refactor SystemColors cache into KnownColors.jvm.cs, to comply with mono implementation
[mono.git] / mcs / class / Mainsoft.Web / Mainsoft.Web.AspnetConfig / aspnetconfig / CreateUser.aspx
1 <%--\r
2 // Mainsoft.Web.AspnetConfig - Site administration utility\r
3 // Authors:\r
4 //  Klain Yoni <>\r
5 //\r
6 // Mainsoft.Web.AspnetConfig - Site administration utility\r
7 // (C) 2006 Mainsoft Corporation (\r
8 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\r
9 // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\r
10 // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\r
11 // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\r
12 // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\r
13 // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\r
14 // the following conditions:\r
15 // \r
16 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\r
17 // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
18 // \r
26 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" EnableTheming="false" MasterPageFile="~/aspnetconfig/Util.Master" CodeBehind="CreateUser.aspx.cs" Inherits="Mainsoft.Web.AspnetConfig.CreateUser" %>\r
27 <asp:Content runat="server" ID="main" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main">\r
28     <table style="border-right: thin solid; padding-right: 2px; border-top: thin solid; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; border-left: thin solid; padding-top: 2px; border-bottom: thin solid">\r
29         <tr>\r
30             <td colspan="2" width="100%" style="height: 21px">\r
31                 <asp:Label ID="text_lbl" runat="server" Text="Add a user by entering a user name, password, and e-mail address on this page." />\r
32             </td>\r
33         </tr>\r
34         <tr>\r
35             <td width= "60%" valign="top">\r
36                     <asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" BackColor="#F7F6F3"\r
37                     BorderColor="#E6E2D8" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" LoginCreatedUser="false"\r
38                     Font-Size="0.8em" Width="353px" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="CreateUser.aspx" FinishDestinationPageUrl="CreateUser.aspx" EmailRegularExpression="\S+@\S+\.\S+">\r
39                     <WizardSteps>\r
40                         <asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1" runat="server">\r
41                             <ContentTemplate>\r
42                                 <table border="0" style="font-size: 100%; width: 353px; font-family: Verdana">\r
43                                     <tr>\r
44                                         <td align="center" colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #5d7b9d;\r
45                                             text-align: left">\r
46                                             Sign Up for Your New Account</td>\r
47                                     </tr>\r
48                                     <tr>\r
49                                         <td align="right">\r
50                                             <asp:Label ID="UserNameLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="UserName">User Name:</asp:Label></td>\r
51                                         <td>\r
52                                             <asp:TextBox ID="UserName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>\r
53                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="UserNameRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="UserName"\r
54                                                 ErrorMessage="User Name is required." ToolTip="User Name is required." ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
55                                         </td>\r
56                                     </tr>\r
57                                     <tr>\r
58                                         <td align="right">\r
59                                             <asp:Label ID="PasswordLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Password">Password:</asp:Label></td>\r
60                                         <td>\r
61                                             <asp:TextBox ID="Password" runat="server" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox>\r
62                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="PasswordRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Password"\r
63                                                 ErrorMessage="Password is required." ToolTip="Password is required." ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
64                                         </td>\r
65                                     </tr>\r
66                                     <tr>\r
67                                         <td align="right">\r
68                                             <asp:Label ID="ConfirmPasswordLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="ConfirmPassword">Confirm Password:</asp:Label></td>\r
69                                         <td>\r
70                                             <asp:TextBox ID="ConfirmPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox>\r
71                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="ConfirmPasswordRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ConfirmPassword"\r
72                                                 ErrorMessage="Confirm Password is required." ToolTip="Confirm Password is required."\r
73                                                 ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
74                                         </td>\r
75                                     </tr>\r
76                                     <tr>\r
77                                         <td align="right">\r
78                                             <asp:Label ID="EmailLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Email">E-mail:</asp:Label></td>\r
79                                         <td>\r
80                                             <asp:TextBox ID="Email" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>\r
81                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="EmailRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Email"\r
82                                                 ErrorMessage="E-mail is required." ToolTip="E-mail is required." ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
83                                         </td>\r
84                                     </tr>\r
85                                     <tr>\r
86                                         <td align="right">\r
87                                             <asp:Label ID="QuestionLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Question">Security Question:</asp:Label></td>\r
88                                         <td>\r
89                                             <asp:TextBox ID="Question" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>\r
90                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="QuestionRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Question"\r
91                                                 ErrorMessage="Security question is required." ToolTip="Security question is required."\r
92                                                 ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
93                                         </td>\r
94                                     </tr>\r
95                                     <tr>\r
96                                         <td align="right">\r
97                                             <asp:Label ID="AnswerLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="Answer">Security Answer:</asp:Label></td>\r
98                                         <td>\r
99                                             <asp:TextBox ID="Answer" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>\r
100                                             <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="AnswerRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Answer"\r
101                                                 ErrorMessage="Security answer is required." ToolTip="Security answer is required."\r
102                                                 ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>\r
103                                         </td>\r
104                                     </tr>\r
105                                     <tr>\r
106                                         <td align="center" colspan="2">\r
107                                             <asp:CompareValidator ID="PasswordCompare" runat="server" ControlToCompare="Password"\r
108                                                 ControlToValidate="ConfirmPassword" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="The Password and Confirmation Password must match."\r
109                                                 ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1"></asp:CompareValidator>\r
110                                         </td>\r
111                                     </tr>\r
112                                     <tr>\r
113                                         <td align="center" colspan="2">\r
114                                             <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="EmailRegExp" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Email"\r
115                                                 Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Please enter a different e-mail." ValidationExpression="\S+@\S+\.\S+"\r
116                                                 ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>\r
117                                         </td>\r
118                                     </tr>\r
119                                     <tr>\r
120                                         <td align="center" colspan="2" style="color: red">\r
121                                             <asp:Literal ID="ErrorMessage" runat="server" EnableViewState="False"></asp:Literal>\r
122                                         </td>\r
123                                     </tr>\r
124                                 </table>\r
125                             </ContentTemplate>\r
126                         </asp:CreateUserWizardStep>\r
127                         <asp:CompleteWizardStep ID="CompleteWizardStep1" runat="server">\r
128                             <ContentTemplate>\r
129                                 <table border="0" style="font-size: 100%; width: 353px; font-family: Verdana">\r
130                                     <tr>\r
131                                         <td align="center" colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #5d7b9d;\r
132                                             text-align: left">\r
133                                             Create User</td>\r
134                                     </tr>\r
135                                     <tr>\r
136                                         <td>\r
137                                             &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;\r
138                                             <br />\r
139                                             &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;\r
140                                             &nbsp;&nbsp; Complete.<br />\r
141                                             &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Your account has been successfully created.</td>\r
142                                     </tr>\r
143                                     <tr>\r
144                                         <td align="right" colspan="2">\r
145                                             <asp:Button ID="ContinueButton" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFBFF" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"\r
146                                                 BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Continue"\r
147                                                 Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="#284775" Text="Continue" ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1" />\r
148                                         </td>\r
149                                     </tr>\r
150                                 </table>\r
151                             </ContentTemplate>\r
152                         </asp:CompleteWizardStep>\r
153                     </WizardSteps>\r
154                     <SideBarStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" BorderWidth="0px" Font-Size="0.9em" VerticalAlign="Top" />\r
155                     <TitleTextStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />\r
156                     <SideBarButtonStyle BorderWidth="0px" Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="White" />\r
157                     <NavigationButtonStyle BackColor="#FFFBFF" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid"\r
158                         BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="#284775" />\r
159                     <HeaderStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" BorderStyle="Solid" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="0.9em"\r
160                         ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />\r
161                     <CreateUserButtonStyle BackColor="#FFFBFF" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid"\r
162                         BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="#284775" />\r
163                     <ContinueButtonStyle BackColor="#FFFBFF" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid"\r
164                         BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="#284775" />\r
165                     <StepStyle BorderWidth="0px" />\r
166                 </asp:CreateUserWizard>\r
167             </td>\r
168             <td width= "60%" valign="top">\r
169                 <table width="100%" style="background-color: #f7f6f3; border-right: #e6e2d8 1px solid; border-top: #e6e2d8 1px solid; border-left: #e6e2d8 1px solid; border-bottom: #e6e2d8 1px solid;" >\r
170                     <tr>\r
171                         <td width="100%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #5D7B9D; font-weight:bold; font-size:0.9em; color:White;text-align:center; height: 19px;">\r
172                            Roles\r
173                         </td>\r
174                     </tr>\r
175                     <tr>\r
176                         <td valign="top">\r
177                             &nbsp;<asp:CheckBoxList ID="roles_lst" runat="server">\r
178                             </asp:CheckBoxList></td>\r
179                     </tr>\r
180                 </table>\r
181             </td> \r
182         </tr>\r
183         <tr>\r
184             <td colspan="2">\r
185                 Active User\r
186                 <asp:CheckBox ID="active_chb" runat="server" Checked="true" Enabled="true" />                \r
187             </td>\r
188         </tr>\r
189     </table>\r
190 </asp:Content>\r