*** empty log message ***
[mono.git] / mcs / class / Managed.Windows.Forms / System.Windows.Forms / ScrollBar.cs
1 //\r
2 // System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.cs\r
3 //\r
4 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\r
5 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\r
6 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\r
7 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\r
8 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\r
9 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\r
10 // the following conditions:\r
11 // \r
12 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\r
13 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
14 // \r
22 //\r
23 // Copyright (C) 2004, Novell, Inc.\r
24 //\r
25 // Authors:\r
26 //      Jordi Mas i Hernandez   jordi@ximian.com\r
27 //\r
28 //\r
29 // $Revision: 1.13 $\r
30 // $Modtime: $\r
31 // $Log: ScrollBar.cs,v $
32 // Revision 1.13  2004/08/23 22:43:46  jordi
33 // *** empty log message ***
34 //
35 // Revision 1.11  2004/08/22 19:34:22  jackson
36 // Update the position through the Value property so the OnValueChanged event is raised.
37 //
38 // Revision 1.10  2004/08/21 20:22:21  pbartok
39 // - Replaced direct XplatUI calls with their Control counterpart
40 //
41 // Revision 1.9  2004/08/20 19:35:33  jackson
42 // Use the SWF timer so callbacks are run in the correct thread
43 //
44 // Revision 1.8  2004/08/20 19:34:26  jackson
45 // Use the SWF timer so callbacks are run in the correct thread
46 //
47 // Revision 1.7  2004/08/19 22:25:31  jordi
48 // theme enhancaments
49 //
50 // Revision 1.6  2004/08/18 15:56:12  jordi
51 // fixes to scrollbar: steps and multiple timers
52 //
53 // Revision 1.5  2004/08/10 19:21:27  jordi
54 // scrollbar enhancements and standarize on win colors defaults
55 //
56 // Revision 1.4  2004/08/10 15:41:50  jackson
57 // Allow control to handle buffering
58 //
59 // Revision 1.3  2004/07/27 15:29:40  jordi
60 // fixes scrollbar events
61 //
62 // Revision 1.2  2004/07/26 17:42:03  jordi
63 // Theme support
64 //\r
65 \r
67 \r
68 using System.Drawing;\r
69 using System.Drawing.Imaging;\r
70 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;\r
71 using System.ComponentModel;\r
72 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r
73 \r
74 namespace System.Windows.Forms \r
75 {       \r
76         [DefaultEvent ("Scroll")]
77         [DefaultProperty ("Value")]\r
78         public class ScrollBar : Control \r
79         {               \r
80                 #region Local Variables\r
81                 private int position;\r
82                 private int minimum;\r
83                 private int maximum;            \r
84                 private int largeChange;\r
85                 private int smallChange;\r
86                 private int scrollbutton_height;\r
87                 private int scrollbutton_width;                     \r
88                 private Rectangle paint_area = new Rectangle ();\r
89                 private ScrollBars type;\r
90                 private Rectangle first_arrow_area = new Rectangle ();          // up or left\r
91                 private Rectangle second_arrow_area = new Rectangle ();         // down or right                \r
92                 private Rectangle thumb_pos = new Rectangle ();         \r
93                 private Rectangle thumb_area = new Rectangle ();                \r
94                 private ButtonState firstbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;\r
95                 private ButtonState secondbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;\r
96                 private bool thumb_pressed = false;\r
97                 private float pixel_per_pos = 0;\r
98                 private Timer firstclick_timer;
99                 private Timer holdclick_timer;
100                 private int thumb_pixel_click_move;                     \r
101                 private int thumb_size = 0;             \r
102                 private const int thumb_min_size = 8;\r
103                 internal bool vert;\r
104                                 \r
106                 public new event EventHandler BackColorChanged;                 
107                 public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged;
108                 public new event EventHandler Click;
109                 public new event EventHandler DoubleClick;
110                 public new event EventHandler FontChanged;
111                 public new event EventHandler ForeColorChanged;
112                 public new event EventHandler ImeModeChanged;
113                 public new event MouseEventHandler MouseDown;
114                 public new event MouseEventHandler MouseUp;
115                 public new event PaintEventHandler Paint;
116                 public event ScrollEventHandler Scroll;
117                 public new event EventHandler TextChanged;\r
118                 public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
119 \r
120                 #endregion      // Local Variables\r
121                                 \r
122                 public ScrollBar () : base ()\r
123                 {                               \r
124                         position = 0;\r
125                         minimum = 0;\r
126                         maximum = 100;\r
127                         largeChange = 10;\r
128                         smallChange = 1;                        \r
130                         holdclick_timer = new Timer ();
131                         firstclick_timer = new Timer ();
132                         holdclick_timer.Tick += new EventHandler (OnHoldClickTimer);\r
133                         firstclick_timer.Tick += new EventHandler (OnFirstClickTimer);
134                         base.TabStop = false;\r
136                         if (ThemeEngine.Current.WriteToWindow == true)
137                                 double_buffering = false;
138                         else
139                                 double_buffering = true;\r
140                                                 \r
141                         SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);\r
142                         SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.Opaque, true);\r
143                 }\r
144 \r
145                 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]   \r
146                 public override Color BackColor \r
147                 {\r
148                         get { return base.BackColor; }\r
149                         set { 
150                                 if (base.BackColor == value)
151                                         return;
153                                 if (BackColorChanged != null)
154                                         BackColorChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
156                                 base.BackColor = value; 
157                                 Refresh ();
158                         }\r
159                 }\r
160 \r
161                 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]   \r
162                 public override Image BackgroundImage \r
163                 {\r
164                         get { return base.BackgroundImage; }
165                         set { 
166                                 if (base.BackgroundImage == value)
167                                         return;
169                                 if (BackgroundImageChanged != null)\r
170                                         BackgroundImageChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
172                                 base.BackgroundImage = value; 
173                         }\r
174                 }
176                 public override Font Font {
177                         get { return base.Font; }
178                         set { 
179                                 if (base.Font == value)
180                                         return;
182                                 if (FontChanged != null)\r
183                                         FontChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
185                                 base.Font = value; 
186                         }
187                 }\r
188 \r
189 \r
190                 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]   \r
191                 public override Color ForeColor \r
192                 {\r
193                         get { return base.ForeColor; }\r
194                         set { 
195                                 if (base.ForeColor == value)
196                                         return;
198                                 if (ForeColorChanged != null)\r
199                                         ForeColorChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
201                                 base.ForeColor = value; 
202                                 Refresh ();
203                         }\r
204                 }\r
205 \r
206                 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]   \r
207                 public new ImeMode ImeMode \r
208                 {\r
209                         get { return base.ForeColor; }\r
210                         set { 
211                                 if (base.ImeMode == value)
212                                         return;
214                                 if (ImeModeChanged != null)\r
215                                         ImeModeChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
217                                 base.ImeMode = value; 
218                         }\r
219                 }\r
220                 \r
221                 public int LargeChange {\r
222                         get { return largeChange; }\r
223                         set {\r
224                                 if (value < 0)\r
225                                         throw new Exception( string.Format("Value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to 0.", value));\r
226 \r
227                                 if (largeChange != value) {\r
228                                         largeChange = value;    \r
229                                         Refresh ();\r
230                                 }\r
231                         }\r
232                 }\r
233                 \r
234                 public int Maximum {\r
235                         get { return maximum; }\r
236                         set {\r
237                                 maximum = value;\r
238 \r
239                                 if (maximum < minimum)\r
240                                         minimum = maximum;\r
241 \r
242                                 Refresh ();\r
243                         }\r
244                 }\r
245                 \r
246                 public int Minimum {\r
247                         get { return minimum; }\r
248                         set {\r
249                                 minimum = value;\r
250 \r
251                                 if (minimum > maximum)\r
252                                         maximum = minimum;              \r
253 \r
254                                 Refresh ();\r
255                         }\r
256                 }\r
257                 \r
258                 public int SmallChange {\r
259                         get { return smallChange; }\r
260                         set {\r
261                                 if ( value < 0 )\r
262                                         throw new Exception( string.Format("Value '{0}' must be greater than or equal to 0.", value));\r
263                                  \r
264                                 if (smallChange != value) {\r
265                                         smallChange = value;    \r
266                                         Refresh ();\r
267                                 }\r
268                         }\r
269                 }
272                 public new bool TabStop {
273                         get { return base.TabStop; }
274                         set { base.TabStop = value; }
275                 }\r
276 \r
277                 [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]   \r
278                 public override string Text {\r
279                          get { return base.Text;  }\r
280                          set { base.Text = value; }\r
281                 }\r
282                 \r
283                 public int Value {\r
284                         get { return position; }\r
285                         set {\r
286                                 if ( value < Minimum || value > Maximum )\r
287                                         throw new ArgumentException(\r
288                                                 string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid value for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'", value));\r
289 \r
290                                 if (position != value){\r
291                                         position = value;\r
292                                         \r
293                                         if (ValueChanged != null)\r
294                                                 ValueChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);\r
295 \r
296                                         Refresh ();\r
297                                 }\r
298                         }\r
299                 }\r
300 \r
301                 public override string ToString()\r
302                 {       \r
303                         return string.Format("{0}, Minimum: {1}, Maximum: {2}, Value: {3}",\r
304                                                 GetType( ).FullName.ToString( ), Minimum, Maximum, position);\r
305                 }\r
306                 \r
307                 protected override CreateParams CreateParams {\r
308                         get {                           \r
309                                 CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams;                          \r
310                                 createParams.ClassName = XplatUI.DefaultClassName;\r
311                                 createParams.Style = (int) (\r
312                                                 WindowStyles.WS_CHILD | \r
313                                                 WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE);\r
314                                 return createParams;\r
315                         }\r
316                 }\r
317 \r
318                 protected override ImeMode DefaultImeMode {\r
319                         get { return ImeMode.Disable; }\r
320                 }\r
321                 \r
322                 \r
323                 private void fire_Scroll (ScrollEventArgs event_args)\r
324                 {\r
325                         if (Scroll == null)\r
326                                 return;\r
327                                 \r
328                         Scroll (this, event_args);                                      \r
329                         \r
330                         //if (event_args.NewValue != position)\r
331                         //      UpdatePos (event_args.NewValue, true);\r
332                 }\r
333                 \r
334                 protected virtual void OnValueChanged (EventArgs e)\r
335                 {                                       \r
336                         if (ValueChanged != null) \r
337                                 ValueChanged (this, e);                 \r
338                 }\r
339 \r
340                 private void Draw ()\r
341                 {                                       \r
342                         ThemeEngine.Current.DrawScrollBar (DeviceContext, paint_area, this, thumb_pos,\r
343                                 ref first_arrow_area, ref second_arrow_area,\r
344                                 firstbutton_state, secondbutton_state, \r
345                                 ref scrollbutton_width, ref scrollbutton_height, vert);\r
346                         \r
347                 }\r
348                                 \r
349                 private void CalcThumbArea ()\r
350                 {       \r
351                         // Thumb area                   \r
352                         if (vert) {\r
353                                 \r
354                                 thumb_area.Height = Height - scrollbutton_height -  scrollbutton_height;\r
355                                 thumb_area.X = 0;\r
356                                 thumb_area.Y = scrollbutton_height;\r
357                                 thumb_area.Width = Width;       \r
358 \r
359                                 if (Height < scrollbutton_height * 2)\r
360                                         thumb_size = 0;\r
361                                 else {\r
362                                         double per =  ((double)LargeChange / (double)((1 + Maximum - Minimum)));\r
363                                         thumb_size = 1 + (int) (thumb_area.Height * per);\r
364         \r
365                                         if (thumb_size < thumb_min_size)\r
366                                                 thumb_size = thumb_min_size;                                    \r
367                                 }\r
368                                         \r
369                                                         \r
370                                 pixel_per_pos = ((float)(thumb_area.Height - thumb_size) / (float) ((Maximum - Minimum - LargeChange) + 1));                                                                    \r
371                                 \r
372                         } else  {\r
373                                 \r
374                                 if (Width < scrollbutton_width * 2)\r
375                                         thumb_size = 0;\r
376                                 else\r
377                                         if (Width < 70)\r
378                                                 thumb_size = 8;\r
379                                         else\r
380                                                 thumb_size = Width /10;\r
381                                 \r
382                                 thumb_area.Y = 0;\r
383                                 thumb_area.X = scrollbutton_width;\r
384                                 thumb_area.Height = Height;\r
385                                 thumb_area.Width = Width - scrollbutton_width -  scrollbutton_width;                    \r
386                                 pixel_per_pos = ((float)(thumb_area.Width - thumb_size) / (float) ((Maximum - Minimum - LargeChange) + 1));                     \r
387                         }                       \r
388                 }\r
389                 \r
390                 protected override void OnResize (EventArgs e) \r
391                 {\r
392                         base.OnResize (e);    \r
393                         \r
394                         if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0)\r
395                                 return;\r
396                         \r
397                         paint_area.X = paint_area. Y = 0;\r
398                         paint_area.Width = Width; \r
399                         paint_area.Height = Height;                                             \r
401                         CreateBuffers (Width, Height);
403                         CalcThumbArea ();\r
404                         UpdatePos (position, true);\r
405                 }\r
406                                                      \r
407 \r
408                 /*\r
409                         Called when the control is created\r
410                 */              \r
411                 protected override void CreateHandle()\r
412                 {                               \r
413                         base.CreateHandle();    // Let control.cs create the underlying Window                                                  \r
414                         \r
415                         scrollbutton_height = ThemeEngine.Current.ScrollBarButtonSize;\r
416                         scrollbutton_width = ThemeEngine.Current.ScrollBarButtonSize;\r
417 \r
418                         CreateBuffers (Width, Height);                  \r
419                         \r
420                         CalcThumbArea ();\r
421                         UpdatePos (Value, true);                                        \r
422                 }\r
423                 \r
424                 protected override void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs pevent)\r
425                 {                               \r
426                         if (Width <= 0 || Height <=  0 || Visible == false)\r
427                                 return;\r
428                                                                                 \r
429                         /* Copies memory drawing buffer to screen*/             \r
430                         Draw ();
432                         if (double_buffering)\r
433                                 pevent.Graphics.DrawImage (ImageBuffer, 0, 0);                  \r
435                 }       \r
436                 \r
437                 /* Disable background painting to avoid flickering, since we do our painting*/
439 \r
440                 protected override void OnPaintBackground (PaintEventArgs pevent) \r
441                 {\r
442                         if (!double_buffering)
443                                 base.OnPaintBackground (pevent);\r
444                 }               \r
445                 \r
446                 protected override void OnClick (EventArgs e)\r
447                 {\r
448                         //Console.WriteLine ("On click");                       \r
449                 }\r
450                 \r
451                 private void UpdatePos (int newPos, bool update_trumbpos)\r
452                 {       \r
453                         int old = position;\r
454                         int pos;                \r
456                         if (newPos < minimum)\r
457                                 pos = minimum;\r
458                         else\r
459                                 if (newPos > maximum)\r
460                                         pos = maximum;                          \r
461                                         else\r
462                                                 pos = newPos;\r
463                                                 \r
464                         if (update_trumbpos) \r
465                                 if (vert)\r
466                                         UpdateThumbPos (thumb_area.Y + (int)(((float)(pos - Minimum)) * pixel_per_pos), false);\r
467                                 else\r
468                                         UpdateThumbPos (thumb_area.X + (int)(((float)(pos - Minimum)) * pixel_per_pos), false);
470                         Value = pos;
471                         if (pos != old) // Fire event\r
472                                 fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack, pos));\r
474                 }       \r
475                 \r
476                 private void UpdateThumbPos (int pixel, bool update_value)\r
477                 {                                                                       \r
478                         float new_pos = 0;\r
479                         \r
480                         if (vert) {\r
481                                 if (pixel < thumb_area.Y)\r
482                                         thumb_pos.Y = thumb_area.Y;\r
483                                 else\r
484                                         if (pixel > thumb_area.Y + thumb_area.Height - thumb_size)\r
485                                                 thumb_pos.Y = thumb_area.Y +  thumb_area.Height - thumb_size;                           \r
486                                         else\r
487                                                 thumb_pos.Y = pixel;             \r
488                                 \r
489                                 thumb_pos = new Rectangle (0, thumb_pos.Y, ThemeEngine.Current.ScrollBarButtonSize, thumb_size);\r
490                                 new_pos = (float) (thumb_pos.Y - thumb_area.Y);\r
491                                 new_pos = new_pos / pixel_per_pos;\r
492                         } else  {\r
493                                 \r
494                                 if (pixel < thumb_area.X)\r
495                                         thumb_pos.X = thumb_area.X;\r
496                                 else\r
497                                         if (pixel > thumb_area.X + thumb_area.Width - thumb_size)\r
498                                                 thumb_pos.X = thumb_area.X +  thumb_area.Width - thumb_size;                            \r
499                                         else\r
500                                                 thumb_pos.X = pixel;             \r
501                                 \r
502                                 thumb_pos = new Rectangle (thumb_pos.X, 0, thumb_size, ThemeEngine.Current.ScrollBarButtonSize);                                                                \r
503                                 new_pos = (float) (thumb_pos.X - thumb_area.X);\r
504                                 new_pos = new_pos / pixel_per_pos;\r
505                         }\r
506                         \r
507                                   // Console.WriteLine ("UpdateThumbPos: thumb_pos.Y {0} thumb_area.Y {1} pixel_per_pos {2}, new pos {3}, pixel {4}",\r
508                         //      thumb_pos.Y, thumb_area.Y, pixel_per_pos, new_pos, pixel);\r
509                         \r
510                         if (update_value)                               \r
511                                 UpdatePos ((int) new_pos, false);                                               \r
512                 }\r
513                 \r
514                 private void OnHoldClickTimer (Object source, EventArgs e)\r
515                 {                       \r
516                         if ((firstbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)                                                             \r
517                                 SmallDecrement();\r
518                                 \r
519                         if ((secondbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)                            \r
520                                 SmallIncrement();                               \r
521                         \r
522                 }\r
523                 \r
524                 private void OnFirstClickTimer (Object source, EventArgs e)\r
525                 {\r
526                         firstclick_timer.Enabled = false;                       \r
527                         holdclick_timer.Interval = 50;\r
528                         holdclick_timer.Enabled = true;                 \r
529                 }                       \r
530                 \r
531                 protected override void OnMouseMove (MouseEventArgs e) \r
532                 {                       \r
533                         if (!first_arrow_area.Contains (new Point (e.X, e.Y)) && \r
534                                 ((firstbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)) {                                                             \r
535                                 firstbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;                         \r
536                                 Refresh ();\r
537                         }                       \r
538                         \r
539                         if (!second_arrow_area.Contains (new Point (e.X, e.Y)) && \r
540                                 ((secondbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)) {                                                            \r
541                                 secondbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;                                \r
542                                 Refresh ();\r
543                         }                       \r
544 \r
545                         if (thumb_pressed == true) {
546 \r
547                                 int pixel_pos;\r
548                                 \r
549                                 if (vert)\r
550                                         pixel_pos = e.Y - (thumb_pixel_click_move - thumb_pos.Y);\r
551                                 else\r
552                                         pixel_pos = e.X - (thumb_pixel_click_move - thumb_pos.X);\r
553                                 \r
554                                 UpdateThumbPos (pixel_pos, true);\r
555                                 \r
556                                 if (vert)\r
557                                         thumb_pixel_click_move = e.Y;                                   \r
558                                 else\r
559                                         thumb_pixel_click_move = e.X;                                   \r
560 \r
561                                 //System.Console.WriteLine ("OnMouseMove thumb "+ e.Y \r
562                                 //      + " clickpos " + thumb_pixel_click_move   + " pos:" + thumb_pos.Y);                                                             \r
563                                         \r
564                                 Refresh ();\r
565                         }                                               \r
566                         \r
567                 }                       \r
568                 \r
569                 protected override void OnMouseDown (MouseEventArgs e) \r
570                 {\r
571                         //System.Console.WriteLine ("OnMouseDown");                     \r
572                         \r
573                         Point point = new Point (e.X, e.Y);\r
574                         \r
575                         if (first_arrow_area.Contains (point)) {                                \r
576                                 firstbutton_state = ButtonState.Pushed;\r
577                                 Refresh ();\r
578                         }\r
579                         \r
580                         if (second_arrow_area.Contains (point)) {\r
581                                 secondbutton_state = ButtonState.Pushed;                                \r
582                                 Refresh ();\r
583                         }\r
584                         \r
585                         if (thumb_pos.Contains (point)) {                                                               \r
586                                 thumb_pressed = true;\r
587                                 this.Capture = true;\r
588                                 Refresh ();\r
589                                 if (vert)\r
590                                         thumb_pixel_click_move = e.Y;\r
591                                 else\r
592                                         thumb_pixel_click_move = e.X;\r
593                         }                       \r
594                         else\r
595                                 if (thumb_area.Contains (point)) {                                      \r
596                                         if (vert) {                                     \r
597                                                 if (e.Y > thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height)\r
598                                                         LargeIncrement ();\r
599                                                 else\r
600                                                         LargeDecrement ();\r
601                                         } else  {\r
602                                                 if (e.X > thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width)\r
603                                                         LargeIncrement ();\r
604                                                 else\r
605                                                         LargeDecrement ();\r
606                                         }                                                       \r
607                                         \r
608                                 }                       \r
609                         \r
610                         \r
611                         /* If arrows are pressed, lunch timer for auto-repeat */\r
612                         if ((((firstbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)\r
613                         || ((secondbutton_state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed)) && \r
614                                 firstclick_timer.Enabled == false) {                    \r
615                                 //Console.WriteLine ("Activate Timer");                         \r
616                                 firstclick_timer.Interval = 200;\r
617                                 firstclick_timer.Enabled = true;\r
618                         }                       \r
619                 }\r
620                 \r
621                 private void SmallIncrement ()\r
622                 {                       \r
623                         UpdatePos (Value + SmallChange, true);\r
624 \r
625                         Refresh ();                             \r
626                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement, position));\r
627                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.EndScroll, position));\r
628                 }\r
629                 \r
630                 private void SmallDecrement ()\r
631                 {\r
632                         UpdatePos (Value - SmallChange, true);\r
633                         \r
634                         Refresh ();                             \r
635                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement, position));\r
636                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.EndScroll, position));\r
637                 }\r
638                 \r
639                 private void LargeIncrement ()\r
640                 {\r
641                         UpdatePos (Value + LargeChange, true);\r
642 \r
643                         Refresh ();\r
644                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.LargeIncrement, position));\r
645                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.EndScroll, position));\r
646                 }\r
647                 \r
648                 private void LargeDecrement ()\r
649                 {\r
650                         UpdatePos (Value - LargeChange, true);\r
651                                 \r
652                         Refresh ();\r
653                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.LargeDecrement, position));\r
654                         fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.EndScroll, position));\r
655                 }\r
656                 protected override void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs e) \r
657                 {\r
658                         //System.Console.WriteLine ("OnMouseUp");\r
659                         \r
660                         if (first_arrow_area.Contains (new Point (e.X, e.Y))) {                         \r
661                                 \r
662                                 firstbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;                                                                                         \r
663                                 SmallDecrement ();                                                              \r
664                                 holdclick_timer.Enabled = false;\r
665                         }\r
666                         \r
667                         if (second_arrow_area.Contains (new Point (e.X, e.Y))) {                                \r
668                                 \r
669                                 secondbutton_state = ButtonState.Normal;                                                \r
670                                 SmallIncrement ();                                      \r
671                                 holdclick_timer.Enabled = false;\r
672                         }\r
673                         \r
674                         if (thumb_pressed == true) {                            \r
675                                 fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition, position));\r
676                                 fire_Scroll (new ScrollEventArgs (ScrollEventType.EndScroll, position));\r
677                                 this.Capture = false;\r
678                                 thumb_pressed = false;                          \r
679                                 Refresh ();\r
680                         }\r
681 \r
682 \r
683                 }               \r
684                 \r
685                 protected override void OnKeyDown (KeyEventArgs key)\r
686                 {\r
687                         switch (key.KeyCode){\r
688                         case Keys.Up:\r
689                         {\r
690                                 SmallDecrement ();\r
691                                 break;  \r
692                         }\r
693                         case Keys.Down:\r
694                         {\r
695                                 SmallIncrement ();\r
696                                 break;  \r
697                         }\r
698                         case Keys.PageUp:\r
699                         {\r
700                                 LargeDecrement ();\r
701                                 break;  \r
702                         }\r
703                         case Keys.PageDown:\r
704                         {\r
705                                 LargeIncrement ();\r
706                                 break;  \r
707                         }\r
708                         default:\r
709                                 break;\r
710                         }\r
711 \r
712                 }                               \r
713                 \r
714                 protected void UpdateScrollInfo ()\r
715                 {\r
716                         Refresh ();\r
717                 }\r
718          }\r
719 }\r
720 \r
721 \r