c> should also be set if possible for
1628             consistency.
1629           </para>
1630         </remarks>
1631       </Docs>
1632     </Member>
1633     <Member MemberName="OwnerGroup">
1634       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo OwnerGroup { get; }" />
1635       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance class Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo OwnerGroup" />
1636       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1637       <AssemblyInfo>
1638         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1639         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1640         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1641       </AssemblyInfo>
1642       <ReturnValue>
1643         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo</ReturnType>
1644       </ReturnValue>
1645       <Docs>
1646         <summary>Gets information about the owner group.</summary>
1647         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo" /> instance containing
1648           information about the owner group.</value>
1649         <remarks>
1650           <para>This is identical to <see cref="C:Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo" />(<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OwnerGroupId" />).
1651           </para>
1652         </remarks>
1653         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1654           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1655         </exception>
1656         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_gid" />
1657         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1658       </Docs>
1659     </Member>
1660     <Member MemberName="OwnerGroupId">
1661       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long OwnerGroupId { get; }" />
1662       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 OwnerGroupId" />
1663       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1664       <AssemblyInfo>
1665         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1666         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1667         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1668       </AssemblyInfo>
1669       <ReturnValue>
1670         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
1671       </ReturnValue>
1672       <Docs>
1673         <summary>Gets the owner group id.</summary>
1674         <value>A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the owner group id.</value>
1675         <remarks>
1676         </remarks>
1677         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1678           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1679         </exception>
1680         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_gid" />
1681         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1682       </Docs>
1683     </Member>
1684     <Member MemberName="OwnerUser">
1685       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo OwnerUser { get; }" />
1686       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance class Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo OwnerUser" />
1687       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1688       <AssemblyInfo>
1689         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1690         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1691         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1692       </AssemblyInfo>
1693       <ReturnValue>
1694         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo</ReturnType>
1695       </ReturnValue>
1696       <Docs>
1697         <summary>Gets information about the owner user.</summary>
1698         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" /> containing information
1699           about the owner user.</value>
1700         <remarks>
1701           <para>This is identical to <see cref="C:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" />(<see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.OwnerUserId" />).
1702           </para>
1703         </remarks>
1704         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1705           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1706         </exception>
1707         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_uid" />
1708         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1709       </Docs>
1710     </Member>
1711     <Member MemberName="OwnerUserId">
1712       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public long OwnerUserId { get; }" />
1713       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance int64 OwnerUserId" />
1714       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1715       <AssemblyInfo>
1716         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1717         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1718         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1719       </AssemblyInfo>
1720       <ReturnValue>
1721         <ReturnType>System.Int64</ReturnType>
1722       </ReturnValue>
1723       <Docs>
1724         <summary>Gets the owner user id.</summary>
1725         <value>
1726           A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the owner user id.
1727         </value>
1728         <remarks>
1729         </remarks>
1730         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1731           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1732         </exception>
1733         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_uid" />
1734         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1735       </Docs>
1736     </Member>
1737     <Member MemberName="Protection">
1738       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.Native.FilePermissions Protection { get; set; }" />
1739       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance valuetype Mono.Unix.Native.FilePermissions Protection" />
1740       <MemberType>Property</MemberType>
1741       <AssemblyInfo>
1742         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1743         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1744         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1745       </AssemblyInfo>
1746       <Attributes>
1747         <Attribute>
1748           <AttributeName>System.CLSCompliant(false)</AttributeName>
1749         </Attribute>
1750       </Attributes>
1751       <ReturnValue>
1752         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.Native.FilePermissions</ReturnType>
1753       </ReturnValue>
1754       <Docs>
1755         <summary>Gets or sets the file system entry protection.</summary>
1756         <value>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.FilePermissions" /> value
1757           containing the file system entry protection.</value>
1758         <remarks>
1759         </remarks>
1760         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1761           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
1762         </exception>
1763         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat.st_mode" />
1764         <altmember cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.stat" />
1765       </Docs>
1766     </Member>
1767     <Member MemberName="Refresh">
1768       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Refresh ();" />
1769       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void Refresh() cil managed" />
1770       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
1771       <AssemblyInfo>
1772         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1773         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1774         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1775       </AssemblyInfo>
1776       <ReturnValue>
1777         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
1778       </ReturnValue>
1779       <Parameters />
1780       <Docs>
1781         <summary>Refreshes the file system metadata presented.</summary>
1782         <remarks>
1783           <para>This method does not throw exceptions.</para>
1784           <para>
1785             Many properties and members will throw a
1786             <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> if 
1787             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't
1788             exist (that is, 
1789             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Exists" /> returns
1790             <see langword="false" />).
1791           </para>
1792           <para>
1793             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is checked
1794             during <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" /> creation and
1795             on every property access until the file is found.  Once found, the
1796             file will not be checked for until 
1797             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Refresh" /> is invoked.
1798           </para>
1799           <para>
1800             Consequently, if the file system entry is removed
1801             (via <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Delete" /> or
1802             another process or some other means) or changed
1803             (written to, <c>touch(1)</c>'d, etc.), the information provided by
1804             this class will be stale and out of date.
1805           </para>
1806           <para>
1807             Use this method to refresh the information provided by this class.
1808           </para>
1809         </remarks>
1810       </Docs>
1811     </Member>
1812     <Member MemberName="SetLength">
1813       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetLength (long length);" />
1814       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void SetLength(int64 length) cil managed" />
1815       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
1816       <AssemblyInfo>
1817         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1818         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1819         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1820       </AssemblyInfo>
1821       <ReturnValue>
1822         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
1823       </ReturnValue>
1824       <Parameters>
1825         <Parameter Name="length" Type="System.Int64" />
1826       </Parameters>
1827       <Docs>
1828         <param name="length">A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the 
1829           desired file size for 
1830           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /></param>
1831         <summary>Truncate or extend 
1832           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> to be
1833           <paramref name="length" /> bytes in size.
1834         </summary>
1835         <remarks>
1836           <para>If <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Length" /> is
1837             less than <paramref name="length" />, the file will be extended as
1838             if by writing bytes with the value zero.
1839           </para>
1840           <para>If <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.Length" /> is
1841             greater than <paramref name="length" />, then the extra data is
1842             lost.
1843           </para>
1844         </remarks>
1845         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
1846           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
1847           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
1848             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
1849           </para>
1850           <para>-or-</para>
1851           <para>
1852             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not
1853             writable by the user.
1854             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
1855           </para>
1856           <para>-or-</para>
1857           <para>
1858             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a
1859           directory.
1860             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EISDIR" />]
1861           </para>
1862         </exception>
1863         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
1864           A component of the path prefix of 
1865           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
1866           directory.
1867             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
1868         </exception>
1869         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
1870           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
1871           that must exist does not exist.
1872             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
1873         </exception>
1874         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
1875           <para>
1876             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
1877           read-only file system.
1878             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
1879           </para>
1880           <para>-or-</para>
1881           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
1882           allocating the inode.
1883             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
1884           </para>
1885         </exception>
1886         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
1887           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
1888             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
1889         </exception>
1890         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
1891           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
1892           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
1893             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
1894           </para>
1895           <para>-or-</para>
1896           <para>
1897             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is a
1898           pure procedure (shared text) file that is being executed and 
1899           <see cref="" /> requests write
1900           access.
1901             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ETXTBSY" />]
1902           </para>
1903         </exception>
1904         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.truncate" />
1905       </Docs>
1906     </Member>
1907     <Member MemberName="SetOwner">
1908       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetOwner (Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo owner);" />
1909       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void SetOwner(class Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo owner) cil managed" />
1910       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
1911       <AssemblyInfo>
1912         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
1913         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1914         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
1915       </AssemblyInfo>
1916       <ReturnValue>
1917         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
1918       </ReturnValue>
1919       <Parameters>
1920         <Parameter Name="owner" Type="Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" />
1921       </Parameters>
1922       <Docs>
1923         <param name="owner">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" /> containing 
1924           information about the new owner user and owner group.
1925         </param>
1926         <summary>Set the owner user and owner group of
1927           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
1928         </summary>
1929         <remarks>
1930           <para>
1931             If this is called by the non-super user (usually the <c>root</c>
1932             user), then the 
1933             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" /> and
1934             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" /> bits
1935             are cleared.
1936           </para>
1937           <para>
1938             Classes deriving from <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
1939             can change this method to operate on a different file.  This
1940             default version will follow symbolic links, changing the
1941             permissions of the symbolic link target instead of the symbolic
1942             link itself.
1943             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.SetOwner" /> changes
1944             permissions on the symbolic link itself.
1945           </para>
1946           <para>
1947             This is (almost) equivalent to calling 
1948             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.SetOwner" />(<paramref name="owner" />.UserId, 
1949             <paramref name="group" />.GroupId).
1950           </para>
1951           <para>
1952             This is (almost) equivalent to calling 
1953             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.SetOwner" />(<paramref name="owner" />.UserId, 
1954             <paramref name="owner" />.GroupId).
1955           </para>
1956         </remarks>
1957         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
1958           The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and the
1959           effective user ID is not the super-user.
1960             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
1961         </exception>
1962         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
1963           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
1964           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
1965             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
1966           </para>
1967         </exception>
1968         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
1969           A component of the path prefix of 
1970           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
1971           directory.
1972             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
1973         </exception>
1974         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
1975           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
1976           that must exist does not exist.
1977             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
1978         </exception>
1979         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
1980           <para>
1981             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
1982           read-only file system.
1983             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
1984           </para>
1985           <para>-or-</para>
1986           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
1987           allocating the inode.
1988             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
1989           </para>
1990         </exception>
1991         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
1992           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
1993             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
1994         </exception>
1995         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
1996           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
1997           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
1998             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
1999           </para>
2000           <para>-or-</para>
2001           <para>An attempt was made to set the sticky bit upon an
2002             executable.
2003             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EFTYPE" />]
2004           </para>
2005         </exception>
2006         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chown" />
2007       </Docs>
2008     </Member>
2009     <Member MemberName="SetOwner">
2010       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetOwner (string owner);" />
2011       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void SetOwner(string owner) cil managed" />
2012       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2013       <AssemblyInfo>
2014         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2015         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2016         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2017       </AssemblyInfo>
2018       <ReturnValue>
2019         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
2020       </ReturnValue>
2021       <Parameters>
2022         <Parameter Name="owner" Type="System.String" />
2023       </Parameters>
2024       <Docs>
2025         <param name="owner">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the
2026           user name to use for the new user-id and group-id.</param>
2027         <summary>Set the owner user ID and owner group ID of
2028           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2029         </summary>
2030         <remarks>
2031           <para>The user <paramref name="owner" /> is looked up in the local 
2032             password database and the resulting 
2033             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo.UserId" /> and 
2034             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo.GroupId" /> are used as the new
2035             owner user id and owner group id for
2036             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2037           </para>
2038           <para>
2039             If this is called by the non-super user (usually the <c>root</c>
2040             user), then the 
2041             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" /> and
2042             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" /> bits
2043             are cleared.
2044           </para>
2045           <para>
2046             Classes deriving from <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
2047             can change this method to operate on a different file.  This
2048             default version will follow symbolic links, changing the
2049             permissions of the symbolic link target instead of the symbolic
2050             link itself.
2051             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.SetOwner" /> changes
2052             permissions on the symbolic link itself.
2053           </para>
2054         </remarks>
2055         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
2056           The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and the
2057           effective user ID is not the super-user.
2058             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
2059         </exception>
2060         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
2061           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
2062           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2063             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
2064           </para>
2065         </exception>
2066         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
2067           A component of the path prefix of 
2068           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
2069           directory.
2070             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
2071         </exception>
2072         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
2073           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
2074           that must exist does not exist.
2075             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
2076         </exception>
2077         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
2078           <para>
2079             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
2080           read-only file system.
2081             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
2082           </para>
2083           <para>-or-</para>
2084           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
2085           allocating the inode.
2086             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
2087           </para>
2088         </exception>
2089         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
2090           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
2091             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
2092         </exception>
2093         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
2094           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
2095           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2096             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
2097           </para>
2098           <para>-or-</para>
2099           <para>An attempt was made to set the sticky bit upon an
2100             executable.
2101             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EFTYPE" />]
2102           </para>
2103         </exception>
2104         <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" />
2105         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chown" />
2106       </Docs>
2107     </Member>
2108     <Member MemberName="SetOwner">
2109       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetOwner (Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo owner, Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo group);" />
2110       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void SetOwner(class Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo owner, class Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo group) cil managed" />
2111       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2112       <AssemblyInfo>
2113         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2114         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2115         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2116       </AssemblyInfo>
2117       <ReturnValue>
2118         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
2119       </ReturnValue>
2120       <Parameters>
2121         <Parameter Name="owner" Type="Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" />
2122         <Parameter Name="group" Type="Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo" />
2123       </Parameters>
2124       <Docs>
2125         <param name="owner">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" /> containing 
2126           information about the new owner user.  If <see langword="null" />,
2127           the owner user id is unchanged.</param>
2128         <param name="group">A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" /> containing 
2129           information about the new owner group.  If <see langword="null" />,
2130           the owner group id is unchanged.</param>
2131         <summary>Set the owner user and owner group of
2132           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2133         </summary>
2134         <remarks>
2135           <para>
2136             If this is called by the non-super user (usually the <c>root</c>
2137             user), then the 
2138             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" /> and
2139             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" /> bits
2140             are cleared.
2141           </para>
2142           <para>
2143             Classes deriving from <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
2144             can change this method to operate on a different file.  This
2145             default version will follow symbolic links, changing the
2146             permissions of the symbolic link target instead of the symbolic
2147             link itself.
2148             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.SetOwner" /> changes
2149             permissions on the symbolic link itself.
2150           </para>
2151           <para>
2152             This is (almost) equivalent to calling 
2153             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.SetOwner" />(<paramref name="owner" />.UserId, 
2154             <paramref name="group" />.GroupId).
2155           </para>
2156         </remarks>
2157         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
2158           The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and the
2159           effective user ID is not the super-user.
2160             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
2161         </exception>
2162         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
2163           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
2164           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2165             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
2166           </para>
2167         </exception>
2168         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
2169           A component of the path prefix of 
2170           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
2171           directory.
2172             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
2173         </exception>
2174         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
2175           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
2176           that must exist does not exist.
2177             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
2178         </exception>
2179         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
2180           <para>
2181             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
2182           read-only file system.
2183             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
2184           </para>
2185           <para>-or-</para>
2186           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
2187           allocating the inode.
2188             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
2189           </para>
2190         </exception>
2191         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
2192           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
2193             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
2194         </exception>
2195         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
2196           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
2197           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2198             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
2199           </para>
2200           <para>-or-</para>
2201           <para>An attempt was made to set the sticky bit upon an
2202             executable.
2203             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EFTYPE" />]
2204           </para>
2205         </exception>
2206         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chown" />
2207       </Docs>
2208     </Member>
2209     <Member MemberName="SetOwner">
2210       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public virtual void SetOwner (long owner, long group);" />
2211       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void SetOwner(int64 owner, int64 group) cil managed" />
2212       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2213       <AssemblyInfo>
2214         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2215         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2216         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2217       </AssemblyInfo>
2218       <ReturnValue>
2219         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
2220       </ReturnValue>
2221       <Parameters>
2222         <Parameter Name="owner" Type="System.Int64" />
2223         <Parameter Name="group" Type="System.Int64" />
2224       </Parameters>
2225       <Docs>
2226         <param name="owner">A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the user
2227           id of the new owner user.  If <c>-1</c>, the owner user id is
2228           unchanged.</param>
2229         <param name="group">A <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> containing the
2230           group id of the new owner group.  If <c>-1</c>, the owner group id is
2231           unchanged.</param>
2232         <summary>Set the owner user ID and owner group ID of
2233           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2234         </summary>
2235         <remarks>
2236           <para>
2237             If this is called by the non-super user (usually the <c>root</c>
2238             user), then the 
2239             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" /> and
2240             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" /> bits
2241             are cleared.
2242           </para>
2243           <para>
2244             Classes deriving from <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
2245             can change this method to operate on a different file.  This
2246             default version will follow symbolic links, changing the
2247             permissions of the symbolic link target instead of the symbolic
2248             link itself.
2249             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.SetOwner" /> changes
2250             permissions on the symbolic link itself.
2251           </para>
2252         </remarks>
2253         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
2254           The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and the
2255           effective user ID is not the super-user.
2256             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
2257         </exception>
2258         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
2259           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
2260           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2261             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
2262           </para>
2263         </exception>
2264         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
2265           A component of the path prefix of 
2266           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
2267           directory.
2268             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
2269         </exception>
2270         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
2271           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
2272           that must exist does not exist.
2273             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
2274         </exception>
2275         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
2276           <para>
2277             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
2278           read-only file system.
2279             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
2280           </para>
2281           <para>-or-</para>
2282           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
2283           allocating the inode.
2284             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
2285           </para>
2286         </exception>
2287         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
2288           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
2289             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
2290         </exception>
2291         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
2292           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
2293           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2294             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
2295           </para>
2296           <para>-or-</para>
2297           <para>An attempt was made to set the sticky bit upon an
2298             executable.
2299             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EFTYPE" />]
2300           </para>
2301         </exception>
2302         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chown" />
2303       </Docs>
2304     </Member>
2305     <Member MemberName="SetOwner">
2306       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void SetOwner (string owner, string group);" />
2307       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance void SetOwner(string owner, string group) cil managed" />
2308       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2309       <AssemblyInfo>
2310         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2311         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2312         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2313       </AssemblyInfo>
2314       <ReturnValue>
2315         <ReturnType>System.Void</ReturnType>
2316       </ReturnValue>
2317       <Parameters>
2318         <Parameter Name="owner" Type="System.String" />
2319         <Parameter Name="group" Type="System.String" />
2320       </Parameters>
2321       <Docs>
2322         <param name="owner">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the 
2323           user name of the owner user id to use.</param>
2324         <param name="group">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the 
2325           group name of the owner group id to use.</param>
2326         <summary>Set the owner user ID and owner group ID of
2327           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2328         </summary>
2329         <remarks>
2330           <para>
2331             If this is called by the non-super user (usually the <c>root</c>
2332             user), then the 
2333             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetUserId" /> and
2334             <see cref="F:Mono.Unix.FileSpecialAttributes.SetGroupId" /> bits
2335             are cleared.
2336           </para>
2337           <para>
2338             Classes deriving from <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo" />
2339             can change this method to operate on a different file.  This
2340             default version will follow symbolic links, changing the
2341             permissions of the symbolic link target instead of the symbolic
2342             link itself.
2343             <see cref="M:Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo.SetOwner" /> changes
2344             permissions on the symbolic link itself.
2345           </para>
2346         </remarks>
2347         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
2348           The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and the
2349           effective user ID is not the super-user.
2350             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EPERM" />]
2351         </exception>
2352         <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
2353           <para>Search permission is denied for a component of the path
2354           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2355             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EACCES" />]
2356           </para>
2357         </exception>
2358         <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
2359           A component of the path prefix of 
2360           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> is not a
2361           directory.
2362             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOTDIR" />]
2363         </exception>
2364         <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
2365           A component of <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> 
2366           that must exist does not exist.
2367             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENOENT" />]
2368         </exception>
2369         <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">
2370           <para>
2371             <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> resides on a
2372           read-only file system.
2373             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EROFS" />]
2374           </para>
2375           <para>-or-</para>
2376           <para>An I/O error occurred while making the directory entry or
2377           allocating the inode.
2378             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EIO" />]
2379           </para>
2380         </exception>
2381         <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
2382           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> was too long.
2383             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ENAMETOOLONG" />]
2384         </exception>
2385         <exception cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixIOException">
2386           <para>Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating 
2387           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2388             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.ELOOP" />]
2389           </para>
2390           <para>-or-</para>
2391           <para>An attempt was made to set the sticky bit upon an
2392             executable.
2393             [<see cref="F:Mono.Unix.Native.Errno.EFTYPE" />]
2394           </para>
2395         </exception>
2396         <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixUserInfo" />
2397         <altmember cref="T:Mono.Unix.UnixGroupInfo" />
2398         <altmember cref="M:Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.chown" />
2399       </Docs>
2400     </Member>
2401     <Member MemberName="ToStat">
2402       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Mono.Unix.Native.Stat ToStat ();" />
2403       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig instance valuetype Mono.Unix.Native.Stat ToStat() cil managed" />
2404       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2405       <AssemblyInfo>
2406         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2407         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2408         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2409       </AssemblyInfo>
2410       <ReturnValue>
2411         <ReturnType>Mono.Unix.Native.Stat</ReturnType>
2412       </ReturnValue>
2413       <Parameters />
2414       <Docs>
2415         <summary>Converts the instance into a 
2416           <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat" /> intance.</summary>
2417         <returns>A <see cref="T:Mono.Unix.Native.Stat" /> which contains
2418           information about <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" />.
2419         </returns>
2420         <remarks>
2421         </remarks>
2422         <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
2423           <see cref="P:Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo.FullName" /> doesn't exist.
2424         </exception>
2425       </Docs>
2426     </Member>
2427     <Member MemberName="ToString">
2428       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public override string ToString ();" />
2429       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig virtual instance string ToString() cil managed" />
2430       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2431       <AssemblyInfo>
2432         <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion>
2433         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2434         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2435       </AssemblyInfo>
2436       <ReturnValue>
2437         <ReturnType>System.String</ReturnType>
2438       </ReturnValue>
2439       <Parameters />
2440       <Docs>
2441         <summary>To be added.</summary>
2442         <returns>To be added.</returns>
2443         <remarks>To be added.</remarks>
2444       </Docs>
2445     </Member>
2446     <Member MemberName="TryGetFileSystemEntry">
2447       <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static bool TryGetFileSystemEntry (string path, out Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo entry);" />
2448       <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public static hidebysig bool TryGetFileSystemEntry(string path, class Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo entry) cil managed" />
2449       <MemberType>Method</MemberType>
2450       <AssemblyInfo>
2451         <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion>
2452       </AssemblyInfo>
2453       <ReturnValue>
2454         <ReturnType>System.Boolean</ReturnType>
2455       </ReturnValue>
2456       <Parameters>
2457         <Parameter Name="path" Type="System.String" />
2458         <Parameter Name="entry" Type="Mono.Unix.UnixFileSystemInfo&amp;" RefType="out" />
2459       </Parameters>
2460       <Docs>
2461         <param name="path">To be added.</param>
2462         <param name="entry">To be added.</param>
2463         <summary>To be added.</summary>
2464         <returns>To be added.</returns>
2465         <remarks>To be added.</remarks>
2466       </Docs>
2467     </Member>
2468   </Members>
2469 </Type>